Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4152: Bamboo demon is in trouble

This time, it doesn't matter that the other party is playing in the dark inside, because no one can run out in a short time. At that meeting, Guan Heng already left with honey and Qinghuang.


On the other side, the big goblin and the giant bee came near the bamboo forest, and were about to bring back two thick moso bamboo felling. Suddenly, a few guys came out to stop them. At a glance, it turned out that some of them were mutated because they had absorbed aura "Bamboo Demon".

Speaking of such things as bamboo monsters, the big mischievous ghost is the most familiar. Its best blade attack is to imitate this guy's tricks, but now, a few bamboo monsters can't help but stir up the situation, but they make them feel a little crying.

Furious, the puppets rushed up, grabbed a bamboo demon, and punched, but the opponent was smashed before they hit it a few times, and the rest was so frightened that they all ran away. When it fell off, all the ghosts felt inexplicable: "Is the appearance of these bamboo demon just to find the abuse?"

However, since the other party's strength is weak, and they are scrambling, no one has taken the matter to heart. Instead, they found a bamboo of suitable thickness and golden light, chopped it down, and carried it away.

Not long after, the big dread ghosts and crickets, the bee flying back over the cliff came to Guan Heng and Qing Huang approaching at the same time.

"Okay, everything is in order, and the giant bee has determined that the left-behind bees over the worm nest are trapped. Then I'll get honey, come and give me a piece of bamboo as a container ..."

Guan Heng said, and took the bamboo in hand, which was handed to him by the big miser. He glanced at it and murmured in his mouth, "Hey, it's very rare to have bamboo with a golden light."

"Oh!" He cut a length of two feet with a palm knife, and still choked it in his hand. Guan Heng also said, "It seems to be heavy. Ordinary gold and iron may not have this weight. Hello, you Where did it come from? "

"Ah Heng, don't ask so much gossip." Qing Huang reminded impatiently at this moment: "It's about to be dusk at night. If you don't want to encounter a large group of demon bees coming back to the nest, you should act now."

"Well, you reminded me right, then I'll go." Guan Heng threw away the rest of Moso bamboo, chopped his hands around his waist, and hurriedly climbed down the cliff with the bee.

At this moment, Qing Huang found a rock and sat down, picking up that piece of moso bamboo and looking up: "Well, don't say that the luster of this bamboo is pretty good, big ghost, I will use your ghost tooth blade later Cut this thing into pieces, let's take it back to make a water tank ... "

"Hum--" When her words fell, a scream of noises sounded not far away, sounding full of anger.


On the other side, Guan Heng slid down the green vines around the cliff and happened to land on the protruding rock.

Hearing the sound of shrieking and fighting in the cave where the gravel blocked the entrance, he laughed and said, "This is where you trap the Serpentine and the Demon Stone Bee, aren't you?"

"Buzz." The bee looked proud of hearing the host's compliment, and glanced at the six ghosts around him, which meant, see? We are praised again. Who of you has this ability?

Everyone knows that this giant bee has a little vanity, and he doesn't know anything about it.

"It's time to take the honey." The voice fell off, and Guan Hengji rushed out on the tiptoe, "Pop!" He reached out and grabbed a thick vine above him, wandering quickly, and fell on the ancient pine where the hive was. on.

"Sigh ..."

Suddenly, Guan Heng found that the root of this pine tree in the rock gap was trembling, and he quickly stabilized his body. He said, "It's so dangerous, big brother, if you break, you have to wait for me. After you get the honey, it wo n’t matter at all, it ’s best to stabilize me now. ”

Speaking late, at that time, he reached out and grabbed the huge hive in front of him. Suddenly, a violent shadow blew towards his eyebrows. "Pop!" Guan Heng's response was extremely fast, and he immediately used **** to one. folder.

The monster stone bee constantly twisting his body only felt that the surrounding wind was moving, and he was tightly clamped between his fingers.

"Small thing, I'm just taking honey now, I don't intend to kill you, but if you make trouble, beware I'll kill you, get out!" A little bomb, the worm flew away all the way, the guy was frightened by Guan Heng. Murderous, no matter how dare you come, immediately hide away.

"Yeah!" A time to turn the wrist and slash, Guan Heng's palm knife swept across the front of the insect nest, a narrow crack appeared, and those golden and sticky honey flowed down.

"Ha ha ha, it's all good stuff, I will accept it politely." Guan Heng smiled and picked it up with a bamboo tube. After a few breaths, he was already full.

"Receive as soon as you see it, it's almost OK, leave a little bit for the demon stone bees." Thinking of this, Guan Heng's finger bombs, a force of raw fire passed through the cracks of the hive, will still drop the gap of honey slurry Freeze.

Just then, the bee patrolling the nearby whistle suddenly issued a warning sound: "Buzz--"


On the other side, Qing Huang looked up, and saw dozens of scenes coming forward, all of them are bamboo monsters, large and small. They screamed towards themselves, and when they saw the broken golden light bamboo, It looks unusually angry.

"What do you want to do? Isn't it just a bamboo?" Qing Huang said when she saw that the other party didn't want to give up, "Imminent ghost, drive them away."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when she heard the hostess’ command, the big hag, the baby white hawk, and the shouts roared in unison. Get lost.

"Hey, if you are acquainted, just roll away, don't bother this girl to get angry here." Qing Huang deliberately frightened the other side: "Otherwise, let the ghosts crush you!"

Although the companions were timid and shivering, they retreated, but the heads of the bamboo monsters stared at the shining bamboo bamboos and refused to leave. Qing Huang noticed the other party's attitude, and laughed with a bamboo smile: "Do you want this thing? Huh, I just don't give it."

Upon hearing this, several Dazhu demons jumped in anger, and she asked, "What the **** do you want this thing to do? Listen."

A big bamboo demon felt that he couldn't get things back anyway, so he jumped in front of Qing Huang and squeaked.

Dare to love this thick and long pale golden bamboo has a kind of power, which is to slowly absorb the surrounding aura, store it in itself, and when it reaches a certain amount, the aura will make the bamboo emit a pale gold light.

All the bamboo monsters here and there know this, so every few hours, they will gather near the bamboo, absorb the aura inside, and use it as food. Now the bamboo is chopped by the big ghost. It is estimated that all the bamboo monsters will I'm going to be hungry.

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