Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4747: Mysterious Sword Spirit

"However, although I have asked everyone not to be within a few miles of the bamboo forest, this is not a long-term solution."

The girl Zhu said at this moment: "Seeing that the dixin bamboo around my body has reached the point of excess growth, if you don't want to do anything, the bamboo forest will absorb the whole aura of Baoshan, and then the souls will be in trouble. . "

"That's it." Hearing here, Guan Heng touched his jaw, and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Indeed, you can only help us with Guan Gongzi, who is the successor of Lord Sword and Lord God."

Girl Zhu said, "But it's too early to say these things. Please go and meet the person who proposed the test conditions first. After asking the other person, it will be easier for you to come back and help me."

"Okay, I hope this person you mentioned can help me understand and doubt."

Guan Heng smiled slightly and then asked, "Where do I go next?"

"Please follow me." As soon as the girl's voice fell, she led him through the northeast side of the bamboo forest, then pointed to the depths of the clouds and fog in front, and whispered: "Just go over there."

"Okay, I'm going." Guan Heng walked forward a few steps, then suddenly turned back: "In fact, you don't have to be too nervous. The solution to the flood of bamboo can be easily figured out, rest assured."

The other party smiled and said, "Yes, thank you for your relief."

During the conversation, Guan Heng has stepped into the dense fog, watching the disappearing back, the girl Zhu muttered to herself: "Guan Gongzi, the heir of the Lord, is really a person who makes me feel like a breeze, I hope you can advise Serving 'the other side' so that he doesn't get so stubborn. "

At this moment, Guan Heng was walking among the winding, narrow and winding mountain roads, and he thought to himself, "I just heard the tone of the girl Zhu, and I will soon see that person. It seems a bit difficult to get along, hey, I don't know what it is people."

I was thinking that I had come to an open space on the top of the mountain, and there were strange flowers and weeds here, but there was a sense of desolation and grief that could not be explained. When Guan Heng walked here, he felt sad and heartbroken: Now, why do I suddenly want to cry? "

If the state of mind is firm, Guan Heng can be described as a rock. How many adventures in the world have he experienced? Few things can soften his heart, but at this moment his heart seems to crack a crack, leaving the surrounding desolation. Sadness poured into their own world.

A drop of tears slowly rolled down from the corner of the eye, and scratched across the cheek ... shaking a few times in the lower jaw, and finally falling dust, Guan Heng, crying.

"Your thoughts ... sadness ... and unwillingness, actually infected me, but it just made me shake for a moment." Guan Heng slowly raised his head and looked forward.

At the end of the lawn full of strange flowers and weeds, there is a huge stone monument two feet high and one foot wide, which is surrounded by countless withered and yellow vines, and there is a personal image there, it seems to be tied to it.

That man is the source of all the sadness and desolation here. His sorrow has even affected the surrounding plants, because the ground is full of vibrant green, except that the stone monument is already scorched yellow, withered vines, unbearable. Head.

"Why are you so sad because you were imprisoned? Is it because you were abandoned? Or ... voluntarily?"

When speaking, Guan Heng had approached the stele. Suddenly, he felt the humming sword behind him constantly trembling and humming, "Oh!" In a short time, the green and cold rushed out of the sword box, and the humming sword bloomed in the air, like ripples, spreading to every corner nearby. .

The bound man was originally dead-hearted. When he heard the buzzing of the Excalibur, he opened his eyes suddenly, staring slowly at the Jumang sword in the air and said, "You are finally back!"

The sound of this sentence was unheard of, but the sentenced sword in the air seemed to be very excited, falling down swiftly, and the moment when the front of God flickered, it was necessary to cut off the dead vine on the man.

"Live!" The cold mang appeared in the man's eyes, and suddenly roared, "This is the imprisonment given by the Lord, how can you destroy it!"

"Yeah!" The words came to an end, and several dry vines and winds flew up on the stone tablet, and they were pumped fiercely on the top of the sword, and they retreated violently.

"Hoo, ho, **** ..."

It seems that it was because of the drowning of the rattan that he had consumed only a little of his aura, and the man began to breathe, but after the Jumang sword was hit, he still refused to give up. Wu Wu spun around the stone monument constantly, sending out bursts from time to time. The buzzing sounded as if to persuade the other party to accept their own help and cut off the imprisonment of the dry vine.

"Enough, sentence Sword, you come back." Guan Heng witnessed this scene, suddenly raised his voice and issued an order, this sword has been used by him for a long time, psychic, naturally obey the command of the master, hesitate, immediately Turning in the air, with a bang, the hilt fell in Guan Heng palm.

"Hey, I don't care who you are, and no matter how sad you are here, the purpose of Master Ben is to find treasure."

Guan Heng gently hailed the ridge of the sword with his finger, so as to appease the other side, and then he said casually, "I have already taken the species of the forty-nine tree of life, and if there is any test, I will say clearly , We don't want to waste time on you. "

This sentence was so arrogant that he didn't put the guy tied to the stele in his eyes at all. The other person has been trapped in the stele for countless years, but when he heard Guan Heng's words, his heart was exasperated.

Even this person was very strange, why his own smooth mirror-like mentality was provoked by the other party's crazy words.

At this moment, Guan Heng took out the bag of the tree of life and repeatedly abandoned it in his palm. He casually said, "Look at the attitude of Mangjian towards you. You seem to know each other, right?"

The man said in a deep voice, "Well, it's not just the old acquaintance, I'm the sword spirit of the sword!"

"Is it the sword spirit? This is really a surprise." Guan Heng whispered gently as he murmured the sword: "I found the sword in the underground ancient city deep in the desert, and it was broken in two. It's like dead, then, where was your sword spirit at ease? "

After a short meal, he went on to say, "In order to recast the sword, it is me, who has worked hard to get together the precious materials such as the millennium demon soul, demon beads, patina, etc. The sacrifice itself is the essence of blood, which makes this sword **** front reappear, giving the general feeling of blood connection between Jumang Sword and me! "

"This is my sentence sword. What flows inside the sword body is the life and blood I gave Guan Guan!"

Guan Heng said, holding up his sword obliquely to the person trapped on the stone monument, he said, "This sword and I were born to death, cut off all the charms and exorcise the evil spirits of the other world. Even if it is a sword spirit, it must pass With my permission, how can you deserve the sword spirit who calls himself a sword ?! "

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