Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3452: 雒 水 群兽

Similarly, these hurried knights did not pay attention to the existence of Guan Heng and others, and led the horse to run wildly and said, "Hurry up, in case you can't catch up with today's sailing time, that would be bad!"

"Woo ---" his words came to an end, and the monsters in front of him went into trouble. A sprinting wolf suddenly fell to the ground because of exhaustion, and the rest of the monsters couldn't help but stomp on it. On the body, they all stood unstable and fell down.

As long as these one hundred and ten monsters caused a little commotion, the chain reaction was out of control. Several monsters headed at once shook their heads to bite each other, and the scene gradually began to chaos.

"Well, although these guys are not the strongest red gas monsters, they are not easy to control. If we run away now, our hard work will be wasted."

The headed knight couldn't help panic, but at this moment, Guan Hengzheng suddenly screamed, "Six ghosts, go and control these monsters, don't let them run away and hurt people."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", among the light and fire, several soul shadows screamed and howled, and flew over the monster beasts. They suddenly burst into their purple pressure, and scared the monsters' limbs suddenly. Soft, almost drooping out of the "back door".

"Enough is enough. If you release the momentum again, these guys must be scared to death."

Qing Huang smiled at this moment and said, "It's enough to stop."

The next moment, the knights immediately realized that it was Guanheng they were helping. The demon warrior headed down and dismounted, took two steps to Guan Heng and said, "Thank you very much. In Dawen of the Xia Jiuling Demon Clan, we would be in trouble if you did not help."

"It's just a trivial matter." Guan Heng also reported his name, and then said, "We know Xiangfei, the noble's chief, and don't know if he has returned to Jiuling Mountain?"

"Oh, it was a friend of the patriarch, then it is not an outsider." Dawen replied: "We heard yesterday that the patriarch has crossed the river and it is estimated that he is almost home now."

"Really? Then I can rest assured." Because Xiang Fei left Xifengfeng Fort originally to return to Jiuling Mountain to remind his father Xiang Liu, those guys who puppet alliances are likely to be against him, Guan Heng is very worried about him Security.

At this time, the next Ruo Tao asked: "This elder brother, what are you doing to drive away these monsters?"

"It's true, these are the monsters that the family raised in the nearby villages, and they are going to be released back to the Jiuling Mountains."

"Releasing ?!" Seeing that Guan Heng had some doubts in their eyes, Darwin immediately gave an explanation. It turned out that desertification had occurred in the area of ​​Jiuling Mountain in the past two years. Many monsters could not find food and water. Forced to move away.

The monster and the monster people are very dependent on the companion relationship. The ancestor of the Jiuling monster tribe, Liu Yan, is worried that if this goes on, the family will gradually survive and become more difficult, so he starts to dig underground water sources and plant a large number of trees.

On the other hand, Xiangliu also entrusted the villages on both sides of Lushui to help the Jiuling demon clan raise some little monsters in order to release them to the mountains and forests and improve the local situation.

"That's what happened." Guan Heng nodded, and he asked again, "Do you have any difficulty driving these monsters?"

"Yeah, it used to be a few, a few, and there were no more than a dozen. Now there are hundreds of monsters in a hurry. Even if they are honest, they will inevitably get out of control."

Darwin said a little embarrassedly: "If it wasn't for the brothers, you guys would help, these guys must run away."

"Ha ha ha, I still have a way to help you." As soon as this sentence was out, Guan Heng waved and said, "Qing Huang, come here for a while."

"Okay." Hearing the call, Qing Huang rushed to the horse and said with a smile: "I know, now it's time for me to play."

"Hey hey, Princess Tamer, it all depends on you." As soon as he had finished, Qing Huang raised his hand and shouted out the beast beads and shouted, "Hey, everyone in front of the herd, pay attention."

"Wow ?!" Hearing Qing Huang's call, the beasts were a little silly, one by one whispering, as if whispering, she continued: "Some brothers of Jiuling Demon, you can lead the way, I can Guarantee, these monsters will obediently follow. "

"Okay, thank you girl." Since Qing Huang said so, of course, Davin and others did not hesitate. After all, there are still several ghosts to take care of. Even if a monster is running away, they will give it to him. Back.

Sure enough, under the influence of Qinghuang's beast-controlling bead and her own breath, the monster beast group followed behind everyone honestly, heading for the mighty shore.

In a chat with the other party, Guan Heng learned that the Jiuling Demon Territory was on the west bank of Huangshui, and they were on the east bank at this time, so if they wanted to pass, they had to cross the broad river of water by boat.

"Supposedly, in the past, the Laoshui River was not rushing. We had no trouble crossing the river back and forth, but it's different now." Daven said with a sigh immediately. "It's all because of the recent appearance of ferocious beasts in the river reason."

"Why, there is a ferocious beast in Lishui?" Xiao Hei asked knowingly, "What is that?"

"Uh ... I haven't seen this before," Davin smiled bitterly. "Everyone I've seen has been snorted by the ferocious beast, swallowed it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei shook his head: "Unfortunately, I still want to see it."

A warrior from the Jiuling Demon Race hurriedly said, "Oh, younger sister, don't think so. People who often come and go on the river like to be safe and pragmatic, but don't want to touch the mold."

"Okay, then don't say, I hope your elder brothers are safe and sound." Hearing Xiaohe's mouth so sweet, everyone laughed: "I'll take your word."

Just chatting all the way, everyone didn't take much time to come to the bank of Laishui. There is a simple dock built by the Jiuling demon people, and a big ship docked there.

Standing on the pier, an old man saw the crowd driving the monster beast, and he waved, "Hey, you are here."

In the presence of the old man, Dawen quickly introduced Guan Heng: "This is Ding Yu and Ding Ding, who are ferrying by boat near Lishui."

Later, he told Ding Yu what happened on the road, and the old man immediately said with a grateful expression: "Thanks to a few helpers, come here and get on the boat together."

"Hehehe, don't worry, Qinghuang, let's help everyone to drive the monsters to the boat first." Guan Hengxiao asked: "Father Ding, can there be a place for a lot of monsters on the boat?"

"Yes, it's in the bilge. Please follow me." Since Guan Heng was willing to help, Ding Yu and Dawen were also happy, so they led them to drive away the monsters and board the ship together.

"Tao Tao, you can see nothing in this misty river." Xiao Hei said at the edge of the ship's side, "how is this boat going to the opposite side?"

"I don't know this clearly." Ruo Tao replied: "Don't look at me and my son who have traveled by boat for a long time, but he always does those things."

At this moment, Guan Heng, who drove the herd into the bilge behind Qing Qing, appeared behind them, and said casually, "I don't think the thick fog of this water will be there all day long. When they disappear temporarily, they should You can sail. "

"Hehehe, Guan Gongzi is a man of understanding." The old man of the tribe Ding Yu said: "The thick mist of the swill is divided into three periods: early morning, noon and dusk. Our Jiuling demon ferry, usually Also driving at this time. "

Speaking of this, he continued to say, "But well, the fog here has become more and more dense recently. I always think that something is weird and a little worried ..."

"Father, if you are worried, we should leave earlier." Dawen next to him advised: "After all, there are still a hundred monsters on the boat today. In case of delay, I am afraid they will not be able to cross the river. The bumps are dead, hurt, and trouble. "

"This ... makes sense, after all, the patriarch also commanded, be sure to let the monsters ready to release arrive on time."

Upon hearing this, Ding Yu nodded: "Okay, my husband has been sailing on the water for decades, and he can drive to the opposite bank with his eyes closed, let's go."

Having said that, he instructed several strong monster boatmen around him to prepare to anchor and sail, and Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Okay, finally, I can take a boat."

At this time, Guan Heng whispered, "Qing Huang, did those **** beasts wake up? I want to ask them if there is a breath of Bailong here."

"I didn't wake up." Qing Huang replied with a bitter smile: "These guys, usually without a call, will come out and talk a few words, but now, there is no one coming out, it is strange."

"Well, I don't feel any dangerous evil gas nearby, but be careful." As soon as this sentence came out, Guanheng beckoned and beckoned the six ghosts: "Go, watch around, pay attention to the mist. Are there dangerous guys approaching, and also calling those calyxes. "

It turned out that Xuanyuan Huayu was resting on a tree near the shore. Although they did not want to be too far from the switch, it was not the habit of Huayu to fly in the fog, so these spirit birds planned to wait for the fog to disperse. Try to find him again.

However, for the sake of safety, Guan Heng has now decided to let Xuanyuan Huayu wait on the boat. After all, these are four half-purple spirit birds. Anyway, they can also be used as bodyguards.

By the time the hen bird landed at the corner of the deck and rested, the ship had begun to sail towards the Laoshui River.

Because the bee and ghost are very skilled in controlling the fog, Guan Heng let it fly in front and try to absorb the surrounding turbulent fog. In this case, the old man Ding Yu who is driving the boat will also feel that he is watching the road ahead. Clearly visible.

As the ship reached the middle of the river, Guan Heng's heart flickered suddenly. He reached out and patted the ship's side and whispered, "It's not right."

At the same time, Qing Huang's belt was buzzing, sculpting, chiseling, sealing, snake repairing, and the two-tailed thunderbolt in the necklace on the little black neck emerged, all of them said: "Be careful , That guy's breath ... "

"Appeared!" Guan Heng spit out these three words, and then he looked at the heavy fog behind the ship, and then said, "This fierce atmosphere is so obvious that I can feel it. Do I need your reminder? "

"Guan Heng, you are on the ship. Be careful not to start a battle with Bai Long at this time, it will affect other people." 猰 貐 At this time said loudly: "What Bai Long's guy is best at is Yushui Chenglangzhi Such a large area of ​​tricks, as long as it moves its tail, the ship will be broken. "

"Damn, it's tricky." Guan Heng stared at the ship coldly. "The guy just followed quietly just now, but it's better now, and he seems to want to come over."

"Oh!" When the words fell, he had taken off the snowy bow: "It's really impossible. I can only use long-range attacks to intimidate each other."

Xiu Xi said, "Yes, this is a good idea, but you have to remember, don't mess with it, otherwise ..."

"It's up to you? I have to be jealous of the whole life of the ship," Feng said suddenly, and said suddenly, "Wow, that guy rushed over, about twenty feet away!" "

"White Dragon, give you a meeting-face-courtesy!" Guan Heng's roar and bowstring tremble sounded at the same time, a burst of energy burst into the air, and a smash hit the target.

"Woohoo!" Speaking slowly, then, three soul shadows suddenly rushed out of the shaft, it was the big goblin, giant bee, and infant white ghost, the three of them were hit by the target, At the same time, the spitting ghost bead hit the opponent: "Bang Bang!"

"噗 ——" The thick fog was suddenly covered with a large blood red, which was the red mist sprayed by the enemy who did not confirm the real body. With a successful move, the big dread ghost pulled the arrow back, and the baby white ghost stunned suddenly. Grabbed back on board.

At the same time, the bee spared no effort and sprayed out all his own mist of venomous venom, which fascinated the other party's sight, and then he evacuated quickly.

Qing Huang, Ruo Tao and Xiao Hei couldn't see the dense fog, and they asked Guan Heng in unison: "What's wrong?"

"The guy was injured, but didn't yell or struggle, he just sank into the water ... weird ..." When Guan Heng said the last two words, his face became more dignified, and he turned and called: "Ding "Father, how long is it possible for the boat to dock?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Yu shouted in front of his throat and shouted, "With two miles to go, we will be there."

"Slap." Guan Heng grabbed the ship's side at this moment and said in his mouth: "No, this guy's response was so weird, baby Baigui, you dived under the boat immediately to see, I was worried ..."

The spirits of several beasts said at the same time: "It is very likely that it will sneak attack from the bottom of the water !!"

"Hoo-plop!" When the infant white ghost dived into the water, he immediately felt a huge pressure rushing towards himself, and immediately understood that his own strength was not enough to resist the other party, and immediately made the next decision.

"Small-snap!" Between the flashes of light, a flying blood blade hit the outside of the ship's side, and Guan Heng yelled, "It didn't surprise me, the guy came from the bottom of the water, Qinghuang, you protect it quickly They are far away from here, and I will launch into the water to hold each other and let the boat dock in time. "

"Be careful." Qing Huang and the others just spoke these two words, and Guan Heng turned over and plunged into the water.

"Boom—" The spray rolled over, saying that it was slow and fast. At that time, Guan Heng wrapped his body with the spirit of water spirit, and the surrounding water immediately turned outwards, allowing him to move freely in the water.

The baby white ghost in the water flashed his soul shadow and came to Guan Heng in an instant. He watched the huge black shadow of the other side rushing towards his side, but countless bloodlines also rushed out of the water while he was walking, and knew that That guy was not badly hurt just now.

The most important thing is that this beast is not similar to the white dragon in Guan Heng's imagination. He secretly said: "No scales, no claws and no horns. It looks like a big owl in any way. Is this a white dragon or me? Wrong? "

But at this moment, it is not worth thinking about it, because the other party has already broken the waves and shakes the huge body in front of him in a short time, and opens his mouth to bite.

"Wow--" The sound of the water rang, and the baby Bai Gui next to him was about to jump over to fight, but Guan Heng whispered, "No, I have to try it myself."

"Hoo--" It was late and fast, and the sacrifice was unbeatable. In addition, the heavy fist of the spirit of water spirit slammed the waves on the head of this big scum. The landing point was exactly the wound of the opponent's arrow just now. .

"Oh!" This fist was more powerful than that, only the opponent directly swept and tumbling, set off countless mud and muddled the bottom of the water.

"Huh, you can't even carry this punch, you are not a white dragon!" Guan Hengji tilted the other side and muttered in a disdainful tone: "But the breath on your body makes me confused, baby Baigui, When this guy comes over, you're ... so this ... "

"Woo ---" The wounded uncle snarled and turned over in the water, and rushed to Guan Heng again. After this loss, this guy didn't even learn well, or he didn't know how to beat Guan Heng.

"唰 ——" Instantly, Ying Bai ghost ghost turned into a white line soaring in the water.

This guy hasn't responded yet. The baby white ghost is in his stomach. The blood blades flew in the abdomen for a long time, and the intestines, dirty and flesh were cut in pieces. .


After a while, the dead corpse's corpse drifted slowly to the shore. Guan Heng, who had been waiting for the water, stepped on it under his feet, and asked in his mouth, "Hey, baby white ghost, is there any gain?"

"Hoo--" The next moment, the baby white ghost flew out of Dasao's mouth and handed two white scales to Guan Heng. "Hey, it really didn't surprise me."

Guan Heng lifted up the white scale and watched it carefully, he said to himself: "The breath on the scales should belong to the white dragon. Hey, I don't know why the swallow was swallowed by it. Touching fish in the muddy waters here, even the gods and beasts have been confused. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng didn't feel funny, and suddenly, there were rapid footsteps behind him.

"Hey, Ah Heng." Qing Huang's voice came at this time: "What white dragon, did you find you?"

"Ha ha ha, Bai Long's true body did not appear, but found two white scales, and this fake goods that scared us." Guan Heng answered with a smile, and kicked the big dead body: " It's better to kick it back into the water. "

"Wait, wait!" At this moment, the old elders of the tribe Ding Yu and Dawen also ran from the boat not far away. Ding Yu cried, "Guan Gongzi, such a large water beast is very rare, skin and bone It ’s all useful, it ’s better to give it to the old. ”

"Okay, we are useless anyway." Guan Heng asked again at this time: "Aren't you going to drive the monster back to Jiuling Mountain?"

"Yes, I want to ask if Guan Guan is going back with us."

After hearing the words of Da Wen, Guan shook his head: "No, some of us have to stay at the Lishui River to find something. I'm afraid that we will be able to go to Jiuling Mountain after a while. After you arrive, give me the clan leader. Just bring it. "

"Okay, we're in a hurry, so let's leave."

After all, Darwin ’s group of Jiuling Demon rushed away with a large group of monsters and left. Ding Yu told Guan Heng before leaving: “Everyone can use this ferry and the cabin by the river. Anyway, it ’s also temporarily used. No more. "

"Thank you, we are looking for a place to stay."

After Ding Yu said these words, he went away, leaving only Guan Heng and his party, who were still chatting by the river.

"Well, isn't it right now to throw the golden blood into the river?" Ruo Tao asked, "Isn't it just that this thing can draw Bailong out of the water?"

"Yes, I have heard the beasts say so." After listening to Xiao Hei, Yu Lei chuckled and laughed: "Haha, can you really believe what they say? How can these guys come up with ideas?"

"How?" Guan Hengxi sank his face down: "You mean, Jin Ye's blood metastasis can lead Bailong's way, nonsense?"

"I ..." Yu Leiyu originally wanted to make two jokes, but at the sight of Guan Heng's stare, he immediately swallowed the following words again. It just whispered: "It's not what I said, you can ask Hit them. "

"Hey, oh, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Guan Heng was a little impatient, I had to say, "We didn't lie to you about the blood shed, but the big owl who swallowed the white dragon scales just reminded us that in case the other monsters had the white dragon on them Things appear, wouldn't it cost us another time? "

"So let's say it. We want to remind you not to hurry to throw blood into the water." Feng Yan said, "We should first think of a way to remove the monsters that have nothing to do with Bailong here."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "How to clear it up? Can you kill the other party? Let's talk about it first. This is a chore. I won't do it. I just had to deal with a big **** just now."

"Huh, I think you're lazy." Qing Huang smiled narrowly as he watched him: "Big hero, when do you feel weak against strong enemies?"

"That's not what it said." Guan Heng was racking his brains at the moment, trying to reduce the burden for himself, and his eyes turned and said: "I'm not in the state recently. This is tiring. Do you know? I need more comfort from beautiful women Row."

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law." Little black hippie smiled over and said, "I'm going to comfort you?"

"Roll the black peas aside." Guan Heng poked Xiao Hei's head away.

He said to the souls of the gods and beasts beside Qing Huang: "Hey, brother, don't pretend that silence is golden anymore. Hurry up and make an idea. We need to know what you are most familiar with, the dead party. Bai Long has Is there any special hobby? You can use it to attract it, and the rest of the monsters are not interested in it and will not come to enjoy it. "

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced at one of the beasts, and immediately reached out to grab his soul: "Hey, the moment you came out, you guys haven't talked, is there any secret, don't want to show it out to everyone Shared? "

The guy Guan Heng grabbed was chiseling. When he saw the other party embarrassed himself, he struggled in the palm of Guan Heng and said, "Hey, man, don't be kidding, I'm giving you ideas."

"Really?" Hearing his words, Guan Heng's eyes lit up. "Hurry up and listen."

"You listen to me ..." The tooth-souled soul noticed that Guan Heng's fingers were slightly loose, and hurried to escape the opponent's claw.

The guy stuttered and said, "There is one thing that the rest of the beasts do n’t know. Only I found it occasionally. That is, after and in this world, Bailong's guy got a problem with drinking and drinking, and he often drank. Drunk, I wonder if we can take advantage of this. "

"What ?! It likes to drink?" Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "You also made a stubborn idea. Where is this eager, where do we go to make wine?"

"That's not necessarily my idea." 旁边 and Yu Lei 旁边 at the same time said: "There are many kinds of tree fruits, as long as you squeeze the juice and then expose it a little, you will have the taste of wine. We all ..."

Xiao Heiwen laughed and said, "Hehehe, you have all tasted it secretly."

猰 貐 At this time, he quibbled, "Well, what, this is boring on earth, after all, drinking a little wine is also a pastime."

"But after you said that, I remembered it." Guan Heng said with his chin. "In the past, there was an old man named Lianshan who once told me how to make tree fruits."

Ruo Tao asked, "What kind of tree fruit are they?"

"Uh, let me think about it," bowed his head a little thoughtful, and Guan Heng replied: "There are two kinds, one is drunk raccoon fruit, and the other is savory red fruit, yes, chisel, if we really You can make wine, how to draw Bailong out. "

Chichi said: "This is simple. Find a huge container to put both the wine pulp and the blood of the golden lye. In this way, the smell of the wine and the blood will be mixed together. Bai Long smells this taste is not You can't go crazy, even if the other monsters want to come and watch, they will be driven away. "

"Ah Heng, this idea seems to be a good idea," Qing Huang said, holding her shoulders. "The only question now is how to find things like drunk raccoon and savory red fruit."

"Tree fruit ... Fruit tree ... Yeah, I almost forgot about her." Guan Heng suddenly slammed the back and said: "Gusang, it's your turn."

"Wh-whw-" Whhhh time, the wind around the crowd rose suddenly, and the spirit body of the Gusang girl appeared in an instant. She asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Guan Heng told her about it and continued to say, "Sister, hey, now it's time for you to communicate with those plants, please, please."

"Ha ha ha, speaking so politely, it seems you are very anxious." Gusang nodded her head: "Okay, let me try."

"Big bee, please be my mount, let's go for a walk around the woods." As soon as this sentence came out, the bee next to Guan Heng made a buzzing sound, and immediately held the fist-sized Gusang woman straight. Fly towards the dense forest several miles away.

Watching their backs go, Guan Heng asked, "Hey, beasts, what should we do now?"

"By the way, Heng Heng, ask you something." Shuangwei Yu Leiyu said suddenly, "Do you know when the thick fog around this 雒 水 will disperse?"

"Father Ding, who had ferryed before, mentioned it before." Guan Heng immediately replied, "In the early morning, noon and dusk, the fog will dissipate during these three time periods. The ferry usually sails at that time. Today's situation is special, so Did not comply. "

"That's why we met the big cock, didn't we?" Ruo Tao said beside him at this time: "Oh, even the beasts have mistaken that guy as a white dragon."

"Please, just make a small mistake once in a while, don't you always hang it on your mouth?" Xiu Snake whispered: "Be careful to become a long tongue woman ..."

"What are you talking about? You obviously made a mistake and blamed others?" Ruo Tao said, "I'm not ashamed, but I still call myself a beast. I think it's called" 癞皮 兽 "."

"Hahaha--" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng, Qing Huang and Xiao Hei laughed back and forth, tears almost bursting out.

"Don't bother, let's talk serious."

At this moment, Yu Leiyu quickly stopped everyone from playing, and then he said, "In my opinion, we need to take advantage of the time when the fog is dispersed and go down to see the movement of the monsters in the surrounding area. The best Make sure you know, of course, if you can see Bailong, it will be better. "

"Well, this makes a little sense, anyway, idle is also idle." Guan Heng asked his chin and asked, "Well, who is going?" The three women and the beasts said in unison: "Brother, of course, you go for a hard trip Ugh. "

"I wipe, at this time, you can speed up the uniform caliber ..." Guan Hengfu sighed bitterly: "Well, I'll go as long as I go, this can be considered more workable." Qing Huang laughed. "You can comfort yourself so much."

"However, I have to bring a few helpers around me." Guan Heng turned his eyes, pointing at the shadows of several gods and beasts, and said, "Don't be idle, this is to find the whereabouts of Bailong, all go with me. "

"What ?!" I said at the moment: "No, no, I'm afraid of water, why not go?"

"No!" Guan Heng gritted his teeth this time and said, "Want to stay away? There is no door! I am afraid of the water and have to go with me."

As soon as this sentence came out, he immediately waved his hands, and several water spirits covered the surface of the beast soul at the moment.

"Eh ?! This is ..." Slightly surprised to see the beasts, Guan Heng said immediately: "This is the spirit of the water spirit. With it to protect the soul, you can come and go freely in the Oushui River, but I want to Very thoughtful. "

Speaking of this, he continued to say a few words: "Also, those who are willing to be with me will reward each source with a trace of spiritual power when they return. This is something personally given by Lord Spirit King. Many people want to break their heads. If you can't get it, think for yourself. "

"I'm going, I'm going." Hearing this, the puppet who was still "afraid of water like a tiger" immediately floated in front of Guan Heng, and said, "Hey, Guan Heng, I'm very moral, how can you rest assured? Is anyone going to risk? Let's go together. "

The rest of the beasts sneered at each other: "You are not ashamed. In this case, we will follow."

"Okay, it's so decided."

Guan Heng turned his head and said to Qing Huang, Ruo Tao and Xiao Hei, "The three of you first go to the riverside cabin and ferry boat to see if there are any tools and utensils you can use to make wine. I estimate myself The launch search will not take long and will return soon. "

"Well, then it's up to the Gusang woman to find drunk raccoon or savory red fruit."

After finishing this sentence, Qing Huang took the rest of the people, as well as the dead horses and camels, to the distant hut, and she said loudly: "Be careful, be careful."

"Okay, ready to launch ..."

"Wait." Just as Guan Heng Moquan was about to jump down, Yu Leiyu suddenly called out, "Hey, you just go on like this, what's the use of a black eye?"

He asked, "What do you mean?"

"Don't forget, we are divine beasts, naturally we can communicate with the aquarium monsters. We are not going to fight with them, we can negotiate and solve things with our mouths, and try not to do anything." Chichi also said, "If you really fight. Aren't we going to follow suit? "

Hearing this, Guan Heng chuckled with a little sneer: "Hehe, this sentence is true, you are timid and afraid of trouble."

"Well, if we have a physical body, we can all fight, but unfortunately, now we are all in the state of the soul, and have a fart?"

The snake repairer said angrily: "It was so decided. After entering the water, we spread out and called all the water beasts in the surrounding area to make themselves clear."

"Wait, I can't understand the language of the water beast." Guan Heng said with both hands, "You will have to help me translate at that time."

"It's really troublesome. If I knew it, I'd let you bring the beast-controlling beads of Qinghuang Girl." Feng Yan said, "Rest assured, we will pick one into your head and let the voice of the beast language connect with your brain. , So you can understand what they say. "

"It seems very convenient to take you around, I didn't make the wrong decision." After this sentence, Guan Heng had already pulled himself out of the water, and suddenly jumped into the water.

"Tongtong!" The moment he entered the water, Guan Heng suddenly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes blinking around and stared at him with vigilance.

He murmured to himself: "It seems that there are many kinds of monsters here, gods and beasts, pick those guys with strength, let's find somewhere to talk, eh? There is a good place there."


Guan Hengyan stopped struggling to move forward. It turned out to be a weird reef area surrounded by numerous swaying water plants. After a while, they scuttle, chisel, and repair snakes. Many shadows rushed in from all directions.

"Stop, don't rush forward." Guan Hengyi waved his hand and said, "I have something to ask, who are the bosses of the water beasts? Come out and talk to me."

"Huh, what's so arrogant about a human kid in the half-purple realm?"

Because Yu Leiyu and Feng Yan entered Guan Heng's brain in advance, he now understands the beast language. The snoring sound suddenly sounded in his ear, and Guan Heng snorted: "Who said this? Come out ! "

"I said, what can you do with me?"

"Wow--" After a while, the water splashed and a huge fish figure appeared in front of him.

"I am the hegemon of this estuary of the Laoshui River-the scaleless silver magpie."

The giant fish's voice is so loud, it always resounds in his ears, but the other shadows of the water beasts growled dissatisfied: "Big head silver magpie, when did you become the boss of this movie? Me Why don't you know? "

"Well, you have the shameless shame, you can be the number one for big head fish!" Said the water beasts, shaking one by one.

Guan Heng looked carefully at this moment, and came up with two other guys at the top of the purple gas. The strength is on par with the scaleless silver maggot, one is the size of a grinding disc, the edges of the carapace are jagged barbed clams, and the other is the shell. Cracked Great Blue Crab.

At this moment, the soul of the puppet quietly drifted to Guan Heng's ear and whispered: "I have just asked the nearby aquariums. The strongest beasts in this water area are indeed three of them. Saw-toothed mussels and split-shell thorn crabs, be careful.

"Huh, how big are the three little purple beasts?" Guan Heng said with disdain at this time, but it was loose and tight, and he was secretly alert.

"Smelly boy, don't think that following the spirits of some beasts, don't put us in your eyes!" The scaleless silver cymbal has a bad temper, and growls loudly: "Annoy me, and swallow all your brains belly."

"Oh, you're quite arrogant." Guan Heng said with a leisurely hug on his shoulders, "Isn't you convinced? The young master will show it to you!"


Speaking late, then fast, Guan Heng's mouth suddenly uttered a word, and a large eddy current was suddenly wrapped around the huge body of the scaleless silver golem. This was the force he was driving the water line to move the nearby The river was peeling off. Seeing this situation, Yin Ye was suddenly shocked: "What are you doing?"

"Well, Master Ben doesn't have to do it directly, as long as all the river water around you is pumped out and a waterless zone is drawn, you guys will run out of water if you believe it?"

Guan Heng's remarks are not without foundation. The monsters in the river can go ashore except those with limbs and claw webs, and the rest of the fish cannot be separated from the water.

Upon hearing this, the scaleless silver fright shuddered: "You, you can control the power of the water line at will, can you and that adult ..."

"Of course, if it has nothing to do with the water **** Xuanming, who can protect the spirit of the water spirit?" Guan Heng said, a cloud of water suddenly appeared in his palm, he snorted coldly: "Before me, you better be honest, don't Too presumptuous. "

"Oh!" Speaking of this, he waved his hand before removing the vortex around the scaleless silver golem.

Seeing this scene, let alone the scaleless silver crickets were frightened and frightened. The original mussels and thorn crabs were not quite convinced.

Guan Heng took the opportunity to say again: "Just now, a big cricket attacked my boat, and it was already destroyed. Wouldn't you want to end up with it?"

"What? The golden owl is dead?" After hearing this, the three water beasts couldn't help trembling. The golden owl was also the existence of the peak of purple gas. When it comes to strength, it is not under them, and it is even slightly higher. Guan Heng can kill them, and it is not difficult to deal with them.

At this moment, the crickets, chisels and snake repairers rushed out and rounded the field: "Guan Heng, you are not here to fight with these water beasts. Everyone has something to say, so as not to be hurt."

"Well, this is also true. People don't offend me. I don't offend. Everyone is a leader among local water beasts. I don't intend to be against you. Let's talk about it."

As he said, Guan Heng waved his hand, threw out three small water polo balls, and flew to the silver pheasant, tadpole mussel, and thorn crab. He said, "This is the essence of water spirit. A little meeting gift, everyone swallowed it. There are more and less, and the benefits can be achieved. "

"Spirit of Water Spirit? This is a great supplement."

Several purple gas beasts are visionary guys. After swallowing the essence of this water spirit, it will be good for the water power and their own realm. Can they be unhappy to accept it? So immediately opened his mouth carefully and swallowed the small water polo.

—— [The fourth more in 2017.7.2, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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