Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3460: Woods change

"Yes, remember that at that time, Princess Xun was ordered by Lord Ling to return to the hall with a lot of classics. Bai Long was very interested in those things. He did not hesitate to follow the princess secretly every night and quietly check the classics. Sometimes I read aloud because I was so enchanted that the princess couldn't sleep ... "

"Enough is enough. These are all rumors of the year. Don't mention them anymore. I feel a bit embarrassed when talking about it." The spirit of Bailong flew among everyone, and then he said, "Now, by our side With just two companions, you can return to the spirit world to save the princess, right? "

"Yes, there is only your old brother-Luan, and the most difficult to find" Nine Baby "." He lay next to Guan Heng's wine bowl, gently touched it, and then said: "Hey Hey, it tastes good. "

Guan Heng said in a stunned voice: "Hey, you are just a soul, can you even drink?"

"Hehehe, your boy is so rare, we are **** beasts, do we understand them? Just can't be inferred by common sense." Said proudly, the spirit of Bailong came together and said, "This wine is really delicious. ... "

"Really? We have to try it, too." When the words fell, Feng Feng, Chi Chi, Yu Lei Yu, and Xiu Xi all surrounded the wine bowl. Guan Heng immediately closed the mouth of the bowl with his palm.

"This is my wine," Guan Heng snorted. "If you want to drink, it's okay. Let me tell you about the remaining two beasts."

"This, this ..." murmured: "The two guys have always been fascinated. They are not very easy to find. They can only inquire slowly. Otherwise, let's drink the bar first."

Hearing this, Guan Heng said to him without hesitation: "Go away and say nothing useful, without your drink."

Feng said, "I know a little bit. The green cricket guy usually only inhabits clean waters, but now he is infected by evil spirits, and it's not clear whether it changed his habits."

"Well, it's like saying nothing, but you are stronger than you, come and reward you." With that, Guan Heng's palm raised a gap, Feng Yan immediately went to the wine bowl, and took a sip of wine.

At the next moment, when I saw that the pig's head was good, the other beasts began to talk, what the two beasts' physical characteristics, living habits, and so on. I heard Guan Heng and the three daughters stare at each other. After a while, Guan Heng The bowl of wine was almost divided by them.

"Bailong, what's the matter with you?" Qing Huang saw Bailong's soul linger beside him for a long time and didn't speak, she asked casually: "Aren't you the favorite drinker? Would you like me to give you a bowl?"

"Uh, okay." Bai Long subconsciously agreed, but immediately said: "Girl Qinghuang, wait a minute, don't drink, I suddenly remember something."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Guan Heng was also interested in hearing it.

Bai Long said: "In the past, the green crickets in the spirit world and I took charge of the north and south waters respectively. Do you know why it likes to live in clean rivers? That's because the green crickets have the ability to purify water. Breath, it can completely remove impurities from the water. "

"However, Green Puppet also told me that its water purification ability has disappeared since the last time it was taken up by evil spirits to control the psychic accident and hurt the princess."

Bai Long sighed and continued to say, "In contrast, no matter what water area the green pheasant appears in today, it will definitely make it muddy for a long time. We can use this feature to find it."

"So it is." Qing Huang slightly nodded her head. "Well, this is an important clue."

"As for Jiuying, we really didn't know it." Chichi whispered beside him at the moment: "In those days, we had never seen Jiuying except for the annual party."

"Yeah, although everyone is very happy to follow Princess Wu in the spirit world, but after accidentally hurting the princess, Jiuying has become more and more lonely and has little contact with us."

Xiu Xi said here, sighed and continued: "And it is the only beast that is close to the Five Elements."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng asked, "Why, are Jiuying and the Five Elements Gods familiar?"

"Nine babies are among us that are able to use the power of water and fire at the same time." Yu Leiyu explained: "Although everyone has not asked it specifically, they all feel that it has this ability, and it must be with the water **** mysterious, fire God wishes to have some connection. "

"Yeah, yeah, we are all friends and companions, and we don't often discuss the rights and wrongs of others."

Having said that, Feng Yan smiled with a smile: "Guan Heng, I can't seem to decide so, first go to pay attention to the waters that have become turbid recently, look for the traces of green crickets, the matter of Jiuying, and say later."

I also agreed at this time: "Yes, if we have our eight forces, maybe we can detect the whereabouts of Jiuying."

"Okay, then listen to you." Guan Hengxi suddenly drank the warm wine in the bowl and then laughed: "Well, let's go to Jiuling Yaozu first to solve a group of old opponents."


The stormy night is doomed to be calm.

At this moment, across the banks of the Laoshui River, in a stone house, several people in black robes were talking nervously.

"Well, the main talent has just left the vicinity of Jiuling Mountain, and there has been a vision of heaven and earth in this backwater. Could it be that what happened to the white dragon?"

"No one knows this," the other whispered. "But the wind and rain are heavy outside, even if you want to investigate, you can't go out."

"Well, don't care so much." The man who spoke last was obviously a leader, and he said in a deep voice: "The strength of Bailong, even the master, is a bit jealous. It is estimated that no one will fight it. We still follow the original plan, and after dawn, we are ready to act. "

"Okay, drive those dead wood enchanters, and let's solve some of the Jiuling demon guys first."

"Well, everything will wait until dawn, and we will see it."

Speaking of these three people, they suddenly heard the rapid footsteps coming from outside the stone house. They looked at each other and immediately understood that, in this kind of weather, they must have arrived in the storm and rain.

Unsurprisingly, at the next moment, the gate of the stone house was pushed open, and a guy ran in and rushed in. Seeing this companion's blood on his face and being embarrassed, the three men's faces changed slightly, and they asked, "What's going on?"

"Brother Li ... things are not good!" After this person said this sentence, the whole body of pores suddenly burst into countless blood lines with the sound of "crickets". He had already been seriously injured and the oil was exhausted. Now When I saw the crowd, my heart was relaxed, and I suddenly fell and fell to the ground.

"Hey, wake up quickly." The older brother stretched his arms and yelled at his companion's upper body and asked, "What the **** happened?"

"Uh ..." The man couldn't keep bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his throat kept murmuring, and he couldn't speak for a long while.

Seeing this, the man next to him asked: "Hell, isn't he so awake, isn't he dead?"

"Then I'll let this guy wake up for a while." "Pop!" The words didn't fall, and the big brother waved a slap in the heart of the wounded.

"噗 ——" The blood arrow with a length of several feet suddenly emerged, but also inspired the injured's final life potential. This man slammed his brother's arm and screamed: "Those evil monsters in the cage The mood went out of control, and several caretaker brothers were all ... uh ... "

Before the words were finished, the man was dead.

"What? The beast ran away? Oops!" The three guys' faces changed drastically, and the next moment they heard a scream of savage beasts from outside the stone house: "嗷嗷 嗷 —— 嗷 woo——"


Time flies fast, and it's already early in the morning of the next day.

"Eh ... I'm so full of sleep." Guan Heng stretched his waist and walked out of the hut. Qing Huang followed him and asked, "How about, isn't it time to leave for Jiuling Demon Territory?" Didn't you say that group Do you want to control the enchantress to attack them? "

"No, wait for the moment." Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "Hunt Li told me that the gold thread avatar that remained at the peak of the demon bird nest to watch has not responded, which means that the killer of the Puppet League has not acted , We don't have to worry too much, and I want to collect some information nearby. "

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang was a little puzzled and asked casually, "What information?"

"Yes ..." Guan Henggang was about to say, Ruotao and Xiaohei not far away shouted in unison: "Hey, everyone is here."

"Let's go and let you see for yourself." At this point, Guan Heng gently grabbed the phoenix of Qinghuang, and the two immediately walked towards the river.


At this time, a large swarm of water beast heads floated on the river in the water, headed by scaleless silver pheasant, serpentine clams, and lobster thorn crab.

When they saw Guan Heng and Qing Huang coming, they immediately rushed together and said, "I'll wait to meet the benefactor."

"Forget it, don't be so polite." Guan Heng waved and smiled: "Everyone did their best to save their lives, and it wasn't me alone."

After Yin Yin was closest to him, he hurriedly asked, "Guan Heng, are you asking Girl Ruotao to call us, is there anything?"

"Well, I want to ask you to help investigate."

Guan Heng hugged his shoulders at this time, and said in good time: "We are planning to find the next trace of the beast. It may inhabit the muddy waters. I hope you can provide clues. If you do n’t know now, it does n’t matter. I hope you leave Is it OK to investigate? "

"No problem," Zigzag mussels said in a stern voice. "Our brothers and sisters' homes are kept because of you. Do small things in return to benefactors. It should be right."

After a short meal, the cricket continued to say, "I have hundreds of brothers under their shells, and they have a lot of small silver fish in their carapace. Now I will tell them to start doing things."

The silver magpie and thorn crab also said in unison: "We also ask our brothers to inquire."

Guan Heng was very satisfied with the positive attitude of Yuanshui Demon. He said, "That's good. All in all, I won't let everyone work hard. Whoever can provide accurate information and double the reward, these water spirits, I'll give it to you first. "

When the words fell, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the six ghosts swept across the sky at once, releasing a large swath of water spirits, like falling raindrops, falling on the water beasts and heads in succession. Reward, they are naturally more hardworking. At this time, they snorted and started diving back into the water.

Guan Heng watched the water beasts leave and murmured, "Hope they can send back the information we need soon."

Xiao Hei said at the moment: "My brother-in-law, Apricot Tree Spirit said that some of the fruit that was born last time have not been picked. If it is not brewed, it is also a waste. Why don't you go with us and bring the fruit back?"

"Also, there is nothing left and right, I will accompany you." Hearing this, Qing Huang laughed: "Then Ruotao and I will prepare breakfast, remember to come back soon."


After a few moments, Guan Heng and Xiao Hei, Swallowing Ghost Meow, and Apricot Tree Spirit came to the edge of the riverside woods.

Suddenly, Guan Heng's face sank, and he said, "Live, you all stop."

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter?" Xiao Hei just asked, a sudden glance in the woods suddenly scared her: "What's this?"

"White-bellied poison bats seem to be around the level of black gas." Guan Heng's eyes flashed a moment of cold mang: "The most important thing is that they all have evil spirits on them."

"Ah, my ancient apricot tree !!" Mu Ling heard Guan Guan's words, his heart tightened immediately.

At this moment, the baby white ghost next to Guan Heng had already met the wind, "Hoo-h-h-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ihhh I you Iwa, I woke up ...

But this group of bats is not a lame thing that can be quickly dismissed. They are all in danger in the face of blood blades. When they are swept away, they can evade the attack, and the infant white ghost has only hit three or four. Dodge the slower guy.

"Well, it's a pity," Xing Shuling and Xiao Hei stomped. "If only we could get it right."

"Don't worry, the good show is still behind." While Guan Heng smiled, the infant white ghost beckoned in the air, and Bacheng's blood blade fell into a roundabout and flew back again, "噗 嗤嗤 —— "This time the white-bellied poison bat can't hide from it, and fell a lot in a blink of an eye.

"Cycling back and forth with blood blades?" Xiao Hei smiled and said with a palm of his hand, "Wow, it's terrible. When will the infant white ghost have such terrible tricks?"

"It should be a change of self-awareness. This has increased the number of times the enemy has done it, and naturally I can think of more effective ways." Guan Hengxiao said: "Yi Baigui is different from you, the five scum little girl. It is different from me Experience hundreds of battles together, kill countless powerful enemies ... "

"If you don't listen, you just don't listen, hehe—" Xiao Hei now covered her ears and spit out her tongue, and she yelled, "Next, you have to say, 'Learn to beat and kill.' I don't want to listen to words like 'Good job'. "

"Well, persuade you to learn two ways to defend yourself, you are still unwilling." Guan Heng said with a lip and said, "I want to learn in the future, I don't necessarily teach it." Hugh looks like walking through the court, talking between them. Relaxing, in fact, Guan Heng was outside loose and tight inside, and quickly walked into the dense forest with Mu Ling and Xiao Hei.

"God makes me, I am so worried about my apricot body ..."

Hearing the other person said, Guan Heng comforted, "Relax, I have already released a lot of wooden auras around your apricot tree for protection and use only. Those monsters with evil spirits don't say they are close, even if they are close to one hundred They will all walk because they are afraid of detours. "

Upon hearing this, Xing Shuling was relieved: "Woo, I'm relieved to hear you say that."

—— [Second more in 2017.7.4, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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