Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5459: The production of sound bugs (first)

"What's the matter?" Three steps and two steps, Guan Heng ran to the door, just to see Zhenwen, Xiaoju inside to clean up the scattered and scattered things.

"Brother Guan, Brother Guan!" After seeing him, Zhenwen's face suddenly appeared a little embarrassed. Guan Hengban joked, "Sister, why are you so panicked? Is it possible to sneak into the King's room and be a sheep? Little thief? "

"No, no, you don't have to talk blindly." Before Zhenwen said anything, the maid Xiaoju next to her hurriedly justified: "Master Ling let us in, no, it wasn't sneaky to do bad things."

"Yeah, Brother Guan, we are polite people, and we don't steal things." Zhenwen said, but she stepped back two steps subconsciously, and her face was a little unnatural.

But her movements were too obvious, and Guan Heng noticed something was wrong, so she asked, "What do you want to block? Let me see."

"No, nothing."

"Well, hurry up." Guan Heng's movement was like a gust of wind, and he hovered behind her, immediately attracted by the things in front of her.

"Wow, you smashed so many things?"

Guan Heng looked at the debris on the ground, sighed, and then began to glance: "This is the favorite jade bottle of Father-in-law ... and the utensils he made by myself, I usually do not let me touch it, I didn't expect it, all Suffered your 'poison hand' ... "

"Brother Guan, this is not the case." Zhenwen hurriedly justified: "We just wanted to see the good things in Uncle Ling Wang's room. I didn't expect to just touch them, all these shelves fell down. deliberately."

Xiaoju also said, "That's right, it's me who touches the shelf. It has nothing to do with the princess. If you want to blame, blame me."

"Okay, things are not mine, and I have not asked your two teachers for sin, and the King of Spirits is not such a stingy person. He just broke a few things. He won't embarrass you, what is it?"

Guan Heng shrugged and said, "Hurry up and find someone to clean up here. Also, I'm here to get the" Blazing Spirit Ball ". Where do you put this thing, you know?"

"I know, it's here." Zhenwen turned and picked up a watermelon-like red ball from the table, and then handed it to Guan Heng.

She said with a little embarrassment: "Uncle Lingwang said yesterday that he was going to complete this, so he called me and Xiaoju to help, and then we both played here all night and fell asleep unconsciously, otherwise we would not be confused. Knock the shelf down. "

"Hey, didn't I say that? It's nothing. The father-in-law is not stingy. If you clean up the room and ask him to admit an error, he won't be angry."

"Really, it's great." Zhenwen grabbed Xiaoju's hand and walked out of the door: "We'll find someone to clean up right away."

"Oh, by the way, there is something else to trouble you." Guan Heng suddenly called Zhenwen, she turned around and said, "Brother Guan, if you have something to say, as long as I can do it, I must do it for you. "

"It's like this, the kind of" sounding worm "you made last time is very interesting, suitable for everyone to communicate with each other remotely." Guan Heng smiled with his jaw and said, "You make a few more for my brother, except How about taking it with you and sharing it with other companions? "

"Okay, but there are a few difficulties."

Having paused here, Zhenwen went on to say: "First, the materials used to make the worms are not easy to find. I do n’t have any extras in my hands and I have to collect them temporarily. Second, even if I have materials, It also takes time and effort to engrave the black pattern. "

"It's not a problem. Since I asked you to do it, I will naturally look for things and materials for you. Just make a list."

Guan Heng also said, "Furthermore, I am not in a hurry. When the materials are available, you can spend as much time as you want, just don't drag it for too long."

"Haha, I see." Zhenwen laughed. "This rumored maggot was originally a proud work of my father and king. When I learned that I would rarely do it by myself, I could use this opportunity to practice my hand. "

At that moment, they had a good discussion. After Zhenwen cleaned up the room of the Spirit King, she went to prepare a list of materials to make the maggots and sent them to Guan Heng in person. In this way, Guan Heng broke up with them separately. Go for it.


After a while, inside the Lingzhu Hall.

"Guan Heng, you are back."

"Master Father-in-law, this is what you want," The Blazing Spirit Ball ". Guan Heng handed things to the Spirit King, and asked," How is the body in the jade coffin now? "

"The hot temperature of Fire Reiki has been lowered a lot, and it has made the physical activation one step closer. Generally speaking, everything is fine." Ling Wang twisted his smile and said, "Everyone has worked hard during this time, without wasting it. Work hard. "

"Yifu, come here and see, the jade coffin seems to have reacted differently." At this moment, Qing Huang, who was responsible for observing the jade coffin, called, and the spirit king and Guan Heng immediately walked over to check.

"咦?" Guan Heng found that the red light that had shone on the surface of the coffin gradually faded and disappeared. In its place, the ripples of blue spirit breath that were constantly shaking and released.

"Well, this is a sign of the fusion of the soul body and the flesh body." Seeing this scene, the spirit king was happy, and then he said to everyone, "Now, you have to work hard again."

Everyone knows that it is time to continue to input aura into the jade coffin, so they nodded each other, and all sat down with their knees crossed. But the ice maggots and magic magpies responsible for guarding the jade coffin were okay. Suddenly thought of something, Guan Heng called the evil maggot mother.

"Well, what does the master say?"

Guan Heng said to it: "You lead me and me to find Zhenwen. She should be preparing a list of materials for me. If Zhenwen has done it, you should pay attention to it. If there is anything you can find right away, put it Collect it back and I will be rewarded. "

"A reward? Yes, the worm will go immediately." Under the reward, there will be a courageous "worm". The evil maggot mother immediately hurried out of the gate with a hoe.

After a few breaths, the zombie came to the door of Zhenwen's room and said, "Princess, Princess Zhenwen, this insect is here, please open the door and meet."

Just listening to the door squeaking open, Xiao Ju poked out her head, and smiled at them and said, "Come in."

The worm mother, the icy magpie and the magic owl that reduced her body, as she entered the room, everyone looked up and saw Zhenwen kneeling at the table, painting on an animal skin, busy, watching the other party concentrate. Looks like they are not easy to bother.

After more than ten days, the busy Zhenwen looked up and stretched out: "Uh uh ... it's finally done."

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