Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 5946: Magic Armor and Madness (Third)

"Oh, cubs, you know how to fart." Yong Long sneered at it with a disdainful tone: "If you want to put it in the past, I don't care, of course, you can blow away those dregs by blowing your breath, but now No, look at our figure, even if you want to slap each other, it is difficult. "

"Hmm ..." After hearing this, Xiao Hei and Zhen Wen couldn't help laughing. The next Qing Huang asked: "By the way, I don't know when you got into a grudge with the scum of the Blood Demon clan?" "Hey, the greedy and shameless things of the Blood Demon clan, their purpose is ..."

"Woohoo--wow--" Before Yong Long continued to say, the crowd suddenly heard the high winds around them, rolling innumerable flying sand and stones, and the sound was terrifying.

"Eh ?!" At this moment, the guardian figurine glanced at the captive bat that he had scooped up. The other party had just woke up, panic-stricken, and then it took out the "from this guy" Branded Magic Stone. "

"Bang!" The magic stone suddenly shattered, and the guardian figurine said, "Hostess, this thing is a 'wolf repair' to notify his companions that they have reached the ancient realm of Yonglong, presumably it has ..."

"Well, it's Yonglong's breath, I finally found you!" As the harsh voice sounded, the mid-air wind suddenly swept down, rushing towards the people standing at Su Shengquan.

"The dregs of the Blood Demon Clan finally arrived." Ruo Tao took a step forward at this moment, and she yelled, "I'll give it to him first, and no one will rob me, you know?"

"Okay, be happy with you." The sisters knew she was fighting spirit, so she stood still with a smile.

"Oh!" Between the electric light and flint, Ruotao pulled out the thunder blade and chopped away the wind shadow that swept the magic gas in the air.

"The thunder is tearing away!" This blade of force was rapidly advancing, and it seemed that the power was not weak. The blood demon in the hiding wind suddenly screamed, "I'm afraid you can't do it, give me-broken!"

"Woohoo!" Speaking slowly, then, more than a dozen magical shadows sprang out of the mid-air rotating strong wind, and they quickly gathered, turning into dark claws, and grasping Ruotao's sword fiercely.

"Oh!" The next moment, something unexpected happened. The **** devil's dark claws crushed Ruo Tao's thunder sword. The guy suddenly fell from the air and laughed arrogantly. "It's just your attack, it's my turn!"

"Bloody Heartbreaker!"

"Wow!" With this howl screaming, it waved its hands to release countless magical shadows, rushing into Ruotao. "Abominable, get out of here!" At this moment, Ruo Tao seemed to be overwhelmed, waving his thunderblade violently, parrying, and stepped back.

Zhenwen, who was watching the battle nearby, was a little weird. She whispered, "Weird, why is Tao Tao going down so fast, she is usually not so weak."

"Hehe, she's teasing each other." As a good sister, Gusang girl knew Ruotao deeply. When she heard Zhenwen's question, she explained casually: "I don't know the opponent is here at the moment. How much, if this blood monster is slaughtered as soon as it comes up, it will be difficult to scare other fellow members. "

"That's it." Zhenwen just nodded and made it clear that the blood demon who was fighting Ruotao over there was a little impatient: "Xiaoxiong, blocking Laozi to capture Yonglong, you must die, kill and kill!"

"Magic armor!" Between the lightning and the light, this guy used the magical energy lingering around him to gather for himself an armor, and two curved handles, and the crazy chain cut to Ruotao.

"Good guy, you're really playing, then don't blame Grandma Aunt!"

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Ruo Tao waved his thunder blade to meet him, "Dangdang!" The weapons of both sides bumped into each other dozens of times, and the blood demon suddenly felt a shock in his whole body. This guy was startled: "This girl The previous attack was weak and weak, how could it suddenly become so strong? "

"Hahaha, look!"

"Wow--" In the blast of the wind, it suddenly broke, and Ruo Tao's chain was broken and he shot like lightning.

"Oh!" Seeing that the chain was breaking fast, the other party screamed loudly, using the breath released by the magic armor to transform into a giant shield, trying to block the attack.

"Oh!" The next moment, the chain of the broken palm was in the middle of the gas shield, and I saw that this thing trembled fiercely as if blocking it. The other blood demon just wanted to breathe out, but Ruotao sneered: "Give me— -broken!"

"Boom! Slap!" It was late, and then, fast, the magic shield shield shattered, and then hit the shoulder with a fierce attack.

"Uh !!" After the blood demon hit, he stood unstable, and immediately stepped back and forth a few steps. Although this guy used the magic armor to offset most of his injuries, he still had blood on the corners of his mouth and pale.

"Hahaha, you are the dummy of the ancient Blood Demon patriarch, what is the wolf repair guy? This strength is too poor, right?" Ruo Tao laughed on his back at this time: "Scum, grandma, even if she continues to release water , You may not be able to pick me up!

"Well, if Lord Wolf Xiu is here, how can you allow you to be so arrogant!" The blood demon forcibly swallowed a spit of blood that was about to spit out, and then roared, "I am Lord Wolf Xiu, your Majesty the General, and today I will Clear up your obstacles for adults !!! "

The words fell off, and fierce menacing blood appeared in the blood gore's eyes. He pierced his own heart with a backhand and pierced a blood-spraying heart. This guy yelled, "Heartbreaking and demonizing!"

"Bang!" For a while, under the eyes of Ruo Tao and his companions, the blood demon battle would crush his heart, and the magical spirit that burst out of it immediately wrapped it up and down.

"Hahaha, I'm going to kill you, kill you!" The voice of the blood demon warrior echoed in everyone's ears, appearing crazy and a bit desperate. This guy knows it well, , He couldn't live at all, so he decided to go all out to kill the enemy.

At this moment, Qing Huang cried, "It looks like this guy has made a weird change, otherwise we'll go together."

"No!" Ruo Tao shook his head stubbornly and then said, "None of you are allowed to rob me, I said that its life can only be solved by me."

"What's more ..." At this point, Ruo Tao's mouth slightly tilted, and a sneer appeared on his face: "It's such a small pawn, I really don't look at it, it's easy to solve it!"

"Humble, you are so arrogant!"

"Kill!" The mad and demonized war changed the whole body of "Magic Armor", and innumerable sharp thorns grew suddenly. "Oh!" It was late, fast, and anxious. As the showers poured down, the whole body hurricaneed towards Ruotao.

"As long as you use a weapon to block the parry, my aggressive attack will explode. By then, you must be a big loser!"

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