Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4658: Sleepy beast in the jungle (fifth more outbreak)

He waved the ghosts and hunting flies away, and Guan Heng immediately said, "Speak carefully."

"Oh, most of what Gusang said at the time, I don't remember much of it, but there is one thing that I still remember."

If Tao thought twice, she then hesitated with a little hesitation: "She said that the benefactor let her go to 'Aoki Holy Land' to get things. If you are late, you may be too late."

"Big benefactor ... Aoki holy place ..." Guan Heng thought about his jaw and suddenly said, "Speaking of the big benefactor of the ancient sang girl, that is the **** of wood, but I don't think of this" holy place " very clear."

"Do you guys, what are you doing here?" Suddenly, a ride came from the gate of the hall, and they looked closely. It turned out to be a horse. "Gusang is gone, we are looking for her."

"What?" After hearing Ruo Tao's words, the uncle who had just dismounted suddenly loosened his hands and dropped all the things in his arms to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so careless." Xu bowed her head and picked up things. Qing Huang and Ruo Tao rushed over to help, and she asked, "when is this happening?"

"Probably between last night and this morning." Guan Heng also picked up a roll of bamboo slips, and suddenly widened his eyes, because there were a few words on it, it was "Aoki Holy Land"!

"Hey, this bamboo slip is ..."

Watching Guan Heng yelling with a bamboo slip, He casually replied: "That is a record of a small space area made by the wooden **** Jumang. Right, it seems to be called 'Aoki Holy Land'. It is said that there are many good inside. Do you know something? Legend is that among the five elements, Jumang is the favorite to collect interesting objects ... "

"Don't say that," Guan Heng said, "I'll ask you, where is this Aoki sacred place?"

"Is it somewhere in the spiritual realm? The entrance is not fixed. If you want to find luck," Xiao Xiao said, "this bamboo slip was left by my ancestors. About thousands of years ago, someone of their generation had no intention. China has entered the holy realm and received a generous gift. "

Ruo Tao suddenly asked, "Wait, what do you mean by this 'unfixed entrance'?"

"Many older people in the spiritual world know that the small and strange space like Aoki Sacred Land has existed for a long time, so the interior is not very stable." Wu explained: "Maybe the entrance will appear on the top of Daxue Mountain this year and next year in Wanwan. The Linghe appears, no one can know in advance, but ... "

His eyes rolled, and he clapped his hands and said, "If you change to someone who can control the wooden aura or have a token in his hand, then maybe."

"Yes, this sentence reminds me." Guan Hengdao said: "The ancient goddess has the spirit of the wood god, and I have a sword. I should be able to find the entrance to the sanctuary."

Qing Huang is now more anxious, so she said, "What are you waiting for, try it quickly."

Guan Heng nodded, and took out the mang sword, he whispered: "Sword, sword, if you know where the entrance to the Aoki Sacred Realm is, let us know." Then, a wooden spirit was transmitted. Into the sword.

"Buzzing-buzzing!" For a while, the sacrifice trembled in the sheath, and it seemed to be returning to Guan Heng, and then slowly floated into the air, and "唰 唰 唰" turned.

After a few breaths, the sword sharply turned to the southwest and stood still. Ruotao and Xun both shouted in unison: "It's over Xiaokang Mountain."

"That's right, let's check it out in the past." Guan Heng and Ruo Tao immediately found the red-eyed humpback camel and Rong Xuanshima, and Qing Huang borrowed a mount from 渚, and everyone called the hunting hordes. , A group of people went straight to the small dry mountain.


At the same time, the Gusang woman walked into the dense forest alone. This place was deserted. She walked in a daze. When she was tired, she sat down for a while, and then moved on.

"Strange, when did I get here?"

Suddenly stopped, the Gusang girl shook her head. The silly girl vaguely remembered that she had a dream last night, and a familiar person in the dream asked her to find what "Aoki Holy Land", so the goddess of Gusang Out of the hall like a ghost.

"Uh, my head, dizzy." At this moment, Gusang woman rubbed her forehead, muttered in her mouth, looked at her left, and looked at her, and said, "Where is this? Near the Hall of Spirit Kings "Is there such a forest? Shouldn't I have a problem with sleepwalking?"

"Sigh, shit." Suddenly, there was a sound of shivering in the grasshopper in front. When she looked intently, a small head came out, staring curiously, wondering. With ancient mulberry girl.

"The pig's nose has sharp ears and red eyes. This little guy is quite interesting."

Seeing the other party, Gu Sangnv didn't feel tired, and tickled her: "Hey, come and play with me."

"Mm, mum." The beast yelled to her twice, probably realizing that the Gusang girl was not malicious, so she ran over, but didn't run a few steps, and suddenly a pup fell to the ground.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Gusang was startled, and hurried to check it. It didn't matter at first, and she looked angrily: "How can this be, who is so cruel? Actually did this kind of thing."

It turned out that a hind leg of a pig-nosed beast was turned tightly by a thick and long metal chain, so that it could only move within a limited range. The chain was rusty, and the flesh of the hind leg of the beast had been severely worn and ulcerated. Seeing to break off.

"Abominable." The Gusang woman was extremely angry, and then said, "Little guy, hold back, I will break the chain for you right away."

By the way, she raised the wooden magic wand in her hand and smashed it severely, "Oh!" The top of the wand hit the chain, and the thing rattled, but it didn't break off, and it also let Xiao The beast's wound was sore that it screamed.

"I'm sorry, it seems I'm reckless." Gusang woman touched the pig's nose forehead and whispered: "Be assured, since I can't break the chain, I think of another way."

She thought to herself: "Brute-force strikes don't seem to be my strengths. If so, use a different method."

"Stealing dreams and flying, come out." Called the little ghost boarding in the wooden scepter, the girl Gusang said, "Kuroto, and you, don't sleep, just wake up."

"Uh?" At this moment, the boy who heard her spoke slowly emerged from the top of the wooden magic stick, rubbing his eyes and said, "Sister Sang, you don't rest in the room in the morning, what do you run out of?" Just go back. "

"Stop talking, and tell you to come out seriously." Gusang pointed to the chain that tied the hind leg of the beast, and then said, "Now is the time to test your faithfulness. Come, bite the chain with fangs and teeth. ! "

"Eh ?!" Hearing the words, Kuroki boy panicked and fell directly from her shoulder to the ground.

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