Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3474: Testament commission (first)

"Oh, Tao Tao." Xiao Hei turned pale at this moment, she cried out, "You and the dead horse step on the dead ?!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Ruotao replied angrily: "Take a closer look, this man is covered with blade scars. How could Ma Ta be injured?"

But at the next moment, Xiao He pointed at the ground with a stunned voice: "The corpse is resurrected, you see, he's moving."

"Hey, you two, what's your name here?" Guan Heng's voice suddenly sounded not far away, and then he and Qing Huang had already rushed over.


Turned over and jumped off the red pupil and camel, Guan Heng walked to the person and tried his nasal pulse. He said, "There is a faint breath ... Qing Huang, bring the water tube."

The other party passed the water bamboo tube in accordance with the words, and Guan Heng gave the monster a sip. Then he slowly opened his eyes and groaned in his mouth.

"Hey, man, you wake up, wake up."

Guan Henggang called two times, but before the person was fully awake, a rushing sound of "噌 噌 噌" rushed out not far away, and the next moment, about a dozen roaring and roaring from the low forest in front. Monster. Ruotao shouted, "It's a brown-backed monster. These guys' teeth are very toxic."

"Hum--" The bloodthirsty fierce man flashed in the eyes of the beasts, screaming at everyone continuously, and there were a few guys in the semi-purple state who couldn't hold back the fierce hair in their hearts and immediately rushed up.

"These beasts have evil spirits, and they seem to have been completely demonized." Guan Hengyan sank his face, "Go up, solve them."

"Woohoo!" At this moment, the red pupil camel was the first one who couldn't help but greeted him. His two hoofs stepped on the bodies of the two demon beasts on the opposite side, and when it broke out fiercely, he crushed it into a blunder. Meat puree.

"Okay." Ruotao praised him, swayed forward, and thundered the thunder blade out of the scabbard, and the cold light flashed suddenly, "Oh! Hey!" A demon head soared away from the body, and The two were cut into several pieces at once, and the big blood mist splattered and splashed to the ground.

"Why--" Don't look at these screaming monsters have been controlled by evil spirits, but the instinct of weakness and weakness in the bones has not disappeared. When seeing his companions die one after another, they suddenly back away.

"Bold, the waste from the enemy's retreat, die!" It was late, then fast, and a roar sounded loudly, and a dark shadow rang out in the woods. I saw the fierce guy dancing his short spear with his hands, "噗噗 噗"Falling in the wind, they immediately turned the few backward-looking monsters to the ground."

The guy who used the two spears slammed the blood stains on the weapon and slanted the demon people around Guan Heng and shouted, "Hum, you guys, quickly give him up, otherwise, don't blame me for" Chuan Zheng ". . "

"Evil spirits, aren't you puppets?"

Hearing Guan Heng's roar, Chu Zheng's heart was startled. He shouted, "Who are you? Why do you know the Puppet League ..."

"Well, there really are traces of your dregs everywhere you go." Guan Heng sneered and waved: "Since it has appeared, don't go away, Liu Yaogui, do it."

"Abominable, dare to look down on Lao Tzu, uh ah ah--"

The meaning of anger was rushing into the head of time. Chu Zheng was also an arrogant guy. He should not despise himself. When he waved his short spear to pounce over, the ghosts of the six enemies around him suddenly appeared and screamed: " Whine

"Eh ?!" The evil demon beasts around Chu Zheng were at best only the strength of the black gas peak, shocked by the howling ghosts, and the body could not stand the pressure that swept through the raging clouds, all bursting into blood mist.

Seeing this situation, Chu Zheng's arrogance in his fellow's heart diminished sharply. He suddenly sounded a strict order passed down by the former leader of the Puppetization Alliance, "Master" Barron, saying that a group of people went against this alliance everywhere, as the first one. It's a young boy who is good at making purple gas spirits.

"You are and are the enemy of this League ..."

"Hmm, even you know the identity of Master Ben, it's much simpler." Guan Heng signaled Qing Huang to deal with the damage to the demons around him at first, and he sneered and said: "Give me a hand and go, say Barron's messy whereabouts, I'll give you a happy way to die. "

"Dare to speak to insult my master, kill !!!"

At this moment, I heard Guan Heng scolding Baron, Chu Zheng this guy suddenly couldn't help but kill in his heart. You know, in the eyes of these guys who have been completely demonized, Baron is a god-like existence, and it must not be left to others. There is negligence, let alone abuse.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (than shall shall be such a foul), the quarrel in the realm of purple qi still roars with all his might, and waved his spears and screamed and rushed over.

"I know, as long as Baron's stupid name is mentioned, your enthusiastic puppet killers are like crazy dogs with their tails broken." Guan Heng waved and said, "Teach this guy."

"Woohoo--" It was late, fast then, when the ghost of Dasao suddenly swept forward, the moment when his claws became fists, he banged and pounded. Although Chu Zheng's eyes were crazy, he parried quickly, Quickly crossed the two spears, "Oh!" Both of them immediately made a strong move.

"Teng Teng Teng!" Being urged by the opponent's punches, Chu Zheng fought back several steps in a blink of an eye, almost spurting a big mouth of blood, and he was shocked in his heart: "A ghost has such strength, then the seven together, How can Lao Tzu retreat? "

"Woohoo!" At the next moment, the big hawk hissed and howled, and the whole body ignited a fiery raw flame, Chu Zheng felt very uncomfortable: "Uh ?!"

You must know that the power of the fire is exactly the nemesis of these guys, so the guys of the Puppet League have no advantage in front of Guan Heng and others.

"Hoo--" A rising flame swept across Chu contention, his heart tightened, and he hurried behind him to dodge, but he was still a little slower, and his left shoulder was struck by the ghost fist: "Oh!"

"Hey! Boom!" As soon as the flames came into contact with Chu Zheng's evil spirits, they flew up and down instantly, burning the whole arm of this guy like coke.

"If you don't save yourself, you will surely die." Chu Zheng also escaped.

The next moment he waved his spear with his right hand, "Oh!" He immediately broke his arm, and Guan Heng sneered: "Okay, I see you have a few more arms to cut off."

As soon as this sentence came out, the big ghost continued to flutter, Guan Heng waved again and said, "You go too, giant bee."

"Uh ?!" The puppet killer was suddenly scared, but in the next moment, the hoof hoarsely sounded on the avenue in the oblique spur, and a horse-riding wind rushed, throwing a few black **** .

Seeing this, Qing Huang immediately yelled, "Not good, beware of secret calculations."

By the time the words didn't end, she had already met Ruo Taofen, and Ling Ling Sword and Thunder Sword swept through the air instantly, shattering a few black **** at once, but the weird black smoke erupted inside, also Blocked everyone's sight in an instant.

Qing Huang's response was extremely quick, she immediately exclaimed: "Big bee, quickly absorb the black mist." While the bee trembled and swayed the soul and inhaled the mist, the rider shook his hands and threw out the long rope. Staying at Chu Zheng's waist, he dragged up.

"Whoa!" The guy leapt in the air and landed on the horse's back behind him. The two guys immediately fled.

"Brother-in-law, you're so stupid that you let the bad guys run away." Xiao Hei shouted beside him. "Unfortunately I couldn't catch him."

"It doesn't matter. At the same time that the big **** ghost hit the guy, he lost a little bit of raw energy into that guy's body. As long as he dare to use evil gas to attack the enemy, he will be burned into fly ash.

Guan Heng skimmed his lips and said, "These two are just small characters of the Puppet League, it's boring to kill."

At this point, Qing Huang suddenly called out, "This monster is awake, he has something to say."

Guan Heng hurriedly walked to the other side and asked, "Brother, how are you?"

"Uh ... I was surprised that I was rescued by human friends. I'm really ashamed ..."

The man's face was pale and his eyes were about to disintegrate, and it was clear that he was about to lose his breath. He was desperately struggling and said, "In the next name is Song Kun, who lives in the village of Bei Yao Shan Yao, and I saw you dealing with the guy just now, I, I ... You can trust, so please do me a favor. "

"Brother Song, hold on, your injury can be cured, I can send you back to Beihao Mountain ..."

Hearing Guan Heng's continued words and comforting himself, Song Kun interrupted what he said: "Thank you very much, but ... I, my situation, I know best, brother, if you don't mind, I'll just call it like this Please go to the Beihao Mountain to find the Pai sect patriarch, and just tell him ... uh ... uh! "

Helpless, the injury was too serious, Song Ye said that he was spurting blood again here, his eyes were convex, and he had no time to say a few words in Guan Heng's ears, and he was dead.

"Dead ..." Guan Heng put down the opponent's body and sighed again: "Brother Song, it is a fate to meet each other. You can rest assured that you can respect the commission, Guan Heng will definitely help you."

Qing Huang whispered, "Aheng, what did he say in the last sentence?"

After hearing her words, Guan Heng said in a deep voice: "There are only ten words, which is‘ Tucheng was attacked, and Lai Gu ’s life and death are unknown. ”

"Uh, the place name with the word" Tucheng "nearby is only Ximo Tucheng." Ruo Tao said beside him, "If this Song Zhen's statement is true, the people there may have encountered unexpected events. . "

"Yes, it seems that the person doing this is most likely the killer of the Puppet Alliance." Guan Heng waved and said, "Originally I didn't want to intervene between the two forces in the Beihaoshan. Now it seems impossible. Now, after burying Song Kun, let's go to Beihao Mountain. "

Next, the people dug the soil into a pit, and buried Song Yun's body in a hasty manner. At this moment, a thing suddenly emerged from the soil ridge next to him. Xiao Hei saw this scene and said immediately: "Swallow, don't pick up those Dirty things, throw them away. "

"Meow." As a result of her blame, the cat suddenly loosened and threw the thing. Guan Heng saw the thing dangling in the sun, and immediately leaned down to pick it up, he suddenly said: "This is ... North Token of the Mountain Monster ?! "

"Really?" Qing Huang and Ruo Tao both came around to watch at this time, Guan Heng pointed at the words on the oval token and said, "Ruo Tao, you also know, aren't these two words" North "?"

"Yes, the demon characters are in communication with the ancient characters from the three ancient countries." Ruo Tao nodded the city, Guan Heng bowed his head and asked Ghost Meow: "Where is the thing?"

The cat pointed to the newly piled grave in front of his little paw, and nodded his head and said, "It seems to be Song Yun's belongings, so please put them away first, maybe you can use them later."


After a while, everyone hurried to the foot of Beibei Mountain, which was dozens of miles away. As soon as they walked in, they were all surprised. The road from the foot of the mountain extended upward, and they were all monsters carrying weapons and patrolling back and forth Clan, there are barricades bound by logs and tree branches on the road.

Guan Heng moved in his heart: "These guys seem to look like enemies."

The little black horse was walking at the front at this time. Of course, it was first discovered by a few demon people at the foot of the mountain. The headed one immediately dragged a spear and came over and shouted, "Hey, this is the territory of the North Mountain Demon Clan. Leave quickly, don't approach! "

"What?" Xiao Hei was displeased when she heard it. She pursed her lips and said, "You guys are so fierce, I won't listen."

"How can this be, where did the little girl come from? I don't want to teach you!" Another grumpy monster clan jumped over. He didn't really want to kill Xiao Hei, but he waved the blade in his hand to scare him away .

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Hei took it seriously at this moment, and suddenly touched the hanging thunder crystal necklace on the neck, and the soul of the thunder ray inside instantly flashed a rushing lightning, "bang!" People's feet.

"Uh ah-this little girl is a monster, even hit me with lightning!" Although this guy is also a semi-dark powerhouse, he can be scared when he sees the moment when lightning strikes at his feet and emits black smoke. Throw the blade and exit.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Yan's trick really works, and I will use it a few more times next time."

Xiao Hei's laughter just sounded, and a few demons from the other side were already scared. Guan Heng hurried over at this moment. He said to the little girl angrily: "Stupid, how many times have I reminded you, don't Scary with lightning. "

He continued: "If you use the power of Yu Leiyu casually, then I will confiscate the necklace."

"What, obviously that guy came over to hurt me." Xiao Hei said wronged, "I just want to protect myself."

"Huh, I think you want to show the power of thunder and lightning."

After saying this, Guan Heng hurriedly walked in front of the demon people and said, "You guys, the child is not sensible. Please forgive me, she didn't mean it."

When Guan Heng said this sentence, he faintly released a coercion of the semi-purple realm. The strongest of the several demons were not the fake realm. The mind was instantly shocked to know that the other party was not someone he could provoke.

"No, it's okay." A demon head led by the forehead sweated, and asked indifferently: "Excuse me, sir, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, that's it. We met a friend of the monster family who was hunted down dozens of miles away. He said that he was called" Song Ming "and lived in Beihao Mountain ..."

"What? Brother Song was hunted down?" When the man heard Song Ye's name, he suddenly asked, "Where is he now?" Guan Heng shook his head and said, "When we saw him, Song My brother has been seriously injured and died unfortunately. "

"It's awful, it's awful ..." The demon head led by the murmuring whispered, "A big deal has happened, and this time when Brother Song died, our troubles will be even more."

—— [The first change in 2017.7.7, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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