Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3388: Bisang missing (fifth more outbreak)

"Hehehe, it's kind of fierce." Guan Heng smiled and looked at the struggling monster woman and said, "I said girl, don't you move anymore, our two female companions managed to deal with it for you. Bandage the wound, and if you struggle, the wound will crack. "

"Humans, bad guys, I don't want you to be hypocritical, kill me if you can."

Hearing the other person's shouting exhaustion, Guan Heng's brow frowned slightly, he said: "Girl, we are really not malicious. If we want to be against you, why bother to save you? And the Yishui Demon have not always lived in peace with the people ?"

"Peaceful coexistence? That was all before ..." Just now the Yaozu woman suddenly looked up and asked sharply, "How do you know that I am a Yishui Yaozu?"

"It's very simple, because in Yishui Demon Clan ... there are my friends."

Guan Heng took a beast-bone token from his arms and handed it to the other side, and he continued to say, "This is a gift from the nobleman's" seeker "Bisang. Do you know him? Black and white panda and a flat-mouthed red heron ... "

"What ?!" When the demon woman heard the name "Bi Sang", her face suddenly changed, and tears appeared in her eyes for a while. She sobbed and said, "Big Brother, Big Brother, he's dead, and it's been three days. before."

"Eh? Bisang, dead ?!" Hearing this sentence, Guan Heng felt only a slight shock in his body, and a bit of sorrow appeared in his heart. He and Bisang had only one side, but everyone had a happy conversation.

Bisang personally likes the cultures of the three ancient countries, and often travels and grows in the ancient countries. If not, he would not see Guan Heng.

Speaking of which, the encounter between the two was still a bit strange. At that time, cats and snakes, flat-mouthed red herons like snakes, devouring tigers, and Bisang had a fight, and Guan Heng helped them apply medicine to bandage. Bi Sang's attitude towards Guan Heng also changed after he took care of two monsters.

You have to know that the rivalry between monsters, monsters, and humans has a long history, but Guan Heng has no worries and completely faces himself and red herons and cats and bears. It can be seen that Guan Heng can be a friend People, the premise is not to betray or hurt, and everyone can naturally get along easily.

"Hum ..." After a few breaths, Guan Heng calmed down from shock, he waved and said, "Let her go first."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao let go of their hands, and Ren Namon's woman wiped her tears with her sleeve, Guan Heng whispered at the moment: "Girl, my name is Guan Heng, tell me your name, I want to ask, Brother Bisang How did you die? "

"My name is" Blue Su "..." After seeing Guan Heng's face complexion, the demon woman felt that she was really sad for Bisang, so she said it truthfully.

The Yishui Demon is a well-known peace demon, and generally does not conflict with any human race or demon race. Therefore, their territory has also become a place of mutual trade between the two sides, and often people come and go.

Five days ago, Bisang, who had just served as elder, took a few hands down to meet a group of human traders who came to Xiefengbao, but unexpected accidents occurred!

Only one demon race ran back to Xiefengbao with blood, saying that as soon as they saw the other caravan, they were attacked somehow. There were more than ten black gas bulls in the group, Bisang When they were caught off guard, they were seriously injured by the plot.

When the Yishui Demon fighters rushed over, there were only a few corpse corpses on the ground, and an arm holding the bone blade, which was Bisang's left hand, and that hand was on the edge of the cliff where the blood dripped. Almost everyone can find that Bisang has suffered misfortune.

The elders and their kin were killed by human beings, which is considered to be intolerable by Yishui demons. In the next few days, almost all human traders were expelled from Xiefeng Fort.

Fortunately, the Yishui demons did not attack them directly, but only said that after the murderers were found, the issue of mutual market trade was considered as appropriate, but at this time the humans had no place to hide in the territory of the Yishui demons.

"No wonder you were so bad at us just now." Guan Heng glanced at Lan Su, then said, "The girl seems to be familiar with Brother Bisang when you listen to your tone?"

"It's true, I'm, I'm Bisang's fiancee." When Lan Su said here, her face was reddish, and she paused before she said, "We plan to hold it immediately after he becomes an elder. Wedding, who knows ... ohh ... "

Thinking of the sad place, Lan Su covered her face and cried.

"It's not the way to go."

Guan Heng winked at Qing Huang and Ruo Tao, and the other side hurriedly comforted him. Lan Su gradually stopped the sorrow. He said at this time: "You said that everyone just found one arm of the same family and brother Bisang. Did the human dealer's body be found? Also, what happened to the corpse of the demon people we just buried?"

"The corpse of a human dealer? I didn't find it. When I arrived at the accident site with several elders and warriors in the clan, as long as the remains of the same clan and the hands of Bisangge, no other corpses were found." Here, Lan With a bit of sorrow on Su's face, she was clearly in pain.

Then, she said, "This morning, we heard the clan come to report that there was a trace of a human trader who had been plotting Bisango a few days ago, so I ran to check with the people who were relatively close, and the result was Here, it was first attacked by Feiya, and then split by a group of masked men. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "Sneak attack? Why do you have to put you to death?"

Qing Huang asked beside him, "Blue girl, think about it. What are the characteristics of those guys who attacked you?"

"They all covered their faces and were wrapped tightly around them, but they were all dressed as humans in the three ancient countries."

Lan Su is actually not stupid. Now that she thinks something is wrong, she continues to say, "In the past few days, the more I think about it, the more wrong I get, because Bisango and Terran Businessmen have always been extremely good friends. Every time the other party comes to Iran, The Xiefeng Fortress of the Water Demon Clan will come to visit us with a large number of gifts. How can they suddenly hurt their faces? This is not good for them either. "

After hearing what she said, Guan Heng suddenly asked, "Lan Su, didn't you say that you only found Bisang's arm? Why did you conclude that he was dead? And where was the arm at this time?"

"Because the arm was found near the cliff, we also searched several times under the cliff, but there are no traces of residual bones, so I and I are not sure if Bisango really died."

When Lan Su said here, he said again, "Yes, I have soaked his arm with an antiseptic potion made by the elders of the Yishui Demon Clan in order to keep it. It ’s time to bury this arm, Brother Guan, what do you ask?

"I'm thinking, if you don't find Brother Bisang's body, it means he has a chance to die." Guan Heng said, "If that arm is still there, then looking for him will make me more confident."

"Brother Guan, is this true?"

After hearing this, Lan Su almost cried, she whispered: "Originally, this year was the first time after Bisango became an elder to preside over the" Enlightenment Ceremony "and" Evolution Trial "to let those selected monsters evolve. Cheng Yaozu, but now that happened, hey ... "

Xiao He blinked at this moment, dragging Guan Heng's sleeves and asked, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, do you know what is the rite of initiation?"

"Oh, this is a special ritual of the demon tribe, I have heard Brother Bisang said before ..."

After hearing her inquiries, Guan Hengshun said what he knew. Bisang is one of the envoys sent by the Yishui Demon Clan to various places. Their task is to find all kinds of powerful monsters and greet them to the Yishui Demon Clan. See the annual "Evil Clan Evolution Test" Refining. "

Every year, at a specific time, the Yishui Demon Clan will hold special trials for new monsters to allow them to evolve into "human-like demon races". However, if the monsters want to evolve to the level of demon races, they must Tolerate a lot of pain, but also crush the monster beads that have been smelted for many years, so not all powerful monsters are willing to evolve into monsters.

But there are also some monsters looking forward to having a human-like appearance, approaching human life, breaking away from the primitive life of ignorant brutality, and experiencing the taste of civilization.

Therefore, in order to increase the number of monsters themselves and expand their ethnic groups, there are “heralds” like Bisang who travel around the world, watch the battles between monsters and beasts, search for good qualifications, and want to evolve into The strong of the demon tribe, introduce them to the tribe for trial.

Guan Heng explained this to the three women in a few words, and Lan Su next to her nodded: "Well, what Guan Guan said is all right. This year, Bisangge and several other emissaries found several Only the powerful and potential monsters have returned to the clan with the messengers. "

"It sounds very interesting," Xiao Hei said, "I really want to see how the monsters evolved into monsters ..."

"Xiao Hei, I'm afraid this isn't possible." Guan Heng shook his head and said, "The Yishui Demon's" Evolutionary Demon Trial "is a very secretive ritual. It is not an important person of this tribe, and I am afraid no one is qualified to get close Look, Lan Su, am I right? "

"Yes, Bisang has participated twice before. Ordinary people like me sometimes don't see it once in a lifetime." Lan Su was a little disappointed when he saw Xiao Hei, and then said, "In fact, I don't think it looks good. "

Hearing this, Xiao Hei was a little strange: "Why do you say that?"

"Oh, those trial ceremonies will be held in the back mountain of Xiefengbao. At that time, there will be a scream of screams from the back mountain, and people will not sleep at night." Lan Su said: "This time you Understand?"

Xiao He spit out his tongue: "Oh, in this case, don't look, don't look."

"Well, talk less nonsense." Guan Heng interrupted her immediately, and said to the demon girl, "Lan Su, we immediately went to the Xiefeng Fort, we stayed outside the Fort and waited, you go to break Bi Sang Arms fetched, and everyone immediately went to the cliff to look for Bisang. "

"Brother Guan, don't you follow me into the fortress?" Lan Su said, "Although humans are not very popular in the territory now, but you have the animal bone token in your hand, no one will make it difficult for you."

After listening to her, Guan shook his head: "No, I will not enter Xiefengbao until I find Bisang, and your actions must be fast and secretive. It is best not to let anyone know that you are going back."

As soon as Lan Su's heart moved, she seemed to understand something. She was a thoughtful girl, and immediately nodded, and led everyone forward.

"Ah Heng, do you let Lan Su disappear? Are you worried that someone in Xiefeng Fortress will be bad for her?" As soon as Qing Huang's words came out, Guan Heng nodded: "That's right."

After a little pause, Guan Heng continued: "From Bisang led a caravan attack to his missing arm, and then Lan Su and the dozens of people were led away from Xiefeng Fortress and assassinated. It ’s like someone has planned it in advance, and they are intertwined, so that no water leaks, in order to get rid of Bisang and those who are related to him. "

"Well." Qing Huang slightly slightly jaw head: "After listening to Lan Su's narrative, plus you say so, it really makes sense."

"Son, do you suspect that there is something wrong with the people inside the Yishui Demon Clan?" Guan Heng said calmly: "Ruo Tao, it is too early to say these things now, I think whether Bisang is dead or alive , As long as he is found there is definitely an answer we want to know. "

Everyone said and walked, and the ten-mile mountain road was finished in a short while. A corner of the oblique wind castle can be seen in the distance. Lan Su stopped at this moment. She turned and said, "Brother Guan, I'll go in ..."

"Wait." Guan Heng subconsciously felt something in her arms, and then said to the three women, "I still don't want to let Lan Su enter the castle alone, so let's go with her."

"Brother-in-law, aren't you afraid those monsters are embarrassing you?" After listening to Xiao Hei's words, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, because I have this thing."

Said, Guan Heng took out an animal skin fake face and put it on, and then whispered: "And I have the breath of‘ totem knowing beasts ’that can assimilate the monsters, and they will not have doubts.”

Said, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Six magpies stay with you, remember, don't run around, or we will come out and meet with you soon."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao nodded, and Guan Heng said, "You and I will not worry, as long as you are optimistic about Xiao Hei."

"Well, it seems like I'm always disobedient." As soon as this sentence came out, Xiao Hei straightened his tongue toward the back of Guan Heng's departure.

As he walked towards the gate of the Xiefeng Fort, Lan Su said, "Brother Guan, in fact, even if someone in the Fort wants to be against me, they don't dare to act in the clan. You don't have to follow me."

"No, I thought about it just now, not to be close to you to protect, but to follow the observation in secret."

Guan Heng said at this time: "Imagine that the other side has assaulted you and dozens of clan people, and you must think that you are dead. Now that you are appearing in Xiefengbao well, as long as the other side sees it, he will be astounded and take action. "

"I see. On the surface, if I'm fine, I say hello to acquaintances. If they look the same, that's no problem. If they have a panic expression on their face, it proves that they have something to do with the attack on me!"

"That's good, I wasn't expecting you to be smart." Guan Heng nodded with a smile: "You go into the castle first, I will let the bodyguard follow you secretly."

—— [Fifth more of 2017.6.19, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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