Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 6486: The ability of the worm (third)

The Worm Mother saw that the Bone Armored Evil Dragon was unable to hold back, and wanted to open the wine altar, and hurriedly stopped, "After you go out, it is far away from here, you can drink as much as you want. Now it is not possible, and quickly put the altar into the hole. go with."

"Okay, I listen to you." Although the evil dragon was irritable, but thought of the other party's truth, he raised the jar and moved it into the hole in front of him, and said, "Be careful, don't take this It's broken. "

"I see, get it quickly." Tu Gongchan grabbed the big jar with the web claws at the mouth of the cave, and then said, "After waiting here for a long time, I heard you open your mouth, I don't know how long I have to move, it's really a delay . "

After being tossed by a big toad, there was no light on the evil dragon's face, so he kept silent and passed the altar into the cave.

In this way, after a few moments, the zombie whispered: "Stop and stop, you have already moved away from the altar of ten, it is enough, let's stop immediately, lest the guards find that the evil dragon, your body is the largest, go first."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the Bone Armor Dragon immediately went inside the cave, followed by the worm mother and several other companions. They didn't even have time to fill the big pit in the wine cellar and escaped.


After half a while, the guards who opened the door of the wine cellar to pick things up were stunned by the scene in front of them, and they suffocated for a few seconds before one guy made a hysterical howl: "It's too late, it's called a thief !! "

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles! Just a moment's work. The entire inner city of Wanli City, everyone knew that the wine cellar was stolen, and a large number of fine wines were missing. It was just at the gate of the inner city to welcome Guan Heng, Xiao Hei, Zhen Wen and Qing Huang I also heard the news.

He said blankly, "Strange, I always think this thing is done by the guys who are related to us."

"Do you still have to ask? It must be a few mixed **** who like to drink together to commit crimes." Guan Heng smiled bitterly at this time: "Look now for anyone who is not in the city, and the prisoners are them. You can't go wrong!"

"So what do you do now? Go catch these little thieves and learn a lesson?"

When Qing Huang had just said here, Zhenwen hurriedly hurriedly, and she grunted and said, "Brother Guan, sisters, my dad and elder grandpas said that the altar wine is nothing, just drink it. Well, there are more important things to inform you now. "

"What, is it ..." Guan Heng and his companions looked at each other, and then asked in unison: "Did you find the whereabouts of the Spirit King (my father)?" "Yes, hurry back with me."


After a while, the underground cavern was closed.

"Guan Heng, you are just here." Qi Ling girl has been staring at the fortune seeker to see, seeing everyone enter, she hurriedly said: "I was not idle last night and last night, I was staring at this The movement of things finally found the specific coordinates of the spirit king's breath. "

Upon hearing this, he asked impatiently, "Where is it?"

"It's not clear yet. The Cangyu patriarch and the elders are investigating the name and location of the place. It is expected that there will be results."

The instrumental girl said, and yawned, then rubbed her eyes and murmured: "I have been boiled for two days and I'm sleepy and tired. The rest is no longer necessary for me, cat, let's go Make up for it. "

Having said that, she shrank and became smaller, and entered the body of the swallowing ghost next to her.

"Hey, I still have something to ask you, why ..." Guan Heng saw that the other party gave up, and couldn't help but be angry and funny, and turned to ask Zhenwen: "What about the patriarch?"

"Maybe in the room." Zhenwen said, and cried, "Daddy, are you there? Brother Guan is here."

"Noisy, I'll come out." In the inner room, the chief Cangyu said impatiently, and then came out with a lot of scrolls in his arms. He said, "Never of you, don't be idle, Hurry up and help me find information, I don't believe I can't find out where the Spirit King is. Come! "

"Well, let's try our best to help." Guan Heng said, and walked over, Qinghuang, Zhenwen, and Xun looked at each other, and then all surrounded, Xiaohe said, "You, first Busy, I'll ... "

"Don't even think about staying out of the way. Everyone is working hard. You're here and you can't slip away and give me over." Seeing Guan Heng glaring at himself, Xiao Hei walked with a bitter smile: "Yes Listen to you all. "


In this way, everyone spent a morning in the query information, until the drunk worm mother informed them to go to breakfast.

"You stealing dead bugs." Guan Heng lived all morning and was very angry. At this time, he stretched out his hands and pinched the mother **** and said, "Dare you dare to drink and drink with the evil dragons, right?"

"Well, the master is angry." The worm murmured in Guan Heng's ears: "The main criminal this time is completely an evil dragon, I just threatened it, and while I wasn't paying attention, I secretly hid several altars for centuries to make soil Gong Chan put it away, that's for you. "

"Huh, this is pretty much the same." Guan Heng was happy, but the expression on his face had not changed, but he said coldly: "I miss you sincerely admitting your mistake, and you are a first offender, and you will not be held accountable for a long time."

"Thank you master, your master is wise and wise, and the worm respects you like the surging river ..." The worm knows that her "bribery" has already played a role, and her mouth seems to be wiped with honey. Beating.

Guan Heng waved his hand: "No more nonsense, we have more important things to do here, and we still have to work after breakfast." After listening to this, the bug mother asked casually: "Master, is it looking for Lord Spirit King?" Did things run into difficulties again? "

"Well, although the sky guide has locked the general area, it is not easy to find that place. After all, we have never been to it."

Having just said here, Guan Heng suddenly blinked his eyes, and then said, "Hey, I forgot an important thing at the moment. Although you are a weak chicken dregs, the memory content of Tian Xuan Zong Di's orb is very Rich, after breakfast, search for information with me. "

"Uh, yes ..." The zombie almost regretted her intestines, and said to myself that I really asked for trouble. Why bother to ask this sentence, now it is better, it will be caught as temporary labor, although it is so, But it didn't dare to say it on the surface, otherwise it would have to be repaired.

After everyone hurried to eat, Guan Heng grabbed the worm, hurriedly returned to the underground chamber, and threw it on the table: "Hurry up and see if this area can find the specific location of the Spirit King."

"Eh?" Looking at a lot of scrollworm mothers in front of them crying secretly, but there is no other way at this time, it said: "Hey, master, can you lend the Seven Ghosts to me for help?"

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