Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5196: The Demon Man (Third)

"Hunting hunting, you see clearly, the other party's ears are constantly bleeding, and it is estimated that they are deaf." Guan Heng shouted on the back of King Jiayu: "They pierced their ears in order to resist your evil roar. So I barely continued to run away. "

"Hey, that's the case, it's really a group of sly beasts!" The hunter took a sigh of anger, and then chased after him, shouting: "God, you think you can escape the grandfather's palm. , That's a big mistake! "

"Woohoo! Huh!"

It was late, and then it was fast. Hundreds of gold threads sprang out of the hunting salamander, entangled towards the fleeing pig-faced monster. A few guys were slightly slower under their feet, and were immediately dragged into the air by their bodies. Huh! Huh! "The gold thread tightened a little, and he tore the pig-face monster to pieces.

Seeing this situation, Guan Hengyang said: "Hey, stay alive, maybe I can come up with some useful news."

"Oh, I see." After hearing this, the hunting slammed a gold thread, "Slip!" This gold thread was pinched into the ear of the nearest monster when it was split, and went directly into the opponent's brain to stir and read. Monster memories.

"Yeah!" Among the lights and flints, the hunting owl recovered the golden thread avatar, Guan Heng and King Jiayu came near it, and then asked, "How about, do you know the origin of these monsters?"

"Slayer!" Li Xun slowly said, "This is the name of the pig-faced monster, but where did they come from? I haven't found out."

Upon hearing this name, the evil maggot mother and King Kongkong Jiao shouted in unison: "Demon man ?! I have heard of this strange monster long ago, but I did not expect to see it here."

"Why do you know the origin of the other party?" Hearing Guan Heng asked, the worm said: "Master, the demon monster is very dangerous. Let's catch or kill the demon in front of you, and other things. talk later."

"Yeah, Falcon, you take Optimus Cornerstone and kill these guys, yes, remember to leave two or three memories to read them."

"Oh!" The other promised, and immediately flew away. At this moment, Guan Heng stepped towards the demons, some of whom were aggressive and rushed to attack him.

"Look for death!" The wooden sword in his palm swept away, chopping the opponent's waist abruptly, "Wowa la--" Blood, meat, intestines, and dirt were flying all over the sky, and then sprinkled all over the place.

"Yeah!" Jian Feng immediately pressed against a devil's neck. The other side was frightened, his hands loosened, and he threw the giant bird with him on the ground. "Yeah!" Off.

In less than ten breaths, all the demons around were killed, and the one-eyed red owl who could survive was also rescued. Guan Heng then asked the mother bug: "What is the origin of this demon?"

"This is a group of guys who have been repeatedly expelled from various realms. It is not known how they came out, but the characteristics of the devil we know are that this group of guys like to absorb the essence and blood in living objects and become themselves. the power of."

The bug mother explained: "Because the ogre is too cruel, they have been expelled from all walks of life. They can only hide in the space tunnel, and the armored king and I have heard of each other's name, but Because the whereabouts of the devil are hidden, we have never seen the appearance of these guys, and today we can only really look at them. "

"That's right." The king of armor also said, "I don't know who put the Demon Demon into the spirit world. No wonder the one-eyed red owl on Cui Defeng will suffer, and dare to love the Devil. The essence of blood, intend to gather together, and then absorb the blood of giant birds. "

"But why do you want to catch the red badger alive?" Linghu asked with a little wonder. Guan Heng also said: "I have some questions about this."

"Everyone knows something. According to the legend we heard, the ogre has a favorite. After catching live prey, find a place to hold a ceremony, and then kill each other at the same time, drink the blood of the prey." Worm The mother murmured, "This is what they are terrible."

"Eh!" At this moment, the three slayers held by the hunting salamander screamed at the same time, followed by Qiqiao bleeding and dying.

Li Xun said: "My golden thread clone reads the other party ’s memory. These guys seem to be following the guy who looks like the blood demon tribe, and drilled into the spirit world along the gap of the space gap. The space gap happened to be On Cuiyu Peak. "

"No wonder the Demon will appear here." Guan Heng said: "It seems that there are not only the Demon Demon here, but also the Blood Demon Clan lurking. In this case ..." he shouted with a raised hand: "Linglong Five treasures, please show up! "

"Woohoo--wow--" At the moment when the strong wind rose suddenly, the shadow of the dragon bone armor appeared in mid-air, and the voice of Dragon Wife Butterfly Jade came: "Guan Gongzi, what do you tell me?"

"There may be traces of the Blood Demon clan around this mountain, but we are now anxious to find the one-eyed red pupa who has been captured. Please excuse me to cover all around Cuiyu Peak to prevent the other party from escaping."

"Yes, obey the order of the son." Die Yu promised, and immediately left with the wind. At this moment, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Spiritual gourd, release your spirit of pressure to explore the surroundings to see if you can find the missing red owl or the demon."

"Okay." The spirit gourd flew to mid-air, released the aura and began to search for the movement of nearby creatures, and its aura even learned news from trees, flowers and other plants.

Within ten breaths, the spirit gourd suddenly yelled, "Here you are, quickly, go to the northwest."

"Where is it ?! Let me show the way." Said, the red cymbal who had been following everyone neighed. "This way."

"Hey, what's that place?" Guan Heng followed the opponent and asked him.

"It is a dangerous place on Cuiyu Peak. After passing through the narrow gap in the mountain belly, there is a small canyon."

Hung Hom replied: "Generally speaking, the creatures that do not inhabit this peak are willing to approach there, because the gray and white fog spreads around the small canyon.

Speaking here for a moment, it just continued: "There is also an 'invisible fog spirit' in the canyon, which likes to attack creatures near the dense fog, so everyone is a little scared."

"That's what happened." Guan Heng asked casually: "In your opinion, will the invisible fog spirits fight with the evil spirits?"

"Maybe." Red muttered: "For us, it's not easy to mess with both sides. Of course, if the bad guy can lose both and die, it's all good news."

Just then, the hunter in the sky suddenly called out, "Hey, there seems to be a weird whistling in front of you, do you hear me?"

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