Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3393: Strange poison (fifth outbreak)

"Bang!" With the next punch, Guan Heng's power destroyed and smashed, causing Bisang's body to fly backwards, slamming into the rock wall behind him, but the demonized Bisang shook his head and did not hurt at all.

"Unfortunately, the evil spirit in Bisang's body was not absorbed naturally, but was forcibly infused into the brain by others. No wonder my raw fire boxing energy can only be consumed a little bit, and I can't play it in one fell swoop."

Guan Hengji twisted himself away from Bi Sang's stern grasp, and kept thinking about countermeasures: "If he attacked Bi Sang's head directly with the original fire, he would become a waste even if he did not die. What should he do?"

"Woohoo!" The next moment, the swallowing ghost tiger suddenly waved his front paws and blasted a roaring monster corpse into the air. The animal corpse hit the top of the rock wall instantly, and the giant tiger raised his head without hesitation. Roar, the power of breaking evil immediately shook the corpse's body into flying ash powder with the roar.

"There's a way." A flash of aura in Guan Heng's brain flashed, and at this moment, he slammed a small drum around his waist: "Hunting cock, immediately entangle this guy with a net."

"Woohoo ---" It was late, and then fast, and the unicorn hunting rushed out and turned into a gold net woven by thousands of gold threads. "Wow!" Sang's body.

"Uh-uh-" After being tied up, this guy still wanted to use brute force to break free, Guan Heng shouted, "Baby boy, knock him down together."

"Yeah." The next moment, Guan Heng and Ying Baigui held each other's hands and feet at the same time, and fixed Bisang on the ground. Guan Heng shouted in a gap: "Swallow the ghost and come and yell at his ear. "

Hearing this, the giant tiger rushed to the scene, knowing that its roar was too harsh, so it used the low roar to lower the sound to instantly output the power of breaking evil, and instantly hit the ear hole on Bisang Bisang's side.

"Hoo-ooh!" This force of breaking evil was like a gigantic wave that burst into the opponent's brain, one after another. The evil spirit in Bisang's brain suddenly couldn't hold the pressure, and rushed out from the earhole on the other side.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" Flying into the air, the wind sounded sharp. This evil spirit seemed to have a consciousness, eager to find the next host, and it was Guan Heng nearest to himself. This evil gas immediately penetrated into Guan Heng's nostril.

"My son!"



"Brother Guan!"

All the girls present were frightened when they saw the wickedness entering Guanheng's body. This wickedness was too powerful. The scene of Bisang's loss of control and madness just flickered in front of them. At this time, did Guan Heng have to suffer the same fate?

"Ehhhhhhhh!" Guan Heng shouted at this moment, shaking his body in place, the devouring tiger exhausted his strength and turned back into a kitten form, Guan Heng shouted to him: "Hurry away, lest I A moment of out of control hurts you. "

"Meow ---" Swallowing Ghost Meow knows that he can't help anything now, so he has to "back up" and evade. At this time, the baby white ghost also dragged Bisang's body and turned back to the girls.

"Alas." The next moment, Guan Heng flashed a hint of evil in his eyes. Seeing this scene, Qing Huang's nervous heart mentioned her throat: "Aheng."

"Hehe ... hehe ... hahaha ..." But at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly raised his head and laughed: "This evil spirit is really unlucky, even found me."

"What ?!" The girls felt inexplicable after hearing this sentence.

At this moment, Guan Heng was covered with red hotness all over his body, and he said to himself: "The power of the five elements in my body is extremely abundant, and the source of spiritual power is the nemesis of the ancient evil Dai people. You unlucky guy, Even if you find a baby white ghost, you may be able to linger for a while, but it is ridiculous to find yourself dead. "

"Hoo--" His words fell away, the power of the five elements running around him, the original fire raged all over the body, and the evil spirit in the body was originally the weakest point. Where can I stand the torment at this moment? Immediately rushed out of Guan Heng and gathered in the air.

"Huh? I haven't used 10% of the power of the original fire, but I can only shock you instead of refining?" Guan Heng stared at the evil spirit in the air, his eyes flickered suddenly: "It seems that there is a trace of 'Wan Xie' King's disgusting taste. "

"唰 唰 唰 ——" Instantly, a large amount of evil air in the air turned into an ugly face of the abbot, which was exactly like the evil king Wan Wan.

Where could Qing Huang and Xiao Hei forget this powerful enemy, they all cried out, "Is it ?!"

"No, it's just the remaining consciousness of the evil king, not the body." Guan Heng said to the ugly face of the evil spirit in the air at this time: "Seven ghosts, let's imprison it with the power of the five elements, let's do it."

Speaking late, at that time, the ghosts suddenly arrived, surrounded the guy, and the power of the five elements of one person and seven ghosts instantly gathered in a square "frame", stupidly trapping this evil spirit inside.

Immediately afterwards, the vortex of the surrounding aura and evil spirits entangled with each other, and the evil ugly face continued to scream in horror. Unfortunately, the struggle was useless, and it became a small thing that could not be seen in between.

"Ah Heng, why don't you refine it with raw energy?"

After hearing the question from Qing Huang, Guan Heng shook his head and said, "It's not the time yet, I feel that the evil power of this world is closely related to the remaining consciousness of the evil man of Wan Yao, or that sentence, we must eliminate the source, human world. To be truly secure. "

Having said that, he continued a little while and said, "So I want to temporarily retain the breath of this wicked evil king. If there is a similar species nearby, this thing will definitely react."

"Brother-in-law, I understand." Xiao Hei said at this time: "You plan to keep this thing as a 'exploration tool' at the source of evil, right?"

"Ha ha ha, you're smart, but it's not just the exploration tools, those monsters infected by evil spirits."

Guan Heng stabbed the cube in his hand at this time, and he said immediately: "As long as you feel the existence of this thing, you will naturally come to your door. It will save us a lot of time. To Qinghuang, use your lotus blade to give This thing is covered with a layer of cold and freezes it. "

Qing Huang understood that Guan Heng was doing insurance treatment to avoid the escape of evil spirits, so he nodded and followed the instructions. Next, Guan Heng let the ghost ghost turn the cube into the soul stone.

In this way, the residual consciousness and evil spirit of this Wan Xie evil king has been imprisoned by multiple forces, including the five elements and the power to break the evil.

"Well, I'll call it 'Evil King Spar' in the future ..." Guan Henggang said here, and Lan Su not far away shouted, "Brother Guan, my Bisang brother hasn't woke up yet. What is this? What happened? "

"Really? I'll take a look." Guan Heng's words fell, three steps and two steps passed, and I saw Bi Sang lying on the ground, despite Lan Su's constant whisper, he remained tightly closed. Eyes, fainting and not awake.

Guan Heng touched his chin and secretly thought, "Well, is it because the sound of tiger howling caused a shock to his brain?"

"If that's the case, it's bad."

When Guan Heng muttered in a low voice, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao had given Bisang the cream, and Guan Heng picked up his arm to investigate the pulse, and then said, "This breath flows quite smoothly, I think There won't be much damage from trauma, but ... "

"Slap!" Guan Heng slammed his finger: "Big bee, come here and find out if there is any poisonous potential in Bisang's body."

"By the way, Bisang was poisoned when he was attacked." Lan Su realized the real reason why the other party didn't wake up. She asked with a clumsy question: "So, what should I do now?"

"Sister rest assured, my brother-in-law's bee can release any toxins, and Brother Bisang can be saved." After listening to Xiao Hei's words, Lan Su's mood was a little bit, but Guan Heng's brows frowned slightly. There is a hunch that the poison is weird and not easy to resolve. "

Sure enough, as expected, the giant bee turned for a long while behind Bisang, and then said that the highly toxic substance in his body was a fusion of hundreds of different toxins, and one of them would be released, and the remaining toxins would Spreading rapidly, it is likely to infect the internal organs immediately. In that case, Bisang can't survive for a long time.

Guan Heng frowned and asked, "Can he suppress the toxin seizure for him temporarily?" Upon hearing this, the giant bee soul trembled, indicating that this is simple and can be tried.

The next moment, the giant bee used his tail pin to count the stabbing on Bisang's brows, tiger's mouth, and shoulders, and then nodded to Guan Heng. Guan Heng said, "Okay, let's wait a bit and see Can he wake up. "

Everyone was anxious for a moment, just as Lan Su was about to lose patience, Xiao Hei suddenly said, "Look at your fingers, move your fingers."

Her words broke, and Bisang finally opened her eyes slowly, and then she saw Lan Su with tears in her eyes and everyone else.

"It's great, Bisang, you finally woke up." Bisang heard the other party cry, and raised her one-armed arm to stroke her hair. "Sorry, Suer, you worry about me."

At this moment, Guan Heng chuckled and said, "Brother, it's not easy for you to get a life back this time."

"You are ..." After all, Bisang had only had a hassle with Guan Heng in the past. Now it is quite difficult to recognize it, but at the next moment, Bisang flashed in his mind. He immediately called: "Guan Heng Brother Brother Guan, why are you here? "

"Hahaha, I can recognize my old friend in a blink of an eye, and I'll save you back without hesitating." Guan Heng said, "For specific things, you can ask Lan Su, yes, we can all return to Xiefengbao Let's talk while walking. "

"Okay, Bisang, you are too weak. Let's go home first."

Although Bisang's mind had a lot of puzzled questions, he could only nod his head at this time: "Well, now I have a mess in my head, there are so many memory clips that I don't understand the clue. It seems that those things originally did not belong to me, let's Maybe go back first. "

Guan Heng turned his head and looked around at this time, he said, "Qing Huang, did you solve all the corpses of the demon monster just now?"

"Well, kill six, without leaking the net, right Ruo Tao?" Ruo Tao nodded when she heard Qing Huang's words: "My son is right, but I noticed another thing, these 傀儡The amount of evil gas in the monster's corpse is so small that it can be almost ignored ... "

Guan Heng frowned slightly, he whispered: "That said, the fleeing guy can gather more monster corpses without effort, can I understand that?"

"Yes, that's it." Guan Heng started, "Let's go on, let's talk about it on the way."


When everyone walked out of the cave, the moon was bright and the stars were a little too late. On this way, Guan Heng told Bi Sang the purpose of his trip to the demon tribe and the things he had experienced before.

And Bisang also explained some of the memory of the guy who imprisoned him. The purpose of the other party seemed to involve the secret of the Yishui Demon Clan.

When the previous story was finished, everyone returned to Bisang's house in Xiefengbao. "Unexpectedly, I and Guan Heng have only one side, but you can protect Lan Su regardless of the danger and find my whereabouts."

Bi Sang, leaning on the couch, smiled bitterly: "In contrast, this time I was conspired, I was really killed by my family, and it was really sad."

"Brother Bi doesn't have to be sad. How can the world be as satisfactory as possible? But please be ashamed."

Guan Heng laughed at this time: "I remember the benefit of the beastbone token presented by your friend. This is why I came to you all the way. How about it, dude?

"Hahaha, what I said was, I said before, I look forward to your coming to the Yishui Demon Clan, let's have a good drink." Although Bisang was pale and very weak, he still said to his fiancee: "Lan Su You go to cook, and by the way take out my good wine ... "

"Wait, the poison in your body has not been eliminated. If you drink alcohol, you will talk about it later." Guan Heng paused for a while, and continued to say: "Furthermore, the broken arm wound is not easy to heal when you drink alcohol, you can get note."

"Hey, what's this brother saying? Little toxin, one arm, it's broken anyway. Where can it affect you and me? It's better to take out the wine."

Bisang was originally a demon man of good wine. He was imprisoned for a few days, and Shui Mi had no teeth, let alone drinking. At this time, the word "wine" suddenly felt itchy.

Guan Heng turned his mouth up and smiled mysteriously, "Dude, do you really think so? What if I said there was a way to connect your arms?"

"What did you say?" After hearing this, Bisang's thoughts of drinking immediately disappeared. If there was a chance to cure the broken arm, who would be disabled?

Ruotao next to him said, "Brother Bisang, don't you know? We have a kind of elixir on our limbs, which can be used for severed limbs."

"Really?" After hearing this, Bi Sang was a little excited, then she shook her head: "If you are a girl, please don't comfort me. How can there be such a good elixir in this world? Unless it is our Yishui Demon Clan The long-lost healing remedy 'Liangsheng cream' ... "

As soon as he said this, the crowd immediately cried, "Well, you guessed it right, it's the two-life cream!"

"Who? Who's talking about Liangsheng cream?"

In the next moment, the door of Bisang's house was pushed open by someone, and a demon old man with a wooden stick in his hand rushed in. Bisang and Lan Su saw him and said immediately: "Wind Elder, why are you here? "

"I just heard that Lan Su said you were conspired by the traitors Dou Chi and Tong Tong. You just escaped, so come over and see ..."

The Elder Feng explained in a hurry, and then hurriedly said, "Well, don't talk about these things first, who did you say, you have two creams? Come on.

"Yeah, this demon boss speaks so impetuously." Xiao Hei whispered beside him, "Isn't it the person who has the cream of two lives?"

—— [Fifth more on 2017.6.20, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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