Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3917: Beast Shadow

"Hey, hey!" When she heard her, the old monkey bounced and shook her claws beside it, which meant that I didn't need to take any action from you.

Seeing that it was a bit of a sense of embarrassment, Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and grinned, "Well, the monkeys are quite crazy, since you say so, I won't care then."

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, the infant white ghost who came to the front to check the situation flew back. In front of Guan Heng, it said that something unusual was found, and the two immediately chased the baby Baigui to check it.

"Look, there are a lot of footprints on the ground." Qing Huang pointed to the front and said, "This footprint is like a corpse, right?"

"Yes, it seems that the other party is going in this direction." Guan Heng analyzed at this time: "We chase all the way, rarely see the footprints of the corpse, but this guy's paw prints are so special that they will not admit mistakes."

"Hey, hey." They just said here, Mo Zixuan spider suddenly moved forward a dozen steps, then made a call, Guan Heng rushed forward to check, immediately laughed, he turned his head and said, " There's another guy here, who do you guess? "

"In my opinion, Bacheng escaped that guy from the dark mist?" Qing Huang replied, "Isn't it hurt by your aura flying?"

"Yes, there is blood left on the ground." Guan Heng leaned down, reached out and picked up a handful of dust, and then said, "Sure enough, I think it is right. There is a little hidden fire aura in the blood, it must be me. Caused by arrows. "

"That's right." Qing Huang said: "Let's keep chasing."

"Huh ... huh ?!" Suddenly, Guan Heng frowned slightly, already feeling an unusual breath nearby, and he whispered immediately: "Wait a moment."

"Eh ?!" At the same time, it was found that the infant white ghost was wrong. It whispered and flew towards the corner of the left side, which was the entrance to a room in the palace.

"Well, bang, bang!" The next moment a series of violent sounds suddenly started, and the infant white ghost fought with the other party!

"Hoo--hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheh after Guanpeng and Qinghuang flutter?), They are looking at the appearance of that guy. , While waiting for the opportunity to bite each other, otherwise fierce.

"Yeah!" When the white-browed monkey saw this, he wanted to pounce on his helper, but was stopped by Guan Heng in a low voice: "Wait, there is more than one around ..."

His voice fell, and the surrounding shadows moved, and a few long objects fell from the roof in a hurry. "Woo!" Wu Fengzao turned towards the body of the old monkey and mysterious spider. This guy's movement was not unpleasant, only Unfortunately, I picked the wrong opponent.

"Pap, pap!" The old monkey's claws had caught the two black tentacles between the flashes of light and flint, and then snarled and shouted, "Oops!" Those things were immediately separated from the body by two points.

At the same time, several other tentacles entangled Mo Zixuan spider's body, and "Hello!" A soft whistle, Xuan Spider has turned into a mist and fled away, leaving the opponent again.

"There!" Jiu Gong, the bird spirit flying in the air, snorted and flew away, "Tuk Tuk Tuk!" The sharp bird's beak pinched on the body of the strange animal on the roof, and the other party suffered pain and immediately fell down. .

"Dangdang!" This is not light, let the monster almost bubbling on both ends, can not help but scream.

"It's a squama, God! It's really big."

Qing Huang whispered, no wonder she would be so surprised. The ordinary flower scales were colorful and screaming sharp and crisp, and very aggressive, but only the size of a thumb. Xiao He really likes to catch this bug and gamble with others Fight, win some prizes or something.

However, the cricket in front of them was the size of a small calf, and it was a great figure.

"Cuckoo—" The screaming giant whizzed up and climbed up, attacking the old monkey again. The tentacle-like thing just now is the tentacles of its forehead. When the wind came again, the power was not weak.


How could the old monkey's militant publicity be afraid of this guy's frontal attack, saying that it was too late, then quickly, it suddenly slammed his claws into a fist and slammed it in the face, "Bang, Bang!" The spirit fist shattered and shattered, and the tentacles surrounding it suddenly shook every inch, and the giant screamed sorely in pain, but behind it came another slamming shadow, which was the Jiugong bird soul!


With a scream, the Raptor's claws have snapped the brain of the maggot in an instant. Although the bird soul can only temporarily consolidate the entity, but because it absorbed the five elements aura sent by Guan Heng, it has now digested a little, This state can be maintained for a longer time.

"Smell ..." The bird's claw grabbed the giant worm's head and tore it, screaming in pain, it seemed that the loss was instantaneous.

At this moment, Guan Heng and Qing Huang have surrounded the guy who is working with Ying Baigui. The guy ’s three skull spin dance like a blast, constantly attacking Ying Baigui, but the other side flickered left and right to avoid. Extremely relaxed, this beast could not help but be furious.

"Hey, baby Baigui, if you have enough fun, quickly pack it up." Guan Heng said impatiently at this time: "We still have to go forward."

"Squeak." Upon hearing this, the other party immediately shook his spirits, punched his fist toward one of his beast skulls, "Hoo-oh!" This brain shell was torn apart, and the fragments were everywhere. Yes.

"Roaring—" With severe pain, the other two beast skulls could not help but roar and shook around, but the baby white ghost ignored it and fluttered his hands together: "嚓嚓嚓 —— "

The blast sounded sharply, and more than a dozen fiery blood blades immediately covered the beast's whole body.

"Ye, ye, ye!" The blood blade soared, making the other person's flesh rolled and cracked, painful.

"Squeak." Infant Baigui has been following Guan Heng for a long time, and some have rich practical experience. He knows that he must not give the other party a chance to catch his breath. At the same time, he screamed and slammed into the past.

"Eh!" Three fists rushed around the second skull, shattered it with no suspense, and then attacked a beast skull.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah !!!!!!" Speaking slowly, then, the roaring monster yelled loudly and carried out a "Jedi counterattack". His mouth sprayed a pale yellow smoke and covered the baby white ghost directly because his speed was too fast. Quickly, the baby white ghost didn't even have time to dodge.

"Squeak ?!" The infant white ghost just felt that the more he struggled, the tighter the yellow smoke would become. It turns out that this thing has the ability to restrain the soul.

"I'll help it ..." Qing Huang just said this, but Guan Heng shook his head: "Don't worry, the infant white ghost should still have a chance to fight back, depending on whether it can hold it. "

"Okay, then listen to you." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang had to shrink back her feet, and at the same time, the infant white ghost trapped by Huang Yan also heard what Guan Heng said. This guy's mind suddenly changed, and he immediately realized a little.

No matter how strong the demons and demons are, they can't beat the Five Elements Aura. This is the strongest killer of the infant white ghost!

Realizing this, the infant white ghost screamed in mid-air, followed closely, and quickly spread all the auras in the soul. "Hoo-hoo!" The sound of the five elements continued in the sound of the strong wind. The chaos and crushing of the pale yellow smoke screen, "Hey!" The infant white ghost immediately emerged from sleepiness.

"Boom!" The next moment, the ghost shook, and it was aggressive and it swept through the air, bullying the monster that was dying. "Suck!" Both hands clasped the beast's body and fell forward, "Buck!" This guy Just hit the giant cricket hit by the old monkey, Jiugong bird soul.

The two met each other in the air, flesh and blood flew for a while, the old monkey slammed on it, his two claws punched, and he whistled forward, slamming forward, the fierce raw fire fist swept away, and immediately burned the opponent's body Into fly ash.

"Go!" Guan Heng waved his hands, and everyone rushed forward in a mighty manner. After a few breaths, a big slap shadow slowly crawled out of the corner. The guy looked to the left and right, his back She opened a pair of thin wings.

"Buzz-buzz-" The object took off instantly, soaring straight ahead to the left, and the speed was very fast. After a while, it had already flown to a certain attic in the palace.

"Hoo--hhhhh!" In a hurry, a long, narrow red tongue slammed in the wind, catching the flying insects. The owner of this tongue was about to swallow the bug, and a low roar immediately sounded: "hhh."

The call of this beast tells his companions that the bug is the messenger sent by the "corpse boss" to inform us that if you eat it, it will be a big mistake.

Understand the meaning of the other party, the owner of a long red tongue, a sable mink, had to loosen the worm.

The slap-flying worm escaped from the dead, wandering and humming in the next moment, and did not know what it meant.

Just after hearing its voice, more than a dozen dark shadows emitting dangerous momentum appeared in the dark corner of this top floor, all eager to move towards the door.

Immediately afterwards, the pipit mink gave the flying insect a fierce glance, and then went out.

These strange beasts are very different from the "monster beasts" that are directly controlled by the scorpion corpse. They can retain their savvy and are always in a "half-corpse" state. They are loyal dead parties of the corpse and their combat effectiveness is also natural. Not trivial.

On the other side, Guan Heng and Qing Huang came to the middle of the palace. There was a large open space, but the land was soft and extremely awkward to step on.

"Pattern." The confused dog jumped to the ground from Qing Huang's shoulder at this moment, smelling left and right, and then screamed at everyone: "Wow, wow."

"It seems that the land around here is indeed weird, which has aroused the alertness of the mastiff." Qing Huang said: "It let us leave here, and in my opinion, let's go quickly."

"Yes." Guan Heng just agreed, and the beast soul beside him screamed screamed, "Be careful, something is coming in the soil."

"唰 ——" His voice fell, and he flew forward in a rushing wind, "Well!" The sharp claws had already pulled out something as soon as he probed into the dirt, "Pop!" Thrown in front of everyone.

Seeing that it was a fat bug, Qing Huang asked, "Hey, who knows what this is?"

"Ye, ye." The mysterious spider next to me hurriedly whispered two times, telling her that this is a kind of monster called "blood tendon loach", I have seen it in a corner of the ancient cave before, almost eaten each other's big loss .

The size of the blood-stained loach varies, and some live for hundreds of years, and they are only as long as a ruler, and some are less than half a year old, and they will grow to several feet, depending on how much they consume the flesh and blood of similar monsters and other monsters. Decide.

"They can devour monsters?" Guan Heng touched his nose and smiled. "Well, it seems to be some carnivorous bugs."

"Yeah." The old white-browed monkey yelled beside, which meant that no matter how bad it was, it was just some rotten insects. As long as we exert the power of the original fire, we can immediately burn each other into fly ash.

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang just wanted to say a few more words. Everyone suddenly felt that the soft soil under his feet was shaking violently, as if there was something to be drilled out. Seeing this, Guan Heng immediately called out, "Fast, back up for now!"

"噌 噌 噌-唰 唰 唰!" Just as he and Qing Huang led everyone down and walked away a few feet away, "嘭!" Turnet suddenly burst into a huge worm skull.

"Hisse--" This giant worm screamed, looking like blood-stained loach, and the head was full of twisted blood-stained bloodstrips, which were literally named.

"Pop!" At the moment when they appeared, the worm ignored them and ignored them, but opened the mouth of the blood basin, biting the small loach that had just been pinched by the Jiu Gong ’s soul, and chewed. Have to smash, then swallow.

"It really is an animal bug that is accustomed to devouring each other." Guan Heng coldly said: "Bird soul, if you let you deal with it alone, how confident are you?"

"Cuckoo, I have no confidence at all." Jiu Gong Jiu Hun answered honestly: "This guy's body size is really too large, and it is estimated that my insect control power has no effect on it."

"However, I have another idea ..."

Having said that, the bird's soul paused a bit, and then continued: "If any of you can go up and kill each other half-dead, I can use the power of insect control to deter this guy, plus the dog's confusion , We can control this bug. "

"Why is it so troublesome, it's over if you just kill it?"

Hearing Guan Heng saying this, Fowl Soul shook his head and said, "Look, this dark, soft soil is quite wide, a few miles away from the second half of the palace we are going to. If you rush past, you know how many The **** loach appears? In case of being surrounded, it is very troublesome to deal with the other party. "

"I see." Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly understood: "You want this guy to open the way for us, you can also be a" shield "at critical moments, right?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." "Well, let's get on with the old monkey." Qing Huang was in a state of interest at the moment, and he meant to try his skills. The old monkey was full of excitement and rushed forward.

"Hissing—" The huge loach saw the other party coming, shaking the huge skull to welcome him, "Wow!" The old monkey's fists suddenly came out, and he immediately bumped into this guy, his body was instantly "Whooting" in the air turned upside down.

But at this moment, Qinghuang shook the lotus strange blade, suddenly released a large cold, swept the wind to the giant insect.

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