Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3666: Heli War Evil Python (Third)

"Hahaha, where are the handsome little girls, did you see your brother was lonely and took the initiative to accompany him?"

The words came to an end, and there was a giant man named Hungry Ghost in the color who took a big step and walked past. This boy is now fascinated. He is not far away from the leader Gai, and only wants to come and take advantage.

"Your guy's mouth is so dirty, isn't he trying to die?" Qing Huangfen waved his face with a shame, "Liu Yaogui, kill him!"

For the guy who dares to make fun of herself, Qing Huang will never let it go easily. When her words fell, the sky swept down ghostly, and she was surrounded by a giant giant. The other person was shocked. Suddenly, the color center was suddenly replaced by horror.

"Papapapapam!" Between the flashlight and flint, the big crickets and the claws of the crickets have captured the man's head, face, hands, and feet, and the bee swayed in front of him. The disease was on his neck and forehead.

"Wow!" The trembling strong man only felt severe pain in his body. It was that the venom had swelled him completely, and the bee's toxin did not directly kill the other person's life because the good show was still behind .

The man's body was dragged into the air stiffly, "Small, scream! Click!" The sound of a violent sound suddenly started, and the five ghosts pulled in opposite directions instantly, tearing him into pieces of shattered corpses.

"See? Anyone dare to spit out dirty words, sure to die worse than this jerk!" Qing Huang's cold words just came out, and two guys suddenly popped out of the crowd of Puppet Minions, and they cried. He rushed over.

"Big brother-uh ah ah!" "You are so terribly dead!" These two are the brothers of the giant giant, who just didn't pay attention after the crowd. They suddenly heard their brother's scream. This I realized that the other party was over.

"Baby, you killed my brother, I want you to pay for my life !!!" It was too late, and then, the boy on the left pulled out a pair of curved blades, and he was full of evil spirits. He rushed towards Qinghuang and rushed over his head. The shadow of the original magic maggot has faintly appeared, and it seems that it will be sooner or later to transform into an evil magpie.

"Dare to swear in front of me?" Qing Huang sank her face down suddenly, and two sand bat bat kings suddenly dropped in the air. They were obviously attracted by the evil spirit of the other person. Already pounced on the cricket, biting and holding on.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh"-this person just feels that the whole body's evil spirits are sucked away forcibly, and the curved blade in his hand falls to the ground, his body is like a wither in a moment, fluttering and falling to the ground.

"Not good, it's the two sand bat kings who just came. Everyone retreat!" The guys in the Huahua League all have evil spirits. They are most afraid of the mutant monsters such as sand bats. Assaulted.

"Abominable, the two bat kings were originally sent by this woman!" Gai Yan's eyes flickered fiercely. He had a soft-bodied python around him, so he was not afraid of the attack of the bat king, but these little crickets around were different. With a little care, Gai may turn into a bare pole leader.

The other brother of the brawny man was carrying a copper rod, and was going to find Qing Huang desperately to avenge his brother. I did not expect to see his second brother was killed by the siege of the batman first. It looks terrible. The boy almost put his pants on. I'm scared to pee.

Just then, Xiao Hei laughed and said, "Hahaha, there is still a‘ dead remnant ’here, why do n’t you hurry up and stretch your neck to die?”

"Xiaozi, even you have to insult me, Laozi fights with you!" In the end, he is a murderer of the Puppet League, even if he is a pinch, he has a temper, and he rushes over, staring at Xiaohei, lifting a copper rod. : "Smash you."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Xiao He pretended to cover his head, but immediately flashed the necklace on his neck, and shouted, "Xiao, give him a great taste!"

"Hmm--it's cracking--" It was late, then fast, and an empty thundering thunder banged on the man's copper rod. He only felt paralyzed and painful all over his body, and suddenly issued a shock to the thieves. Screams: "Uh-huh-"

"Noisy, it really looks like a mad dog who has been trampled on the tail." Xiao Hei stepped back with two ears while covering his ears, and Qing Huang said with a wave of expression, "It's quite noisy. Now. "

"唰 唰 唰 ——" A sudden sound of wind rose in the air, and the four slaps suddenly gathered into the appearance of a gigantic palm. They slammed and shot down, "Bang!" The guy who was thundered to the scorched head was slammed. He went into the ground and was torn apart.

"Woohoo--wow--" The next moment, two ghosts of the sand bat bat and six ghosts gathered around Qinghuang and Xiaohei.

Qing Huang said coldly: "Listen here to the Puppet League evildoers today, I will kill you in the name of the spirit world, the spirit tribe master, and the righteous daughter of Lord Spirit King. One, you obediently give it to you, and you can still suffer less. "

"The righteous daughter of the spirit king ?!" The evil spirits of the puppet alliance all around knew the existence of the spirit world. They also knew that the biggest enemy of the evil spirit group was the spirit clan and the spirit king. These guys saw fierce men in their eyes, and there was only one in their hearts The idea is to kill each other and the righteous daughter of the Spirit King! !!

"It's very good, both of your lives, the commander took all of them-" said slowly, then, and the roaring Gai yelled: "Everyone obeys, kill the two women at all costs, on!!"

"Well? Why is there me?" Xiaohei whispered to the tip of his nose: "I didn't say that I was also the righteous daughter of the father of the spirit king ..."

"Stupid girl, everyone has heard it now." Qing Huang laughed. "Don't you want to rely on it?"

"No," Xiao Hei said, after seeing nearly two hundred puppet culprits killing her, she said, "The enemy is here, and you have to find a solution quickly."

"Hum, don't worry, the soft-bodied python of the other party hasn't shot yet, and we don't have to use all our power." Qing Huang shouted in front of a finger: "Big bee out, ghost mist attack!"

"Buzz-buzz-" The moment the command was heard, the bee suddenly fluttered and flew up, blinking to reach the tops of these guys, it was just a moment, it had already released the overwhelming haze. fog.

This trick is still extremely sharp, and now not only the fierce venom in the fog, but also a lot of the power of the original fire, as long as the little crickets slightly touched their bodies, they already screamed and smoked, and then completely burned.

"Uh ?! This is the fire that can burn the refining evil spirit?" Gai said in secret, "No wonder there are only two girls who dare to come to me to fight, it seems that there are only a few ghosts, I His men are already ... right! "

The guy's heart suddenly moved: "What is the purpose of calling the snake group? Isn't it to deal with them?"

After making up his mind, Gai Yue immediately shouted at the soft-bodied python behind him: "Baby, let these snakes attack the two damsels." After hearing this, the python's eyes flashed a stern flash of energy. , Then raised his head sharply and shrieked: "His hiss--"

Zhou Wei's thousand-foot-long snake heard the voice of the other side as if he had heard the general's command soldiers, and rushed forward. Seeing that the other party was coming, Xiao Hei scratched his head and muttered, "Oops, how to deal with such a large group of worms?"

"Hehehe, this is for you, enough for you to protect yourself." Qing Huang smiled, and then gave her the "beast-controlling bead" to the other party, Xiao Hei took it to play, and suddenly asked: "Then you How to do?"

"Think about it, don't I have this?" Qing Huang's wrists turned sharply, the bamboo flute lit up, and Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Yeah, I forgot."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyosers a while away, the sound of the melodious flute sounded, and the horribly fierce snakes suddenly stopped in place, one by one trembling, almost unable to move.

At this moment, Qing Huang shouted immediately: "The snake group listened to the order and immediately attacked the scum of the Puppet Alliance in front of them. They just let everyone fall into the evil and unable to extricate themselves. It's time for revenge!"

"Hissing-hissing-" Qing Huang's words fell away, and the snakes roared and swooped forward.

"The disobedient beasts dare to fight against the water at a critical moment, abominable!" Seeing the snake swarms completely disregarding life and death, they rushed into the large-scale mist of ghost poison released by the giant bees, and the puppets were immediately heard inside. The screams of the Allies.

"Evil Python, hurry up to find a way to stop the snakes and my people from ..."

Seeing this going on, he soon became an orphan, and Gai was so anxious that he turned his head and ordered the evil python to act, only to find that the guy was constantly writhing his head on the edge of the bunker. Qinghuang flute sound disturbed, now a little unconscious.

"Mixed things, if you also follow them to die, Lao Tzu's hard work in vain during this time." Gai Yan's words fell away, anxious and frustrated moving mace, slamming on the forehead of the evil python: "Bang!"

"Hisse—" After being hit so hard, the soft bone python screamed, and its snakebone skull suddenly produced numerous flaws and cracks, and it continued to drop debris in the sound of "cracking", but also borrowed This recovered a little soberness.


At this moment, the bee's ghostly haze and fog continued to scream out of the puppet cult screamers, and Gai suddenly discovered that Qinghuang, Xiaohei, the five ghost ghosts, and the two sand bat kings turned towards themselves. As he kept approaching, this guy's face suddenly turned pale.

"Boom--Boom--" The next moment, everyone's feet suddenly produced strong vibrations and loud noises. Neither Qing Huang nor Xiao Hei could understand what was going on, but Guy Gao suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahaha-it really helps me!"

The reason why Gao Yu chose this place as his and his minions' minions, was because he kept the soft-bodied pythons in the big sand bunkers, and the other was to increase the cost of dealing with powerful enemies at critical moments.

The crust of the Da Liusha pit here is extremely unstable, and strong vibrations of different scales often erupt, and sometimes many new quick pits collapse. At this moment, Qinghuang's position has such a square hole. .

"Evil Python, you immediately drill into the ground, use all your power to penetrate the area under this girl, and let them be swallowed by quicksand."

"Hissing—" After listening to Gao Yan's words, the soft-bodied boa convolutedly shook the huge body, re-drilled back into the sand pit, and rushed towards Qing Huang's side.

"Well!" Qing Huang saw the quicksand pits of various sizes appearing frequently, and those undead Puppet League claws also fell into the pit in sorrow and death, she knew that she and Xiao Hei were under the foot. Don't stay long.

"Come on." After reaching for Xiaohei, Qing Huang and the little girl hurried to the edge of the pothole.

But the speed of sinking in the quicksand is really too fast. Before the sisters ran a few steps, their calves were completely trapped in the sand.

"Xiao Hei, ride on my back." Qing Huang's words fell off, and she immediately took the other person's back, and then pulled out the lotus blade. Suddenly a piece of sand in front of them became ice.

"Okay, just step on it ..." Qing Huang just wanted to step up, and Xiao Hei on her back shouted, "Be careful behind."

"Boom-wow!" The next moment, Huang Sha soared, and the soft-bodied python burst out of time, opening his mouth to bite at the second daughter. The situation was extremely critical.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at speaking slowly, at that time, the big booger snarled down from the air and shot the fist with his forehead sharply," wow! Click! " The skull of the soft-bodied python burst into pieces, then collapsed in half.

But this guy has the ability to rely on the rebirth of evil spirits, and saw that the evil python suddenly flickered his neck, and the skull was instantly wrapped in evil spirits, barely recovering most of its integrity.

At this time, the giant palms of the four ghosts that had gathered together had already held Qinghuang and Xiaohei along the "ice step" and slipped onto the edge of the deep pit. The two were safely out of danger.

"Huh, idiot, let the evil python go away now, and you're killing yourself."

The words of Qing Huang passed into Gai's ears at the next moment. This guy moved his heart suddenly and suddenly couldn't scream well. He heard the "squeak" screaming above his head suddenly. He looked up and turned out to be two sand bats. Wang killed him aggressively.

"Damn, you two beasts dare to bully me? Kill!" Reached and picked up a bow around him, and Gai this guy drew several arrows at the king of the bat: "嗤嗤嗤 ——"

Unfortunately, his bow and arrow skills are not even second- or third-rate. Batman just shakes his wings, "Papapa!" The dialing frequency keeps on rising. Those arrows are either broken or broken, or they bounce back to cover their own feet. Side, scared this guy back and forth.

"Squeak ---" The sand bat-man on the left saw the opponent's bow and arrow invalid, and immediately angered and rushed down. They hated this evil alliance cult and never let it go.

"Huh, here ?!" It turned out that Gai was deliberately weak. When the batman who was rushing through the air was closer, he immediately smashed it with a mace: "Go to yours."

"Boom!" The batman's intelligence is low, and he hits the wily Puppet League leader. A huge blood hole suddenly appeared in the body, and the sky fluttered in red. It suddenly fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, **** beast, you die!" Gai's heavy stick just knocked off the head of the sand bat king, and a sound suddenly sounded not far away.

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