Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5145: Invisible demon

When seeing the Emperor Zhu fled, Jian Ling's anger was irresistible. He said that this guy was too ridiculous, coward! But in such a time, the half of the dark cloud in the sky suddenly stopped and rushed towards the sword spirit, and then chased towards the black fat man.

"Uh ?!" When Zhu Huang ran away, he turned his head and looked around, and almost crooked his nose. "Forget Badan, don't you chase sword spirit, what do you chase after Laozi?"

"Ha ha, fat man, this is your retribution to escape!" Jian Ling said with a little irony: "You can solve this half of the black cloud, I will deal with the other half!"

The words faded away, and the mang sword dazzled into a blue light, and went straight to the sky.

"Hey, don't go!" When the bamboo emperor saw Jian Ling dropping himself and the evil beast, he was in a hurry, and a black-faced egg was sweating, but at this moment, a dark cloud rushed to the ground, overwhelming. Suddenly he shrouded.

"Abominable, I thought the emperor was bullying? Lao Tzu was also a hegemon in the realm before, how would I be afraid of you!" The dog jumped off the wall, the earthworm broke, and had to jump around three times. Urgent, he suddenly waved the bamboo stick in his palm and poked at the dark clouds in the air: "Get away!"

"Woohoo!" The fierce wooden aura formed a hurricane, which immediately blocked the invasion of the black cloud, but shook it a few feet away, and Zhuhuang turned to danger.

"Huh, fortunately, the skills of the past have not been dropped." Zhu Huang wanted to start now, so don't have any reservations, and quickly settle the other side, it is better than passively beaten up.

I just made up my mind. The evil beast that was originally in his arms suddenly called "Beep" twice. It turned out that the dark cloud flew over again. This time the opponent ’s offensive is different. I saw more than a dozen swift shadows flying out of Yunnei, and they whistled together.

"This is the 'invisible demon' ?!" The bamboo emperor is also a hegemon of the past, and has seen this thing, which is a thing derived from the years after the death of various souls by a large number of magic qi It can corrode and pollute all things, as it happens, the evil spirits are their nemesis.

"If it's an ordinary invisible demon, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with it." Zhu Huang was secretly pleased. Since he is the nemesis of the other side, he can easily destroy them. In this way, it can be regarded as a small bargain .

But before he can do anything, the demons can't hold it. This little guy is very sensitive to the spirit of the demon. He jumped to the ground from Zhuhuang's arms, and then howled at more than ten animals. The invisible demon had a long nose against the storm, and then sucked it.

"Woohoo-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, all the demons who were too late to be scattered were absorbed by the demons.

"Hahaha, cub, you are a great help to the emperor. Just stick to it for a while. I'm going to arrange a" big kill "to fight this demon cloud in one fell swoop."

The sound of the ancient bamboo emperor's words fell, and he stepped back a few feet away. The bamboo stick in his palm suddenly shook into the soil and disappeared. The black fat man now twisted his fingers and hit the ground with green blue. , Rune of bamboo and wood fragrance.

"Woohoo!" It was late, fast, and the sound of the wind rose sharply within dozens of feet, and numerous bamboo shoots and shoots sprang up quickly, growing into large pieces of green bamboo with the naked eye.

On the other side, the Demon Beasts are very happy. They use their long nose to continuously **** out the screaming screaming monsters. The other party does n’t know why they ca n’t escape from the small beasts. The other party just **** gently to get their spirits. The body was taken away.

"Oh!" Among the lights and flints, the beast screamed and ran forward, stopped several invisible demon spirits trying to escape, absorbed three of them into the body, and then shook his nose, "Oh!" Take the last one and roll it to the ground.


Shake it down to the left and right for a few times, and the demon screams and smashes, turning into a little bit of demon breath. It is sucked away by the demon beast, and it absorbs a large number of invisible demon easily. After a full meal, it appears Very happy, but in the next moment, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Hoo--" A dark cloud in the mid-air not far away quickly trembled, and stumbled out a giant claw with a few feet, and grasped the beast fiercely.

"Eh ?!" The demonic beast was unafraid when he saw this. He thought that the opponent and the demon who had just swallowed it were almost unbeatable, so he threw his long nose to meet him, "Eh!" In the meantime, I wrapped my claw wrist with my nose.

"Creaky--" The long nose tightened tightly, tangled and twisted the giant claws, but the other party also continuously released the black energy of the demon, and continued to strengthen its strength. It's mid-air.

"Oh!" When he saw that his strength was not as good as the Devil's Giant Claw, the little beast suddenly flustered, and his proboscis softened and shrank, becoming weak. "Stop, you let it go to the emperor!"

"Oh!" It was late, then fast, as the roar of the ancient bamboo emperor rang, the green bamboos that had just grown within dozens of feet shook and shook, and they instantly released a large amount of aura and exhaled. Big hand for Mu Aura, grabbing at that demon claw.

"Pop!" At the same time that the big hand and the giant claw clashed hard, the demon giant claw was obviously weak by three points. Just because Mu Lingqi conquered evil things, naturally it was no exception. "Pop!"

The demonic beast took the opportunity to break away from the claws, landed on the ground, jumped three times, and ran back to the black fat bamboo emperor. He said, "little man, you have done a good job, now look at me. The power of Lingzhu to kill the battlefield, how to crush the other party! Seven kills of bamboo to kill, attack !!! "

The words of the black fat man fell, hundreds of green bamboos shining brightly rose into the air, and under his control, they flew into the black cloud in front of the sky. ... At the same time, another battlefield in the sky.

"Oh!" The sword spirit of the hand Qing Hongyun sword rushed through the air, constantly weakening the surrounding black clouds. The other party originally wanted to trap him with the overwhelming potential, but the wooden aura sent by the sword spirit completely restrained the invisible demon. This black cloud was passively beaten from beginning to end.

But Jian Ling was not optimistic. He murmured in his heart: "The dark cloud of this demon spirit is very large, and my spirit body is not easy to condense. I can only stick to it for a while. The cloud is gone, it must be me who is suffering. "

When I first thought about it, the black clouds across the place kept shaking, suddenly releasing dozens of whistling demons, and rushing towards him.

"Hongyun sword, help me!" Because the two swords of Hongyun and Jumang are both used by Guan Heng to cut off the demon, the two swords rely on each other, so the Jumang sword spirit can use Hongyun sword to play the biggest role.

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