Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5470: Chipmunk

"Buzzing-buzzing-" The bloodthirsty water lice that were besieging the web-clawed chipmunk and sucking the brain of each other saw their companions die tragically. They immediately gave up the remaining chipmunk and flung their wings straight towards the old monkey, Capricorn here, vowed to avenge Xue hate!

"Huh, I don't know if I live or die!"

The one-sided ice owl sneered, and opened his mouth to spray cold air, converging into dozens of sharp ice cones of various sizes in the air. "Oops!" The ice cones burst through the sky, running through those unlucky lice that were too late to dodge. It screamed and died, and the body crackled and fell to the ground.

"Haha, it's really vulnerable." The Capricorn was about to say something like "the worm is nothing but err." Suddenly found that the worm mother glanced at herself, and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Well, killing these little crickets is useless at all, you see." The evil maggot mother motioned to look forward, and you can see that among the large group of water lice, three of them are the largest and have a dangerous red scary water lice. Staring at them.

"These are probably the strongest of the bloodthirsty water lice." The guardian figurine still spoke slowly: "After killing them, maybe the water lice will fall apart."

"Squeak, squeak." Just then, the web-clawed chipmunk, who were lucky, ran one after the other towards the worms.

"Hey, you all go behind and hide." Hearing the shouting of the tiger-headed savage leader, these squirrels screamed wildly and dared to hide behind each other if they met the grace of heaven. stand up.

"Buzz!" Speaking slowly and quickly, three giant red water lice fluttered and drew near.

In the eyes of this kind of low-magnitude worm that only knows to rely on instinct to prey, there is no word "fear" at all. They only know one thing. Anyone who blocks himself from eating must fight against him. Do not even care about fighting for this!

"I'll pack them!"

"Woohoo!" At this moment, the Capricorn and the White-browed Monkey quarreled over who they could go first, but the zombie and the guardian figurine did a better job, and while they were bickering and noisy, they both flounced at each other.

"Spirit filaments!" "Dragon fire punches!" Between the thunder and lightning, the fierce moves of the worms and human figurines fell on each other. The filaments turned the water lice into countless pieces of meat and powder, and the fire fist was strong. Burst and burn the other one to ashes.

"Squeak!" The next moment, the remaining water lice screamed frantically, without retreating, and fell directly on the guarding figurine, stabbing with his own long kiss.

"Click!" The opponent's sharp kiss snapped into several pieces. "Pop!" The giant palm of the human figurine immediately choked him, and said slowly: "Why is it like this kind of unrestrained attack? ? "

"That's the difference between ordinary worms and derivation of" smart "zergs." The mother explained: "The worms are just lower-level species in our opinion."

"So it is." The guardian figurine slightly bowed his head, and saw a few web-clawed chipmunk clinging to his feet, staring at the half-dead water lice in his hand, so he said, "Want to eat it? Then give it to you. . "

In other words, it had already thrown the red giant water lice in front of the other party, and the rats saw that they were crazy, and they pounced on the water lice.

"Hey, these guys were just brain-sucked by water lice just now, but now they're all right, and they start eating each other." The magic puppet pouted and said, "They don't dislike teeth."

"In fact, there are several necessary reasons for chipmunk to eat water lice. They must do so." First, after eating water lice, they naturally have the ability to resist the other's toxins. It is also very convenient because it is not affected by the swamp radon. "

"What about the second?" After hearing the figurine asking, the leader blinked and replied, "The second, of course, is the fruit."

"Hehehe, right, people like me and guarding figurines and ice muffins don't need to eat. Of course, I can't understand how difficult it is for guys who are running around to get the belly."

The bug mother smiled, and then said to the savage leader, "Go ask these guys, where should we go to find the sound-absorbing snails."

"Okay." The leader promised, and then screamed at a fat webbucker mouse next to him. After a few breaths, the other person was a slight jaw head, but shook his head again.

Seeing this, Bingyu was a little impatient: "Hey, what is it talking about?"

"The chipmunk told me that the colored snails inhabit the deep swamps, but now if they look for them in the past, they will encounter a lot of trouble. It is advising us not to go."

"What?" The Capricorn was a little unhappy when he heard this, and raised his body with a fat chipmunk, and then yelled at the guy with a stare at him: "Your grandfather is not afraid of trouble, quickly say, where is the sound-absorbing snail? ? Otherwise I'll tear you up! "

"Squeak, squeak." Suddenly frightened by the fierce appearance of the other side, the chipmunk kept screaming and screaming, and almost came to pee, and the worm said, "Enough is enough. In this way, it will I was tossed to death, I will ask. "

"Hey, fat rat." The worm mother seduced him at this moment: "As long as you are willing to visit us to the habitat of color snails, no matter what reward you want, this worm can give you, how about it?"

"Squeak ?!" Upon hearing this, the web-clawed flower mouse's eyes brightened, and he nodded in a hurry, and the zombie laughed: "Hahaha, do you see? It's still my word."

Immediately afterwards, the chipmunk that was thrown to the ground by the devil yelled at the leader of the barbarian a few times.

The leader turned his head and said to everyone, "According to this guy, at the end of the swamp where the sound-absorbing color snails inhabit, there is a kind of" red flower spotted mushroom ". If we are looking for color snails, we will protect it from other strange animals. , Eat enough of the mushroom, and take you there. "

"Well, a sly mischievous fat rat, okay, then promise it." The worm said indifferently, and exclaimed, "Hey, hurry up and lead the way, our time is precious!"

"Squeak-squeak-" The plump chipmunk screamed loudly, his companions burst out, and the rat rushed towards the swamp ahead, everyone followed immediately Shed.


After a while, deep in the swamp.

"Wow-lah-" It was late, and then, fast, there was a sudden shadow in the rotten and dark wet mud, and Zhangyawuzha wanted to bite the nearest chipmunk.

"Huh! Slightly!" There was a large chill in the oblique spurs, freezing the other party into ice stiffly, and falling to the ground with a bang.

"Squeak ..." The web-clawed chipmunk murmured with a lingering heart, and couldn't help shrinking its neck, and the sorceress next to him snorted coldly: "It's rotten water toad again. It's nearby, like this poison It's not uncommon. "

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