Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3631: Collect ingredients (third more)

"That's also ... yes!" Guan Heng shouted at this moment: "I almost forgot the serious things to do in this dune, we have to hurry up and look for the horsetail bluethorn and the pseudo-leaf silver badger. The flowers are still waiting. "


On the other side, a desert area more than ten miles away.


The muffled sound rose sharply, and a huge pothole appeared in the place. The sand-eating ink beast suddenly burrowed into the sand with the two brothers, Tumon and Tucang, and plunged to a nearby place. Trying to dig a hole to escape, even if he was wicked and amazing in strength, he was exhausted.

"Dangdang!" At this moment, Tu Cang's body was like a stump and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Brother ?!" Tu Meng flew to the other side at this moment, raised his shoulder and shouted, "How are you?"

"Uh ... I ... I'm dead ..."

At this time, Tu Cang's tone was trembling, his face was full of pain and resentment, and then he said intermittently: "Tumeng, don't think of revenge for me, you, you are not those guys ... opponents ... quick, Bring me back to the shadowy desert beach, where I will kill myself and dedicate my flesh to ... Lord Evil King! "

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away." Like his elder brother, Tumeng is a fanatical believer in the Puppet Alliance. In order to revive the evil king Wang Wan, the two brothers will not hesitate to harm the innocent and blood on their hands. .

What's more, the two lunatics didn't deplore their own lives. At this moment, Tumeng turned around and stunned the sand-eating beast beside him: "Animals, get up now and take us to the shadows. Deserted beach. "

"Woohoo ..." The master's words were the supreme order. Although the Mochi beast was so tired that he would die, he groaned up and walked up to the two.

While riding on the opponent, Tumon slammed into the direction of the sand dunes he had fled. He gritted his teeth and scolded in his heart: "Wait, this vengeance, Lao Tzu will double his return."


At the same time, Guan Heng and Qing Huang incinerated the remains of those puppetized alliances near the barren hills, and then began to look for the horsetail bluethorn.

"Look, there is one." Qing Huang said as she reached out and dragged the thing, but the next moment, the grass sounded like a sickle, a long snake skull came out from it, and she opened her mouth to bite Qing Huang's wrist.

"Animals are looking for death!" Seeing Qing Huang in danger, Guan Heng swore up with a roar, "Pop!" Three fingers pinched gently, and he immediately clamped the snake seven inches firmly.

"Hisse ... Hisse ..." The demon snake, more than two feet long and covered with yellow and blue patterns, couldn't help screaming, but he couldn't break his hands, he said, "You are blind. , I'll kill you now. "

"Wait, don't worry, this snake is vegetarian, so it's just a misunderstanding." Qing Huang said with a smile at this time: "It was just taken aback by my cry, just let it go."

"But ... just, spare your life." When the voice fell, Guan Heng threw it down to the ground, "slap." The snake rolled up and crawled on the spot, and then hung his body in front of Qing Huang, even with his jaw. Thanks for the first vomit.

"Ha ha ha, this kind of demon snake that feeds on desert plants is really rare." Qing Huang flicked each other's forehead, and then laughed: "Little snake, if you really thank this girl for her life-saving grace , Tell us, where can I find a lot of pseudo-leaf silver maggots, okay? "

"His hiss ..." The devil snake whispered and turned away immediately.

Seeing the other party slipping fast, Guan Heng shook his head and said, "Well, that's it? I don't even have a word of thanks, I don't understand the rules."

"Forget it, it's because you are so fierce that you scared the snake away." Qing Huang said with a joke, Guan Heng was not happy: "Look at you, we like small animals Good guy, if it weren't for the snake to bite you, how could I pretend to be fierce? "

"So, complain about me?"

"Hey!" Qing Huang smiled and stretched out her hand, pulling the horsetail blue spine in front of the ground.

Then he waved to the camel not far away: "Come here."

"Hum." Huo Huo howled and immediately ran over, and thought that the hostess had something good to take care of herself.

When he came to Qinghuang, the two camels stared at the horsetail blue thorns in the other's hands. Judging from the years of experience of eating food with this pout, this is definitely a delicious dish. It subconsciously opened its mouth to eat.

"Stupid, this is not for you." Qing Huang shrank her hand back, and the camel snapped in the air. The two rows of teeth snapped, almost knocking out a few, she took off a pocket on the back of the other and said "This is what I want."

Having said that, Qing Huang threw the horsetail blue thorn into the bag, and when the camel saw it, Harako was about to flow down. Guan Heng stood next to him and looked at his heir: "There is a cactus next to it, go for it. "

At this time, Qing Huang and Guan Heng collected more than a dozen blue spines, and the numbers were almost the same.

"Hissing—Hissing—" The next moment, the hissing sound rose sharply, and the little snake released by the two just came back suddenly. It seemed to be injured, the tail was missing, and there were still from time to time. Blood falls.

Seeing this, Qing Huang cried in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"It seems that there is a group of guys behind it." Guan Xingheng looked behind his eyes and said, "Well, there are more than a dozen scorching tails."

Scorching tail is a very common type of monster bird on the Great West Desert. This kind of strange bird has narrow wings, can only run down the wind, but can't fly. They have a large body, but they have always been soft and afraid. The enemies will be attacked in groups, and when they meet a powerful guy, they will run away.

"Hisse--" Xiao Snake whispered to Qing Huang's feet, and spit out something in his mouth.

"That's ... by the way, this is the fake Ye Yinyu." Qing Huang turned around and said, "Aheng, it turns out that the snake just left in a hurry just to find this thing for us."

"That's the case, but I misunderstood this little bug." Guan Heng saw Jiao Wei madly whispered one by one with a muffled throat, and immediately yelled, "Get out of me!"

"Woohoo--" His voice didn't fall, the ghosts of the big goblin, the baby white ghost, and the giant bee emerged instantly, growling in unison, yelling at the teeth, and the group of crazy-tailed maggots was frightened and trembled when they saw this scene. , Hurriedly fled in all directions.

"Huh, bullying the tough guy." Guan Heng said this and turned to look at the little snake. Qing Huang had taken out some of the cream from life and put it on the other side's wound. The little snake shook his tail and felt no pain. He immediately yelled twice cheerfully.

Qing Huang continued: "It said, just when I was crawling forward, I just found a nest of pseudo-leaf silver cricket ..."

Thinking that Qing Huang was good to herself, the little snake immediately risked being attacked by swarms of worms, probed his head into the worm's nest, picked up one and ran back.

Who knows that when encountering the greedy scorching tail scourge, the other party not only wanted to take the silver cricket, but even the snake had to swallow it. It just hid a little slower, and the tail was pecked off by the other party.

"It's so pitiful." Qing Huang felt the little snake, and then said to Guan Heng, "Give it a little encouragement?"

"It's worth mentioning, this little guy is taking risks to help us, and I won't regret it."

Guan Heng said as he reached out and patted the snake body to deliver an aura to the other side, he continued to say: "This is the breath of the earth gods. As long as it is a little bit, it can be used endlessly, as long as it absorbs enough earth aura, Your truncated tail will soon grow out. "

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang couldn't help laughing, "Hehe, then this little snake ... will it not look like a gecko or a lizard?"


After a while, under the leadership of the little snake, the two found the silver worm nest. Not only did they catch a lot of themselves, but also the little snake and the pouting camel followed their meal. Later, Qing Huang and Guan Heng returned to the Cooper Tree House.

"Come, come." Guan Heng carried two pockets and ran to the tree roof in one breath, spreading things in front of the two calyxes: "Second, good things come, eat them."

Seeing the silver maggots that were leaping and wriggling around, the two flower owls happily pecked. Qing Huang then asked Ruo Tao, Xiao Hei, and Bai Weng next to him: "How were they before?"

"Bird eggs have never been born." Xiao Hei said with two hands spreading out, "But fortunately, you keep the four crickets and continue to deliver reiki to the flower crickets, alleviating their pain, and now they are much smoother."

"Besides, after eating these silver maggots and horsetail blue thorns now, Huaxiong will definitely improve a lot."

Bo Weng said: "But it takes at least one night to know if they can give birth to bird eggs. You can take a rest first. Right, let's take a look at my newly created" roof shell "that attracts rain clouds. Let's go. "

After a while, outside the tree house, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao carried the bulky thing and walked in front of Bai Weng. He said, "Yes, just put this thing here." After all, the old man nodded the ground in front of him with a wooden stick.

"Dangdang!" After being thrown on the ground, it splashed up, and Guan Heng stepped back two steps before he said, "I really don't see how this thing has anything to do with the rain clouds, Bai Weng, give it to us again. Explain it. "

"Okay." Bai Weng smiled at this moment: "The ancient sand fangs and the soaked red thorn rhododendron petals will become very hard when I put them together. I have told you this before, right? "

After seeing everyone's head slightly, Bai Weng continued: "Then hematite was carefully polished to make an oval stone, which was embedded in my rectangular spiritual root branch, and then it was placed on the ridge of the cypress tree house. On one side, you can use it to attract rain clouds. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng asked with a little confusion: "Can it really be done?"

"Rest assured, the old age has lived for thousands of years, and there is a lot of superb wisdom in your mind, which absolutely deceives you." At this time, Bai Weng swarmed and patted his breasts, and Ruo Tao and Qing Huang and Xiao Hei laughed. "Okay, we believe in Grandpa, you can be successful."

"By the way, why haven't you seen the two cats and the Gusang girl for so long?" Hearing Guan Heng's question, Bo Weng explained, "I told them to go to the nearby high **** to monitor the passing clouds."

He then explained: "In general, the thin rain clouds in the Daxi Desert form very quickly and dissipate slowly, because this place is too hot, and often the rain does not wait for the rain to fall, and the clouds have evaporated. . "

"Oh, I see, so you want the Gusang girls to see if there is a rain cloud that is about to form, and then come back and inform us, am I right?" After listening to Guan Heng, Bai Weng laughed. God makes adults so smart, that's exactly what they are. "

"Hey, Grandpa Weng—" The old man's words fell away, and the Gusang girl rushed away from the distance with the swallowing cat and Xiaobai, and she continued to yell: "To the northwest, half a mile away, A small cloud is flying over. "

"It's great, they are," Bo Weng said immediately.

"Okay." Guan Heng and Qing Huang smiled at each other. According to the old man's instructions, they stepped forward and reached out on both sides of this "cloud ridge shell", and immediately lost a lot of water spirit.


The wind sounded sharply around time, and a sharp swirling vortex appeared from this object, flying directly towards the mid-air. The clouds blowing in the northwest felt the attraction of the spirit of water spirits, and immediately changed direction, moving towards Guanheng flew over here.

"Okay, look, the clouds are flying over."

Xiao Hei saw this wonder for the first time, and couldn't help pulling Ruotao's sleeve and shouting, "Peach, look, how amazing."

"God made the Lord, by the attraction of the black grain boulder and the spirit of the water spirit, the clouds are now coming, but as long as the spirit of the water spirit is no longer released, the clouds will not thicken, and the rain will not fall."

Bai Weng pointed at the cloud in the sky and said, "But the clouds will stay above us all the time."

"This is pretty good. Now that the calyx is laying eggs, there is no need to induce rain at this time. So, after we hit the road tomorrow, we will put the ridge shell of the cloud on the roof, arrange the calyx them, and then control the rain and cloud precipitation What do you say? "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the three women said at the same time, "Okay, listen to you all."

In this way, the night passed quickly. When everyone went to the roof to check in the morning, two calyxes were continuing to enjoy themselves there, eating horsetail blue thorns and pseudoleaf silver magpies. Four nests had been born in each of the two nests. Bird eggs.

"Hahaha, there are a total of eight." Xiaohe clapped and said, "It's great, the flower buds will become a large group in the future, right?"

"Well, presumably that day won't be too long."

Guan Heng said at the moment: "Okay, the birds have already laid eggs smoothly. Let's go forward to the deserted beach. To be honest, since yesterday I met Tu Cang and the fledgling puppet boys. , I always have a feeling of night long dreams, it seems that it is time to hurry up. "

"The thing is, everyone needs to keep up to date with the latest developments of the enemy." Qing Huang thought for a moment, then looked up: "Otherwise, let's go ahead and let Ruo Tao, Xiao Hei, and Bai Weng lead them The tree house followed, so as not to hit the other side's ambush. "

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