Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3897: Roll over

He said it was easy, but the bones of the other beast across the front were full of strength and vowed to give Guan Heng a hard lesson.

"Woohoo--" When a whirlwind of turbulent wind around the bone formed a whirlpool, a whirlwind immediately formed towards Guan Heng.

"Huh!" Guan Heng saw a violent attack, and immediately slashed his sword, "Oh!" Where the sharp edge of the sword swept, the sharp whirlwind shattered, but this was just the other's blind-eye method.

"Wow! Hey--" Suddenly, more than a dozen fast-moving black shadows sprang out of the ground. When Guan Heng waved his sword against the whirlwind, they had already surrounded himself.

"Huh? This is ..." Guan Hengning looked at it. It turned out that the broken bones that had just fallen to the ground and sunk into the soil, under the control of the beast soul, turned into hexapods that quickly climbed one by one. .

"Get off!" His words came to an end, and he had stepped on the ground with his feet severely, "Bang Bang Bang!" More than a dozen bone worms were scattered by Zhen Fei, but the rest were already around.

"Son, you can't handle it this time, right?" Ruo Tao smiled at this time: "Would you like me to help you?"

"Hahaha-little girl ghost, it's not enough for you to look down on me." Guan Heng laughed a long time, Hongyun sword in the palm of the hand suddenly "swish" and waved, soaring Jianmang swept around in all directions, shredded Countless bone bugs.

The beast full of bones thought that he could hold Guan Heng for a while. Who knew that the blink of an eye would be broken by him.

"Stupid thing, this is for you!" The next moment, Guan Heng suddenly waved his sword and slashed, "Oh!" The empty sword Meng rushed to its front.

"Oh!" Seeing that the situation was critical, the strange beast did not dare to neglect, and immediately shook the bones and rattled, releasing three rapid whirlwinds again.

"Bang, bang!" The two whirlwinds were hit by Jian Mang's head, smashing and disintegrating immediately, but the third whirlwind's mighty momentum came to Guan Heng.

"Drink!" Growled, Guan Heng, who could not escape, suddenly waved his fist, "Dang!" The fist twirled against the whirlwind, and the two touched slightly to determine the outcome!

Naturally, the boxing power containing the Five Elements Aura is even better. After Guan Heng smashed the whirlwind, his body sloshed forward, and the Hongyun sword in the palm of his hand flew straight out: "着 ——"

"Eh ?!" The strange beast saw the divine soldiers rushing forward, scaring his neck and rolling his head in horror, and it was worthy of avoiding the onslaught of the sword.

But at this moment, Guan Heng shook his hands and threw a hundred-foot demon worm claw, "Pop!" He clamped the hilt of the sword and dragged it back, and the sword sharply made a round in the air and fell sharply downward, "下方"Hongyun Jian nailed into the middle of the neck of the bone of the other animal.

"Hahaha!" Guan Heng laughed and pulled hard, pulling him to his side: "You're done!"

"Oh!" The strange beast saw his limbs uncontrollable, and he was pulled closer by one moment. The fear of destruction enveloped the whole body in a short time. This guy couldn't help but screamed and shivered. Rising, there even appeared to be a desire to give up resistance.

"Did you lose your fight? It's really useless waste. Let me take you on the way." Guan Heng's words fell away, and he strode forward and waved his sword.

"Woohoo!" Between the electric light and flint, the eyes of the other animal's bones suddenly appeared evil, and with a loud roar greeted Guan Heng, it turned out that this guy just pretended to show weakness, just to find a chance to fight back.

"When!" A stiff beast bone hit the sword's blade, and time splattered the Martian blasts. The sword in Guan Hengzhang continued to push down. This guy couldn't carry it just by resisting a few breaths.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Speaking late, then fast, and the icy wind of the rainbow cloud covering the bones, "Dangdangdang!" Fell on the other side of the body one after another. Various parts.

"Although my attack is fast, but without the Five Elements Aura, it is still not easy to dismember the opponent's hard bones and seize the soul of another animal. We must think of another way."

Guan Heng moved slightly in his heart, and suddenly began to pay attention to the two green flames of the beast's skull. His mouth was upturned, and a sneer flashed on his face: "That's it!"

"Go!" For a while, he suddenly swerved his finger, and the two Mars burst into the wind, "Oh!" He sank into the hole in the skull of the other side.

"Woohoo--" Don't look at just the fire of the stars. It still has great power when it burns. The strange beast just felt the pain in the skull and bones. It suddenly shook his head and screamed loudly, and wanted to pull back.

"Want to go? It's not that easy." Guan Heng snorted and flew forward, "Oh!" A turn was falling on its back.

"Yeah!" Hongyun sword in the palm of his hand turned sharply half a circle, and poked into the left eye of the opponent's skull. "Yeah!" Jian Feng submerged into the skull for more than two feet, he cried, "You're done!"

Guan Hengjian Feng suddenly exposed the aura that swept the bones of each corner of the body's head, and instantly hurt the hidden soul of the strange beast inside. This guy suddenly wailed: "Woo--"

But Guan Heng didn't care about thirty-seven and twenty-one, biting his teeth and rotating the blade, only to hear the sound of "cracking" bone fractures one after another, followed by a loud noise, "cracking!"

"唰 唰 唰 —— 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The strange soul of the beast rushed out of the wind, and the remaining bones collapsed to the ground immediately. But at this moment, the soul shadow rushed to Guan Heng, which was close at hand. Before he could react, he should be completely covered by the other party.

"You ?!" Suddenly attacked by the opponent, Guan Heng showed a little embarrassment under the shadow of the soul.

If not far away, Ruo Tao saw this, and took a step forward subconsciously, but then thought about it, but immediately stopped.

Li Xun casually asked: "Why not go up to help?"

"How could a little strange beast have a son?" Ruotao's heart resembled a mirror, and she replied, "I can't take a shot now."

Lie Wen heard the head slightly: "Oh, you understand."

"Woohoo--" At the next moment, the wind in the battlefield ahead exploded, and as expected, Guan Heng would not let himself suffer.

This beast soul intends to make a desperate attempt to forcibly occupy Guan Heng's body, but in a short time he releases his whole body of fire and aura, and immediately roasts the soul of the beast red!

"Hissing--" The hot waves of burning air and the harsh sounds of the soul body one after another, suddenly let the strange soul of the beast that covered Guan Heng shrink madly.

Guan Heng suddenly stretched out a hand at this moment, "Pop!" Zhang Fu just held a corner of the evil spirit of the other beast, and then yelled, "I'll let you see, offend us."


She slammed her head and slammed the soul to the ground, Guan Heng then slammed up, and her fists instantly attached a layer of aura. Sighting this guy was a lightning-like random punch attack, "Bang Bang Bang!" The boxing was like a squall, causing numerous cracks and holes in the surrounding ground.

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