Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 401: The Adventures of Tintin (24) Five outbreaks

"Bai Xue! Didn't you hurt?" With a nervous expression on his face, Tintin rushed over and picked up his puppy, then raised it above his head: "Let me see if there is anything, silly boy, why are you How about jumping? "

Seeing that "Ding Ding" was taken away just now, but now the owner was in front of him, Bai Xue's head was a bit overwhelming, and it was now even more confused than Captain Adoc, who had been drinking too much! In desperation, Bai Xue jumped from Tintin's arms to the ground and yelled at the distant truck "Wangwangwang"!

"Oops! Only he is at home now ... Could it be that something is wrong!" Ding Ding was not a fool. He suddenly felt bad and shouted to Qin Er and the captain: "Let's go upstairs and take a look! I have this in my heart Ominous hunch! "

"Oh!" The three hurriedly went upstairs, and at the moment Ding Ding's house was still filled with a smell of stun gas!

When Tintinti ran on the nose and smelled his head, he suddenly felt a little cyanosis. Tintin, who was very vigilant, bit his tongue to prevent himself from fainting. He shouted, "No, just that A car ... Guan Heng might be taken away! "

The other two quickly rushed to their feet because of the shaking of their feet, and some tinkering Tintin, they were about to speak, footsteps suddenly heard from the stairs.

"Hmm ... Tintin ?!" The landlord Mrs. Finch stepped out of the door, she asked inexplicably: "Have you been downstairs just now? Who are the two big guys moving things talking to?"

"Hey! It's Ah Heng!" The clever Qin Er guessed what happened, and she quickly said to Ding Ding and the captain: "The metal ring on Guan Heng's wrist was a strange invention he made, and he could use it. That thing is disguised as anyone I've seen! "

"I think he must have become Tintin, and he intends to scare everyone into a prank!" Qin Er said anxiously: "Before Xue Xue looked at the car and screamed, it must be Guan Heng as Tintin himself, Then he was stunned and taken away! "

"That should be true, what should I do now?" Ding Ding hurriedly anxiously at the door, and he meditated with his chin: "The other party is going to catch me alive, they must be trying to ask the whereabouts of the parchment roll!" "

"So I guess, Ah Heng shouldn't be in danger for the time being!" Qin'er hurriedly said, "But it won't be necessary for a long time!"

"Then we have to hurry up to find Guan Heng's whereabouts!" Captain Adolk said quickly, "But where do you start? You know that car is long gone now!"

"Wang Wang!" At this moment, the puppy Bai Xue suddenly screamed twice, and when hearing this voice, Qin Er's eyes flashed a wise light.

"Oh, I have a way!" Qin Er said with a smile: "It seems that this time we must use the power of Tintin and Bai Xue!"

"We?" Upon hearing this, Tintin suddenly felt a little puzzled: "What can I and the puppy do?"

"Come on, Shirayuki!" Qin'er took out a handkerchief from the bag in his hand, then leaned over and handed it to the puppy Bai Xue: "This handkerchief was left by Aheng. You smell him And then take us to him! "

"Wangwangwang!" Puppy Baixue nodded, sniffed and then sniffed, and then began to search and rescue Guan Heng with Qin'er, Tintin, and Captain Adolph!

In fact, the moment the wooden box was thrown into the car, the shock had already awakened Guan Heng. His physique was different from that of ordinary people, and it would be a coincidence that these two guys would be stunned. Guan Heng was in a narrow and dark place. He shook his head in the box space, carefully raised his ears to listen to the outside movement, and heard the two strong men in the driver's seat talking and chatting.

"This **** stray dog ​​has been barking on the second floor!" The strong man holding the steering wheel complained, "so I almost lost my shoes in a panic!"

"Okay, you don't have to complain anymore!" Said another companion, "Hurry up and drive the box over. If we get paid, we'll leave. We won't take this kind of worrying work anymore!" With his mouth full of complaints and grievances to his employer, the car just ran on the highway.

I just heard that the car was rolling through a lot of potholes with water, and from time to time splashed and slammed the water, Guan Heng Guan Heng frowned, inferring that the car might have been driving somewhere in the suburbs!

"What should I do now?" Guan Heng sat in a wooden box with his knees folded, his heart secretly said: "It stands to reason that it is not difficult for me to kick the box and escape now, or to knock down these two guys is also very simple. ! But it ’s rare to have the opportunity to go to the old man ’s nest behind the scenes. It ’s better to just count it and mix it in! ”

"Squeak-squeak !!!" I didn't know how long after that, the car tires suddenly burst into harsh ground sounds. It turned out to be the destination.

"咚, 咚, 咚 ......" The two strong men took the wooden box and took heavy steps, walking around in a roundabout manner, and after a short while, Guan Heng felt that they were carrying their boxes down step by step. The steps may be somewhere in the basement.

"Dangdang!" Just heard that the wooden box was dropped to the ground with a slight vibration, and then the two of them opened the wooden box lid. One of them looked inside to confirm: "Well, this boy is still faint, Come--"

Together they tilted the wooden box with four hands and dropped Guan horizontally on a soft mattress!

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng tried to keep his body relaxed as he landed. He closed his eyes tightly and adjusted his balanced breathing state, for fear that a careless accident might reveal a flaw!

"Huh, I've finally finished this trip, let's go!" The two strong men glanced at each other, strode forward and moved away!

After a moment, Guan Heng slightly opened his eyes, and his eyes rolled around. He looked around first and found that no one was watching or spying. He hurriedly jumped up with a carp!

"Uh, I was sullen in the wooden box for a long time, and finally I can stretch my muscles!" Guan Heng moved his neck and made a light sound of Gaba Gaba, his heart murmured: "Looking here is like an underground facility in a large house, these Who did I get a strong man to take me ... "

"Ah, no, or should I say that the kidnapping of Tintin, who I am now disguising, is here?"

Standing slowly, Guan Heng started to walk back and forth in this huge basement. He wandered and thought, "Maybe someone is observing secretly, I have to find a way to induce him to reveal his flaws. Find a chance to get out and figure out what it is! "

After walking back and forth dozens of steps in this huge basement-like room, Guan Heng slowly looked at the environment while looking for opportunities to start performing!

"When 啷 ——" Guan Heng deliberately kicked up and kicked a small stone sharply. This stone smashed against the wall and made a harsh noise!

—— [5th more at 11.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

—— [Lao Sha has a small group that interacts with readers, writers, brothers and sisters, and welcomes everyone to give valuable suggestions: [47 0084 2 243 (47-084-22-22)] ——

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