Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3477: Mysterious Materials

Bai Long said angrily to Feng Yan: "It doesn't matter if you despise it, don't say it to me, otherwise you won't give me face."

"Okay, okay, you have a lot of problems." At this time Feng Yan shook his soul and flew to Guan Heng and asked again, "Hey, when are you going to find Xiao Lu?"

"Well, since you mentioned that the green pheasant likes to devour precious spirit grass, I think if you want to safely lead it out for arrest, you should think of a way in this regard."

Guan Heng said: "First of all, it is the eight leaves of Hongcai Zhi. Let's collect some, and the rest of the spirit grass must be collected, and then go to Longmen to find the green magpie."

"My son," he said just now, Ruo Tao poked his head out of the door: "Elder Kong has something to do with you."

"Here it is." Guan Heng and Qing Huang agreed, turned around and entered the door. After seeing Kong Shi and Gu Yan, he asked: "Two, what else do you have?"

"Oh, about the green cricket you asked about just now, we recalled the new situation, but it should have something to do with the patriarch. He is not awake now, and we have no way to ask, unfortunately."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly asked: "Yes, is there any way to make the princes wake up earlier? We can help too."

"Well ..." The two elders looked at each other, and Kong Shi hesitated, "The patriarch may be able to take a secret medicine that suppresses the power of the savage monster change".

"However, as soon as the Northern Demons split into two forces in the village and Ximo Tucheng, the recipe for the secret medicine was missing. We only had half of the formula in the northern village and the other half were in Ximo Tucheng. Lai Gu's hands. "

Gu Di said at a dilemma at this time: "If you do not take the secret medicine, the patriarch may not wake up for ten or eight days."

Little Black whispered sitting next to the fruit, "So troublesome?"

"That's for sure." Gu Yan and Kong Shiqi whispered, "This is a life-saving secret.

"Excuse me, let me show you half of the recipe first."

Hearing what Guan Heng said, Kong Shi hurried out of the door. After a few breaths, he rolled in with a broken animal skin and handed it to Guan Heng; "Hey, this is it."

"Eh?" Guan Heng murmured after looking at it: "This ... Bazhen's jealous guts and the brain of a golden-snake snake? Although I have heard the names of these things, but how to find them, I don't know. "

Kong Shi slaps at the moment and said, "Yes, speaking of people who are very familiar with various monsters and plants of dozens of miles, I know one."

Hearing that the person was also familiar with plants, Guan Heng and Qing Huang and Ruo Tao glanced at each other, and immediately became interested. They asked in unison: "Who is this person?"

"You have seen him just now." Kong Shi continued, "It is Song Ya."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng waited for a moment: "What? Fool ..."

"Yeah, Song Ya is a fool, but he is not the kind of insane. He had fallen from the house when he was young, and his head fell here."

At this time, Gu Min pointed at the position of his forehead, and said, "Since then, this child has been a little taciturn and irritable. No one can order him except Brother Song Ya."

"Also, Song Ya likes to go up the mountain and down the river when he is fine. He often carries some monsters or weird plants back to the village. He doesn't know people who are entangled with him and ask again and again. The memory is not bad. I wrote down the names of the monsters and plants. "

Kong Shi touched his chin and said, "This situation began more than a decade ago. Gradually, Song Ya became a freak who can distinguish all monsters and spirit grasses within a few dozen miles."

"That's OK." After listening to their words, Guan Heng laughed. "We took Song Ya and immediately set out to find Bazhenyu and the split-lip golden snake, and collected a lot of spirit grass by the way."

"Here, can that fool listen to Guan Gongzi?" Gu Zheng was a little suspicious at this time, but Kong Shi said with a smile: "Hi, Lao Gu, don't worry about it, I saw it at the foot of the mountain, Guan Gongzi already Convinced the fool. "

After a while, the crowd found the injured Song Ya downstairs. It turned out that the two elders watched him be injured without any reason, and left him here to bandage, and then made him a lot of food. Song Ya Eating and drinking here.

"Uh, how are you ?!" As soon as Song Ya saw Guan Heng, he was so scared that he dropped half of the bones in his mouth on the ground. Guan Heng smiled slightly: "What are you afraid of? I am not going to hit you , Eat slowly, don't be nervous. "

Song Ya listened to Guan Heng's words, and nodded stupidly. In the end, the hungry mind prevailed, and he gorged himself in the next moment.

"Ha ha ha, this silly big man eats is quite fragrant, and I'm a bit hungry to see it." Hearing Xiao Hei said, Guan Heng glanced at her: "Don't you just have lunch?"

Xiao He bit his lower lip and whispered, "People, people are growing their bodies."

But Guan Heng ignored the other party ’s words, but said to Song Ya who was buried in his food: "Hey, I ask you, did I hit you harder, or did the chief's shot heavier?"

"Eh ?!" Upon hearing this, the fool stopped eating, and really crooked his head for a moment. He honestly said, "It doesn't hurt anymore where you hit. The patriarch hit me. It hurts a lot. "" That's right. "

Guan Heng reached out and patted Song Ya's shoulder and said, "You also know that the patriarch got sick before he hit you hard. How about it, do you want him to get better soon? I won't hit you anymore." Right, uncle hit me. It hurts. I don't want to be beaten again. "

After listening to Song Ya's words, everyone thought it was funny, but a little bit envious of the fool's simple mind, as long as he was not beaten, he would be very happy.

Guan Heng continued, "I'm going to find the elixir that can cure the patriarch. I heard that you are familiar with the monster plants near Beihao Mountain, so how can you help me?"

"Okay, I'll go with you." Song Ya was not bad at heart. When he heard that he could save the patriarch, he nodded without hesitation, but he asked uneasily: "But are you really No longer hit me? "

"Of course, as long as you are willing to help, not only will I not hit you, but I will reward you." After that, Guan Heng pulled Song Ya's arm and squeezed his eyes at the two elders: "Then we will go Now. "

Kong Shi and Gu Yan both said, "Okay, a few people are careful on the road."


After a while, Song Ya took Guan Heng to the Zhuohe Pier behind the Beihao Mountain. He said, "Actually, when the uncle patriarch and the green scale monster were fighting in the water that day, I was hiding in the tree. , So I saw everything. "

"Really? Then tell me." Xiao Hei was riding a horse, a short head shorter than Song Ya, and she continued at this time: "Come on."

"Well, okay, just talk." Looking at Xiaohei, Song Ya, this fool doesn't seem to understand what it means to reject.

"At that time, I was riding on a tree, picking a fruit, and saw the patriarch uncle jumping into the water with his blade, and then the monster twisted and got out, and they came back and forth to fight."

As he walked, he said, "The patriarch was hit by a monster's water column and flew out. I found that the patriarch's face was not right. When he got up, a green gas appeared in his throat, but it soon disappeared. No one seems to see it. "

"Well." At this moment, the spirit of Bailong floated out.

Then it whispered in everyone's ears: "That's Xiaolv's" breath ", which contains something that can make ordinary people fall into a state of confusion, but a person with a strong constitution can drive himself away in ten days and a half months. What kind of patriarch you are trying to save, the most serious damage may be the 'bitter monster change' back bite. "

"Well, it seems that as long as you find the materials to make the secret medicine, you should be able to wake up the Patriarch, and ask him about the green palate at that time."

Just now, everyone has come to the river beach. Several non-stop living treasures, dead horses, red pupils, camels, swallowing ghosts and cats are running and leaping along the riverside.

Seeing this, Ruo Tao shouted: "Hey, don't run too far, be careful of the powerful monsters and swallow you all."

But the three guys turned a deaf ear and ignored her intimidation just by playing with herself.

"Well, disobedient guy, don't expect me to save you when you are in trouble." Ruotao murmured ruefully, at this time, Guan Heng asked: "Song Ya, hey, the two monsters I said Where did they inhabit, have you ever seen them? "

"Uh, one of them is 'Bazhen'. It's in the bottom mud near this beach."

Song Ya bit her forefinger and thought, and then she said, "But you said that you want to find more than five feet in length. I haven't seen it before. I caught small fish before, but I know that the more I search for it , There will be a chance to find a bigger Bazhen. "

"Well, I see, where is the 'lip-lip golden snake'?" Song Ya replied, "The crack-lip golden snake only inhabits riverside woods with precious spirit grass, but their teeth are highly toxic. I, I'm scared and never dare to get too close. "

"Ah Heng, it ’s better, let ’s split into two paths. Go to the bottom and find Bazhen." Qing Huang said at this time: "I took the rest and the camel, the dead horse, and devoured them to find a crack in the woods. Golden lip snake, by the way, collect those precious herbs, what do you think? "

"Well, that's fine, wait ..." Guan Heng asked suddenly, "Aren't you afraid of snakes? Why take the initiative to pick this task?"

"Hehehe, anyway, there are six gangsters to protect, those long worms can't approach me at all." Qing Huang smiled very easily at this moment: "Besides, I can push Ruotao to the front at any time, anyway, her The body of the ghoul is not afraid of snake bites. "

"Ah ?!" If Taowen heard the words, she almost fell to the ground, and she whispered with a whisper to her head: "Sister, you can really do it, I dare to make me a shield."

"Tao Tao ..." Qing Huang opened her arms around her neck in a charming manner, and then whispered in her ear: "Sisters don't care so much, do you mean?"

"Served you." Ruo Tao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your skin is getting thicker and thicker, and you have moved closer to your son. I really wonder if this is the so-called" husband and wife "."

When she heard what she said, Qing Huang immediately said, "Well, stop talking nonsense."

"That what, you chat, I'll go into the water first."

Guan Heng raised his thumb to Ruo Tao secretly, saying that I love listening to it, and afterwards Haha laughed and walked towards the Zhuohe River. Qing Huang shouted at the back: "Hey, be careful yourself, don't go every time Cause unexpected trouble. "

As soon as the sentence came out, Guan Heng immediately smiled and said to himself: "In your eyes, I am such a person."

"Well, come back and think about you again."

"Tongtong!" Anguish, Guan Heng plunged into the river water, and for a moment he used the power of the water to separate the river in front of him and swam straight to the bottom of the mud.


At the same time, Song Ya took the three girls to the woods near the river.

"This fruit is sweet."

"Click, click." Song Ya said, plucked a handful of red sand fruit from the unknown shrub in front of him, threw it into his mouth, and gave it to Qinghuang Xiaohei.

"Yes, silly big man, is the cracked-lip golden snake you said so powerful? Why do you seem to be scared when you mention it?"

Upon hearing Xiaohe's inquiries, Song Yayi said, "I, I remember being bitten by the golden snake for a long time. It was so painful. Thanks to my big brother who helped me cut open the wound and sucked out the poisonous blood with my mouth, but now my big brother also Gone……"

At this point, the fool's eyes were moist and seemed to be in tears. Xiao Hei couldn't bear such a guy, so he hurriedly said, "Don't cry, don't cry, you tell me what's fun in this forest."

"Yes, don't think about sadness for the time being." Qing Huang also spoke side by side: "Everyone needs to find something. Hurry up and tell us where the monsters, such as spirit grass, can be encountered."

"Uh, okay, I'll take you there." Song Ya rubbed the corner of her eyes, then turned and ran forward.

"Hey, run slowly. We are not familiar with the road. Without you, you will lose your way."

In fact, there are six ghosts around her. Qing Huang doesn't worry that she won't recognize the way. She just said that she wanted Song Ya to think she was very important, because this simple and foolish fool needs someone to prove her existence.

Sure enough, Song Ya ran out more than ten feet, quickly turned back, and took back several large and small spirit grasses. He said: "These are the unique spirit grasses nearby. If everyone wants them, I will take you. Go find it. "

Smelling the fragrant and refreshing spirit grass, Qing Huang felt refreshed. After taking it, she said, "Tough work, thank you."

Ruo Tao praised next to him, "Yes, you are so good."

Even Xiao Hei said, "Well, silly big man is very good at picking spirit grass. I bet no one in the whole Beihao Mountain can match you."

So praised by the three daughters, Song Ya was elated even if she was a fool again. He grinned and said, "You guys, do you think I'm useful? Right?"

"Of course. I don't want to say anything else. It's the ability to look for the monster spirit grass. You are more useful than us."

Qing Huang had just said here, and the sound of crickets suddenly sounded in the surrounding grasshoppers. Everyone took a moment's work and Song Ya immediately called out, "Ah, it's not good, it's 'they'."

—— [Fourth more in 2017.7.7, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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