Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3488: Tucheng Doom (fifth more outbreak)

After the two adults and two children got out of the cellar, they were surprised to see the old man of the city.

At this time, Laigu also saw that Song Kun was from the Beihao Mountain, so he asked. He said that he was carrying the secret information about the northern monster, and now he was on the body of the group of puppet alliances. That's why the killer will do everything possible to chase himself in an attempt to get this thing.

Song Yan now only wants to protect the two children's safety, and does not want to mix Laigu's affairs, but the other party claims that Tucheng has now been occupied by the killer, and the next target must be the North Village. If Song Yan does not help himself , That's the sinner of the entire Northern Demons.

The old man next to him also persuaded him to let Song Ye listen to what the city owner meant. He had no choice but to listen to Lai Gu continue.

Lai Gu said that he had half a hide skin secret recipe, which was passed down when the North Demon Clan had not been divided before. In addition, some miscellaneous items were added to the bag. Now the secret recipe is inconvenient to carry on the body, so he left it. Keep it for the old.

And he wanted to go out of the city to Mount Beihao, and quantify the enemy's friendship with the patriarch of the horde, and deal with the puppet alliance, but the killers did not know any means. As soon as they appeared, the other party would soon find them. Traces, came after the first time.

In desperation, Lai Gu thought of a very dangerous strategy.

As for the other side, when Song Yan led away the killer, Lai Gu left his old house in a hurry with his own baggage and never appeared again. I wonder if this person went to Beihao Mountain.

The next day Song Kun and Lai Gu disappeared, the puppet killer and traitor elder came to the door again, and the old man was not good until the other party came, so he opened the window and let the children hide outside.

The killer who broke into the door caught Lao Lao. They claimed that they had learned through Song Yang's trick of posing as Lai Gu and Song Ye was killed. When the two children heard the news, they couldn't help crying out. After the killer heard it, Crazy out of the room trying to catch the child.

Song Qian pulled up his sister and drilled out of a dog hole along the side of the outer wall of Tucheng, but the traitor elder and the group of killers entangled Lao Lao, and they thought that what they were looking for was hidden in the child In this way, just happened to be met by Guan Heng and others.

"Animals." Guan Heng was now sinking like water. He reached out and clasped the Tianling forehead of the traitor elder, who hurt the bones of the other side. The man suddenly wailed: "Uh ah ah —— "

"Say, how many puppets in Ximotucheng, and what do you want from Laogu, the master of the city? If you do n’t, Master Ben will give you all your bones and feed them now. dog."

Hearing Guan Heng's violent threat, the traitor elder was originally afraid of death, and immediately hesitated, "I said, I said."

It turned out that Baron, the leader of the Puppet League, fancy the excellent geographical location of Ximotucheng. After occupying it by force, he gradually demolished hundreds of residents one by one. Tucheng serves as another important den.

In addition, the city owner Lai Gu has a pair of "flame-resistant hand armor", which is made of the outer skin of the outer meteorite and the ancient rhinoceros flaming rhinoceros. Even if you bring it with your hands, you won't feel a little bit. The heat is extremely magical. This thing is something Baron wanted very much.

"Yankang Handguards ?!" Ruotao laughed suddenly when he heard the name of this thing: "Haha, son, isn't this thing going to deal with you?"

"Damn, Baron's splits took the power of the original fire, and began to find ways to use this method."

Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "It doesn't matter. In addition to the power of the original fire, Master Ben's killing enemies are more numerous. The puppet guys have no resistance if they want to break their heads. They can only be obedient."

Having said that, Guan Heng asked the old man again, "Did the Lai Gu of that city give you half a secret recipe? What about things?"

"Well ..." said the old man, "The original owner said that this recipe was also what the killers of the Puppet League wanted to find. He couldn't always carry it with him, so he kept it with me. When I was caught just now, there was a The little boss found it from me and has taken it. "

"What ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng couldn't help frowning, and Qing Huang next to him said, "A Heng, the content of the half of the recipe is about waiting for the rescue of the prince of the northern queen. We must find it back immediately. "

Guan Heng was impatient, and asked, "Do you remember the contents of the secret recipe of the animal skin?" As soon as he said that, the old man shook his head: "Sorry, Guan Gongzi, he does n’t know the things above, Because I can't read. "

"Then there is only a trip to Ximo Tucheng." Qing Huang said, "Anyway, we have to wipe out all the guys of the Puppet League."

"I'm going too!" At this moment, the little boy Song Qian wiped the tears on his face and exclaimed: "Brother, I'll go with you, I will avenge my father."

This daddy was called out because it was because the biological father of the brother and sister died too early, and the two young children lacked the love of the father. Thanks to the appearance of Song Yan, the other ’s kindness moved them, and the child willingly followed Song. His last name is Song Ye as his real father.

"唉 ——" Guan Heng sighed and said, "No, you are still young, I can't take Song Gan to take risks."

"But ..." Song Qiang, who was stubborn, wanted to argue, but Guan Heng said, "What's more, there is a loved one waiting for you to take care of."

"Who is that? Grandpa grandpa?" Seeing the doubts in the other's eyes, Guan Heng said, "No, that person is Song Yan's brother, Song Ya. You also know that Song Ya's brain is not so good. If there is no one to take care of him, this guy can easily be surprised. "

"Is it Uncle Ya ?!" After listening to the other party's words, Song Yan's silly and often humorous face popped into Song Qian's mind, and Bier snorted and whispered his skirt: "Brother, I also want to see Uncle Ya, he has caught me dragonfly butterflies before."

"Guan Gongzi, that's the decision." Lao Lao said at this time: "I took the children to the Beihao Mountain first, the rest ..."

"Rest assured, we will take care of everything."

Speaking of it, Guan Hengxi uttered a light whistle in the nearby woods, and he only heard the sound of wings popping. A few Xuanyuan flowers suddenly flew over. He went on to say: "Don't worry about killers will continue to chase you, these flowers He will protect everyone anytime, anywhere. "

One old man, two young people nodded their thanks, and hurried to the Beihao Mountain. Guan Heng said, "Okay, it's time to rush to Ximo Tucheng, Xiaohei!"

He suddenly unexpectedly named his name. Just now, Xiaohei, who had been standing beside him, holding on to the ghost, immediately agreed: "Yes, brother-in-law, I'm here."

"Girl, you have to assure me, don't run away without permission recently, because I decided something."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng's face is serious and serious: "Since the soul of Yu Lei Ling has been dormant in your necklace, it is up to you to help it absorb the power of thunder and lightning to nourish the soul, but absorb it You must be accompanied by me, Ruo Tao or Qing Huang during a thunderbolt. Are you happy this time? "

"Really ?!" Xiao Hei never expected that such a great thing would fall on his head, naturally he was very happy.

Guan Heng nodded: "Of course it is true, but you remember, as long as you have recently shown me another naughty trick, I will take back this opportunity and necklace, do you understand?"

"Oh ..." Xiao Hei understood that this was Guan Heng's suggestion that she shouldn't do too much, otherwise the Royal Thunder Necklace would not be able to keep it, and to this day, she could only nod in agreement.

"Well, just agree." Guan Heng waved his hand: "Ruo Tao, give this girl the poisonous gloves that are resting with you, just in case, because this thing can isolate from lightning damage."


On the other side, in Ximotucheng, dozens of puppet killers were standing still at the door of a big house, and their leader "Luanzhe" was extremely anxious at this time. Suddenly, he was walking back and forth to hear The sound of someone running in the distance.

"Brother Luan." The caller screamed and handed respectfully to Luan Zhe: "This is the secret formula of the animal skin just retrieved from the old man ..."

"Slap." Reached to hold this thing in his hand, Luan Zhe snorted coldly: "Fool, have you tossed for a long time, and you only have this one? What about the flame-resistant hand armor I am looking for? And, the **** city lord Lai Where is loneliness? "

"This ... this ..." Lai Man thought that he could get the secret recipe back to the other party. Even without a reward, he could end up with the word "too hard." The man hated it secretly, but his mouth was speechless.

"You waste, it's really useless!" It was too late, and then quickly, Luan Zhe, who had a nameless fire on his head, suddenly banged out, "Bang!" The unlucky guy's upper body hit his breastbone. The cracks and caves collapsed, and the red mist sprayed to the ground softly fell to the ground.

"This, this ... It's not a big mistake, but it's just that it's not doing well and was executed ?!" The killers of the Puppet Alliance all around saw Luan Zhe's vicious and merciless shot, and he rushed out of control.

"Stop talking to Lao Tzu !!" Luan Rang roared at this moment, staggering the group of guys, he shouted, "Can't find the city leader Lai Gu, can't find the flame resistant hand armor, the master will definitely kill. Got me, but ... "

"Before that, I can let you taste the deadly taste first!"

The fierce and sorrowful sorrowful meal took a moment to glance at the crowd: "I know that Lai Gu may not have run away and stayed in this earth city. You listen and kill everyone in this city or even Live creatures, you have to turn this **** out of me !!! Go and do-- "

As soon as this sentence came out, a group of puppet killers suddenly hurrahed and scattered to the surroundings. When Luan Zhang spoke, he also released his original shadow of the devil. He was also a murderer who entered the state of evil himself. Naturally Can deter these gangsters.

After a while, there was a sorrow in the Tumo City of Ximo. All the residents were rushed to the widest part of Tucheng by the assassin's arm.

Whether they were men and women, young or old, strong or weak, these people walked here, all killed by the killer, kneeling on their knees and falling to the ground. Luanzhe stood on the high platform in front of them, and the blood-sucking vicious blood was constantly flashing in their eyes. .

This person shouted with a yelling voice, "Everyone present has listened to Lao Tzu. Your city lord hides himself and refuses to come out to see me or to offer what I want? Well, since it is so, don't Blame me, you're here! "

When the words came to an end, two killers like wolf-like tigers suddenly pulled two guys out of the crowd.

These two people, one is a trembling old man with white hair, and the other is a cowardly teenager who is only ten years old. Luan Qing snorted: "Because you are out of luck, be the first one to be selected.

The killers agreed, and dragged the two men who were shaking like dead dogs to the high platform. Luan Zhai cried out in a loud voice: "Lou Gu, the Lord of Ximo Tucheng, listen, Lao Tzu knows that you are hiding somewhere in this Tucheng The horned owl refused to come out. I'm counting three now. If you don't show up, these two will have to be-death! "" One! "

The first number slowly exited, and everyone on and off the stage was frightened.

"Two." When the second number was spoken, the glaive blades of the killers' hands were approaching the necks of the old man and the young man, but there were no signs of the Lord appearing around them, and the crotch of the two people burst into noise. The smell of urine spread instantly.

"Three!" Luan Zhe finally said the word of the life and death of the innocent, and she only heard the sound of "噗, 噗" in her ears, and a pair of good skulls rolled off the stage for the first time.

"嗤嗤嗤 ——" The neck cavity without a head blasted out Zhang Yu's long blood column, and when it fell to the stage, it splashed the residents all over their faces.

"Abominable, you beasts, Lao Tzu has fight with you!" One of the residents of Tucheng is a big man. He slammed up and punched the killer in front of himself, relying on himself to be a black gas peak tyrant.

"Hoo--" It was late, and at that time, the strong man's fist style had not yet touched the hair of the killer on the opposite side, and the left and right sides were wrapped with immortal bone blades and spears already running through his ribs.

"Oh!" The moment the opponent pulled out the blade, the man stared at his angry eyes, and then fell to the ground with blood and died. In the next moment, more than a dozen weapons fell violently and chopped them into meat.

"You ..." The rest of the residents of Tucheng saw this scene in dismay, but wanted to resist, but they lacked courage.

In the past, the people of Tumocheng in the Western Desert were known as the "Sand Pirates of the North." There is no living mouth, but the door is full.

But just half a year ago, the sister of the Lord of the City of Tucheng married with the chief of the village of Beihao Village, but the two sides fought because of unknown reasons. Unbearable.

Later, the residents of Tucheng learned that the fighting between the two sides was caused by the mischief of the Puppet Alliance and constantly adding the killing between them. However, at this moment, it is too late to know the truth. Its slaughtered portion.

At this moment, Luan Zhe waved her hand: "Catch four more people to come to the stage and prepare to operate."

—— [Fifth more in 2017.7.9, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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