"It's really annoying." Xiao Hei couldn't help but the rancid smell drifted down the wind to stimulate himself, so he exclaimed: "Big goblin, go and pluck the bird carcass and throw it away."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at the moment when it ’s time to talk about it

Guan Heng's brow frowned slightly. He had wanted to stop his words, but it was too late. At the next moment, the big dread ghost swept near the treetop, and raised his claws with a wave.

"No, some monsters have taken our 'sacrifice!'" At this moment, a panic scream came out of the woods: "Give it back quickly, or 'King Wang' will be angry. "

After hearing this shout, Guan Heng guessed a bit, and he sighed and said, "Well, we must be in trouble."

Sure enough, I only heard the sounds of clothing smashing through the sky, and a few aliens with spears and axes wearing strange animal skin robes rushed out of the woods.

Although these people are only half-black, or even crimson, shivering in the face of the big goblin who was carrying the corpse of birds in the air, they still dared to shout at it: "Quickly, put down our sacrifice. Otherwise, we will fight with you! "

Until the big miser has no order, he will never do anything with anyone. When he hesitates, Guan Heng has taken the lead in galloping.

"And slowly," Guan Heng shouted at this time. "It's a misunderstanding, big miser, put the bird on the ground."

At the next moment, the big ghost walked according to his words, and then turned into a hidden position behind Guan Heng in an instant. He turned over and dismissed the horse, and then said to the aliens, "Don't be nervous, we are just passing by and we are not hostile."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao who came by also said in unison: "Yeah, yeah, a few big brothers, we just watched the bird's corpse hanging on the tree was very" poor ", thinking and wanting to take it down and bury it. . "

Seeing Guan Heng's several princes as powerful ghosts, but did not deliberately embarrass themselves, the aliens could not help but let go of their vigilance and their hostility was greatly diminished.

"Below are the passing travelers, Guan Heng, these are ..." After they introduced themselves, the interracial man headed also reported his name. His name was "Xuanyu" and he was from a nearby Shiyi tribe. .

At this moment, Xiao Hei asked, "Brother Xuan, can I ask why the bird was hung from the tree? Is it something it made wrong?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng and they almost laughed out, Ruo Tao whispered: "Xiao Hei, the rules of the Shiyi tribe of others, don't ask about it casually, that would be impolite."

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay." Xuan Yuan listened to Xiao Hei's inquiry and replied a little hesitantly: "This is actually ..."

It turned out that recently, the water sources near the Shiyi tribe often drifted the wreckage of various monsters. These corpses rot in the water, which greatly affected the water quality. Many ethnic people violently died after drinking the water in the river. However, the Shiyi tribe is also sighing about such things.

Their customs and habits are a kind of "huge king of kings" who lived in Lezisan forest since ancient times, that is, the king of mountain pigs. It is said that the dead people were buried in the woods, and then the dead birds were hung in the forest. On the tree at the edge of the forest, the deceased can be blessed by the King of Kings and rest in peace ever since.

However, if anyone accidentally touches the dead bird hanging on the tree branch, it is a sign that the danger is about to fall on the Shiyi tribe, and it is considered to be greatly unlucky.

"That's the case, Brother Xuan, I'm really sorry. I just asked the big miser to pick up the corpse of the bird." Xiao Hei said with a little stun, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't blame those who don't know." Xuan Yuan this person, the more polite you are to him, the more kind he is, and he hurriedly waved and said, "Now the bird carcass has been hung back, I don't think Lord King Will care. "

At this time, Guan Heng and Qing Huang and Ruo Tao looked at each other, and then asked, "Xuan Xiong, did you say that there is a" giant king "in the forest of Reze Sang? Have you all seen it? "

"Ah ?! You ca n’t see it, you ca n’t see it." Another Shiyi people next to said: "Master Wang is very fierce, and the food is extremely large, if we mortal mortals encounter it, they will be swallowed alive."

After hearing this, Xiao Hei was startled: "So terrible ?!"

"Of course, just a while ago, a few people and I set up traps around the banks of the Sanglin River to catch a nine-eyed old man. Who knew that after waiting for three days and three nights, no enchanting came."

Xuan Yuan sighed and said: "Later, a tribe who went to Leze Sanglin to collect medicine ran back to the tribe in the middle of the night. He told everyone that he had inadvertently watched a huge figure on the hillside opening his mouth in the dark and biting hard I dropped the enchanted half-length body in the river, and then went away, I guess, that is the true body of Lord King, it is really terrible. "

The speaker was unintentional, the listener intentionally, Guan Heng and the three women moved a little in their hearts. They realized that the target they were looking for might be the "King King" described in Xuan Yuan's mouth.

"Right, Brother Guan." Xuan Yuan asked at this moment: "The front of the forest is Lezier's entrance. Do you want to go in? Recently, the roar of Lord King Wang is constantly around the clock. I'm afraid if you are at this moment Go, you will be in danger. "

Ruo Tao hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "No, no, we just want to borrow the way from the edge of Rezer."

Then, in order to dispel the doubts of the Shiyi people, Ruo Tao also casually said a nearby place name, indicating that he and his partner were going there, and Xuan Yuan nodded: "Well, then I can rest assured."

Speaking of them, the Shiyi people are not as fierce as the outside rumors, especially after they have identified you as a friend, they all seem extremely enthusiastic. When they were out of the woods and broke up with Guanheng, Xuan Ye, etc. People also sent some Shiyi people's self-made anti-horse gas herbs. Guan Heng was also very polite. After receiving it, he gave away a few demon beads to the other party, and everyone left with joy.

Seeing the other person's back gradually disappearing into sight, Ruo Tao said at the moment: "My son, I guess these" big kings "described by these big brothers of the Shiyi tribe should be the beasts of gods, right?"

"Well, the king of wild boar, Hahaha, no matter what you think, it should be it." Guan Heng smiled: "Girls, let's go, it's time to enter Reze Sanglin."

It is said that in the ancient times farther away, here and there were bombarded by thunder and lightning day and night, forming a large area of ​​Zedi. Later, many trees grew here, they were luxuriant, covering the sky and covering the moon, and gradually extended to the range of a hundred miles. .

One of the largest towering ancient trees is a huge mulberry tree with a height of several tens of feet, which is shaped like a canopy. It is regarded as the king of the king of trees in the Duxiu forest. Therefore, the place is named mulberry forest.

The territory of Sanglin stretches for hundreds of miles and is divided into the outer Shilinpo, the middle part of the Yuyu Lake, and the Sangwangxia at the end. When they talked to the Shiyi people, Guanheng learned these messages.

Although the other party has not clearly seen the "King of Kings", based on the experience of living here for many years, they inferred that the King of Kings must inhabit the "King of Kings" where the king of mulberry trees is located, and it became Guan Heng that they were about to go there. local.

"Here is the **** of Shilin. Most of the beasts that inhabit it are only crimson and semi-black. They are all targets of the Shiyi tribe's hunting." Guan Heng walked to the front at this time and asked: "Xuanyu just said this. Right? "

"Yeah, brother-in-law, I heard that too." Xiao Hei rode on his side, admiring the scenery along the road, and said, "Actually, the scenery of Reizen Sanglin is pretty good. Where is it like a few stone yi Brother Clan said 'very scary'? 80% of them are scaring me? "

"Don't care, under the calm appearance, there is usually an unknown danger." Ruo Tao intentionally scared Xiaosha and said to scare the little girl. "It's better to say that you have a monster behind you!"

"Ehhhhh!" After hearing this, the little blackhead was scared and didn't dare to return. He hurled the reins and drank to make his mount run forward: "Driving--"

Qing Huang was anxious at first sight: "Little Hei, don't run away."

Having said that, Qing Huang drove her to chase her. Ruo Tao also felt that she was speechless, and told the corpse horse to speed up and followed, but the three women left the hurdle behind.

"Hey, how can your sisters leave?" Guan Heng patted his own horse at this time and cursed: "A mischievous beast, eats more than other horses, runs slower than other horses. Tell me what's good about you? "

The horse was also said a few words by Guan Heng, and even started to be angry, snoring, and wheezing, but he was unwilling to go forward.

"I'll give you a terrific look."

"Oh!" Guan Hengtan pulled his arm out of Hongyun Sword and poked at the horse's heir.

His Majesty's mount is also a bully-hard master, and Guan Heng made a fierce rush. The guy suddenly screamed and ran away with four hoofs.


On the other side, Qing Huang grabbed the little black horse's reins on the occasion of a critical strike, which prevented the other's horse from jumping into the deep trench by the road. She said calmly, "What do you want this horse to run blindly? Know Know that it's easy to be dangerous? "

"I, I ..." Xiao Hei was indifferent for a while, and Ruotao hurried over to round the field: "Forget it, it's all my bad, nothing frightens her, Xiao Hei, don't care, I don't care You apologize. "

"Huh." Xiao Hei said slowly after he calmed down. "It's not enough to apologize. You have to compensate me."

"Xingxing, who made my sister lose me." Ruotao asked, "What do you want? Fun toys? Or can I tell you a joke?"

Little Black's eyes turned and she didn't know what bad idea was in her mind. She said casually, "I haven't figured it out anyway, you just remember that you owe me one thing."

"Hey, don't chat about it." Qing Huang turned around and suddenly called out, "Aheng, Aheng didn't follow me."

Xiao Hei grinned: "Will my brother-in-law be taken away by some monster?"

"Well, if those monsters are seen by the son, maybe they will be eaten." Ruo Tao said angrily: "The son is ten times more fierce than the monster."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei immediately smiled and smiled: "Hahaha, yes, yes, you are right."

"Do n’t bother you two live treasures. After listening to this sentence, I really can't laugh ..." Qing Huang's words fell off, and dozens of dark shadows flew in mid-air. They dived down, all of them savagely attacked them, turned out to be a group of bald-yellow-necked enchanting.

"Look to death!" Seeing that most of these demon birds are only in the semi-black realm, if Tao immediately shakes his wrist and chain to break his palm, "Dangling-Huh!"

I saw a continuous stream of bangs, and these ignorant enchanters suddenly fluffed their hairs, screaming and screaming and falling.

At the moment, the six dead ghosts were beside Qing Huang. When she saw the remaining two enchanters making a roundabout hurry in the air and wanted to run away, she pointed at the other party and said, "Hey guys, get these guys out."

"Woohoo--" It was late, and then, quickly, our souls were rushing to the right and left, and they were fenced up from left to right. The two demon birds were caught off guard, and they were caught by the ghost's claws on their backs and brains. In front of Qing Huang.

"Hey, let me ask you." Qing Huang said to one of the larger enchanters: "It looks like you guys didn't come to prey, why did you attack us? To be honest, I'll let you take you Tear it. "

"Oh ... coo ..." The enchanting realized that Qing Huang, who had the beast-controlling bead, could understand his own words, and hurriedly whispered to her.

"What did you say ?!" Qing Huang heard the enchanting cry, a look of astonishment appeared on her face, and then she waved her hand and said, "Oh, let them go." I hurried the monster birds into the air. When he threw it, the other party hurriedly flew towards the distance.

"Qing Huang, what's going on?"

After hearing Ruo Tao's inquiries, she calmed down and replied randomly: "These monster birds said that since we entered Shilinpo, we have been discovered by" some guys ", and the other party can force a lot of monster birds. The monsters attacked us, these birds, but they were tempted first. "

"What? Are we being watched by the enemy?" Ruotao muttered at this time: "Is that the trick of" 豕 王 封 豨 "not working?" "This is not quite clear."

Qing Huang shook her head and said, "Let's wait for Ah Heng to come over and discuss with him."

"Strange, we have been fighting and noisy for most of the day, why haven't the sons come yet?" Ruo Tao's words fell away, and there was a sense of confusion and doubt on the faces of Qing Huang and Xiao Hei.


At the same time, Guan Heng encountered a little trouble behind him. After the horse riding was taught a little bit, he ran much faster ... even he didn't even listen to Guan Heng's command at all, and ran away.

"Hey, you dead horse with thousands of swords, stop it for Master Ben!" Guan Heng was almost turned off at this time, so angry that he yelled: "I knew that a sword had just cut your head off. Walking on foot to chase them. "

"Woo-h-hh-hhh" He swooped on this mount and ran away, he didn't even listen to Guan Heng's cry.

At the next moment, the horse suddenly rushed across the wide ditch in front of him, and rushed towards a thorny depression.

"Danger!" Guan Heng took a sip of air-conditioning. If he jumped straight down, the thorns and thorns would have to open the horse's belly to a big opening. In desperation, he patted the copper cricket. : "Baby white ghost, burn the thorns in front with the original fire—"

—— [2017.6.15 Fourth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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