Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3361: Solo Battle Double Skeleton (Third)

The bee that succeeded quickly didn't hesitate, fluttering his wings to create a suction, gathered the smashed remnant spirit into his own soul shadow, and then hurriedly flew towards several other worms and ghosts.

"Buzz--" The giant bee that killed more than ten powerful enemies between the few breaths was very proud. He trembled in the air, his voice passed a few miles away. At the next moment, the bee suddenly absorbed the black fog around the canyon. At half a minute, everyone's eyes flashed.

"What a dreary dark canyon." Qing Huang could not help muttering, Xiao He shouted exaggeratedly: "My brother-in-law is afraid."

He was about to come and hold Guan Heng's waist, but the other person reached out and held his forehead and couldn't take a step forward. Guan Heng said, "You still stick to Ruo Tao, I'll take a step first."

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng turned over and ran to the side of Nine Crosses with Qing Huang.

"Well, you know that being with the bad woman is abominable." Xiao Hei bit his lower lip and murmured, "Sooner or later break you up, you wait."

For this childish word, if Tao didn't hear it, she rode on the corpse and waved, "If you don't keep up, I'll leave you alone." "Wait for me."

Xiao He stuffed the swallowing ghost into his placket and followed him on a horse.


After a few breaths, the crowd had reached the middle of the canyon, Guan Heng frowned as he watched the nearby "Wa La La" flowing stream.

In fact, it is a stream, which is a bit exaggerated, because the flowing thing is some dark red slurry, which is rotten and smells bad, and is no different from dirty animal blood.

"Smelly." Qing Huang and Xiao Hei both covered their noses and complained, "Hey, where do we go next?"

"Well, the big miser and the giant bee just went to the front to explore the road. In return, there was a road extending northward from the stream." Guan Heng said, "We should continue to go there."

"Well, corpse horse, what's wrong with you?" Ruo Tao saw his mount Rong Xuan corpse swaying at the feet, as if to fall, and was immediately startled.

But when the corpse horse heard her call, she immediately stood still with her head shaking, Ruo Tao said, "My son, although I can't smell what the stream really smells, I feel like I'm starting to feel weak. In my opinion, the stream I'm afraid there are countermeasures for our ancient corpses. "

"So what are you still doing?" Guan Heng shook the horse's reins and shouted, "Come on, leave this dangerous place."

"Da Da Da-Da Da Da-"

His words came to an end, and several people were already urging the horse forward, but after running more than a hundred feet to the north, the stream along the way suddenly slammed, and then suddenly formed a "sewage whip" , "唰 唰 唰" in the air quickly spin up!

"Be careful, go away quickly."

As soon as Guan Heng said this, the baby white ghost around him suddenly rushed out, and the spirit of water spirit gathered around him suddenly turned into a "white water whip". "Wow!" Hit a trick.

"Walk—" Guan Heng spit out a word, and everyone's mounts were already rushing forward more than ten feet, and it was worthy of avoiding the innumerable whip of sewage.

"Squeak ---" The baby white ghost apparently felt that something similar to himself was hidden in the sewage, so he raised his head sharply, and drove the whip of white water toward the sewage that swept up.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The essence of the water spirit is the mother of all waters, and the sewage is nothing but the ghost's body transfiguration. After just struggling three times, it was smashed into the air, and a walnut inside was large and dark like ink. Seeing that the soul shadow is not good, he will flee when he makes a roundabout flight in the air.

Guan Hengyang called out, "Don't let it run away, catch it."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh" the six ghosts rushed past to help out, and the seven scourges were surrounded by the black soul group. This guy had no way to go to the ground and had no door, and was immediately rushed to the Guanheng crowd.

"Hey." In the hissing sound, the black soul rolled on the spot, and suddenly turned into a slap-like child. Looking at the eyebrows, it was similar to the infant white ghost, but the ghosts around him were mixed. Impure, with a bit of evil.

"It looks like this guy has some means to control the water. Can it be said that it is not the same kind of baby white ghost?" After listening to Qing Huang's words, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head: "Well, it is possible, but this ghost lives in Jiulonggu It ’s been a long time, and it ’s too much evil and ghostly to stay. ”

"Hoo ..." Guan Heng ’s palm golden light ghost instantly produced a strong suction, attracting the dark child ghost shadow to his hand, and then the five fingers twitched slightly, immediately pinching the other party to scream.

Seeing this situation, the infant white ghost and the six uncles looked a little intolerable, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Hey, have you misunderstood something? I mean, the evil spirit on this ghost can't stay, and didn't say Let it die. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng's original fire suddenly swept up and down the dark child ghosts, and the other party suddenly made a scream, a few plumes of smoke appeared on his body, and a squeaking noise was made.

"Pop." Throwing the ghost shadow into a grayish-white child ghost to the ground, Guan Heng said: "The evil spirit on this guy has been refined, baby white ghost, quickly ask it about the situation in the Nine Skeleton Valley, we It's time to go. "

In this way, the infant white ghost and the child ghost "squeaked" for a while, and the guy left reluctantly. Then, the infant white ghost also passed the message to Guan Heng. Rise a chaos between ghosts and living skeletons.

In the past, there were nine skeletons made from nine monsters and apes in this valley, and these guys were all in the state of black gas, they didn't agree with each other, and they often fought each other, but they never completely separated the winner.

But just a few days ago, a lot of evil spirits poured into the Nine-Skull Valley. Two fierce ape skeletons first absorbed these evil spirits, and suddenly soared their strength to a half-step purple gas state. Thus, the fierce vigour started to move to the other fierce apes. Not only that, but they also surrendered the black spirit ghosts and living corpses everywhere as their own hands.

In just a few days, a pair of fierce apes swallowed up the remaining seven of the same kind, and finally reluctantly stepped into the realm of purple gas. Although it has just entered its peak, the realm is extremely unstable, but it has also become a "purple gas giant skull" This fierce existence is rare in the world.

However, there is no room for two tigers in the mountain, and Nine Skeleton Valley can't hold two purple gas giant skulls now. In this way, the two skeleton fierce gods began to fight day and night. All the ghosts and mutant living corpses in the valley were killed by the pond fish. They were either destroyed on the spot or Escape the valley to find another way.

Now one of the Purple Giant Skulls has occupied the only way out of the canyon to the north. Every morning, noon and night, he has to fight with another guy for many times before he will give up.

After learning about these messages, Guan Heng said to the three women, "It seems that if we want to get out of the Nine Crosses, we really have to touch these two guys."

"It's just a fight, it's just two bones, boy, we've dealt with it a lot before." If Tao didn't care about it at this time, she pressed the thunderblade handle and said, "I'm not afraid."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei boldly spoke up next to him: "Yes, yes, I ... maybe not afraid."

Qing Huang also smiled sweetly: "Hahaha, since this is the case, I have nothing more to fear."

"Well, in this case, then get ready to go." Guan Heng asked the big goblin in the air at this time: "How is it? Do you have any intention to sleep now? The old man opened a gap in the space for you to rest in. "

Hearing this, the big ghost shook his head and Guan Heng said, "Then there is nothing to worry about, everyone, let's go."


At the same time, an extremely fierce fighting is taking place at the entrance to the valley north of Jiulonggu, and the two dazzling purple giant skulls are constantly attacking each other.

The giant skull on the left fluttered with two claws, and landed on the opponent for a short time. "Hoo--bang, bang!" The vertebrae and ribs of the other party suddenly made a loud noise, and numerous cracks appeared.

But at the next moment, the giant skull on the right, the lingering evil spirits purple swirling swirling dance, immediately healed his injured bone joint as before, it then slammed hard with a claw: "过去 —— 嗤! "

The bone-wrapped claws that are wrapped in purple gas and hard like iron are ten times more powerful, saying that time is late, that time is fast, this fierce blow instantly penetrates the rib gap of the opposite skull, and then, this guy ’s claws snap, He slammed an opponent's rib from the white rib!


Although the evil skeleton turned into a beast and fierce ape could not feel the pain, the moment the ribs were taken away also caused its purple strength to decrease sharply. Of course, it was full of endless anger. The “Bian” boxing shadows fell on each other, causing the bones to “crowd” incessantly.

At this moment, Guan Heng just happened to be here, looking at this deadly battle.

"Oh, it's so lively." Xiao Hei was happily watching the Ghost Meow immediately: "It's fun, a pair of skeletons stand on each other, it's not scary at all."

"The coercion erupted by these two fierce **** skeletons is at least the peak of purple gas, and it looks like they are not weak."

Qing Huang said, and winked at Ruo Tao, "However, compared to us, Ruo Tao, the opponent's fighting power is too scum, it is not worth our shot, let Ah Heng pass."

If Taowen heard this, why didn't he know that the other party was in trouble, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, I think so."

Hearing this, Guan Heng's mouth was full of bitterness: "Your sisters are too lacking in morality, even let me deal with two monsters with the peak of purple gas. Is this different from sending death?"

But at this moment, Xiao Hei also laughed after covering his mouth and said, "I think it should be brother-in-law ..."

"Huh!" The other party's voice didn't fall. He suddenly gave Guan Heng a stern glance. Xiao He flinched his neck and whispered, "What kind of skill is this to me? . "

"He ... I ... you ..." Upon hearing this, Guan Heng gasped for a moment and almost rolled his eyes. The next moment, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Dead girl, brother-in-law will let you see Look, we're not just bragging, Seven Ghosts, go with me ... "

"Wait." Qing Huang sneered at the moment: "What kind of skill is it with the power of the Seven Ghosts, you go alone."

"What?" Guan Heng was a little unwilling to hear the words: "I and Dasao have always cooperated with each other, and now you let me do it alone, obviously I'm embarrassing me."

"But ... hehe ..." Guan Heng turned his eyes and thought about it. He gathered in Qing Huang's ears and said, "If you want me to give up and join forces with Seven Ghosts for no reason, that's impossible, unless you promise. I have a condition, so and so ... "

"Uh? You, you ... don't be shy!"

After listening to Guan Heng's whisper, Qing Huang's face flushed, and Guan Heng laughed and said, "Why, wouldn't you agree? Then let it go, Seven Ghosts, walk away, and go and fight the skeleton with Master Ben strange."

"Wait, I promise you!" Qing Huang is starting to be angry now, she said with a stern face: "Seven ghosts stay with me. If you speak for help during the battle, then the bet is lost. Understand?"

"Okay, just say so, roar--" Guan Heng laughed, ran towards the front, and shouted, "Oh oh-there will be a good life in the future!"

Ruo Tao heard Guan Heng's yelling inexplicably, so he asked, "What kind of bet did you and your son make?"

"Can't say it can't be said, this is a huge secret!" Qing Huang bit her silver teeth tightly and said, "I can never tell a third person."

"Hahahaha-as long as you defeat your two skeletons, Master Ben will have a good fortune!"

Guan Heng was picking a snowy bow from the back on the wild road at this moment. This scene was immediately looked at by Qing Huang. She cried out silently: "Oh, I care, I forgot that he can attack the enemy with a bow and arrow! "

"唰 唰 唰 —— 嗤嗤嗤 ——" It was late, then fast, the three Lingtian arrows burst into the sky, "噗噗 噗!" Turned into a horror, all nailed to the left. Skeleton ribs.

"The power of the fire-burn me, burn, burn!" Guan Heng's roar rang through the entire Nine-Skull Valley for a moment, straight into the sky, "Boom!" The arrowhead burrowed between the ribs of the giant skull. The raging flames burned, and the evil spirit of this guy continued to dissipate sharply.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" The original strength of the giant skeleton is this evil spirit. Now the evil spirit has been spurred by the fire and turned into a plume of dark smoke. This guy feels extremely painful and is on the verge of collapse.

When the enemy is in pain, it is a good opportunity for him to attack. At least, the purple gas giant skull on the opposite side thinks about it. When it is late, then, there are countless claw shadow fist winds appearing in the air. Hit the arrow guy.

"Hmm! Suck--wow!"

The giant skull with three arrows in the middle finally couldn't bear the pressure of the other's onslaught. His skeleton collapsed and collapsed. Between the light and the flint, a ray of ghosts emerged from the skull, flashing a dazzling purple air. Escape to a distant sky.

"Woohoo!" The evil spirit of Ziqi Xie skeleton is a great supplement to himself. The guy who succeeded immediately became jealous and stretched out his claws to grab the soul shadow.

"Want to grab this thing? You dream!" Guan Hengjian was anxious, because this guy was in the state of Ziqi Peak, and then swallowed another Ziqi demon, and he was even less sure of winning.

—— [2017.6.14 third more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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