Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3821: The whereabouts of the treasure (third)

"Qi Ling, have you heard?" Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders, "it's up to you to look for the holy weapon."

"That's fine, but according to the old rules, you have to provide something that is related to what you are looking for, so that I can activate the ability to reverse the astral disk."

After listening to her words, Guan Heng subconsciously meditated, and Yun Xiaopiao next to him said suddenly, "You say, is there something related to the sacred artifact, will it be the Five Elements Aura?"

"Yes! Guan Heng slaps and said," With such a reminder, I remembered that the ruins on the bottom of the ancient battlefield, I was the reiki absorbed from the five holy vessels, which shows the reiki in my body, and The sacred artifact must be connected, like this ... "

When his words fell, the palm of his hand suddenly burst into the breath of the gods of the earth, and the other hand, Vaujan suddenly gave the same light.

"That's it. Let Aheng release the other four auras. If they are attached to the inverse plate, you should be able to find the whereabouts of the other holy artifacts, right?"

After hearing Qin Huang's question, Qi Ling said indifferently: "Then you have to try it first. I don't know what the specific result is."

"Try it, try it." Guan Heng then handed the fertile soil to Huangteng for custody, and the four spiritual breaths of gold, wood, water, and fire instantly appeared on his palms. These auras began to linger around him.

"Equipment, let's get started."

"Okay." Speaking slowly, then, quickly, the spirit of the inverse astronomical body emerged from the side of the instrumental spirit girl, the next moment, Guan Hengshun waved, and four auras fell on the surface of the inverse astronomical power.

The next moment, driven by Qi Ling, the inverse astrolabe began to spin rapidly in mid-air, and the five-pole beads above and the core spar "snapped", continuously dazzling.

"I don't know if it will be successful ..." Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other. Yun Xiaopiao, Wang Tong and Huang Teng were also very nervous, and the big furniture was staring at the rapidly turning anti-horoscope.

I don't know how long after that, the anti-horoscope suddenly sounded a series of rushing sounds of "唰 唰 唰-buzzing", and then, four of the five pole beads began to bloom, and the endless rotation of the anomalous.

"Oh!" Among the electric light and flint, the four auras of Jinmu Water and Fire broke away from the inverse astral plate, breaking through the sky, "Pop!" The golden demon and baby white ghost beside Xiaohei were first hit by the two auras and hit Get them wow, they flew out.

"Oh!" The third aura hit the wooden scepter in the palm of the ancient Sang woman severely, and shocked it into the air. Thanks to her stunned eyes, she immediately followed with her own spiritual root.

"Wow!" With a loud noise, the old white-browed monkey roared, and it turned out that the last fire aura hit his lower abdomen with impartiality.



"Woo ---"

After the golden demon baby, the baby white ghost, and the old monkey were hit, they were tumbling in pain on the spot. Qing Huang and they immediately rushed to look at it, and the wooden scepter received by the ancient mulberry was buzzing and fierce. The tremor was obviously a great reaction to the aura just now.

"Spirit!" Guan Heng shouted at the moment: "What the **** is going on?"

"Hum, I should ask you this sentence!" Qi Ling Maid said, waving her hand, and let the anti-horoscope disappear in the air first.

She continued: "Guan Heng, have you got your head in the water, and what you are looking for is clearly there, but you still have to waste my spiritual energy to find it. Do you know how much energy it takes to start an inverse disk? You pay me, you pay me! "

Hearing Qi Ling's unusually angry words, Guan Heng knew that the other party was not telling lies, so he gathered a group of auras of power from his source. When Qi Ling was overjoyed, he reached out and grabbed: "Hurry up."

"Wait a minute, you can make it clear." Guan Heng retracted the hand that was supposed to be handed out, and then said, "Is the thing I'm looking for really right around me?"

"Yes." Qi Ling Maid pointed at the wooden scepter in the hand of Gu Sang, and said, "You told her to hit me with a wooden scepter before. This thing is the ultimate of the wooden spirit, not the wooden spirit who is looking for it. Device, what is that? The derivation of the anti-horoscope is not wrong. "

"Well, this makes sense, too." Guan Heng slightly jawheaded. At this moment, the situation of the golden demon baby, the infant white ghost, and the old monkey who were hit by the reiki stabilized a lot, no longer crying in pain, the original reiki was just There were some adverse reactions when they entered them.

Qi Ling pointed at them again and said: "The situation of these guys is similar to that of the wooden staff in the hands of Gu Sang, and you have to figure out the specific things yourself."

Then she pretended to be miserable, said Guan Guan: "Please, I have already consumed a lot of spiritual power. I will soon give me the spiritual power of the original power, and people will return to the kitten to absorb and fuse."

"Take it." Guan Heng passed the spirit group to the other party, and then urged: "Don't be so greedy and cheap, or you will kill yourself sooner or later."

"I see!" Qi Ling perfunctory in his mouth, grabbed the spirit group and instantly turned into a stream of spirit breath, and got into the body of the devouring meow.

"Ah Heng, is Qi Ling's story true?"

After hearing the question from Qing Huang, Guan Hengdao said: "Well, think about it now, I'm afraid it's very possible, do you remember? The Golden Demon is the heir who inherits the spirit of the Golden Ancestor, and the Infant Bai Gui also got from the palace. The essence of water spirits has the power to control water auras, and it is no exaggeration to say that they have the ultimate of two auras. "

"Guan Heng makes sense." Silent hunting falcon also flew over.

It continued: "I just listened to Qi Ling's words, and then carefully observed the situation of the golden demon. I found that the golden spirit in his body had reached a very mellow state, which was very close to the time when the lord was collecting. The demon can serve as a substitute for the Five Elements. "

"Well, babies are naturally one of them." Guan Henggang said here, Huang Teng, Yun Xiaopiao and Wang Tong shouted in unison: "Look at it, the old monkey's reaction seems a bit strange."

"Woohoo, woohoo !!!"

At this moment, the white-browed old monkey shuddering and screaming in pain, when Guan Heng and everyone ran over, it was almost painful. Ruo Tao could not help asking: "It was still good just now, why did it suddenly become like this?"

"We don't know too well ..." Yun Xiaopiao's words fell away, he reached out his hand and touched the old monkey's body, and immediately screamed, "It's hot!"

"What ?!" Wang Tongwen immediately came over when he heard this, he looked closely, and then said, "Did you find that? The old monkey's belly seemed to bulge."

"Yes, it seems to be getting bigger and bigger." Xiao Hei said subconsciously and reached out to touch, Qing Huang hurriedly said, "Be careful."

"Oh, it's really hot." The fingertips lightly touched the bulge on the stomach of the other person, and Xiao He suddenly grinned and retracted his hand.

"No, the temperature on this monkey is getting higher and higher. I have to find a safe place and take away the violent firepower from it. This place is definitely not good. If there are too many people, it will inevitably lead to accidents. . "

Having said that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and hugged the old monkey. Don't look at the other person's fire and nimbus causing his body to become hot, but he can also take the power of the original fire, so it is not affected.

"By the way, there is a crater under the Ligong Palace, where it is extremely hot all year round, which is just right for you to calm down the original fire power of the old monkey." Wang Tong said at this time: "Remember the last path?"

"Of course." Guan Heng said, "You quickly opened the door of the passage, we went in."

"Wait." Qing Huang shouted at the back: "I can't worry about you alone, take all the seven ghosts with you." Hearing her words, Guan Heng didn't hesitate, and said "Yeah" casually, and Wang Tong hurried toward the underground passage leading to the crater.


After a while, Guan Heng hugged the white-browed old monkey and came to the crater. It was filled with hot and hot caves everywhere. He just found a small one, and put the old monkey in, and then sat there. .

"Seven ghosts, I want to help the old monkey to calm down the power of the fire in the body, and you are guarding it at the entrance." Said, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the other party scattered immediately.

"Hey, you old lady, it really will cause trouble for Master Ben, but rest assured, I won't let you be okay." Guan Heng's words fell off, and he reached out and held his opponent's vest to start absorbing his body. The excess power of the fire, soon, Shuangyi fell into silence.


On the other side, the infant white ghost and the five ghosts are guarding at the entrance of the cave. Unconsciously, after a long while, everyone thinks there should be no danger in the vicinity, but in the next moment, a cold and strange wind suddenly passed through the oblique stab. , And then disappeared at the corner.

"Squeak ?!" Seeing this situation, the infant white ghost felt a little weird. It whispered to the big ghost, and he planned to check it out, but the big ghost shook his head, opposed the infant white ghost to act alone, and suggested that he and the other party together go with.

In this way, the two ghosts left the giant bee and four tadpoles to continue to guard Guan Heng and the old monkey in the cave, and they went to chase the strange wind to see what happened.

After a while, the two ghosts searched for each other's tracks and walked around to the underground magma sea.

After arriving here, the infant white ghost remembered the scene of coming here for the first time. At that time, there were two fierce beasts fighting here. When they both lost, they picked up a bargain and sucked the two beasts. Nearly half of the power of the fire, can be called a full meal.

"Woohoo ..."

Suddenly, the roar of the big magpie interrupted the thought of the infant white ghost. The original magma sea surface suddenly set off a huge wave, which was a few feet high. Then, countless fierce maggots rushed out of the magma Rushing out, they screamed and snarled, constantly fighting each other and fighting.

Xuanming Ligong has the spirit of water spirit, Zhu Rong away from the palace has the spirit of fire spirit inhabited, these fiery magpies are the fiery spirit of the fiery spirit, they originally belonged to the "porter" of the palace.

It turned out that this Zhurong Ligong has the ability to move around and go around, which is because Vulcan Zhurong maintains a lot of fire spirits in the palace.

The spirit of the fire spirit is extremely powerful, and they can float in the sky. As soon as Zhu Rong orders, they will hold the palace and fly away, which is very convenient.

However, many years ago, Zhu Rong disappeared. Although Wang Tong was a divine ambassador, he could not completely control these irritable fiery spirits. The other party was often disobedient and repeatedly fled. Wang Tong was arrested.

A few years ago, in order to find the clue of the disappearance of the Five Elements, Wang Tong asked Zhu Rong to relocate to the Yunjie Peak crater. It was a concentration of all the spirits of the fire spirit, and it was possible to make a long journey, but once he arrived Here, the spirit of the fire spirit broke free of the shackles and escaped, all hiding in the volcano belly under the palace.

However, this group of guys need to replenish the power of the original fire at any time to continue to survive. They cannot be separated from the fiery source of fire, so instead of walking towards the Quartet, they hid in the volcano.

At that time, Wang Tong was anxious to investigate the disappearance of the Five Elements, and he did not care about them for a while. Who knows, what he originally thought was the problem of psoriasis, but now it has become a lot of trouble.

Not long after, those spirits of the fire spirit encountered another evil thing in the mountain belly, which is "red mane fire ghost". Both were hot-tempered and madly belligerent. At this point, they ate and merged with each other under the crater, and as a result, a new form appeared, which Wang Tong called "the fiery cricket."

These fiery magpies feed on the hot volcanic ore and the spreading fire aura. They can control the power of the manic raw fire. In this crater, they can also replenish their own power at any time. It is almost invincible, making Wang Tong I dare not provoke them easily.

However, after encountering Guan Heng and the Seven Ghosts, the fiery crickets fell to the mold, and they fell into disappointment.

At the beginning, two fierce beasts, one of which was the fiery king, and the other was Zhu Tongzi, because these two guys fought in the magma sea for many years, they also devoured the same kind from time to time, eventually leading to all the fierce fighting They were repelled by Guan Heng and the Seven Ghosts, and suffered the fate of self-eating.

At this time, the infant white ghost and the big magpie watched the fierce maggots rush out of the magma and fight each other. They both felt something interesting, so they started to watch the changes.

Among the flashes of light and fire, a fierce 魇 who was several times stronger than his companion slammed his fist and banged, "Hoo—Bang bang!" The guy shattered into the air.

"Woohoo!" After beating his opponent, this fiery arrogant, could not help but growl and roar loudly, meaning "Lao Tzu is the best in the world, whoever refuses to come and kill him".

The large and small fiery magpies floating around in the magma sea heard this guy's shout, and they were a little afraid, so they spread apart and did not dare to fight against them.

"Squeak, squeak." The infant white ghost saw the guy in a black state, but was so arrogant that he couldn't help but want to go up and teach each other a lesson. Do it yourself.

Just when the two ghosts were arguing about who wanted to fly over and shot, the magma sea suddenly set off again, "Hula—Boom—" It was late, and at that time, a giant beast came out of the surging magma. The head popped out, it had only one eye, but at this moment it was staring at the fiery cricket in the air.

"Woohoo ?!" Seeing the other person gazing at himself, the fierce whine that yelled was also a little nervous.

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