Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4766: Divine Jade Brand (Third)

Qishou, Jumang, Xuanming, Zhu Rong, and Houtu Shen. When the five of them first created space, they did not know that after the power of the five elements circulated, they would develop this place to a large scale.

At the beginning, the five gods left the entrance to this space in their own bodies, which is equivalent to using the power of the five elements to feed the grass and trees of the five elements of the gods. After thousands of years of evolution, they have even evolved. Primitive tribes where the Five Elements God worshipped with piety.

Since that time, the **** ancestral temple was built in the center of the five ethnic tribes, but it was not built by the people of the primitive tribes, and then they collected them to personally display the power of God to make it easier for those people to worship themselves.

It is precisely because of the "belief power" generated by the worship of these tribal peoples in the Five Elements God Realm that the power of the Five Elements Gods can be maintained for thousands of years, even in the fierce and fierce battle with the evil spirits.

The power of belief is very strange. It can make an **** have immeasurable power, so as long as the power of the five elements and the spirit of the people of the Wuling tribe still exists, the five elements will return to the spirit world.

According to the King Rat King, in each of the tribal ancestral temples of the Five Elements God Realm, there is a piece of "God's Jade Card", which is what the Five Gods stay in this world and continue to absorb the power of faith. Only The pious faith absorbed in the Jade brand has been transformed into the power of the Five Elements. Only the weak will have the opportunity to return to the real world, instead of wandering in the vast world.

"God's jade card?" Hearing his eyes, he suddenly closed his eyes and asked slowly, "Where is the jade card in the Golden God's Ancestral Temple?" Said!

"This, this, I don't know ..."

"Huh, you still want to play tricks till now? Find death !!!" Guan Heng saw the other party's words, and he knew that this guy didn't tell the truth, "Slap!" He bounced his fingers slammingly, covering the rat king purple on Rat King. The inflammation burned again.

"Uh ah ah--"

The screaming of the King Rat Rat was so painful that it knew that it could no longer be concealed, and had to say truthfully: "I said, I said, in fact, the **** jade card of the ancestral temple has been swallowed in my stomach, I have the blood of the golden **** in my body, which can slowly embezzle the power of faith in it ... "

"What ?!" Hearing this, the hunter next to him was so angry that he yelled, "You who killed thousands of swords, how dare you steal the power of the Lord's faith, **** it!"

"This, how can this blame me?"

The scream of the King Rat's anger shouted, "Isn't the guy of the Golden God responsible? He created me, but he didn't give me freedom, and he didn't let me devour and kill other creatures. I couldn't stand it, I To kill and kill all the guys related to the **** of gold, everyone is not as good as everything! "

"Oh!" Speaking late, then, the rat king suddenly swelled his body several times, and seemed to want to have a self-explosive effect, pulling Guan Heng to death with the hunter!

"Out of your own control."

In the face of this guy's "rapid jump on the wall", Guan Heng was not surprised. He just sneered and held out the other's body. "Woohoo! Hey!" I just felt that the countless auras in my body began to go out of control, and then flowed fiercely as the flood flooded the gate.

"No!" As the screams sounded, the King Mouse Rush King kept shrinking until it became the size of a watermelon, and the body shattered.

"Boom! Boom!" As the body of the opponent disappeared, the wind rose sharply, and two things appeared in the volley. One was a palm-sized jade card that was wide and narrow, with a strong golden aura.

The other one was a few drops of blood that shimmered in golden light. Guan Heng reached out to catch the jade card, and then asked for it, letting a little aura envelop the blood. He said, "It looks like the blood of the golden god, right?"

Falconry slightly jaw head: "Yes, it is."

"Okay, you swallowed it."

"What ?!" Huntling didn't hear for a moment, and asked, "Aren't you kidding me?"

"Nonsense, who has the time to joke with you?" Guan Heng snorted. "This thing was originally in vain. You worked so hard for a long time before you saddled your horse and got a little bit of **** blood for your reward. Master Ben, Swallow it! "

Upon hearing this, the hunting owl knew that the other party was for his own good, and whispered, "Thank you, brother."

"Since it's all called brothers, don't be so polite."

Guan Heng waved and began to look carefully at the **** jade card in his hand, and he muttered to himself: "If the jade card absorbed enough faith to transform into the five elements, the harvest will reappear, but why He hasn't shown up yet? "

"I think it's probably because there are too few Jin people."

At this time, the hunting owl swallowed the blood of God, and slowly felt that the object repeatedly rushed in the body, from restlessness to calmness, and it only took a few breaths. Then, it opened up again: "How much is the power of faith, It should have a lot to do with the number of people. "

"That's a good thing." Guan Heng nodded his head and head, and then thought about it.

"The number of Jin people is roughly calculated to be in the thousands. Obviously, although they belong to the aborigines of the Five Elements Gods, there is no doubt about the worship of sacrifice, but in the final analysis, the number of people is still too small. "

Guan Heng groaned with his jaw: "So the situation of the other four clans should be almost the same. The Five Elements God hasn't returned for a long time, I'm afraid it can't get rid of it."

"I see. You make a lot of sense," Li said. "So, is there any solution?"

Guan Heng stunned the jade card in his hand and murmured to himself: "Now I haven't thought about it, I can only get the five elements **** jade jade card in hand and meet with Qinghuang and them before I say it."


When the guardian figurines and the old monkeys met the fire tribe and Guan Heng visited the Jin tribe, Qing Huang and his fellow Ruo Tao also came to a huge lake somewhere.

"Wow, this lake is so big, it's like the inland sea." If Tao walked a little tired, he sat at the lake and rested, and greeted Qing Huang: "Come here, we will go to see the son again , Break first. "

"That's fine." Qing Huang took two steps forward, sat next to each other, and then smiled and said, "You, why are you so tired of walking so easily? Is it because you usually lack exercise?"

"How is this possible?" Ruo Tao patted his heart: "We have always been full of vitality, don't you not know it, just ..."

Speaking here, she said, "Somehow, after you entered this world, I felt that my energy was a bit poor. Could it be that I was not convinced?"

"Yeah!" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang almost laughed out: "You're actually not convinced? I don't believe it."

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