Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3819: Conquer the figurines (first)

"Bang, pop!" After a while, the mist disappeared, and a dark monster lingering from the evil spirit rushed out of it. After this fellow devoured his companion, he mutated again, and his fierce power was better than ever.

But the guarding figurine was not afraid, shaking the body violently to generate a strong suction force, and completely absorbed the power of the original fire that appeared in the air around him. "Woohoo--" The blazing wind suddenly rises and stops. With the help of the fire spirit, The defending figurine grows taller and bigger again, but this time it only grows to the same height as the opponent, because too large will affect its own speed.

"Yeah!" The figurines of the human figurine slammed on the opponent's body, and the mutant monster black beast swallowed up the companion and became even more fierce. After the punch, instead of retreating, he twisted his time to the arm of the defending figurine. "Echoed, he bit it.

"Woohoo!" The guardian figurine didn't know what the pain was, and another fist kept bombarding the other side, but the black beast just didn't let loose his mouth, and he was in the same position.

"Hey, when are these two guys going to fight?" Li Xun said impatiently. "In this way, you and my time have been delayed, don't forget that Ruo Tao and the old monkey are still waiting at the entrance of the mountain stream." It's us. "

"It's also said that it's been a while now ..." Guan Heng deliberately shot and killed the black beast, but thought that guarding the figurines was the guard here, this guy still needs to solve the problems himself.

"Hey, let's take a shot and help directly." Guan Heng smiled with his jaw and said, "It's better, you and the infant white ghost create some power in the air nearby to scare the monster black monster, then secretly ... this Like ... "

"I see." Li Xun promised and then cried, "Baby white ghost, let's go."

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The wind sounded loudly between the electric light and the flint. A beast and a ghost suddenly soared to the left and right. For their actions, the guardian figurines ignored it. This guy just blindly bombarded the enemy's body with all his strength. .

But the black beast is different. This is really too clear. Guan Heng and the strength of a beast and a ghost are never below the guardian figurines. If they want to besiege themselves, ten captive black beasts will be bombed to the slag. .

The millennium is not in vain. The magic beast and the black beast have derived a lot of wisdom. Of course, the feeling of "fear of death" is particularly strong at this time. It is such a distracting effort that the fist of defending the figurine falls again The guy faced the door.

"Oh! Click!"

Suddenly, the black beast's cheeks were completely shattered. It was originally derived from the evil spirits, invisible and incorporeal, but just swallowed up the companion, so that the power of the black beast soared, so that the condensed entity could bite and defend the figurine. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Once the entities are condensed, the attack from the other party must be paid in full.

"Squeak ..."

The screams screamed abruptly, and the black beast unconsciously released the arm of the defending figurine that it had bitten and rolled backwards. When the figurine wanted to win the chase, its body suddenly flickered, and it suddenly "flipped" for a while Kneel down.

"Sure enough, the fire and aura have already been consumed, this is for you." The sound of hunting crickets sounded in mid-air, and only the sound of "Do la la" sounded, two pale gold chains shining with the light of the five elements aura blew. Next, he caught his arms around the figurines.

"Squeak-" The next moment, the wailing sound of the baby white ghost sharply, it also directly transmitted a large amount of the power of the original fire to the human figurine, this guy was replenished with strength, made a loud roar, and took a big step Rushing towards the black beast.


First, he fit and slammed into the air, hit the fallen black beast fiercely into the air, and then, while the opponent fell, the figurine slammed the beast's body with his fists wrapped in light gold chains. Countless holes were added to the black beast.

"When the cricket!" The black beast's remains fell to the ground, the guarding figurine did not hesitate, and he glowed with red flames and gathered in both fists, coupled with the power of the falcon's pale gold chain, the heavy fist slammed. In the rain, the black beast was beaten to pieces.

"Win ?!" The assassin who watched the war not far away suddenly came up with these two words.

Guan Hengshen said, "Not yet, this guy ... it wasn't the 'body' of the Captive Black Beast." When his words fell, surely there was a strange dark air behind the guardian figurines. Convergence, and immediately became the source of the evil spirits, completely covering the body of the human figurines.

"Giggle ... giggle ..." This evil force is like a python engulfing itself, constantly twisting and guarding the figurine, making it make a piercing noise, and the baby white ghost sees it, thinking that the human figurine is about to be completely crushed, and screams. He planned to rescue him.

"You don't have to do this, you can see it carefully." After speaking, Guan Heng sneered, holding his shoulders, "It's the magical black beast that happens to be self-defeating now!"

"Boom!" Speaking slowly, then, the red guardian figurine suddenly burst into a fiery raw fire, covering all the surrounding magical spirits and evil spirits, which is a trend of anti-encirclement.

It is ridiculous that the Capricorn Black Beast thought he could succeed in a sneak attack, but he did not know that although the defensive figurines lacked their autonomous intelligence, they also knew that they could count it once by using the tricks of the other party.

"Squeak-squeak-" The maggot black beast was roasted and burned by the original fire. It was painful and difficult. It wanted to struggle but it was impossible, so just watched as it was consumed by the flames bit by bit. , Completely vanished.

"Boom--" The moment the black beast disappeared, the entire space was extremely trembling.

"It looks like it's going to collapse and disappear, guard the figurines, your mission here has been completed, just follow me."

Having said this, Guan Heng beckoned him, and the guardian figurine immediately walked slowly towards him. "Boom!" The sound of the wind moved, and the fire aura remaining inside the figurine rushed back into Guan Heng's body. , This thing also shrinks to the size of a palm.

Li Xun said next: "This is a good thing made by Vulcan. Find a chance to study it. Maybe it is very useful ..."

"I'll say these words later, hurry up—" Guan Heng's words fell, and he rushed towards the gap in the space immediately, but the narrow slit narrowed too fast. When he ran over, he saw it Close up.

"Hey, Grandpa doesn't want to stay in this ghost place, eh, ah ah--"

The hunting owl suddenly yelled, and just listened to the "wow-la-la" sound around it. More than ten light gold chains stretched out rapidly, and they were stuck on the gap without any bias. "Stop, slap!" Pull it apart and make a gap.

"Oh!" Guan Heng fluttered across the flint, and then the baby white ghost flew out, but the hunting pheasant was a little slower, and it was too late.

"Slap! Slap!" Speaking slowly, then fast, Guan Heng and Ying Baigui hold the front end of a pale gold chain at the same time, he yelled: "Give me out!"

At the same time, one person and one ghost yanked fiercely, and finally pulled the hunting urn out of the gap.

"Slap!" The hunting spirit body just collided with the infant white ghost in the air, and the two guys rolled away and hurried away.

"Hey, wait for me." Seeing them take a step first, Guan Heng rushed straight away, and just like that, everyone had already rushed to the entrance of the sorrowful tiger.

"My son, you're back." Ruotao yelled from a distance, and a few Huayan and the old monkey hissed together, seeming ecstatic.

"It's been a long time for you to go this way." Ruo Tao complained after seeing Guan Heng rushing, "It's half a minute later than me."

"Don't make a noise. I and the hunting owl encountered something new on the way. Let's go back to Zhurong to leave the palace and tell you on the way."

When Guan Heng finished speaking, he took this large group of companions out of the sorrowful tigers. Before leaving, he did not forget to let the hunting owls and infant white ghosts knock down the entrance of the mountain ridge. In this way, the demonized monsters could not run out. Already.


After a while, Guan Heng returned to Zhu Rong to leave the palace.

"Pop." When he had finished everything, he put the guardian figurine on the table: "Well, this is the guardian figurine left by Vulcan. Do you guys know each other?"

"Uh ..." Wang Tong, a messenger of Vulcan, naturally planned to speak first, but he scratched his head for a while and finally said, "I haven't seen it."

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, I haven't seen it before." Yun Xiaopiao went on to say: "This kind of god-made thing, it is estimated that adults like Rongrong are personal collections, not necessarily easy to show people, so everyone feels unfamiliar Strange."

"But this thing is quite fun." Qing Huang raised the guarding figurine beside him, grinning the thing and laughing: "The texture is not gold or iron, and as long as the fire aura is absorbed, it can grow bigger and smaller, very magical."

"Well, isn't this fun?" At this moment, Xiao Hei ran into the house with the golden demon, the jade demon, the swallowing ghost cat, and Xiao Bai. They played crazy in the palace and came back to rest. .

Seeing the figurine in Qing Huang's hand, Xiao He reached out and grabbed: "Give me, give me."

"Go and give you something?" Guan Heng patted her forehead impatiently. "This is not a toy, and you can fiddle with it."

"My brother-in-law bullies people!" Hearing the words, Xiao Hei lamely shouted, "Even if it's not a toy, it's okay for people to touch it? It's so stingy."

"Yeah, Guan Heng, it's just a personal figurine." Yun Xiaopiao said as a sister, "It's rare that this child is curious, let her play."

"Well, I give Sister Yun face." Guan Heng shrugged indifferently at this time, and said to Qing Huang: "Let her fiddle with it, it's just a moment of freshness anyway."

At this moment, if Tao came in with a dinner plate, she said, "My son, the summer apricots are all cut. Come and try them."

"Oh oh-it's done, I can't wait to taste this thing." Qing Huang said, immediately reached out and pulled a piece from the plate and put it in his mouth, followed by a look of intoxication. : "Oh, delicious is hard to describe in words! Delicious!"

"Really ?! I want to eat too." Guan Heng and Xiao Hei both reached out and grabbed Lan Xing, but they couldn't stop eating.

At this moment, Wang Tong asked: "Xiaoguan, didn't you say that you have eliminated the evil roots in the human realm, will you return to the spiritual realm after you retrieve the nine great beasts?"

"Yes, we come to Zhurong Ligong this time. At first we met some of your old friends." Guan Heng ate blue apricot while saying, "Well, come here and return to the spirit world, I'm afraid to return Requires the remains of the Five Elements within the crater. "

"The thing is, those things are still ..." Wang Tonggang said here, Li Xun suddenly appeared beside Guan Heng, it said, "Guan Heng, have you forgotten what I told you?"

"What did you tell me?" Guan Heng's brain didn't respond for a moment, but the next moment, he suddenly patted his thigh and cried, "Oh, if I don't remind, I really can't remember."

When he first arrived in the spiritual realm, Guan Heng went to the ruins of the Five Elements God's Ligong Palace once. There was a stone platform. After conveying the aura, he could also leave a message of the light elements and shadows of the Five Elements God. The other four gods have been annihilated and sad for a while.

However, after careful consideration, things do n’t seem so simple, and there are still many secrets of the Five Elements God's Palace. It ’s hard to understand, so Lie and Guan Heng discussed to find several “holy artifacts” representing the Five Elements God, and tried to find the final whereabouts.

This matter has been agreed, and the five things are the gold cup, wooden spoon, water droplets, flint and fertile soil. The fertile soil is the property of the earthen gods. It has been found in the ancestral spiritual fantasy of the Yishui Demon Clan, but the remaining ones have not yet landed. Therefore, hunting for crickets is inevitable.

It continued: "I just asked Qing Huang a moment ago. You can only stay in the human world for 80 days, and we have already spent almost."

"Yes, there are probably four or five days left," Qing Huang said, holding her shoulders at this time: "Aheng, you promised to hunt the crickets, but you can actually do it. Besides, this matter is about the five elements. The whereabouts of God, we are too sloppy. "

"Hmm ..." Guan Heng whispered, touching his jaw: "If these things are found carefully, I am afraid that it will not be enough for a few days."

"Wait!" Huang Teng suddenly asked at this moment: "Guan Heng, can you tell me the names of the things you said again?"

"Of course you can," he said slightly. "The five things I found in the abandoned city palace in the ruins of the ancient battlefield in the two realms are the gold cup, wooden spoon, water droplets, flint and fertile soil."

"Wooden spoon? It really is this thing!"

As a messenger of the wooden god, Huang Teng naturally heard the name of Jumang's holy object, the wooden spoon. He thought about it, then shook his head and said, "Oh, I just heard the Lord Mu Shen read it, and said it was cooking tea before. The used wooden spoon was inadvertently lost somewhere, it turned out to be there. "

Then he paused and continued to say: "Anyway, as far as I know, Juman Ligong in the human world has no extra holy artifacts, hey, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"By the way, Heng Heng mentioned the sacred artifact called" Water Drops. "I haven't seen it in Xuanming Ligong for so many years."

As soon as Yun Xiaopiao's words came out, everyone felt shocked again. At this moment, Qing Huang sighed: "Well, after all, we only have a piece of fertile soil in our hands, which seems to be of little help."

"Wo-Long ... Wo-Long ..." Guan Heng was thinking about it, and suddenly a flash of light flashed through his head. He cried out, "Yes, I almost forgot one of the most important things!"

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