Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3412: Fighting Scorpions

After a brief meal, Guan Heng continued to say, "The two-headed vine-tailed tadpoles like to hide in the crevices of rocks and use their heads to disguise vines. If those beasts are not careful and want to make contact with them, It will surely suffer. "

"Yeah, yeah." Take a photo of Xiao Hei in front of both hands, Ruo Tao said with a smile: "So we just got this 'little beast' fooled." After hearing this, Xiao Hei was out of breath and gasped: "Huh , You scold, and will not play with you in the future. "

"Look." Qing Huang took a few steps forward and continued: "This rock wall had a lot of turtle cracks before, so it would collapse when Ah Heng pulled out the mandrill, but there was sunlight coming in behind , That means ... "

"Hehehe, Xiaohei, you did a good job. After so much tossing, you found a shortcut for us."

As soon as Guan Heng said this, a square-inch gray elephant ran next to him. It was the little fellow who had shown the way to everyone before. It knew that everyone was about to leave, showing a reluctant look.

Qing Huang, Xiao Hei, and Ruo Tao really took the gray elephant away, but thought that it is still better to accompany their companions, they said a few words of farewell, and Guan Heng drilled into the collapsed rock wall Behind.


On the other side, the dead horses, red-eyed camels, and a few horses who were waiting outside by Guan Heng were waiting for a walk in the canyon.

"Hmm ..." I found a brown ruler scorpion with a ruler coming out of the hole in the rock under the rock. The boring camel rushed up immediately and raised his hoof to crush the other party for fun.

"噌 ——" But at the next moment, the agile monster scorpion jumped up and landed on the top of the humpback's head in a moment, raised his tail hook and stabbed it.

"Oh!" The scorpion's tail hook broke through the air, although it was extremely scary, but there was nothing to do with the red-eyed camel that had reached the half-purple state. It suddenly showed its vitality, and immediately shook the brown armor demon scorpion. It's mid-air.

"Woo ---" It was too late, and then, the corpse horse snorted and rushed up, shaking the red-maned lion's head and "snacked" the scorpion's body. He was not afraid of any scorpion poison. Kind of stuff.

But in the next moment, there were rumbling sounds around him, and the red pupil camel had become the leader of his own group. The secret way in his heart was not good, so he shouted at the horses behind him, and immediately called them. Driven away.

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" Sure enough, when the sound of the wind rose sharply, hundreds of scorpions rushed out from the grasshoppers, bushes, and cracks in the rocks. They were very bad for the death of their companions. Extremely angry, he immediately surrounded the corpse horse and camel.

"Woohoo ..." At this moment, the corpse horse snorted, as if to blame the camel first to provoke the other.

At this moment, of course, the camel was in no mood to argue with the other party, because the monster scorpion group had surrounded them and couldn't communicate with each other. It was too late, and then the first hundred of the monster scorpions lightly displayed their tail hooks. Rushing towards them both.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" As a half-purple realm monster, the camel also has its own dignity. It suddenly roared and rushed up, and the corpse horse was not to be outdone. The red-maned lion head followed and opened its teeth. Keep fighting with the scorpion.

Speaking of which, most of these scorpions are in the crimson realm, a few are semi-black, fake black, and there are three or two scorpion leaders who are at the peak of black gas. In terms of overall strength, they are the corpses and half-purples at the peak of black gas. The camels in the realm are almost indistinguishable from each other, so the fierce battle between the two sides intensified, and gradually rang into the canyon.


At the same time, a tall figure swept to the top of a nearby mountain at several speeds at a galloping speed. This guy didn't do anything, just shake the two tails behind him quietly, watching the mountain canyon quietly. Suddenly, suddenly, the sky whirls through the sky, and then a lightning flash splits in the thunder.

"噌 ——" The beast stepped forward without hesitation, and ran into the thunder, and bumped against it, "Bang Bang-crack!" The next moment, the unscathed monster fell back to the cliff, and then Disappeared.


"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" It was late, and then fast, several soul shadows rushed from not far away, and the dead horses and camels who had fallen into the hard battle looked at them. Scream and call for help.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, shouting and shouting out of countless small wind blades, and immediately smashed almost half of the brown armored scorpion swiftly invaded, four of them suddenly turned into giant palms, and patted When he fell to the ground, he stung the remaining scorpions into the ground and crushed them into flesh.

"Zombie horse." Ruotao ran over in three steps and two steps at this time, seeing that his partner was struggling to fight against the scorpion for a long time, and he was distressed immediately: "You guy, I clearly tell you to let you Don't mess things up, you see, that's the end of disobedience. "

"Hahaha, dead horses are notoriously mischievous, and these two goods should be remembered for a long time."

When Guan Heng sneered beside him, Rong Xuanshi's horse suddenly snorted, and then yelled at Ruo Tao twice. She immediately turned her head and said, "I know, Shima said it was a red pupil. The hump came first to provoke the scorpion, son, and you are not allowed to wrong it. "

"I ..." Upon hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly made a big red face, and then saw Qing Huang and Xiao Hei giggling, and he slapped angrily beside the fan: "You do n’t want to be angry Things, you know to shame my son. "

Guan Heng was about to raise his hand to fight again at this time, and the camel had already lamented behind Qing Huang. She said, "Forget it, anyway, they are both out of danger, so don't let the camel breathe."

After listening to her words, Guan Heng snorted in the nose: "Well, too lazy to get angry with this stupid animal, easy to get angry!"

"Ha ha ha." Ruo Tao and Xiao Hei laughed beside them. The next moment, the jewels on Qing Huang's waist suddenly trembled, and then Feng Feng and Xiu Xiu Ying suddenly appeared. Qing Huang asked: "what happened?"

"Uh, it seemed to feel the aura of an old friend just now, but now it disappears." Xiu Xi muttered at this moment, and then said: "Hey, pighead, are you sure it's 'Xiao'?"

Upon hearing this, Feng Ye replied with a little hesitation: "Not sure, because I haven't seen it for a while."

"Hey, who the **** are you talking about?" Guan Heng, Xiao Hei, and Ruo Tao all came together to ask questions at the moment, with a humorous smile, falling quietly on Qing Huang's shoulder, and then whispering: "Well, Qing Huang girl I'm so fragrant, I really don't want to leave your side. "

"Dead head, you take advantage of Qing Huang again, be careful I will tear you apart." Guan Hengqi whispered and wanted to reach out to catch the seal, Qing Huang quickly stopped him: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you calm down first Just one point, listen to them. "

—— [2017.6.24 Fourth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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