Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3372: Jumang and Gusang

Unexpectedly, when Guan Heng's words came out, the young woman suddenly grieved and burst into tears: "Woohoo ... you bullied me ... that made me hurt, and also called me a monster ... woohoo ... ... "

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Guan Heng couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard these words. "Enough? If it passed to someone else's ears, I thought what had happened to you. Don't cry. Have something to say."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn, it's clear that you are bullying others and yelling at me." The woman was crying more and more, and Qing Huang couldn't bear to hear, she said, "Aheng, you speak too aggressively Now, let me ask, and let the Seven Ghosts loose her. "

"Release? That won't work, but she is a guy in a purple mood. What if you hurt yourself, especially if you hurt?"

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, hasn't all the evil spirits on her been refined? Besides, you still have‘ that ’.”

Speaking of this, Qing Huang shouted at Guan Mang's hand, and he knew when Guan Heng was landing, so he waved and said, "Seven ghosts, loose her, hello, monster woman, don't blame me for not warning you, don't make any crooked ideas Or I'll chop you with one sword. "

"Son, you're scaring her again." Ruo Tao said, "Let's be kind."

"Well, women always help women, so I'm not inside or out."

Whimpered here, Guan Heng couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, and for a while silent. And Ruo Tao stretched out the woman, and the other person wore a green dress, which was woven from various leaves, but it was stained with a lot of soil. Ruo Tao also helped her to choke.

"Sister, tell me your name?"

After hearing Qing Huang's inquiries, the woman was sitting on the huge tree root beside her, and she whispered, "I and I have no names from birth to now, but there should be a huge mulberry tree near here, which is my body. There are often birds and beasts resting in my shade, and they call me 'Gu Sang Nu'. "

Guan Heng pointed at the other side and said, "Ancient mulberry girl ... Ah, I see. So you are the wood demon spirit derived from that huge mulberry tree ?!"

"Uh, you fierce **** is not good to me, and I'm still burned with fire. I, I don't talk to you." Gusang said, she hid behind Qing Huang, and whispered, "Sister, please, don't let Fierce **** hurt me. "

"I'm a fierce **** ?!" Guan Heng pointed to his nose and said, "If I were really a fierce god, I would have burned you into ashes already. Can you still stand here and speak to everyone?"

"Aheng, don't scare her. It looks like a simple and honest wooden demon spirit, unintentionally infected with evil spirits." Qing Huang smiled at this time, and said to the ancient mulberry girl: "Relax, Aheng is wood The messenger of God will never hurt you. "

"A messenger of wood and wood god? What is that, I don't know." As soon as the Gusang woman said this, Ruotao and Xiaohei laughed suddenly: "Hahaha--"

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "No, right, my brother-in-law isn't something ... uh? He's a thing, it's not right, hahaha ... I'm laughing."

"You guys are endless?" Guan Heng was finally a bit angry at this time, and he uttered a humorous sword in front of the Gusang girl and said, "Hey, don't you know the **** of wood gods? This sword is me as him God's keepsake, see clearly! "

"Yeah!" Then the daughter of Gu Sang noticed the sword in Guan Heng's hand, and she immediately uttered a surprise cry: "I recognize it, I recognize it. This is the thing of the benefactor!"

Upon hearing this, everyone seemed somewhat strange: "Big benefactor? Who is that?"

"Hey, fierce god, can you let me touch it?" Fearing that Guan Heng was angry and angry, she did not agree, and Gusang woman timidly extended her finger to touch the blade.

Guan Heng said at this time: "Wait, I didn't say I won't let you touch, and I have a name. You call me Guan Heng. You won't be called a fierce **** in the future, and I won't bully you. How about it? Right, You have to make it clear what the benefactor is. "

Upon hearing this, Gusang woman slightly jawed her head: "Well, since you want to hear, then I will say."

Because time has passed too long, and I do not know that it has been through thousands of years, the memory of the ancient mulberry girl is a bit fuzzy and confusing. She can only recall and tell the story of things.

As we all know, Lei Ze was a piece of land that was often bombarded by thunderbolts during the day and night. At the beginning, it was ruined and almost impossible.

But one day, a strong wind brought a mulberry tree, which fell to the ground, bones into a small wet pit, no rainwater, no fertile soil moisture, but the tenacious tree species grew A tender green sprout came out, and it lived.

However, Lei Ze's living conditions were too bad. The day after this bud was unearthed, a fierce thunder and lightning fell from the sky and blasted down to it fiercely.

Speaking late, at that time, a shadow came from a distance, ", ——" The god's front came out of the sheath, and the cold mang flickered away. The blade suddenly split the thunder into two parts, and then disappeared. .

Someone slowly approached the tender green little seedling, he said softly: "Poor little fellow, you ... obviously want to survive that way, but you will be repeatedly doomed, let me help you. "

The man's voice fell, and suddenly a drop of water fell on the bud. This little bud has never tasted such a sweet thing from birth to now, and could not help sucking wildly.

The man stood up and murmured in his mouth, "I hope my tears will help you thrive. One day, there will be trees and full of vitality here. I hope you will become the highest in Lezier. The biggest tree, use your branches and leaves to shelter all beings from the wind and rain, and nurture them to grow ... "

After speaking these words, the man went away holding his sword, and the tender green seedling was nourished by his tears. He already had a touch of spirituality, so he would remember the voice of the other person, but the benevolent's appearance was always blurred in his memory. .

"However, I remember this sword. The big benefactor used it to cut off the thunderbolt and saved me. Above the sword, there is a benevolent breath."

The Gusang woman pointed at the sword at this moment, and tears couldn't help but pour into her eyes. She snorted and said, "Just, I just don't know if I can see him again in the future."

Xiao Hei heard it for a long time before she got confused, but the crying nose of the other party made her unable to help but say, "Uh, this is a crybaby."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense." Qing Huang blocked Xiao Hei's insincerity, and then asked, "What are you going to do now? Are you going to stay in Sang Lin and become the" King of Thousand Trees "?"

At this time, Gu Sangnu was immersed in the memory of the past and shook her head blankly and answered, "I, I don't know ..."

She went on to say: "I have always used my own strength to spread trees and conceive forests around Leizer as directed by the benefactor. It has been thousands of years now ..."

"Listening to the Gu Sang woman, the so-called big benefactor must be the **** of wood, no doubt." As soon as Qing Huang's words were out, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao slightly said their heads: "Well, we think so."

At that moment, the Gusang woman came over and asked, "That, fierce **** ... Ah, Guan Heng, since you have a benevolent sword in your hand, you must know where he is? Can and can take me to find him ? I have so many words of gratitude to tell him. "

"Uh, you can't do this for me." Guan Heng scratched his head and said: "It's true that Jumang and the other four gods have disappeared in the spirit world for a long time, and life and death are unknown. Even if I can take you to find him, We can't find it. "

"What? The benefactor disappeared?"

When the Gusang girl heard the news, she couldn't help but flattened her mouth and wanted to cry. Qing Huang, who was next to her, couldn't bear it, and said, "Aheng, you can't say this absolutely, Mu Shen, they just disappeared, and they didn't Confirm the news of the death. If sister Gu Sang wants to find him, then we will take her back to the spirit world. "

"Wow, you are so light." Guan Heng said, "Apart from her, the huge mulberry tree of Rezesanlin is her root. Can the ancient mulberry girl leave with you and me?"

"Yes, yes, now that there are trees and trees in Leaze, there is no need for me to stay here to spread the trees anymore. People can leave at any time."

When the Gu Sang woman heard that Qing Huang could take herself to the spiritual world to find the whereabouts of the wooden god, she nodded and said, "And you have a benevolent sword in your hand, and I feel that I can give birth to a group of original wooden spirits floating on it. , The two sides can merge their auras with each other and endlessly cycle, so that I can follow you anywhere. "

"Well ..." Guan Hengxin said, "Why is it good for me to bring you crybaby on the road? Maybe it will cause a lot of trouble in the future, but if you don't agree, Qing Huang will be unhappy. , Just agree. "

So he nodded, and Ruo Tao asked again at the moment: "Gu Sang, if you walk with us, will the huge mulberry trees here wither and die? That would be bad."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Sang Nu quickly said, "I will leave most of the original aura at the spiritual root of the giant mulberry tree, and I will go on the road with you. In this way, my body will continue to grow here for hundreds of years. They can become my avatars. "

Hearing that she had made it very clear, everyone was relieved. Guan Heng patted the scabbard of the sword at this time and said, "Come on, attach it with your source wood aura."

"Thank you Guan Heng." The Gusang girl turned into an aura, and before slowly disappearing, she also said, "Now I think you are still a good person."

"Uh, is she complimenting me?" Guan Heng smiled bitterly. "How could I hear that it was reluctant."

"Hehehe, don't complain anymore, let's go." Qing Huang smiled at him, and then everyone got out of the huge grotto behind the waterfall, without a word, rushed back to Puban City for several days.


Returning to the palace of the lord of Puhancheng, he first met Yu Shun, and Guan Heng found one of the seven hegemons of the ancient Yu Kingdom, Langjing, the demon clan.

"Ah, Guan Heng, are you back? I'm looking for you."

Lang Jing greeted everyone who came forward, and then said eagerly: "The next night after you left, I received a message from the demon, saying that all four demon territories had appeared. Strange trails and news of the spread of evil, I think you must want to know. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng slightly said his head: "Yes, Brother Lang, please explain the situation, or we will rush to the demon side immediately."

"Okay, everyone, listen to me ..." Next, Lang Jing narrated some of the things about the demon clan now and their conciseness.

The demon tribe is divided into four areas: east, south, west, and north, each occupied by different tribes.

The four demon clan are: Zhongshan demon clan in the east, the patriarch is the candlestick Jiuyin with snake scales in the human face; the Yishui demon clan in the west, the patriarch is the horse belly of the tiger body; the south is the Jiuling demon clan. In the settlements, their leader is Xiangliu, who uses bizarre fantasy; in the north, there is a tribe of the northern demon tribe, and the patriarch is the wolf-headed red-haired mandarin duck.

The leaders of the four monsters are all powerful characters who have reached half a step of purple gas. A single one may not defeat the three ancient kingdoms, but if they join forces, the four enemies and three can be invincible. The clan and the three ancient nations have fought for so many years, and no one can help them.

"Except for the Yishui Demon tribe I came from, the other three tribes are not very friendly towards human beings, and they will use force to solve problems."

When Lang Jing said here, he smiled before continuing to say: "If other friends are about to go to the territory of the demon, I will certainly persuade them to be more careful or to dispel this idea, but you guys, you should not need this Yes, because if someone who doesn't know what to do is provokes you, it's already a bargain if you are just taught. "

"Oh, I said Brother Lang, look at what you said." Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and calmed down, "Rest assured, we won't use force against the demons easily. If we can solve things with our mouths, everyone is too lazy to do it. . "

"Ha ha ha, that's fine." Lang Jing asked again, "Did you decide to start now?"

"Of course, everything we have to do is sooner rather than later." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, "I'd like to say goodbye to Uncle Yu Shun and we'll leave."


After talking about these things, Guan Heng led the three women out of the palace of the lord, and came to a hidden courtyard in Puban City. This is a place for the members of the Shakai.

"See Gongzi." The person who greeted him had previously followed Luo Biao, and naturally knew Guan Heng. He nodded and said, "We will go to the territory of the monster family immediately. We need to change a few good mounts."

"Yes, the villain understands," said the subordinate of the Shahui Society. "The demon territory nearest to Pu Hancheng is the Zhongshan demon clan with" Pengshui "separated from the ancient Yugu Kingdom. I wonder if the son Decided to go over there? "

"Oh, thanks to your reminder, let's go to Zhongshan Demon Clan first." After hearing Heng Heng's words, the man nodded and turned to arrange.

"My son, I heard that the water is wide and turbulent. Now these months are just the time when the water floods every year. Let's be careful."

If Ruo Tao's words fell away, Xiao Hei said nervously, "Brother-in-law, I can't swim, you have to watch me carefully."

Guan Heng said angrily: "Little girl came to this set, you just took away from me a few days ago to avoid drops of water. What rivers and lakes can drown you?"

—— [2017.6.16 Fourth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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