Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5239: Tooth for tooth (first)

"You!" Hearing this, Nangu's commander almost blew up his lungs, because Guan Heng's words were full of disdain and contempt. He simply didn't put himself in his eyes. By this time, he knew he was not his opponent. The **** demon leader covering his eyes also decided to spare no effort to fight with him!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- between the electric light and flint, this devil slaps a huge blade in his palm, chopping dozens of times towards Guan Heng:" Blood Demon Ice Soul! "

"Oh!" The magical slam in the air turned into countless screaming weird shadows, and his teeth flew to Guan Heng.

"Huh, the eagle worm trick!" Guan Heng was too lazy to dodge when he saw the shadow attack, but he shook his finger. "Oh!" The aura of wooden aura rushing forward to meet the shadow, pointing at each other. Through the hole, this wooden aura is the evil nemesis, and the magic shadow collapses on the spot.

"This is your trick? Shit isn't it." Guan Heng stood still in his place, and then slowly said, "If you just do that, it means that the Ice Demon Tribe is just a group of garbage dregs, which I destroyed before. A demon in the **** demon tribe of the wasteland. "

"What ?! You, one of the five Blood Demon Clan, was destroyed by you?" Hearing this, Nangu commanded a sudden thought in his mind, and suddenly pointed at Guan Heng. "You, you are spiritual ..."

"You're smart, you even know the name of Lao Tzu." Guan Heng sneered. "It seems to me that you, the smashed blood demon, have already been regarded as a savage name."

"Abominable, this is the guy who killed the **** demon in the wasteland alone. I, I, a little watch leader, how to fight him? Isn't that to death?"

At this moment, the leader of Nangu has already been scared and sweating. This guy has just been able to bring up the courage and Guan Heng beating because he doesn't know the power of others. Now he understands clearly that he is in front of Guan Heng, even a fart. Neither, so I was in a horrible mood.

"Look at your counseling, aren't you afraid? Is it a waste?" Guan Hengzhen said obliquely to the commander of Nangu. "Well, if you don't want to fight, how about I let you escape?"

"What? Are you letting me go?" Upon hearing this, the Gorefiend Commander had an incredible expression.

"Brother Guan, you can't do it." At this moment, Qilan also shouted, "This guy has killed hundreds of thousands of my people. His hands are blood-stained executioners. Don't let it go."

"Rest assured, I have my own share."

By the way, Guan Heng made a "slightly restless" gesture to her and many six-eared orcs, and then spoke to the leader of Nangu: "I give you a chance, run hard, if it is within ten miles Within you, my babies fail to catch up with you, you can escape the day of birth. "

After a pause, Guan Heng continued to say, "But if they catch you within ten miles, don't blame me!"

"What ?!" For the game of Guan Heng's release and escape, while sending out the killer, Nangu Leader is no longer familiar with it, because bloodthirsty is like it, this game is the most favorite to play.

Just before the command, the leader also deliberately released a few mine slaves, let the other party escape for a while, and then chase after himself, let the poor mine slaves taste the horrible taste, either tired of vomiting blood or being scared to death .

"How can this be the case, it's my turn to become a prey this time." Nangu commanded his eyes with tears, but this was his only chance to escape, and he was reluctant to give up. "Within five breaths, if you don't run, I will kill you personally!"

"Five ... Four ... Three ..." As soon as he output three numbers, the Gorefiend leader ran away like crazy.

"Big goblin, you go after it." Guan Heng sneered: "Remember, even if it is within ten miles, don't start directly, wait slowly, wait for it to reach ten miles away with one foot, then give I kill! "

Guan Heng deliberately said this very loudly, spreading all the way, even the Nangu commander who plunged into the dense forest heard it, screaming at the other side, "I don't believe I can't escape ten miles!"

This guy said, running violently, but in such a time, there was a burst of sounds behind his head, "Buzz!" Between the light and flint, the bee spread his wings and slammed his tail with a tail pin. It's the back of the head.

"Ah ?! How can it be so fast?" The leader was so frightened that it was too late to dodge again, and saw the bee's tail pin on this guy's eyebrows, neck throat, left and right shoulders swiftly, but no I ordered the commander of Nangu.

"what happened?!"

The leader of Nangu was a little silly, and the expression on the back was suddenly distorted, so annoyed, because this guy remembered that he had heard Guan Heng's shout just now, and the other party said that even within ten miles, he would not even chase himself. The killer is to wait until he is frightened and exhausted by extreme fear before killing himself.

"Is there any reason why you dare to insult me ​​like this, I must run away and let you regret what I did now!"

The words came to an end, the leader gritted his teeth and twisted, and fled, but within ten minutes, the infant white ghost overtook, cutting the armor around the leader with a fiery blood blade, and then the big cricket attacked and chopped He lowered one of his arms and let it escape, and then the puppets tore off the leader's ears and nose, and dug out the puppet's right eye.

These are all in accordance with Guan Heng's command line, because this beast is inferior and maddened by the Nangu commander, he often uses the same methods to deal with the minion captives. Just now, he also killed seven deliberately released minions, cut off the limbs, Opening a laparotomy is extremely cruel.

Guan Heng was furious when he found the corpse, and immediately ordered the group of ghosts to use the same torture on the Blood Demon Leader. After more than ten breaths, the dying leader was taken back to the mine, and when it fell to the ground.

"Well, it seems you haven't escaped ten miles in the end, so I can rest assured that you are."

"No, don't!" The greedy leader wailed, "Now I'm useless waste, it can't pose any threat to you, forgive me!"

"Suddenly begging for mercy? Okay." Guan Heng smiled. "I can't kill you, but you ask if they want to spare you!"

After all, Guan Heng blinked, and hundreds of angry six-eared orcs were appearing behind him. The orcs shouted one after another: "Return to my loved ones!"

"Kill, I want to kill you!"

"My grandson is only three years old. You ate this child alive in front of me, you beast, you **** it!" "My six brothers died in your hands, beast, what qualifications do you have for mercy!"

"Let it die!"


"Bang, bang!"

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