Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4096: Seclusion old man (third more)

"Hit to the death, and then catch it with a breath!" Guan Heng's temper has always been "No one commits crimes, I don't commit any crimes. If anyone commits crimes, he will be returned a hundred times." At this moment he waved his hands, and both ghosts immediately brushed the disease together. Sweeping away, looking at that guy was a savage blow.

"Ping-pong-pong-pong!" The opponent was bewildered and turned. Where would he expect it? He just accidentally regarded it as a prey that could be attacked, but was hit by a disaster.

"Pap, pap!" The baby white ghost grabbed the edge of the opponent's carapace, and rose up with his divine power to pull it out of the magma. He threw a loud noise in front of Guan Heng, and he looked closely, it turned out to be full. His face was full of fissures with fissures and ugliness.

However, the other person's appearance seemed to be battle-hardened. At this moment, Guan Hengyun smiled and walked down to the face of the Fire Demon, then whispered to him: "The courage is really not small, but I dare to act on me for a long time. I haven't met a guy like you who doesn't know how to die. "

"Woohoo ?!" The enchanter saw that the other party's eyes were not good, his face was full of anger, and he suddenly shrank his neck and limbs, hiding in the carapace stiffly.

In the face of this guy's behavior, Guan Heng gave Qi amusement: "Okay, you can do it. Master Ben will see when you can hide and watch it!" Then he looked at the magma vortex ahead .

The fire enchanter over there did not notice the movement and fighting on the shore at this moment, but at this moment just dealt with the few fiery entrails in the whirlpool, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Damn things, since your fellows dare to shake their courage Shoot at me, then don't blame Master Ben for casting the evil fire on you. "

"Woohoo--" Speaking late, then, quickly, Guan Heng's palm suddenly emerged with a large stream of rotating aura, which instantly formed a sphere. This is not the fire aura, but the essence of water spirit. "Oh!" The two water polo flew away immediately.

"Bang!" The sphere slammed into the faces of several fire monsters' heads. The aura erupted and the water and fire broke out. They suddenly hurt each other, their strength decayed, causing the fiery magma swirls surrounding them. It quickly slowed down, and those fierce rushes fled to the shore in time.

"Come here, all hide behind me." Guan Heng smiled with his hips folded at the moment: "I want to see, the fire demon how dare not chase here."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" At this moment, when I saw the "fat" on my mouth fleeing, the fire enchanters who were angered and stunned were swimming towards the shore, looking like they couldn't give up.

And the fierce beast who was savagely attacked by the baby white ghost and the giant bee, and now the fire demon who shrank into the shell suddenly broke his head out of desperation, it wanted to sound a warning, let the companion hurry off, don't come over to die.

Unfortunately, this careful thought was discovered by the infant white ghost long ago. The guy's head had just reached out a few inches, and the infant white ghost immediately punched his fist. "Oh!" The enchanting brain suddenly swelled a big meat. Alas, the groan snorted, and quickly retracted the skull.

Just in this time, the three fire enchanters had put their front claws on the shore, and then "swipe" a few times to the side of Guan Heng.

"Welcome and welcome." Guan Heng said with a smile at this moment: "Since you are seeking death by yourself, I'm welcome!"

"Well, wow!" The words fell off, and his two swords were scabbard in an instant, sprinting towards the other side.


On the other side, the hunting falcon and the two women discussed the countermeasures, and yelled in an instant: "Do it!"


At the same time as Ruotao's screaming sounded, the thunder blade suddenly gathered the red scarlet sword length that was more than Zhang's length. This was not an ordinary strength, but she concentrated her fire and aura on her. Then, the four-armed mountain urn and the demon ghosts All are blasting Mars towards the blade, causing more and more raw fire energy to merge together.

"It's hot, hot ..." Ruotao felt that the blade in the palm of the hand was a burning coal of fire. If her patience was a little weak, she would have thrown the thunder sword.

Speaking slowly, then, the fiery sword that engulfed the sky and smashed the sky suddenly hit the dark black claws ahead.

"Alas, alas!" Half of the black claws were attacked by the smashing sword, and immediately turned into flying ash powder. The corpse king, who had not appeared in the quagmire, yelled, "Alas-" Then, The river over the river and the sea generally set off a "mud wall" several meters high and rushed to the shore.

"Weiwei trick, see how Grandpa breaks you!"

As soon as the hunter's remarks came out, several light gold chains were quickly woven into the air and turned into a huge "golden net", stiffly blocking the mud coming in. Immediately afterwards, the Gusang woman exclaimed, "Linggen, gather!"

"Woohoo--wow--" More than ten thick long spiritual roots whirled and gathered, forming a huge wooden cone, and slammed forward fiercely.

"Oh!" Although the other end of the target could not be seen across a layer of mud wall, but the guy was not small, and the wooden cone had hit it in response.

The next moment, everyone saw the corpse king, who was about a few feet tall, standing in the quagmire. The position of his heart was penetrated by a sharp cone, and it looked like he was about to fall.

"This is a good opportunity, stone ant king, do it!" The hunting owl and Ruotao and Gusang yelled in unison, and many wild stone ants opened their mouths and sprayed acid on the corpse king's disease: "嗤嗤嗤 ——"


"Hello!" The cold light flashed and the strong wind came one after another. Guan Heng's two swords have left countless scars on the three fire monsters in front of him, making them frightened.

"Hahaha, it's really fun." Guan Hengxi returned his sword into the sheath. At the moment, all the enchanting creatures were facing their backs. They didn't seem to be a big deal, but the flesh of their heads and limbs was outside the carapace. All flew small blood arrows, screaming constantly.

"Hum--" Under the pain of the drama, the enchanters rolled and tumbled, all crashing into a ball. However, Guan Heng still did not kill the man, just a small punishment and a big commandment. At this moment he snorted coldly: "I have also suffered, but I'm not ready to go ?!"

Hearing this, those guys, like Yu Tianen's amnesty, one after another jumped off the lava sea, and swam away without looking back.

The scared fire demon who was caught by the infant white ghost saw this, and he was too busy to stretch out his limbs to walk away. Guan Heng turned his back to it at the moment, and said without looking back: "I didn't say you If you can leave, if you dare to act lightly, you will be slaughtered! "

Upon hearing this sentence, Scarface's Fire Monster suddenly wailed: "Woo--"

Immediately afterwards, the guy moved his short legs frowningly in front of Guan Heng, and kept his head on his back, which meant that Guan Heng wanted to spare himself.

"Huh, now I know to ask for mercy ?! What did you do ..." Guan Heng glanced at the other side with disdain. Although this scared face guilty of assaulting himself, he didn't have to kill the other side, but now he just intended Frighten scare it.

"Pop." Raising his foot and stepping on the other's carapace, Guan Heng deliberately asked the second ghost around him: "You guys, did you kill this guy or release it?"

The infant white ghost and the giant bee have been following him for so long, the master can understand at first glance, not to mention that the tone of perseverance is obvious, it is to let himself help frighten each other.

So the two ghosts shook their heads again and again, stating that they couldn't put their scars on their faces. The other side saw their expressions, almost scared, and shuddered.

When Guan Heng saw that he was almost playing, he said, "Hey, you attacked me earlier. If you want to redeem yourself, you have to see what good it can give me. I ask you, there is a ancient cave at the bottom of the lava sea. You can go to the 'Bacha Lake Underground', do you know where it is? If you can take me there, Master Ben can consider saving your life. "

After listening to his words, the scarred face of the fire monster shivered slightly, as if something was happening in his heart. Guan Heng immediately saw the scene in his eyes, and he secretly murmured, "Well, it turns out to be a guy who knows the details. Can't let you go easily. "

He reached out and knocked at the enchanting carapace, and he said, "Hurry up and say everything you know. Otherwise, hey, you know what the consequences are."

Guan Heng repeatedly threatened with words, and with the double ghosts staring closely at him, the scarred face became a little stretched.

In desperation, this guy made a comparison of Guan Henglian, saying that he did hear the information about the ancient cave at the bottom of the magma sea, but he did not know the specific location, because these were all from a centuries old senior It sounds like, if Guan Heng wants to ask, Scarface is willing to lead the way to find each other.

"So, have to let me dive into the lava sea ?!"

After hearing the other party ’s suggestion, Guan Heng hesitated. He thought, "I haven't entered the magma before, but there are guardian figurines to help me. The monkey and me are only safe in the body. I myself I just tried to stay in the magma for a short time, but ... "

Suddenly, he asked the scarred face: "Where do you say the senior old man lives?"

The opponent immediately raised his front paw and pointed to a protruding rock located on the surface of the magma more than ten feet away. This stone was about half the size of a house, and the old man lived in the cave below.

"Oh, the distance is not very far." Guan Heng laughed: "Baby white ghost, giant bee, then you will go with me." The words fell off, and one ghost and two ghosts immediately entered the scar face. Up inside the magma.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng opened the fire aura protective layer in an instant, in order to separate the nearby high-temperature magma and make himself feel better, and the second ghost also came along like a gourd, and he began to wander in the magma.

Just before entering here, Guan Heng had already hidden a hint of water aura in the scar face, just in case, if the other party dared to play tricks, he would be tossed to death by this thing at once, but he asked for it, So he wasn't worried about the other party going away.

But at this time Guan Heng, while observing the enchanting movement in front of him, also felt that there was a strange change in his body.

Seeing that the fire and aura protective layers placed outside the body are a bit different, instead of separating the surrounding magma, they kept gathering magma, and Guan Heng wondered: "What's going on ?!"

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the protective layer, and the original red-red anomaly there also changed. The starting point of the dark purple star was constantly flashing one after another. It was dazzling.

"Is the power of Ziyan constantly absorbing the heat of magma ?!" Guan Heng felt for a moment, and found that Ziyan, who was agitated and somewhat restless in the body before, was more stable.

He thought: "It seems that his move into the magma brought unexpected benefits. It actually made Zi Yan give up his resistance to my fire and aura, and slowly began to merge with each other. Hey, inadvertently insert willows."

"By the way, let the infant white ghost and giant bee also experience the benefits." Thinking of this, Guan Heng turned his fingers in the direction of the second ghost.

"Oh, oh!" The two lingers wrapped in purple flames took their place in the shadows of the two ghosts. Their bodies shook slightly, and they immediately felt that the magma around them was greatly reduced. They felt much more comfortable, and knew that this was the help of the host. , So happy in my heart.

Guan Heng smiled slightly, and suddenly swaggered forward, then asked: "Hey, scar face, where is the cave in which the other person lives?"

"Woohoo-coo-" This scar-faced owl was very afraid of Guan Heng, and when he asked, he immediately whispered and pointed with his claws in front, and between them, Guan Heng saw a huge rock over there. Shake.

On a closer look, this stone seems to be floating on an island in the lava sea, which makes him feel a little strange: "The old man is living here, hey, he will find a place very much."

"唰 啦 —— 唰 啦 ——" and the enchanting and two ghosts rushed forward for a few moments, and everyone had already reached the rock. At this moment, Guan Heng had noticed that there was indeed a huge hole under the stone.

"Okay, rush in ..." Guan Heng said he was about to move forward, but Scarface suddenly stopped moving and stayed where he was. He saw this guy had a strange attitude and turned his head back. Asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"Wow ... wow ..." At this time, a few low whispers, Scarface drew a line to Guan Henglian and narrated.

It turned out that the old-fashioned old magpie was powerful and very fond of sleeping. The most annoying thing was that others of the same kind bothered themselves, and set the rules many years ago: no fire monsters or fiery harassment should be harassed.

If any of the ten feet around his habitat dared to pass by and make a noise, annoyed the old ancestor, he would be killed directly by him, and the dead magma seabed.

In the past, Scarface has a relationship with older ancestors, because this guy has a bad temper since he was a child, and often has a fight with his kind. This is how scars are left.

Once, Scarface and a dozen guys fought. The two sides forgot about it, and accidentally came to the habitat of the old ancestor. Scarface was lost. When they retreated, they accidentally drilled into the cave. They just saw the sleeping ancestor. , Those guys were scared when they chased in.

Before they could react, she was awakened by the awakened and violent old torn body and throat, and then thrown out. The scared face that had thought that she was going to die was unexpectedly unharmed.

Later, the old lady also talked with Scarface, saying that she was also a master who liked to fight and cause trouble, but the most annoying thing was the miscellaneous pieces of bullying, so she suddenly saved the other's life. But in the end, the moody elderly old man kicked his scared face out of his residence.

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