Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3825: Fire lizard addiction

"Wow-la ---" At this moment, the sound of galloping sounds one after another, the unwillingness of the huge fire enchanter again led the ethnic group to chase over, and also came to the shore.

"Yeah!" The guardian figurine rushed out of the magma, stepped on the flat ground in front of him, and after spitting out Guan Heng, the old monkey, and the essence of the original fire, his body shrank to the height of a person.


Speaking slowly, then, the huge fire monster sang out his head from the magma. This guy was about to roar in a fierce state, and the shadows of dormant ghosts suddenly appeared around him. ——Bang Bang Bang! "The seven ghost king beads burst into fierce breath and blasted on it.

"Woohoo!" The scream screamed sharply, and the fire demon blew up the blood mist again in his mouth. This guy had lost 99% of his life. He knew that he would die if he didn't rush to run away. , Hurried away without looking back.

"Hey, man, don't leave." Guan Heng smiled deliberately at the moment: "We have a chance to see you again."

"Woo, Woo!" The white-browed monkey screamed in the direction of the magma sea, expressing extreme contempt.

"Okay, the enemy is gone, it's time to decide what to do with this stuff." Guan Heng then patted the essence of the original fire around him, he said: "This thing is extremely hot. It seems a bit difficult. "

He said this for a reason. The reason why he was able to hold the prism and bring it back was based on the premise of continuously releasing the Five Elements Aura to wrap this thing. The kind of consumption is quite huge, I'm afraid I can't return to Zhurong to leave the palace.

After pondering for a while, Guan Heng has not yet made a decision. At this moment, the aura on the surface of the prism completely disappeared. Between the electric light and flint, this thing immediately released a fiery flame that burned the ground. , And immediately made a **** hole in the original place.

"Well, if you don't hurry up to find a way, the heat of this thing can burn the ground ..." Guan Heng moved in his heart, but the old monkey couldn't hold back at this moment. This guy was eager for the fire spirit, and fluttered suddenly. To the prism.

Guan Heng remembered that the old monkey had touched the object with his paw before being burned, and immediately said, "Wait a minute, you just suffered a loss just now, why don't you learn well?"

"Oh, oh." The old monkey turned his head and said, it doesn't matter. He didn't want to touch the thing directly, but stopped a few feet away and sucked up with all his strength.

"Woohoo--" The wind swelled in an instant, and indeed a lot of the essence of the original fire poured into the nostrils and mouths of the old monkey, letting it suck.

"That's right, you ghost will think of a way." Guan Heng laughed, and suddenly saw that the flint in his hand also had an abnormal reaction.

"Buzz--" This little flint tremor also produced a little suction, and began to absorb the essence of the original fire opposite, and faster and faster, Guan Heng whispered: "Okay, that's it, try to suck."

After more than ten minutes, the little flint and the old monkey absorbed a lot of fire aura. Guan Heng noticed that the burning scent of the original fire essence prism was sharply reduced, and immediately said: "Old monkey, wait a minute."

After all, he stepped forward to reach out his hand, and then continued: "Well, it's pretty much the same, although there is still a little bit of heat above, but it can already be held in our hands, let's go."


In this way, Guan Heng and the old monkey hurriedly returned to the living room of Zhu Rong Ligong Palace. As soon as he entered the door, Wang Tong stepped forward and said, "Hey, you guys are back. This is half an hour. Is it an accident? ? "

"Hehehe, it's an accident, but it's also an adventure. Come here and show you two good things." Then, Guan Heng took out the small flint, the essence of the original fire and the prism, and passed the crater. Originally said it again.

After listening to his words, Wang Tong let out his eyes and said, "Really the essence of the original fire ?! Great, even if I have never heard of such a thing."

Having said that, he couldn't help but reach out to touch the object, and after scanning horizontally left and right, he suddenly found something wrong.

"Well, what about Qinghuang and Sister Huangteng and Yun Yun?" After hearing Guan Heng's inquiry, Wang Tong woke up and said quickly: "I really want to tell you that we are here, we are here too. Something went wrong ... "

It was not long after Guan Heng left with the old monkey and the Seven Ghosts, the fire lizard raised by Wang Tongyu suddenly screamed outside the door, and then kept rolling.

Everyone was shocked and ran out to check, only to find that the salamander was suddenly cold and hot, and it seemed to be suffering a lot of pain. Wang Tong inspected it carefully and found out that the pouting beast had taken care of them and returned "the summer blue apricot." They all ate.

Originally, this was not a big deal, but salamanders don't know one thing. It doesn't matter if people or monsters eat blue apricots, but they must be scooped out and thrown away because they contain a little toxin.

The poison of apricot nucleus is very small for human beings, and it is basically negligible. The only thing that cannot be eaten by monsters that often come into contact with fire and aura is because it is a strange cold toxin.

The salamander pouted a catastrophe. Although the apricot kernel cold poison is not fatal, if it is not removed in time, it will toss it for several days. Wang Tong can't help anger when he sees this guy embarrassing himself. Screamed.

However, Yun Xiaopiao and Qing Huang were unwilling to help each other and decided to help each other to solve their pain.

At that time, Huangteng thought of an ancient formula that could eliminate cold poison for salamanders, but needed several kinds of materials growing on cliffs and a huge copper furnace for refining medicine. In this way, everyone was busy with their division of labor. .

Qing Huang and Yun Xiaopiao took the calyx to collect several materials, including: Huang Ruijinmei, Artemisia fragrans, and the eggshell of a three-legged heron.

Ruo Tao, Xiao Hei, Gu Sang Nu, and Shuang Yao Xiaowa went to Luanshigang, north of Zhurong Ligong, because Wang Tong passed by there a while ago and saw an abandoned and worn-out copper furnace. If he repairs it a little, he can continue to use it. .

As for Huangteng, he took the salamander to the apse to settle down, and swallowed the ghost cat and Xiaobai Dada followed him.

Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly asked, "Wait, what about hunting?"

"I'm here." The hunting owl's voice suddenly rang from behind everyone, and then came to them with Shadi and the corpse horse. When he saw the small flint on the table case, he was immediately surprised and said, "Is this the holy spirit weapon?" replacement of?"

"Yes, there is also the" primitive essence of fire "we found in the magma sea." Guan Heng pointed to that thing and said, "Now the flint reserve of the little flint is not the highest, so you must always keep this thing next to it and absorb it. The power of the fire. "

Li Xun said, "I see. I'm guarding Woyang with Shadi and the dead horse. Now let's put these two things together."

"Yeah." Guan Heng agreed when he heard the words of Li Xun, and he continued: "I don't know how well Qing Huang and Sister Yun have done things? Otherwise, I will go and help with the old monkey. "

"Woohoo, woohoo." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the old white-browed monkey was unwilling. He pointed at his own stomach and yelled at Guan Hengwei twice, which means, "Boss, you just put my belly Leaving it open and letting us enter the magmatic sea is busy, but now I'm exhausted.

"Whether it's good, then you can rest in the palace, I'll look for them myself." Although Guan Heng also felt a little tired, but was a little worried about everyone, so he greeted Wang Tong and went out in a hurry.


At the same time, Qing Huang and Yun Xiaopiao searched for the nearby cliffs and barren slopes along the way with flowers, and finally found "Huang Ruijin Mei" on a certain cliff.

"Huh, I finally found the same." Qing Huang breathed a little sigh of relief, and then said to Huayao, "Trouble you, go and pick Jin Mei down, thank you."

"Hehehe, sister, you are really kind to them." Yun Xiaopiao joked at the moment: "Is it because you have special feelings for birds?"

"Well, Sister Yun said that's not bad." Qing Huang smiled with a smile: "Since I can understand the language of spirit beasts and spirit birds, I think they are more interesting, and naturally they are more amicable."

"Hey, let me tell you, this girl is like a fairy, and she has a strange ability full of body. The rotten boy really has no luck for thousands of years to repair you."

Yun Xiaopiao blinked and said, "Well, Guan Heng is really blessed."

"Sister, don't make any mistakes, be careful to be heard." After saying this, Qing Huang sighed again and whispered: "Actually, I was the one who hurt Aheng ..."

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Because the other person's voice was too low, Yun Xiaopiao didn't hear it for a moment. When she was trying to find out, a scream of Huayan suddenly sounded not far away: "Coo, Cooga —— "

Hearing this tweet with a hint of surprise, the second daughter suddenly felt a bit strange: "What's going on?"

Speaking late, at that time, several flower owls rushed down from the air, and the winged wings closed and fell beside them, and then they shouted at Qinghuang one after another.

"Hey, you guys are so noisy." Yun Xiaopiao complained, "Can you be quiet?"

"Sister Yun was right, one by one." Qing Huang pointed at the flower with black spots on her forehead and said, "Boss, you come first."

"Coo, coo ..." The boss of Huayao screamed for a while, then she understood what was going on. At this moment, several other Huayao also handed the collected Huang Ruijinmei to Yun Xiaopiao.

"That's the case, I understand." At the next moment, Qing Huang slightly bowed her head, and then said to Yun Xiaopiao, who came over, "Sister, when the flower buddies were collecting Jin Mei on the cliff, they seemed to see monsters nearby. Corpses, want us to look over. "

"What? The corpse ..." Hearing this, Yun Xiaopiao was obviously a little unwilling, but it was difficult to refute the other's face, and he nodded: "Okay, let's take a look."

"Oh, sister Yun, I knew you were the best." Qing Huang said with a smile: "I will let Huayao lead the way."


After a while, the two women, led by Huayan, came to a nearby hillside full of messy wormwood.

"Sister, look." Yun Xiaopiao pointed to a black figure lying on the ground in front of him: "What kind of monster is that?"

"I'll check it out." Then, Qing Huang hurriedly ran over, Yun Xiaopiao followed closely, and said, "Slowly, slowly, in case of danger? If you are missing one My hair might be desperate for me. "

"Sister, you're joking at me again." Qing Huang just said here, a few flower owls have flew to her, then pointed with a beak, and pulled away the wormwood that was blocking the way in front of her to let her walk. walk over.

"Well, this monster ... looks a bit familiar." Yun Xiaopiao who followed him carefully identified it, and suddenly smiled: "Hey, isn't this a" cloud-eating hedgehog "? Very common ordinary monster . "

Qing Huang clapped her hand and said, "Ah, I also remembered that I had seen this with A Heng near the cliff before, but the color of the scales was different and I didn't recognize it for a while."

The so-called cloud-eating hedgehog is a kind of little monster that resembles a hedgehog. They generally inhabit high towering cliffs and peaks. According to legend, this beast likes to devour the clouds, hence its name.

"No motion, curled up into a ball, is it really ..." Speaking of this, Qing Huang carefully touched the opponent's body with his hand, Yun Xiaopiao reminded: "It is best not to touch it directly, it may be poisoned. "

"Eh ?!" As soon as the words came out, the Yunshi hedgehog suddenly turned up and sat up, and howled at Yun Xiaopiao. She frowned suddenly: "How is it alive? Are the Huayans lying? ? "

"Coo, coo ..." After hearing this, a few flowers were not happy at all, and they made noises and tweets, indicating that they were very wronged.

"Okay, don't call me first." Qing Huang leaned down at this time: "I'll ask it first, hey, why are you lying here?"

The little beast seemed to understand that the other party could understand his own language, so he howled a few times. Qing Huang heard this and made a sudden beep.

"Sister, what is this guy talking about?"

Seeing Qing Huang a bit stunned, Yun Xiaopiao couldn't help asking questions. She then raised her head and said, "Oh, the little beast just said that she was stung by a monster, so she fell down in air, but because she has some resistance to its toxins, she didn't die. Misunderstanding it's dead ... "

"Well, wow." Shi Yun hedge whispered to Qing Huang at this moment, and then struggling to get up, he was about to stagger away.

"Wait." She asked at this moment: "You still have some poison left on you. Where do you want to go?"

The little beast heard Qing Huang's inquiries and called a few impatiently. She laughed: "Oh, I had to find a clean source of water to drink and soak the wound to detoxify. I see. I can help you."

Said, Qing Huang pulled out the lotus strange blade, the little beast thought it was against himself, and scared his neck to hide behind. Who knew that the poison was not removed, and his feet softened and collapsed to the ground.

"Don't be afraid, it's not about to chop you." Qing Huang smiled with a sharp edge of a sharp finger, a spirit of water spirit instantly covered the cloud-eating hedgehog. This little animal likes clean water most, but never encountered such Something that makes you comfortable can't help but let out a cheerful groan.

After a few breaths, the place where Shiyun Hedgehog was wounded by the demon worm was healed. It can also be regarded as Entu, and stood up to the feet of Qinghuang, and stunned in a friendly manner.

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