Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3359: Nine Skulls Valley (first)

“嗷 ——” Seeing that Heng Heng rushed to himself without hesitation, the red-haired multi-horned ghost king suddenly appeared fiercely, and waved his claws towards him continuously: “Hoo—— 唰 唰 唰 ——”

"This guy can spit words, it is obviously an old ghost, and now he is half a step into purple gas, but it is not easy to deal with." Ruo Tao at this time cut the shadow of the black gas ghost with a thunder blade, and then turned to the side around him. Qing Huang said, "Otherwise, let's go up and join him ..."

"Yeah, let's go, let's go up and help my brother-in-law."

At this moment, Xiao Hei ran away from a distance, riding a ghost ghost tiger, and couldn't help screaming in his mouth. Just now, the giant tiger Xiongwei Daxian killed more than ten fierce ghosts with a mallet, tiger claws, and dark corpses. Now he was getting up, so he roared to help out.

But Qing Huang said two words at this time: "Slow."

As expected, Guan Heng didn't want others to get involved in her battle, and at the same time laughed loudly: "Thank you for your kindness, but it's easy for me to clean up this guy."

"Yeah ah--"

"Hoo-bang bang bang!" When the words fell, Guan Heng made a few punches, and the force of the five elements wrapped in swift and unmatched blasts blasted at the opponent one after another.

"You ?!" The red-haired multi-cornered ghost king only felt that the original fire attached to the opponent's fist was very harmful to him, and the guy between the blocks was so distraught and howled.

"Abominable, **** humans, don't think that you can completely suppress the king, uh ah ah--"

Among the flashes of light and fire, the red-haired multi-cornered ghost king suddenly turned his body into a mist, and "whouting" rushed away all around, and Yin Hongzhi's bloodthirsty and weird breath spread to Guan Heng.

"Well, everyone retreats," Guan Heng shouted sharply, "This guy is the culprit who released the ghost poison--"

"Huh, it's too late to discover at this time, hahaha--" The ghost of the multi-cornered ghost king appeared at the top of the mist, and a proud laughter spread to every corner nearby. I want to die! "

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The tiger howling that gathered the power to break the evil stopped the mist from spreading to the three women such as Qing Huang and Kuang Fang, and said that it was late, then fast, and the giant bee that killed the ghosts in the air swept away, the soul shadow The rapid tremor produced a powerful force that immediately absorbed the poisonous mist.

"What ?! This is impossible!" The red-haired multi-cornered ghost king saw that his strongest trick was resolved by the other party, and immediately scared the soul out of the sky. The guy knew that he would stay without his own good fruit to eat, so he rolled the ghost. Just want to slip away.

"Since you're here, don't try to get away easily." Guan Heng yelled, "Six ghosts, besiege!"


"Woohoo--wow--" At the moment when the wind rose suddenly, the multi-angled ghost king was completely surrounded by the ghosts of roaring and roaring, but at this moment, Qing Huang suddenly said: "Aheng, wait Wait, 猰 貐 and Gouge want you to capture this ghost king. "

"Oh, a trivial matter." Hearing this, Guan Heng waved at the ghosts: "Just do it."

"Bang, bang, bang!" In a blink of an eye, the red-haired multi-cornered ghost king was hit with countless heavy punches, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

"Pop!" Four rushed up, slamming it to the ground. Guan Heng stepped on the ghost king's brain at the moment, then turned around and asked, "What do you want to do now?"

"Woohoo--" 猰 貐 and the chiseling spirit rushed to him when he said, "Our souls are a bit weak after being attacked by evil spirits, and we need to add spiritual power. This ghost king is in a semi-purple state, Let us both absorb. "

"Of course it's okay, but I'll clear the remaining evil spirit from this guy for you first, and everyone will do it later."

"Pop." Speaking late, then, quickly, Guan Heng slaps his hands against the ghost king's head, disregarding the other party's screams, bluntly resolved the evil spirit of the ghost king with his original fire, and then he ripped with two hands, "Hello! "It was immediately divided into two maggots.

"Dangyu." A dark ghost king ball fell to the ground, Guan Heng didn't even look at it, but sent the ghost king's residual soul to the beast: "Come, absorb it."

"Thank you, thank you very much." I took the lead to absorb the remnant soul, and the chisels were also honest. You opened your mouth and sucked up the soul, and then muttered, "Yeah, it tastes good, but it's a little bit less. If it were more, it would be more perfect. "

"Well, you two cheap beasts, I'm so contented." At this moment, Xiao Hei ran his fingers across his cheek and stuck his tongue out. "I want to get the benefits, but I'm ashamed."

"Hahaha--" Qing Huang and Ruo Tao smiled at this moment, and the trembling and trembling spirits of the teeth seemed a little embarrassed, Guan Heng said indifferently: "Hey, what a big thing I should be, If you still want to absorb purple spirits, I have an idea. "

"What?" Xi Wenyan couldn't help exulting, and he urged, "Come and talk."

"Simple, aren't we going to pass through Nine-Skull Valley tomorrow? There is a place where the purple and black air ghosts roam. I will get you some by then, but it will be easy."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the three women and the two **** beasts said in unison: "It really is a good idea."

After a while, Guan Heng returned to the house where the congregation arranged. At this time, Guan Heng threw the ghost bead just picked up to Kuang Fang.

"This thing is the legacy of the multi-horned ghost king who released the poisonous ghost. As long as you put it on your brother Kuang Fu and let it absorb the residual toxins, he can wake up soon, and the baby white ghost need not be so busy, go. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Kuang immortal immediately thanked him and hurried away with the ghost king bead.

"Uh ... ah ..." Xiao Hei yawned at this moment, "I've been busy in the middle of the night, I'm so sleepy, so I go to sleep first."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao also said to Guan Heng, "We also accompany her to rest."

Guan Heng was thinking about things, didn't pay attention to everyone's words, just agreed, and turned back to his room.

"Strange, why is this guy absent-minded?" Qing Huang murmured subconsciously when she saw the situation, but she didn't care too much.


Time blinked in the middle of the night, whether it was in the city of Fuming or the courtyard was silent, almost everyone went to sleep.

But at this moment, the door of a certain room squeaked open, Guan Heng walked out of it, and he said to himself, "No, I still have to confirm it myself."

Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder gently: "Slap."

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng turned his head, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao stared at him with a smile, and said subconsciously: "Hey, why didn't you rest?"

"Shh, don't wake everyone up, talk over here." Qing Huang and Ruo Tao held Guan Heng's left and right hands and dragged him to the corner of the courtyard, and then Guan Heng whispered: "You haven't answered me yet, Why haven't you rested? "

"Huh, it's not because your expression is different that makes me feel suspicious." Qing Huang hugged her shoulder and smiled. "So when I said to Ruo Tao, I went to the door to ambush and see if you have anything to hide. With us. "

"Hey, what can happen?"

Guan Heng shrugged at the moment and said, "In fact, just after we cleaned up the multi-cornered ghost king, the big miser disappeared for a while. By the way, when we returned to the yard, it appeared again, saying that there were a few unknown Where is the black gas bully who has been secretly watching us fight against the ghosts, 80% of them are bad intentions. "

Hearing this, Qing Huang frowned slightly, "It turns out that."

Ruo Tao asked at this time: "What then?"

"I think this is unusual, so I asked the big goblin and the giant bee to probe again. Who knows that he returned to the room and waited for half an hour. Only the big bee returned. It also told me that on the way, the big goblin. Suddenly it disappeared, and the bee looked around and found no results, so he had to return first to report. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao suddenly became one of them: "Such a thing like this ?!"

"Yeah, so I have to check for myself."

After listening to Guan Heng's remarks, the two women whispered in unison, "We will go with you, too."

"Well, I didn't want to alarm you, because everyone has been tossing for a day, and they are in a hurry and fighting. They should have been tired."

Guan Heng shook his head with a bitter smile at this moment, but when they saw their tone was resolute, they had to reluctantly agree: "Well, go together together, but Xiao Hei ..."

"Don't worry, she's sleeping well now, and she won't be able to wake up until dawn. I've left a few soulstones to devour. In the event of an attack, the dead horse will help."

After Qing Huang said this, Guan Heng was still a little uneasy, and he kept the baby white ghost, and the three of them ran out of the courtyard and ran straight towards the city.


After a while, a hidden mountain stream several miles north of Fuming City.

"Buzzing-buzzing-" The shadow of the giant bee wandering around anxiously here, Guan Heng said at this time: "It seems that the big miser has disappeared here."

"But I can't feel its breath." Ruo Tao scratched his head and said, "It stands to reason that as a ghost, the connection between us should be the clearest."

"Here ... weird." Qing Huang stood still from the beginning, but suddenly said at the moment: "Well, chisel, come out and feel, is there a spirit surge in the spirit world?"

"Hoo—— 唰 唰 ——" The soul shadow of the two gods and beasts emerged from the jewels of Qinghuang's waist, and said suddenly: "Strange, it's really like you said, how can there be spirituality unique here and here? What about the breath? "

Because Qinghuang was born in the spiritual realm, she was extremely sensitive to the breath surge there, so she could detect it with slight changes.

"Huh ?! Are there any movements?" Guan Heng suddenly noticed an unusual air surge at this moment, so he gestured at the two women, and the three of them fled and hid behind the nearby rocks. He was also signaled by Qing Huang not to speak casually.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at-mike, it was so fast, a strange gap cracked in the air, and then someone stepped out of the twisted air and turned out to be a dusk wearing a blue and white bizarre costume The old man.

"Is he ?!" The moment he saw this guy, Guan Heng flashed a chill in his eyes, and he murmured in his heart: "I was running away in the cave looking for the skull of Gai Shizun. I didn't expect it. , Met again here. "

"Well ... I can't think of my husband's luck today, he could catch a ghost with a black peak." The old man was holding a huge copper jar in his hand and muttered: "If not This wild ghost will suddenly weaken, and I'm not really his opponent. "

"Well." At the next moment, the old man dropped the copper jar on the ground, then opened the seal, and poured out a shadow of the soul that couldn't stop shining.

The old guy said in his mouth: "Hey, it's cheap, not cheap, but it's strange. Why do I look familiar with this ghost? Is it something I haven't seen?"

"Huh, of course I saw it, because at that time you were chased by my big miser, did you forget it?"

Guan Heng unexpectedly appeared in front of the other side at the moment, and then shouted sternly: "Tioro, this time I see where you are going!"

"Ah !!! Is it you ?!"

"Dang." The copper jar was knocked over by the other side in panic.

This old man was most afraid of Guan Heng, because he escaped twice in a row to avoid each other. His name was "萼 蒂奥罗". When Guan Heng went to find the skull of the ghost, the two sides tried , Ti Tiolo was beaten so exhausted that he managed to get out and slip away.

"Old guy, you're making waves here again, and you probably don't want to live."

"Five ghosts, surround them!" As soon as Guan Heng's roar rang, the giant bee and the six ghosts surrounded each other.

"Ah Heng, this guy has a breath of spirit world, do you feel it?" After listening to Qing Huang's words, Guan Heng looked at Tiorro again, and a little doubt appeared in his eyes.

"Well, after hearing what you said, I found out that this old thing is a bit similar to the spirit people." Guan Heng stared at this moment, and yelled at Tioro, "said, why did you take me away? Great miser? "

"I'm wrong." Tioro wailed and argued, "This ghost lost control and suddenly fainted into the small space I opened. As soon as I was afraid, I had to put it in a jar. "

"Fart, you have no truth in the mouth of this old thing. In my opinion, I should reward you for a fat meal and then interrogate, guys, do it."

"Bang bang bang!" The four claws turned into fists, and he was beaten fiercely by Tioro, and the old man could not help but utter a miserable slogan: "Oh, do n’t hit, do n’t hit, Am I still honest? "

At this time Guan Heng picked up the ghost image of the big goblin from the ground, and found that the other party was in a coma and shrunk to the size of a walnut. He was so annoyed that he burst into tears: "Come on, what is going on?"

This Aunt Tioruo hummed for a long time, and finally told the story again. It turned out that the old thing really was a person in the spirit world, but because of a hurricane in the spirit world that raged a few space gaps and turned him Blows to the human world.

After coming here, Gio Diolo found that he had more power than others, and soon began to be ecstatic and arrogant.

—— [2017.6.14 first change, hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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