"Observe, master!" "Oh!" The mother **** promised, and suddenly threw out two filaments and poked into the soil fiercely, and dragged the frozen guy inside out, "Oh!" When he fell to the ground, he could not help wailing: "嗷嗷 嗷 ——"

"This is ?!" The moment he saw the thing, Guan Heng's face sank, and he noticed that his expression was not right, and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

"What's so special about these things?" The princess took the first two steps and took a closer look. They found that the frozen stuff was like a viper perched in the forest, but it was colorful and her head was hexagonal. , So he said, "It's nothing special. I think it's a common snake."

"No." Guan shook his head and explained: "The speed at which they are good at digging and digging holes is not ordinary, and these guys have a disgusting smell on them."

"Well, that's true." For a while, I also felt that the surrounding air was filled with an indescribable aversion, and she asked subconsciously: "What the **** is it?" "It's a beast with the spirit of blood demon!"

"What ?!" After listening to this, Princess Xun was shocked: "How could this Fengxia Ancient Realm show traces of blood demon?"

"Then I don't know," Guan Heng said slowly. "To this day, the only way is to investigate!"

"Yes, I always think that the Fengxia Ancient Realm is a bit unusual now. When I visited here with my dad, I didn't feel that way." He said, "Where do we start the investigation?"

"It's the huge pit in front of you, let's go." After that, Guan Heng led me to rush forward.


On the other side, the Gu Sang woman who came to Xilanjie was complaining that Zhenwen was not careful.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh been long been called for you to be physically active, lest your bones become stiff, you just don't listen." Gu Sang woman rubbed her ankle and sighed: "Look, I just twisted my feet a few steps Right? "

"Well ... this can't blame me, too." Zhenwen whispered, "I blame the dead monkey for all of a sudden, making a grimace, which scared me to take two steps back, just stepping on the stone, and then I twisted my feet. It's awful. "

"Right, what about the old white-browed monkey? I want to scold it!" Zhen Wen looked up and looked at her, but she didn't see the other's trace.

"Sister Gu Sang, it's not good. The dead monkey hurt me and sprained my ankle. Now I fled out of fear!"

"Oh!" Gusang almost smiled and sprayed: "You Nizi, stop telling jokes, it's impossible!"

"Woo-woo-wow-" Speaking late, then fast, just as the Gusang girl's voice fell, a scream of a white-browed old monkey was heard in the tall grassy artemisia bush nearby.

"Well, hurry up!" Gu Sangzhen was worried that she couldn't find a chance to teach the other side, and immediately exclaimed: "You monkey is so unethical ..."


Without waiting for her words to be shouted, the white-browed old monkey wrapped in the wind and suddenly emerged from the grass, but this guy was followed by a large group of black bees and squads of wild bees. The aggressive appearance of the other side really frightened Gusang Jumping, and now I can't help cursing anyone, I hurriedly took Zhenwen and jumped out to hide away.

"Buzzing-buzzing-" spoke slowly, then, and the swarm of winged bees approached the old monkey as if to bite it, and the old monkey was on the spot Rolling, Kankan avoided the pursuit of the opponent, and then turned his head and spit out a large mouthful of flames.

"Eh!" In a blink of an eye, fierce fire swept through the air, completely enveloping the bee colony, and burning them to ashes. Seeing this scene, the Gusang girl and Zhenwen knew they were out of danger, and they were relieved.

"Hey, look at the good things you have done ..." At this moment, the Gusang woman pointed at the old monkey that came over, and just about to yell, but saw the monkey spread out her hand and handed over something. It is a large piece of honey with a strong aroma.

"Sister Gu Sang, this looks delicious." Zhenwen swallowed, could not help but reach for the next piece, and threw it into her mouth.

"Well, good, sweet, ah!" Just took a sip, and Zhenwen's face overflowed with happiness, she murmured to herself: "Uh um, it's delicious, although there are many types of spiritual world Wait for honey, but no one can match it! "

"It's so exaggerated, I don't know if it's true!"

The Gusang woman didn't believe it, she reached down and put a hand into her mouth. Immediately afterwards, her whole body was thundered, and she couldn't help trembling. She shouted in her heart, "It's so delicious that your body will burst! This refreshing and sweet taste is definitely a rare honey."

"Woo-woo, woo-hoo." At this moment, the white-browed monkey monkey stroked in front of the second daughter, explaining what she had just left. It turned out that the monkey knew that she was scared that Zhenwen sprained her ankle, and did not dare to stay in front of them, so she had to hide quietly.

Coincidentally, some of the strange animals sent back to their realm met the old monkey, and told the uncle that there was a kind of baby under the nearby cliff.

That thing is the special product of the West Lan world-the honey made by Golden-tailed bee. How delicious it is, of course, Zhenwen and Gu Sang Nu already know it, and they are even hooked on it.

The monkey told them that the honey was not only delicious but also analgesic, so it risked being hunted down by the swarms and brought a little respect to Zhenwen and apologized.

"Well, this is pretty much the same, since you have the sincerity, I forgive you." Zhenwen said, and also moved a few sprained ankles, and then said: "It really doesn't hurt."

"It's not just honey's credit," said Gu Sangnu. "I also helped you massage for a while."

When she heard the word "honey", Zhenwen licked her lips and murmured, "The honey of the golden-tailed bee is so delicious, I want to taste it."

"Me too, anyway, we have escorted all the strange beasts back to the West Lan Realm. Now it is better to pick some honey." Gusang female mouth slightly angled and said with a smile: "Of course, you and I are not just eating alone, but You have to get back some points for Sister Ji and Qing Huang and Ruo Tao, right? "

"Yes, this reason is very correct, sounding, nothing wrong!" Zhenwen shook her little fist and said, "Sister Gu Sang, let's set off quickly."

Nodding, the Gusang woman called out, "Monkey, don't hurry up to lead the way."

"Woo, wow!" Upon hearing this, the white-browed monkey knew the opportunity to please the two older sisters, and immediately jumped forward, jumping into the wormwood grass, followed by Gusang and Zhenwen. After a while, they came to the cliff.

"Oh!" It was late, and then, quickly, a scream of a savage beast suddenly came from not far away, and then I heard the sound of the "o", and a **** head rolled in the air, and it fell on Jane's feet side.

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