Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4774: Dark wood poison cloud (first)

"Oh, what a terrible bug!" Gusang yelled for fear, but she didn't mean to be half afraid, but the few green bugs mistakenly thought the other party was weak, and slumped forward, biting her with her mouth open. Ankle.

"Hey, how do you play it really?" When Gu Qing was dragged by her weak body, she also attacked herself, and Gusang immediately sank her face: "Bad bug, do you really think the girl is afraid of you? Look at it!"

"Pop!" The voice fell off, and the wooden sceptre in her palm had fallen quickly, falling on the nearest worm, making the other party roll over directly, and the other party slammed into the rock of Fu Jin, and actually shook. The body turned over again and leaped, and beeped twice.

"Strange, although I have no mercy to kill him, I can still knock the worm out with this force. Why is it still intact?"

I was a little surprised, but the Gusang woman started with no mercy, and the wooden stick whistled, and immediately flew a few green insects around.

After the shot, she smiled slightly: "You are too weak, boring!"

"Hey, hey!" It was as if to respond to what she said. There were bursts of screaming insects inside the mouth of the gorge, and the Gusang woman raised her ears and listened, murmuring in her mouth: "It seems to be provocative Me? No matter, if you want to go in anyway, I will meet you. "

"Yeah!" She swayed forward and rushed forward, and came to the canyon mouth between three jumps and two jumps, suddenly seeing a large black insect in front of him, and whispered, "So much?"

"Wow!" Whistling time, issued a command for the first green scale worm that was as strong as a wolf and mountain wolf, and signaled to his companions to brush around, Gusang said: "Well done, let you know who provoked me. End! "

"Slap!" She was stabbed into the ground by her wrist whistling, saying that it was too late, then, a large amount of wooden aura immediately spread like ripples, and all the green insects that came into contact with this breath trembled, and then He fell to the ground and fell into a fainting state.

Immediately afterwards, Gusang son-in-law said, "Boy, let's do it together!"


On the other side, Xiao Hei was sitting on the rock holding the Ghost Meow, bored and boring. Although the patriarch and the giant bird said something funny about the Mu tribe and made her happy, Xiao Hei still felt bored, she muttered: " Sister Gu Sang is really right. She didn't take me with her when she entered Worm Valley, so she took care of herself. "

"Little ancestor, the girl Gusang is not a fun to go in." Bi Yu giant bird shook her head and said, "You will not understand how dangerous it is. If you go in, it is estimated that you will die a lifetime, but girl Gusang , She should be better. "

"Is it because she has a wooden scepter?"

"Yeah, that wooden stick really exudes the breath of Master Jumang. I won't admit it, because we have encountered the same breath many times when we led the people into the ancestral temple worship."

Having said a little while here, the patriarch said, "But in recent years, Master Jumang's breath has become weaker and weaker, and I am very worried about giant birds."

"If there is something interesting in the ancestral temple, we might as well go in and have a look." Xiao Hei whispered to the devouring cat quietly at this time: "You're right?"

"Meow ..." Upon hearing this, the cat whispered in her arms, as if to say, casually, I can do whatever I want.

"Woohoo--wow--" At this moment, weird winds suddenly heard from the northwest sky. Everyone looked up and looked at it immediately. "Bird, it's 'Dark Wood Poison'." "Cloud, this thing has become more and more frequent recently, let's quickly avoid it."

Hearing this, the Matriarch stretched out her hand and held Xiao Hei: "Go, leave here with us and stay away."

"But Sister Gusang hasn't come out yet."

"Rest assured, this poisonous cloud is coming fast, and it is going fast. We can come back to pick her up later." Besides, the matriarch couldn't help but say, hugged Xiaohei, and jumped on the back of the giant bird. She called in her mouth Road: "Go and go, don't be caught up."


The giant birds did not dare to neglect, flew into the air like lightning, hissed and swept away into the air, and flew away more than ten feet away in an instant, but the so-called "dark wood poison cloud" was not slow, it was actually tight Hugging from behind. Biyu giant bird had to shout: "Hurry up, I want to speed up-"

"Patter, patter, whimper!" At the moment when he was struggling to spread his wings, the giant bird had turned into a small black spot in the sky, temporarily leaving the poisonous cloud far behind.

"Hoo." The patriarch held Xiao Hei on the back of the bird and breathed a sigh of relief. "Now we are temporarily safe." Xiao Hei asked curiously, "Why do you avoid that strange cloud?"

"My sister didn't know. The poisonous cloud was also derived from the main hall of the ancestral temple, but it was completely different from the Lord Mu Shen. As long as we wooden people or wood spirit spirits and beasts touch the edge of this object, It will be gone immediately. "

When she said that, the patriarch's face was full of fear, and Xiao Hei was infected with her, and she couldn't help taking a nap. She said, "Really? This is really scary."

"Oops." Then Xiao Hei yelled, "If this poisonous cloud is scraped into Worm Valley, wouldn't Gu Sang be in danger?"

"Cuckoo, you don't need to worry about this," said the Biyu giant bird while flying, "because the poison cloud will never approach that canyon."

"Not close?" Xiao Hei bit his lip, his eyes incomprehensible: "Why is this?"

"We can't explain this clearly. We only know that after the green leprosy moved to the canyon, the dark wood poison cloud also appeared, and began to wander around the habitat of the Mu clan, but within a few miles of the insect valley, the poison The cloud will not scrape. "

The patriarch said: "It's as if this poisonous cloud has its own consciousness, it has a taboo on the canyon, so it dare not pass."

"So mysterious?" Xiao Hei blinked and asked casually: "Sister, you are so afraid of poison clouds, haven't you thought about dealing with it and making this thing disappear?"

"How easy is this?" The matriarch shook her head, then explained, "Mu creatures dare not approach this cloud, because that is to die at the touch, the only thing we can do is to meet the dark wood poison cloud and desperately Just run away. "

As soon as she said this, her gaze suddenly fell to the back, and she screamed with a little panic: "No, that poisonous cloud has come after it, giant bird, speed up!"


On the other side, Canyon Canyon.

The ancient mulberry girl and the black rattan boy teamed up to disperse a large number of green scale skeletal worms. The boy also used rattan to make a square cage to imprison two live-caught bugs inside.

"Ha ha ha, it's really interesting, sister Sang, how about we raise this bug?"

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