Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3908: Scent Crystal (Fifth more outbreak)

"Eh ?! This is a bit difficult." After listening to the Jiugong Bird, Ruo Tao could not wait to hit the old monkey who blasted the stone wall: "Wait a minute, and rush it, we will be buried alive."

"I ..." Qing Huang just wanted to take a step forward, Guan Heng stretched out her hand, and then smiled, "What is it urgent? Let her think for herself."

"Uh, yes." Qing Huang listened to him for a reason, and took his steps back. After a few breaths, the blink of an eye passed, and if Tao suddenly slapped, "I'm so stupid, I just thought of it."

Immediately afterwards, she twisted her head and said, "Qing Huang, you use the strange lotus blade to release the cold and freeze the soil layer on the top of the wall. Then, when we bombard the stone wall, it won't collapse."

Seeing that she could think of this method without reminding him, Guan Heng smiled and said, "Smart, the idea that I think is reliable."

"Ha ha ha." Ruo Tao was still a little embarrassed after hearing it, and Qing Huang over there had pulled out the Lotus Qiblade and said, "Okay, I'll freeze the cold on the top of the wall, you just have to start."

"Woo--whoohoo--" When her words fell, the chill had frozen the soil above everyone's heads. The next moment, Ruotao's thunder blade gathered the mighty sword strength, the old monkey's fists By contrast, the power of the original fire suddenly appeared. "Roar--"

Suddenly, the two of them drank in unison, suddenly bombarding all their forces on the stone wall, "Bang Bang Bang Bang", the two teamed together to strike, and the power was not even timid, let alone a block. The stone wall immediately cracked and collapsed in response, and there were countless flying dust all around.

"Okay, go in." Ruotao couldn't help seeing her blow to the target, and immediately rushed in.

"唰 唰 唰-嗤嗤嗤-" Suddenly, the other side of the wind suddenly rose, several rushing shadows rushed towards the gate of Ruo Tao, and there were even a few who attacked the old monkey.

"Hmm, don't you think your aunt doesn't feel you?"


The cold light flashed and the wind was strong. If Tao issued a low slap, he slashed with the soldier's blade in the palm, "噗噗 噗!" The flying black shadow was immediately cut into several pieces and crashed to the ground. Qing Huang looked aside and frowned, "Another thorny skull corpse ?! How could such a thing appear here?"

"Oh!" At the next moment, the old monkey who smashed the black shadow in front of him suddenly noticed that there was movement in Shichi in front of him, and suddenly he flew away.

In the pervasive dust, he punched away, "Who-bang!" The other party obviously took a blow, and then went back in sorrow.

"Oh!" The wind swelled the next moment, and there were seven or eight weird shadows around the old monkey, which surrounded it in the middle.

"You guys ..." Ruo Tao was trying to help him, Guan Guan called out, "Wait, the old monkey can handle it, but I think that the guy he hit just now is a bit weird, and the other party seems to have escaped. "

"This breath ... so strong corpse smell!" Qing Huang frowned, covering her nose at the moment: "Nausea is dead."

Nine Palace Bird spoke next to him: "Of course it's unbearable, because that's the breath of" 瞽 目 獴 "."

"What ?!" Upon hearing this, the crowd was surprised. At this moment, the old monkey shook his body stupidly, and left fist was right in front of the skull of the corpse in front of him, "click, slap!" The other person's brain echoed with his half body. Bursting, the remaining corpses left and fell to the ground.

"Wow!" Seeing that the enemy was so fierce, the remaining zombies did not retreat, Zhangya dance claws to tear up the old monkey, the eyes appeared sharp, and he was wrapped in a violent punch with crickets. On the ground.

"Boom! Boom!" The boxing strength was like a thunder, and the original ground was cracked. Those guys suddenly felt unstable. "Boom!" All time jumped into the air.

"Yeah!" This time the old monkey was pregnant, saying that it was late, fast, then, while the howling sounded, the old monkey jumped up, "Yo, ping pong ping pong!" The shadows of the sky fell on all the corpses.

"Hoo--" As always, after the sound of the wind, the blazing fire attached to the old monkey's fist completely dusted the living corpses, "Patter!" The next moment, it landed lightly, and the dust around it was almost dispersed. Already.

"Jiugong Bird, the guy who was accidentally hit by the old monkey just now is really a corpse ?!" He heard Guan Heng's question, and the other party nodded: "Although I didn't see it clearly, the smell of this beast was stink. I won't admit it. "

"It's weird. Although it's only a few feet away, and I can hear the sound and smell the smell, I always don't think that guy looks like a normal living thing."

Guan Heng talked to himself at this time. If Tao heard it, he sneered and said, "Master, what are you thinking? Since that beast can make a living corpse, it is estimated that it itself is such garbage, how can it be Living thing?"

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally. Although Ruo Tao's words seemed to be a joke, Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other and still felt a bit of reason.

At this moment, the ghosts of the big ghost, the infant white ghost, and the four-armed mountain hawk appeared around them, and Guan Heng asked, "How about, have you traced each other?"

It turned out that when the mysterious corpse escaped, he had ordered the group of ghosts to look for it, but the infant white ghosts shook their heads and said that they had no gain, and Qing Huang was disappointed when he saw it: "Oh, let it slip away. . "

"No, if Tao's dozen or so ghosts did not return, maybe they have gained something." Guan Heng's words also meant to speculate and comfort everyone. Who knows, after a while, the demons returned as many as possible, and there really was one in front. A trace of the corpse was found around the corner.

However, the corpse was very cunning. After noticing the followers, he immediately spit out a large yellow smell of corpses and forced the ghost to retreat, and escaped again.

"Follow me? You're really useless. This is obviously a great opportunity to seize the corpse and let you waste it."

Ruo Tao said with a hatred of iron and steel, Guan Heng bowed his head and thought, thinking about another thing. And Qing Huang said to the Jiu Gong Niao, holding her chicks, "Can this child drink the marrow of red crystals now?"

"Of course, you can do it right away." As he said, he walked towards the stone pond not far away. He was about to remove the medulla, and Guan Heng suddenly said, "Wait, haven't you suspected that the corpse is already in the red? Was there any movement in the marrow? "

"This ..." Jiu Gong Niao is not a fool. Thinking about it, it seems that this is really possible, Guan Heng continued: "The essence of water spirit has the effect of purifying liquids, or I want to check it out. "

After all, he gathered a small aura of water and aura in his palm, and then threw his hand into the stone pool in front of him.

"Oh!" The water aura bounced against the surface of the red crystal's marrow, making a dull sound, and actually bounced back, making Qing Huang and Ruo Tao startled: "What's going on?"

Guan Heng said: "Don't make a fuss, but every strange thing will have weird qualities, look at me."

His words fell, and he immediately drove the air mass straight down again, "Oh!" This spirit of water spirit hit the surface of the medulla stone pool and splashed countless drops of foreign matter. Then, he went directly into it.

"Woohoo--wow--" The sound of blasts continued one after another, and everyone was staring at the changes in Shichi. Suddenly, the squalling wind of the water reiki rushed out of the pool, Guan Heng noticed , Its original white appearance has been covered with a layer of black gas.

"It's a corpse poison!" Jiu Gong Bird resentfully said, "This **** corpse sacrifice, it really moved his hands and feet in the medullary fluid."

"It doesn't matter, no toxin is a threat to us," Qing Huang said. "A Henghui will deal with it."

"Hehehe, that's a good thing." It was late, fast, and Guan Heng turned his fingers, "Oh!" Another group of water spirits went straight into the medullary stone pond. After several evolutions, the inside There will soon be no signs of corpse poison.

"Well, I guess it's no problem now." After hearing Heng Heng's words, Jiu Gong Tou was overjoyed: "Thank you, I'll check it right away."

After all, it visited Shichi a step forward, and then said, "Well, this form of myeloid fluid is exactly the same as when I was a child."

"That's OK, let this child take it." Qing Huang said, and took the fledgling to the edge of the pond, then picked up a puddle of fluid with her hand, and handed it to the other side's mouth: "Come, drink."

At this moment, the fledgling had fallen into a drowsy state and heard Qing Huang's call. Then he opened his eyes slowly with a low humming sound, and then pecked two spit fluid with his beak. Ruo Tao came over and whispered, "How is it, is it better?"

"Well, the temperature of the little guy has dropped ... huh ?!" She said just now, and suddenly felt that the fledgling that was holding her started to tremble violently. "

"Nine palace bird, what's going on?" Qing Huang screamed immediately: "Aren't you saying that myelin is fine?"

"Yeah, I can be sure that myelin is not ..." When he said this, he suddenly felt something wrong, and hurried to Qing Huang, approached his head and observed carefully.

"Hey, what happened to this bird?" Guan Heng said at this time: "Since the myelin is okay, it can only be a fault in itself."

"Well, you're right, because the child's onset of bloodemia was too long and it took too long, so it's a little difficult to cure now."

Having said that, Jiu Gong Niao sighed: "Now it is not possible to solve the problem by simply drinking the pith fluid. It can only be put into the pond, and the whole body is soaked in the pith of the red crystal for an hour to be completely eradicated. The dangers of bloodemia. "

After a short meal, it continued to say, "Sorry, I have to stay here with the children, so I can't lead the way for everyone in the cave. You can only search for the whereabouts of the corpse."

"This is okay, we will deal with it, you still have to take care of the fledglings." Guan Heng smiled secretly: "On the basis of the degree of idiot driving, maybe it would be better not to lead the way for us."

"Coo, coo ..." At this moment, Xuanzang Huayu yelled at Qinghuang twice, the latter said: "Huayu is worried that there will be live monsters nearby, so he wants to stay and wait."

"Well, this is what it should be, Ruotao, you and the big dungeon, the mountain dweller, and the demon are all left. Everyone has a look after each other." After hearing Heng Heng, the other side nodded: "Alright, but son, it is gone We, are there too few helpers around you? "

"Ha ha ha, aren't there still babies, old monkeys, and Qinghuang?" Guan Heng smiled: "To deal with a few monsters and corpses, we are enough."

In this way, after discussing the matter properly, everyone immediately started the operation. If Tao and Jiu Gong Bird stayed behind at the red stone pond, Guan Heng went in the direction of the corpse's disappearance.


On the other side, the ancient mulberry girl yelled at the bee, the camel, the dead horse, and the sand owl: "Who can output the power of the original fire, quickly, release it to the guardian figurine in my hand."

"Woo ---" The camel and the dead horse roared in unison, immediately exhaling a large scorching scent, followed immediately by the sand urn. Although the fire and aura released were not as rich and abundant as the two, they added a little.

“Buzz—” Among the light and flint, the giant bee flapped its wings and spurted out its own ghost king bead. “Wow—whoosh—” This thing whirls in the air and emits an extremely fiery red. Yan, flew directly into the hands of Gu Sang woman.

"Oops, it's hot!" The scream rose sharply, and the Gusang girl threw her hand away and threw the figurine away. She shouted, "Be careful, my wooden spirit can't stand fire ... uh ?! It's up! "

Looking at the human figurine that was thrown into the air again by herself, the Gusang woman could not help but slap herself: "I, I would make the same mistake!"

"嗖 嗖 嗖 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" But at this moment, the guardian figurines in the air suddenly produced a strong suction, bluntly absorbing all the fire and aura released by the nearby camels, corpses, and sand crickets. Then, the slap-sized body suddenly grew into a giant figurine with a height of several feet.

"Dangdang!" The human figurine shattered and cracked the ground at the moment of landing, the dust was scattered, and the earth and rocks were slamming.

"Uh ..." The figurine shook a huge body at the moment, and it made a dull sound: "Strange ... why do I feel like I've been stepped on by someone ... very, uncomfortable ..."

"Uh ?!" The Gusang woman next to the words heard this, and couldn't help but tremble. She thought that she just missed and threw the human figurine to the herd. This was caused by my negligence.

However, the Gusang girl will be anxious now, and she immediately exclaimed: "Human figurines, we are surrounded by living beasts of monsters, help us quickly, and other things will be discussed later."

This trick shifted the topic cleverly, and immediately made the guardian figurine successfully forget the fact that he was stepped on, and then probed the arms of more than ten corpses.

"Pap, poop!" Two pythons with horned tumors on their foreheads were tightly pinched by it, and actually turned and whirled as a whip, "Woohoo! Hoo!" Dozens of fierce beasts They were beaten everywhere, and some burst into the air.

"Okay, let's just run forward with the guardian figurines." Gusang girl waved the wooden magic stick at the moment and shouted, "Go to the hunting urn, it must be under a lot of pressure, and hurry up to reinforce."

"咚咚咚-咚咚咚-" As soon as her words came out, the guardian figurine rushed to the other end.

Near the outer wall of the palace, the hunting falcon has transformed more than ten gold threads to resist the hordes of corpses that are surging in all directions. It secretly said, "Well, it is endless to continue like this, and the ancient mulberry girl does not know how about it……"

"噌 噌 噌 ——" At the time of hunting and thinking, the shadows of several corpses and beasts came one after another, and Zhangya dance claws began to attack.

"Don't you dare to challenge your grandfather? Death!" Annoyed in my heart, a small golden chain was hunted.

"Hoo--" This thing fluttered in the wind, "Oh!" He immediately snapped around the necks of several corpses.

The next moment, I just heard the sound of the cracks in the cheekbones, and the other body was immediately torn into pieces.

Although the hunting cricket shot fiercely and sharply, it was also secretly anxious in the face of hundreds of guys surrounding him: "If I go on like this, I will get tired and lie down."

"Hunting hunter! I'm here-" It was late, and then, the shout of the ancient mulberry girl, the heavy footsteps of the giant guardian figurines, and the roar of the camel came out.

"You guys finally show up!" Li Xuan heard everyone's voice, and immediately overjoyed: "Come on—"

"Woohoo--wow--" But the next moment, the wind rose sharply, and three hordes of shadows emerged from the herd of beasts, and they landed first among the hunting wrens and giant guarding figurines.

"These three guys are ..." The hunting magpie took a closer look and noticed that the other party was different. A bald lion on the left was full of mane, and on the right was a tall yellow-haired demon ape with a thick nose and throbbing chest muscles. The guy has a strange smell, it turns out to be a blue-striped weasel.

"咚, 咚, 咚 ..." At this moment, the guardian figurines rushed forward, seeing the enemies in front, she yelled, "rush over and slap them."

"Hit!" The guardian figurine didn't talk much, and his right fist was full of energy, and he slammed into the past. The three corpses felt bad at first. For this kind of trick, don't fix it.

"Oops!" The bald-skinned lion roared suddenly, rushing forward, and before the figurine's boxing power had fully erupted, the guy opened his blood basin and bit it hard.

"Click!" The fangs and sharp teeth snapped into the figurine's fist, but did not shake half a minute, because the shell of the guarding figurine is too hard, too hard!

"Hoo--" Waving his arms in the air for a moment, the figurine immediately dropped the lion's body out. "Bone is sturdy-pop!" The other man jumped several times in the air, and finally landed lightly, like four or two cottons. , This dexterity and agility, does not match its huge and heavy body.

"Falcon hunter, support." Gusang yelled at the moment: "We will come to help you immediately."

"No, just entangle the bald lion, the great ape and the blue-striped weasel for a while." The hunting falcon replied in a hurry: "As far as I can judge, these three guys are the chiefs of the monster beast, as long as they are not. Come and control the herd, and I'll be able to resolve the fight soon. "

"What?" After hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in Gusang's eyes: "The three of them are the bosses of corpses? Okay, let's go and pack each other!"

"Squeak ---" The single-eyed sand cricket is as imposing as the rainbow, and the moment he hissed, the carapace bounced straight.

"Roar!" Seeing that the other party was fierce, the roaring yellow ape's eyes were split, and a few quick leaps greeted him immediately. Staggered to each other.

One arm of the great ape was cut off by the edge of the sand crust carapace, and it fell to the ground, "slam!"-The homegrown puff sprayed the corpse venom.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" This roaring fierce ape didn't care about the limbs on the ground, it just trembled, "嗤 啦-唰!" A brand new arm came out of the wound.

The Gusang woman sneered at this moment and said, "Able to regenerate limbs, are you an ape or a lizard?"

"Da Da Da-Da Da Da-" At the same time, the old pair of four-footed hooves, the corpse horse and camel, hurriedly rushed around and surrounded the bald-spotted lion.

The dead corpse lion stared at the two opponents without fear, "Oh! Hey!" Two claws sprang out sharp nails, and yelled at the corpse horse in the next instant!

It's a pity that this cricket completely found the wrong opponent, because the corpse horse has a treasure like black magnetic black sand, and its defense force is very strong. "Hey, click!" Pluto Mars hurts it.

"Hoo!" Just blinking, the humpback next to the lion had already bullied himself behind the wild lion, and opened his mouth to bite in the past. "Wow!" Although his teeth are not very sharp, they can release the power of the fire, and suddenly Burned the shoulder of the wild lion.

"Woo--" While the scream rang, "Teng, Teng, Teng" on the side of the direction took several steps back.

"Boom!" The wind rose sharply, and the dead horse leapt forward, trying to give the other one a shot. Who knew that the wild lion swayed away abruptly, leaving it empty.

Not far from the left, the guardian figurine narrowed himself to the height of the absurd moment. In this case, he quickly moved, "Hoo-bang!" He punched straight, hitting the ground next to the blue-striped weasel, although the beast hurriedly avoided it. , But was hit by the splattered gravel, screaming in pain, and howling back.

"Excellent, it looks like our side has the upper hand." Seeing this scene, Gu Sang woman felt secretly happy.

"But ..." After thinking about it, she thought there was something wrong: "These three guys don't seem to be weak. Why have they been dodging and not making any counterattack shots?"

While the Gusang woman was wondering, the three corpse leaders suddenly gathered together in one place. The camel, the corpse horse, and the sand dude rose to their feet, and they claimed that they had the upper hand. They yelled and rushed forward to siege each other.

"Wait, this is the other's strategy to seduce the enemy." As soon as the heart moved, the Gusang girl shouted this sentence, and the three corpses had already opened their mouths and sprayed a large amount of corpse venom on the camels. -Puff puff--"

These stinking and disgusting things suddenly loomed over everyone.


"Yeah!" The old monkey running fast in the ancient cave suddenly made a scream, signaled that Guan Heng and Qing Huang rushed over. The two ran there in a blink of an eye, and the old monkey screamed at the ground in front.

"It's blood." Guan Heng looked down, and then called out the infant white ghost: "You are most sensitive to the smell of blood. Check to see if it was left by the corpse."

Upon hearing his words, the infant white ghost immediately landed on the ground, carefully observed the number of breaths, and then confirmed with certainty that it was the leftover of the other party.

"Ah Heng, I see that you seem to pay special attention to the bloodstains of the cricket corpse. Is there any other use for this thing besides tracking it?"

Hearing Qing Huang's questioning, he slightly jawheaded: "Well, I have been thinking that although this cricket corpse can make living corpses, it may not be a corpse state itself, it may be a living creature. If so, It would be much simpler to kill this puppet. "

"Yes, living things may be better solved than living corpses." Qing Huang also thought that was the reason, she murmured to herself: "And the old monkey just shot the guy and injured him, and the other party may not have much. Great. "

"Hey, hey."

Upon hearing this, the white-browed monkey was even more proud, screaming and dancing.

"Okay, okay, I know you can do it." Qing Huang patted the other's shoulder and was about to continue to say, at this moment a sudden "whine" came out in front of her, and she said slightly, "What's going on?" "

"Squeak, squeak." The baby white ghost whispered in Guan Heng's ears, and he immediately responded: "It seems to be the whistling sound of a ghost, weird. I haven't heard the Jiugong bird say, there are still ghosts in this hole." . "

"Hey, it shouldn't be strange," Qing Huang said. "The hole is wide and boundless, and there are three upper, middle, and lower floors. Have you forgotten? Jiu Gong Niao also mentioned that in many places it has never been to."

"Hehehe, in my opinion, it is not right to go." Guan Heng said with a smirk at this time: "Because I am afraid of getting lost ..."

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang was immediately giggled and laughed: "So is it."

Containing the laughter, she continued: "It's still like just resigning, let the old monkey and the infant white ghost open the way, and we'll follow."

"Well, let's go." Said, Guan Heng waved to the old monkey, and the other party rushed forward immediately. They followed, but the road ahead seemed to be a large slope. Going up, after just ten minutes of work, everyone came to another area.

"Here is ... the bird's nest ?!" Guan Heng looked at a huge nest in front, with scattered colorful feathers in it, and two pieces of broken eggshells, so he smiled and said, "It was the former nest of the Jiugong bird. Nest, you see, this feather is exactly like it. "

"Yes, I have only noticed now that its feathers are really beautiful." Qing Huang stepped forward and picked up a capricorn from the edge of the nest. "Look, the color is bright and colorful."

"If you like it, we might as well collect some and take it away." Guan Heng thought for a while and then said, "In the spirit world, there seem to be many artisans who can use the feathers of the spirit bird to weave woven ornaments. If you wear them, you will More beautiful. "

Qing Huang blinked and chuckled: "Hey, you mean, I'm not pretty now?"

"I dare not say that," Guan Heng argued immediately, "but, but who doesn't want their women to be more beautiful?"

"Well said, that's‘ women are happy for themselves. ’” Qing Huang smiled, twisted her feathers with her two fingers, and gently swept across Guan Heng, making the tip of his nose tickle.

"Ah ... a sneeze!" Couldn't help sneezing, Guan Heng rubbed his nose and said, "Don't make a noise."

"Ha ha ha." Qing Huang, who smiled like a flower, picked up the feathers next to her nest and said, "You, remember to treat me better later, so I will dress up for you, okay?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng of course agreed incessantly: "Okay, that's it."

At this moment, the infant white ghost flew back from the other side of the cave, and Qing Huang casually asked, "How about, can you find anything else?"

"Squeak, squeak!" "What?" Guan Heng heard his cry and immediately sank his face: "You mean that an inexplicable soul appeared nearby, and when the chase passed, the other side could not see him. Where is it? "

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang quickly wrapped up the feathers she picked up, and then said, "Where is it? Let's take a look."

As the two walked forward, the old white-browed monkey picked up an eggshell in the nest, put it in his mouth and took a bite. It chewed, it felt crunchy and tasted. not bad.

Guan Heng stared at this scene with Yu Guang, thinking with tears of laughter: "You idiot, haven't you eaten good things in your life?"

But it was just an eggshell abandoned by Jiu Gong Bird, Guan Heng was too lazy to scold the pouting monkey, and he said that he was not afraid of being dirty or sick, and you should just eat it.

During the rest, under the guidance of the infant white ghost, they have come to the place where the other party found the unknown soul just now. It is a long winding path. The black hole in front of it does not know where it can extend.

"Is this right here?" Hearing Guan Heng's question, the infant white ghost nodded, and he continued to say, "There are two roads left and right. You and the monkey hurriedly check it out. After ten breaths, no matter if there is no discovery, immediately Come back and report, go, "

"Why--" His words came to an end, and a ghost and a monkey immediately flew away.

"Ah Heng, why don't we ..." Qing Huang was about to ask a question, then immediately moved her heart, and suddenly felt something. At this moment, Guan Heng winked at her, and said deliberately: "Now only two of us are left. Come on, sit down and rest. "

Then, Guan Heng found a rock and brushed away the dust. He made a "please" gesture to Qing Huang: "Mother, sit down."

"Well, just take a break." She said in her mouth, sitting on the rock for a long time, but with a strange light in her eyes.

"Hisse ..." At this moment, at the top of the rock cave, there was a long, narrow shadow, constantly swallowing the red letter, staring at them both tightly with the eyes of two thieves.

Seeing that the other side was completely unprepared, coupled with the murderous ghost and monkey that had just gone, the giant beast hiding on the top of the wall immediately went downstream with a thunderbolt, "Wow!" The blood bowl bit his mouth.

"Hum, I've been waiting for your jerk!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng and Qing Huang screamed at the same time, and twisted, "Oh!" The moment the blade of the sword came out of the sheath, it fell on this guy fiercely, "Oh!噗噗 噗 —— "The other person's forehead and neck suddenly flashed red!


After a series of screams blurted out, the other party suddenly fell to the ground. The two looked closely. It turned out to be a "snakehead mountain beast". This guy's head is like a snake and a python, and his mouth is full of sharp lines. Teeth, covered with wide scales, with short thick legs and sharp claws.

"Huh, it's not a corpse, but it's not a good one." Guan Hengfang didn't make a heavy shot. Jian Feng left a deep mark between the two eyes of the opponent, and he could see the bones. Qing Huang also chopped the snake head with the sword. The side of the beast's neck was not aimed at the shot.

"Hissing-hissing-" The beast was crying and mourning at the moment, begging for himself, and Guan Heng asked angrily: "What is this guy humming?"

"Of course I begged for forgiveness. He said he had no intention of offending and asked us to let it go."

"Give it up?" Guan Heng glanced at the other side, then said disdainfully, "Why? It shot first and attacked us, like this guy, all of them must be slaughtered, I'm not forgiving!"

After speaking, he also dangled in front of the beast armor beast with his sword edge to demonstrate deterrence and intimidation. The other party trembled and was almost paralyzed.

"Hahaha, that's what I said." Qing Huang echoed with a smile, and at this moment, the infant white ghost and the old monkey had hurriedly returned, saying that no trace of the unknown soul had been found.

"That's right, I was upset by this beast, and I didn't even find the nameless ghost. I was angry." Guan Heng raised his foot and stomped the mountain beast, and then yelled, "It's better to kill you."

"Oh, ooh!" Suddenly, the pandemon beeping at Qing Huang, it seemed to realize that the other party could understand himself, and hurriedly asked Qing Huang to plead for himself.

"Ah Heng, this guy said, it knows what those unknown ghosts are and is willing to show us the way to find each other."

"Well ... how do I know that this guy didn't make up for it in order to save his life?" Guan Heng sneered. "Maybe, you are going to lead us into a dangerous trap and go away, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, the snake-headed mountain beast shook its head immediately, and whispered a few times to Qing Huang, and the other side frowned slightly, then said to Guan Heng: "Maybe the mountain beast really knows."

Next, Qing Huang said what she heard from the other party. It turned out that the snake-headed mountain beast had eaten everything in order to survive. It belongs to the omnivorous monster. But not long ago, it fell in love with one of the ancient caves. Zong Dongxi will dig a hole to prey on the other side when they take time. Those are the "unknown ghosts" souls just discovered by the infant white ghost.

According to the beasts of beasts, those spirits contained in those souls are extremely pure, and they occasionally swallow one, but they will not feel hungry for two or three months, it is really amazing, so it will let it be greedy. Heart is hooked on this thing.

"Well, this time you got into the ancient cave, not only didn't catch the opponent, but fell into our hands, it's really a bad luck." Guan Hengqi kicked the beastly beast: "I don't want to continue suffering. Just lead the way, right, old monkey ... "

He twisted his head and said, "Give the beast a punch and cover its heart with raw fire energy. If you dare play tricks, immediately burn its dirty heart into ashes."

"Yeah!" Upon hearing this, the old monkey walked over and looked at the unlucky heart of the mountain beast with a punch.

Although the boxing power is not powerful, the beast instantly felt a strong heat hit the whole body, and then, the feeling disappeared, but the instinct of the beast told it that this is only a superficial phenomenon, that the fire is only lurking in the body, not disappear.

The thought of such a terrible thing hiding in the body, the snakehead mountain beast shivered like a sieve, and had to obey Guan Heng's orders obediently and staggered forward.

Qing Huang snuggled up to his ear and said, "Aheng, I can't see how fierce you are. It's quite useful for scaring monsters."

"Ahem, that's just the counterfeit illusion." Guan Heng cleared his throat and said solemnly, "I'm usually very gentle, old monkeys and babies know, right?"

Watching Guan Heng staring at himself with bad eyes, the white-browed monkey and the baby white ghost nodded again and again, but the expression was barely enough. Qing Huang had already seen this scene, but she laughed in her heart and did not say it. That's it.

After a while, the snakehead mountain beast shaking its head and tail led everyone to the vicinity of a rock wall, and then pointed with its front claws. There were rows of diamond-shaped holes on the top, of different sizes. The original hiding place of the unknown ghost was it's here.

"That's it, baby Baigui, immediately blast out the other party!" As Guan Heng yelled, the other party squeaked and screamed, "Woohoo-oh!" Dozens of fiery blood blades hit the hole in the rock wall.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, howling," "The fire of time shrouded the four directions, and the howling sounds followed.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" Immediately afterwards, the soul shadow in the hole flew out, Guan Heng and Qing Huang stared at each other for a moment, and suddenly hesitated: "This is the soul of the spirit bird?"

It turned out that what they saw was a multitude of soul groups that could be discerned. They were exactly the same as Jiu Gong Niao and looked like the soul of the other party.

"Well, if you think about it, there is no accident at all." Qing Huang whispered at this time: "This is originally the habitat of the Jiugong bird family from ancient times to the present, and some spirit bird spirits gather here, and it makes sense."

"My headache now is how to deal with these guys." Guan Heng couldn't help but grin with a grin on his face: "No matter how, we and Jiu Gong Tou are also allies. If we just annihilate the soul of the same tribe, can't some justify it?"

"This ..." Qing Huang's face was also not very good. Seriously, dealing with the souls of these difficult friends and enemies was not something they were good at.

"Woohoo--" The next moment, the spirit of Jiu Gong Bird, who was disturbed by the raging blood of the infant white ghost, screamed and rushed to the other side. They can no matter who you are, they wake up the sleeping guy for no reason. Hit it again.


At the same time, Zhu Rong was outside the fence of the palace.

Shaded by bald-skinned lions, giant apes, and weasel vomiting venom, the camels, corpses, and sand mules have fallen into a huge crisis. "call--"

Fortunately, the giant bee fell straight down in the next moment, and it stood in front of everyone. I saw it struggling to shake its wings. "Woohoo-嗖 嗖 嗖 霎" 霎 A strong wind pressure surged from it. Out, facing the corpse venom.

"Bang--wow-la ---" The two sides bumped into each other instantly, and the slurry was splashed everywhere and fell like rain, dripping into the grass, there was a stinky black smoke, and the green plant instantly turned into a yellow and dead look. However, There was still a large amount of slurry directed at the three beasts.

"Oh!" Fortunately, the guardian figurines flew over for a moment, and the violent body became a "giant wall", which just blocked everyone's crisis.

"Papapa-Dora Dora-" Although the rapidly falling slurry continued to hit the front of the figurine, it didn't care, because he continued to show fire and aura, and was surrounded by a large amount of red and red, and the other's The corpse venom had completely evaporated before reaching three feet.

"Useless ... useless ..." said the guardian figurine, walking towards the bald-skinned lion, and he casually asked, "Is it you who just stepped on me?"

"Uh ?! I want to repeat the old thing ..." Of course the wild lion would not answer this question, but she was startled by the Gusang woman behind the figurines. She hurriedly said, "Hey, aren't everyone saying good? Stop asking yourself what happened. "

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