Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4120: Bingxin Muling

After listening to it, Xuanzang Huaxi just shook his head and said that these two methods can be used, Qing Huang said: "Don't hesitate any more, you can endure the temporary pain, you can solve the aftermath, this is already good, you Just choose one. "

"That ..." The Whitescale Python considered it with a tilted head and then said, "Just choose the fire to attack, because I have felt the heat of the power of the fire several times before, and I think it can still resist the interest, but you I ’m not sure about the coldness. "

"Well, that's okay, in short, safety is the first priority." Qing Huang went on to say, "Everyone should be a little bit behind and let Huayao do it, Xiao Hei, Yao Bao, especially the two of you, in case those parasites escape It's dangerous to fall on yourself. "

"Rest assured that I am fast and ready to escape at any time." The piebald demon leopard finished and took a few steps back, and the wooden spirit held by Xiaohei said, "I and Meow are here, Xiaohei is not There will be danger, rest assured. "

"Okay, Huayin hands on!" Qing Huang's words fell away, and Xuanyuan Huayan immediately blasted the power of the original fire towards the face of the python head. Fortunately, the other party had been prepared for a long time before the flames struck. With her mouth shut tight, no matter how hot the flames burn, it just doesn't move.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a slight sound sounded, and many parasites with large thumbs came out of the gap between the scales.

"Patter, patter!" The corpse that was burned into coke either fell to the ground or instantly turned into fly ash. The whitescale python gradually felt that the burden on the body was greatly reduced, and it wanted to open its eyes.

"You can't open your eyes, the bugs haven't been cleaned up!" Qing Huang's shout was heard by the python, and the other party was shocked, so she had to continue to grit her teeth.

At this moment, under the surrounding of the flame, dozens of burnt "black balls" fell from the scales near the neck of the python, all of which were burnt and curled up parasites. Xiao He was shocked to see: "So many Really disgusting. "

"Cuckoo--" The next moment, the flower crickets that spit out a lot of firepower hissed, so that the fire was slightly reduced, not because the worms had been wiped out, but they had to do so, in the other person's head Those lurking guys will take the opportunity to escape.

Sure enough, more than a dozen worms spewed from the nostrils, mouth corners, and inside of the eye sockets of the white-scale python between the electric light and flint. These guys were several times smaller than the ones just burned to death. Observation is simply hard to find.

"The bug has come out, Hua Yan, get your hands on it." Xiao Hei looked around and screamed hurriedly, but Qing Huang whispered her sleeves and said, "Hush, a little noise, it will alarm those bugs. . "

"Eh ?! Is this so? Sorry." Xiao Heixin said that he couldn't say anything because I was talking badly.

Speaking late, then, the parasites that couldn't bear the flames fell on the ground, but most of them twisted and wriggle at this moment, and Huayan saw the opportunity, and suddenly blasted out the power of the original fire again, and then Burn out completely.

Rao is so. There are also several parasites, Cangjie, fleeing from the area swept by flames. Qing Huang whispered, "Don't want to go!"

Before the words fell, the chill of the lotus strange blade had covered the ground within a few yards. "Cracking--" Crisp freezing sounds came one after another, stiffly fixing those bugs into "ice sculptures".

"Ah ha ha, it is really amazing." The piebald leopard laughed and praised beside him: "The little bugs can't stand the pressure of your shot, and they are all done."

When Qing Huang was about to say a humble word, suddenly her face changed slightly, and she immediately raised her alarm: "Be careful, step away!"

It turned out that two inconspicuous little bugs followed the cover of wormwood and rushed towards the leopard, intending to use it as a new host.

The monster leopard wanted to avoid it, but who knows that he is just a little black behind him. If he retreats, the girl will be stung, so he slaps his claws and pats the parasite to the parasite: "Go to death."

"Slap!" The claw gripped one lightningly, but the rest fell into the leopard's ear, and had already penetrated half of the body.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei was in a hurry and immediately reached out and grabbed: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you."

Qing Huang and Yaobao shouted in unison: "No, danger!"

But the little girl's fingertips had already touched the worm's body at this time, and the guy managed to slip around immediately from the tip of her forefinger.

"Don't think about it!" Mu Ling shouted from Xiao Hei's shoulder and jumped, grasped the parasite tightly with both hands, and then plunged to the ground.

"Uh-huh-hhh-" The scream screamed loudly. It turned out that the parasite had madly devoured its spirit body, making Mu Ling feel so pained to survive, Xiao Hei was anxious when he saw him: "Oh, we What should I do?"

"I can only take a chance!" For a moment, Qing Huang flashed a resolute color in her eyes, and then shouted, "Hua Ling, burn its soul with the power of the original fire, fast!"

Upon hearing this, the spirit bird did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly opened its mouth to breathe, "Woohoo— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The red crooked awn suddenly enveloped the wooden spirit body.

"Ahhhh-hot, hot !!"

Mu Ling was roasted by flames and kept tumbling on the ground. Xiao Hei was shocked and immediately wanted to pounce to extinguish the fire, but Qing Huang grabbed her and said, "Don't go to trouble, don't burn the parasite, it will bite When Mu Ling's spirit body collapses, there will be no rescue. "

"But ..." Xiao Heihuo hurriedly said, "It is to save me, to save me, and then I will be killed by the other party, I ..."

Mu Ling's body is most afraid of fire, not to mention the power of the original fire is the world to the strong flame, I'm afraid that within a few breaths, Mu Ling will be burned into fly ash.

Qing Huang was also very anxious at this moment. She was thinking about countermeasures suddenly. Suddenly, she really made her anxious and thought about an idea and immediately exclaimed: "Mu Ling, open your mouth to me, hurry up!"

"Eh ?!" Although he didn't understand what the other party meant, Mu Ling followed the words in a hurry. Qing Huang immediately sent a stream of cold air into the other's mouth with a lotus flower blade, and then said: "Hurry up Swallow these down so you won't be afraid of the flames roasting. "

"Shui Ning Xuan Bing" can help Mu Ling resist the fire. This is the only way that Qing Huang eagerly thought of. As for whether it works, she really doesn't know, but until now, she can only die as a living horse doctor. Already.

In this way, Mu Ling swallowed the cold air at once, and the spirit body was originally covered by the red and red anemone. A layer of azure blue appeared in an instant, and it also felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped sharply and became much more comfortable.

Mu Ling is better, the parasites hidden in its spirit can be overwhelmed by the mold. For such a guy, no matter the high temperature flames or chills, it is a fatal blow. At this moment it has been squeezed by two forces and can't stand it. Already.

"Oh!" Between the electric light and flint, the parasite quickly left the wooden spirit body because it couldn't bear the pain, and fell to the ground. The vitality of the parasite was extremely tenacious. Although it was dying at this time, it was not completely dead.

The leopard next to him swooped up immediately, waving his claws and slamming hard, "Ping-pong-pong-pong!" Until the worm was completely beaten.

"Mu Ling, are you okay?" Xiao Heifei ran forward and hugged the other person. Mu Ling shook his head at this time and said, "I'm all right, I feel a little dizzy, and I just swallowed it. After Sister Qing Huang's cold, she felt very comfortable and was not afraid of the flames burning me. "

"Fortunately, this is because the cold air has been fused with the core of your spirit body. Later, you will become a wooden spirit that will not fear the power of the original fire." Qing Huang said, smiling and touching the top of the opponent's head and continuing. "You worked hard just now and saved Xiao Hei once."

"No, in fact, it's me who should say thank you." Mu Ling shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for you and Xiao Hei Sister, Ghost Ghost Meow, and Brother Three Beasts who rescued me, we would have been harmed by bugs. Here I am, everyone. "

"Hahaha, there's no need to be so polite." Xiao Hei smiled and patted his shoulder at the moment: "We are all friends, it's right to help each other, am I right?"

"Hisse--you're welcome. You should actually say thank you, it should be me."

At this moment, the whitescale python kept busy: "In the final analysis, everyone is trying to help me get rid of insects so much trouble, I am ashamed, thank you very much."

"Woohoo." The swallowing ghost yelled beside, urging Qing Huang to leave and said immediately: "Well, I know, and Xiao Hei have been out for so long, and everyone will worry if they don't go back."

As a result, the two of them and the python demon leopard hurried down the unknown foothill, and said goodbye to each other, riding a swallowing tiger and flying in the air, and hurried back to Zhurong to leave the palace.

I just ran outside the fence and saw Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu walking around in the nearby grass, and I didn't know what I was doing. Xiao Hei Yang cried, "Hey, you guys ..."

"Oh, it's a black girl, boo." The Gu Sang girl looked up to see her and Qing Huang, and immediately made a "snoring" gesture to keep them from making too much movement.

Qing Huang was a little puzzled, and immediately sent Huaya in the air to leave, and then asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Alas, a baby of the salamander and the no-scale horned lizard was born with a broken shell." Upon hearing Ruo Tao's words, Xiao Hei and Qing Huang were immediately overjoyed and immediately asked, "Where? Hurry and take us to see."

"Uh, we just quietly hugged the little guy out to play, and accidentally ... lost it." Qing Huang was very angry and funny when she heard the words of the Gusang girl: "You two are too troublesome, the salamanders know Yet?"

"Hey, whisper a little." Ruotao waved quickly and said, "I was afraid that they would know that we two came out quietly to find the whereabouts of the baby lizard. You can't carry it out."

"Forget it, who makes us sisters, let's find it together." After that, Qing Huang, Xiao Hei, and the other began to search for the surrounding grass, but after a long while, nothing was gained.

"Oh, don't look for it." Xiao Hei originally went up and down the mountain and ran a large circle. He was too tired for a long time. Now he found a big rock and sat up. Then he said, "In my opinion, that baby lizard may not be It will be around here, maybe, maybe by a beast ... "

"Well, you say everything in this mouth, don't curse the baby, okay?" Gusang woman straightly stomped: "What was taken away by the beast? Nonsense, spit it out."

"Well, I'm telling the truth, too." Xiao He grumbled, and then took a sip to the ground: "Well, what I said just now doesn't count."

"Huh, that's pretty much the same." Gusang also sat next to Xiaohei with a wooden scepter. She frowned and said, "It's a mess, now we've lost their baby, Guan Heng and Brother Wang. He will scold me, oh, why am I so unlucky? "

At this moment, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao also stopped searching. After hearing the words of Gu Sang Nu, they looked at each other and were a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly, the devouring tiger yelled beside him: "Wow."

Immediately afterwards, the giant tiger ran towards the front, and the Gusang girl stood up with a bone of her body. She hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up, maybe it was found."

The girls chased after each other, and after a while, they ran back to the palace with the devouring tiger. This guy stood still, then stood at the same place. The four women looked at each other and gave them gas. : It turned out that the other person smelled the smell of the little white cat here, so he ran across the conversation.

"Smelly, it caused us to run a full circle with you in vain." Xiao Hei kicked the other side fiercely, but he didn't care about the thick and thick skin of the tiger, only smirked at Xiao Bai.

"Forget it, let's look elsewhere ..." Qing Huang just said here, and suddenly saw Guan Heng coming in the corridor not far ahead. He was holding something in his arms and beckoning to the girls. "Hey, a few of you sisters are chatting here."

"Oh, son, how can we have a chat, something big happened." Ruo Tao shook his head first, then said anxiously: "I just lost the baby lizard ... Hey, didn't you hold it?"

"Yes, that's it." Guan Heng patted the little lizard with his eyes squinting in his arms, and then said, "I only saw it rolling over the flower garden. It was covered with mud, so I took the little guy to clean it. A moment. "

Having said that, he looked up at the weird daughters and asked, "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing, hurry up and give me the baby." Then, Qing Huang grabbed the cub into her arms. Then she patted her lightly, and said secretly in her heart: "Fortunately, I have seen Ah Heng, you little ancestor, really will cause us trouble."

Ruo Tao smiled and said to Guan Heng, "My son, you've worked hard, we just need to send the baby lizard back, you go."

"What do you mean? Why drive me away ..." Before Guan Heng continued to ask, the Gusang woman pushed him to the distance, and said in his mouth, "Sister, our sister is going to chat, you must not steal. listen."

"Go, go to you, who seldom overheard you." Guan Heng muttered angrily and turned away.

Although she didn't know what those girls were doing, Guan Heng was pretending to have things in her heart and didn't care about them, but hurried to Yun Xiaopiao's room.

"Sister Yun, are the jewellery to be given to those girls ready?" Upon hearing the inquiries from each other, Yun Xiaopiao smiled slightly and put down the gold plate in his hand.

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