Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 6002: Eye of truth

"Hey." Suddenly, holding his shoulders and keeping silent, Heng Heng opened his mouth. "Do you guys think that Zi Ai's ability to open strange eyes and release light is useless except for lighting? Is it a chicken skill?"

"Of course." King Jiadi shook his ears and said, "Because I can't think of anything else besides lighting."

"Huh, no wonder you only know how to sleep stupidly, and haven't grown a little bit capable, it's all pig brains." When Guan Heng cursed King Jia, the eyes also glanced at the hunter and the mother bug by the way. Good-looking, so he pointed to the position of the mid-air mutant puppet and said, "Look at it yourself."

"Eh ?!" Upon hearing this, the two stared up and looked up, and realized that the thick fog surrounding the surrounding area had unknowingly disappeared. It was the light radiating from the strange eyes of the quilt Results.

"It turned out that the ray of Ziyue's strange eyes can disperse the dense fog ?!" After realizing this, the tone of the worm's mother appeared a little joy, after all, Ziyue's strange eyes are not "decorated" at this moment, more or less. Practical value.

"It's not just that. You have been watching nearby, but you found out the real ability of these guys later than me, stupid." Guan Heng said in a leisurely manner: "Zi Xi, immediately rushed into the dense fog and turned around."

"Oh!" Among the electric lights and flints, the group had to make a rush to the surroundings. Within three or five breaths, they returned again. The armored king was a little dumbfounded at this time, and then said, "What are you asking them to do?"

"Hehehe, you will know soon." After that, Guan Hengyan raised his hand, dozens of sons and daughters immediately rotated in the air, releasing countless dazzling rays of light, and fell on everyone.

"This is ?!" It ’s too late, and then, the armored king and hunter's head have more information in their heads. For example, the path within a few miles ahead, where is the wood, thorn bush, or even a The geographical location of the caves and cliffs all entered their own minds.

"Do you understand now? Ziyu entered everything we just observed into our brains. This is called 'information sharing', which is a very powerful ability."

Guan Heng explained at the moment: "The chaotic monster I encountered before had this ability. It is estimated that after eating the flesh and blood of the multicolored fierce monster, some of the monster's ability can be exerted. The chaotic monster mentioned that This ability is called the 'Eye of Reality.' "

"That's the case, I still belittled the son-in-law who had eaten the flesh of the chaotic beast." Hunting whispered to himself at this moment with shock: "Zombie mother, you little brothers are actually pretty good."

"Well, it's not just you, I even despise them." The zombie shook her head involuntarily, and then said again: "This is all right, the mutant zombie can continue to search for the surrounding situation while dispersing the fog, can Make it easy for us to quickly find the right path. "

"That's it," Guan Heng said, and then squinted at King Jiadi again, and said with a smile, "See? These bugs are more useful than you."

"Uh ... Yes ... Yeah Guan was right." At this moment, King Jiadi had nothing to say, remembering that he had laughed at the colorful and fierce appearance just now, this face was crackled and made him complain Flushed.

"Well, it's not too late, children, go!"

Guan Heng waved his hand at this time, and the group of princes rushed into the dense fog one after another. Within a few breaths, the surrounding fog gradually dissipated, and the king of armored men shouted eagerly: "Can you find the kiwifruit first? I'm afraid It ’s late, and the fruits fall and rot, so they do n’t have to eat. ”

"What a miser!" Guan Heng sighed. "Well, do you know where the fragrant fruit tree is?"

"I have heard from several strange beast buddies that it should be in the northwest corner of the Misty Valley, where there is a whole fruit forest, which has everything."

"Let's go." After a while, everyone came to the fruit forest in the northwest with King Jiayu. At this time, most of the mist had disappeared. Therefore, the surrounding environment was clear at a glance. His eyes widened and he screamed suddenly, "How can this be ?!"

All I saw was the forest in front of which was full of branches, fallen leaves and trampled fruits, and the trees were bare.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I ’m late, and the kiwifruit hasn't been eaten!" Speaking of which, the eyes of King of Armor were a little red, and he sobbed, "I knew I was coming earlier."

"Even if you come early, the result will be the same." At this time, the worm mother circled the surrounding woods, and then flew back to everyone and said, "The ground is full of cluttered beast footprints, and the fruits on the ground They are all ordinary goods, and we can see that the kiwifruit must have been picked in advance. "

"Abominable, who did it ?!" Upon hearing this, the jealous armor king spit out his thick breath and gritted his teeth. "If you let me catch the guys who start first, tear them all up. It's up! "

"It should have been made by some local beast." Guan Heng said, taking a few steps forward, he came to a fruit tree, and saw a small yellowish fruit hanging on the branch above his head, Picked it off.

"smell good……"

When he raised his nose, Guan Heng felt that an indescribable fragrant fragrance was spreading out, and the armor king next to it also noticed it. He hurried to scream: "This, this, this is definitely kiwifruit. It smells. The taste is different. "Then he said that Harako had dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Look at your uncle, why, do you want to eat?" Guan Heng said, shaking the little fruit in front of it.

"Sucking--" King Jiadi swallowed his mouth in disappointment, and said, "I want to eat, when, of course I want to eat."

"I can give you this, but let's put the ugly words first."

Guan Heng's mouth slightly tilted, and a ghost idea came up in his heart. He said with a smile: "If you eat this little fruit, no matter how many kiwifruit we find, we won't have your share. Why? So, if you agree to this condition, let you eat. "

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha!" Upon hearing this, the hunting pheasant and the zombie next to each other laughed, and the king of armored men was embarrassed. Guan Heng made it very clear, as long as he ate the little one The fruit, if there is still a big one in the future, I will not have the opportunity to eat it, it is really difficult to decide.

Guan Heng saw that he murmured and rustled his teeth sometimes, anxious to himself: "It seems that it is really difficult to make the King of Concubine decide, just stop playing it."

"Hey, here you are." Guan Heng threw Xiaoxiangguo to King Jiayu, and the other side opened his mouth to catch it. Before he could taste it, the thing rolled into his stomach.

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