Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 7042: Scepter battle

In the end, it is the leader and leader of the patriarch who has followed the Horns for many years. After a while, he has thoroughly understood and pondered the old man's mind. Therefore, on the surface, they are reluctant to say anything, but secretly scorned them, and some looked down on old things, and the rebellion in their hearts grew stronger.

Just then, the high priest next to the patriarch snorted from his nose and slowly spoke: "Are you a group of little monkey cubs trying to distort your mind?" After hearing this, the leaders were slightly trembling, Qi He said, "Little dare."

"Don't dare? Don't dare."

The old priest smiled bizarrely, and then said, "This village is now built like an iron bucket. This family is also strong and strong, not the old man boasting. If it weren't for our family and the patriarch, they would die and die. This family business, and now you cubs are still drinking northwest wind. "

"Hahaha ..." As the old priest said, the leaders around him and the orc warriors all laughed. After a while, the original stalemate atmosphere was resolved a lot, at least on the surface.

At this moment, the old patriarch continued to say slowly: "Today is an old birthday, so I have called you all back for a lively event, and the other thing is to announce a major event related to the future of my family!"

"Finally the point!"

When the commanders and chiefs heard this, their eyes flashed with greed. You must know that when you become the chief of a tribe, you are ascending to the sky. In the future, you will have the wind and the rain, and you will control the killing of the Dai people. Great power, that's a happy thing!

"If I became the patriarch, I would immediately kill all the guys who usually offend me, and all their relatives!"

This sentence is haunting and lingering in the minds of all the leaders. These cruel guys know that they must clear up their dissidents as soon as possible after they have taken up the position, otherwise they will be too big and let themselves be restless, so as long as there is a chance , You have to bite fiercely, biting each other!

"Hehehe, the little guys are very energetic." The old patriarch narrowed his muddy eyes at this time, glancing at those leaders who seemed to be incarnations fighting for bones, and could not wait to rush to his immediate leaders. The old guy was happy to straighten his teeth. .

Then, he mumbled to himself, "Okay, it's very good. Since you want to compete for this seat, the old man will give you a chance."


Speaking late, at that time, the patriarch suddenly shook his hand and flew, hammering the metal rod in the palm into the ground before approaching, and then he said, "My family always respects the military and respects the idea of ​​the supremacy of the strong, The right of a patriarch to inherit is very simple. As long as anyone can get the patriarch's scepter and insist on holding it back, that's it! "

"In addition, I have one more thing to announce, in addition to the rule and the boss can compete for the scepter, ordinary soldiers are also qualified, the winner is king!"

"Alas! The winner is king, and the winner is king!"

Hearing this, all the orc leaders, bosses, and elite warriors all roared and seemed extremely excited. They thought that their chance to stand out was coming, as long as they could grab the patriarch's scepter that was within easy reach. Have the opportunity to sit in that seat.

In a moment, all the ambitious guys swelled with blood, and instantly boiled.

"Grab a scepter!" When speaking slowly, then, a few leaders closest to the sway swayed and slammed, and reached for the handle of the scepter. "Slap, slap, slap!" The next three parts fell into their hands.

"Squeak, squeak--" All three wrists made a screeching sound of bone rubbing, and they all roared in unison: "Let Lao Tzu loose!"

"Go to you!" Among the light and flint, the strongest commander thumped the cheek of the guy opposite him.


The sudden feeling of strong wind blows his face, the other party knows that he must avoid it, otherwise, his head will be broken by it, under pressure, the leader will let go of his hand with resentment, but it is not willing to fail, he thought to himself: "Even if I miss, I can't be cheaper if someone is cheap."

"Roar!" The next moment, the guy who was forced to retreat slammed his knees on the opponent's knee, the leader opposite was happy, never thinking that the guy secretly stepped on, "Gallah!" The sound of bone fracture suddenly sounded, it snorted I almost fell.

"Come here!" The third commander saw the opportunity and dragged madly, and finally grabbed the patriarch's scepter into his own hands. This guy laughed with a loud head: "Hahaha, I finally got it I am the patriarch ... "

"Screw you!"

"Oh!" It was late, and then, quickly, before the leader clamored, a few silhouettes flew over and waved fists at it. This boy was also dizzy, just holding the scepter, Can not fight back, after taking a few punches in succession, finally fell to the ground and rolled miserably.

In fact, it is also silly, as long as you throw the scepter in your hand, you can fight back and avoid, but at this moment, the guy is not willing to give up easily, and my heart said that as long as I insist on ten breaths and not let go, the seat of the patriarch is mine!

But things were far from that simple. In a moment, two red-eyed bosses and leaders suddenly showed their swords and greeted him fiercely, "Wow, click, click!" The guy with the stick was cut by a sharp blade, and the poor guy was still dreaming of becoming the patriarch until he died.

"Catch the guy, come on!" Seeing that the two guys were so fierce, the rest of the commander and the samurai were all covered with anger and greed, and one by one they pulled out the sharp blades and rushed forward, vowing to grab the scepter.

"Hmm! Hmm!"



"Ehhhhhh!" The sound of the collision of the blades and the screams and screams of many horned orcs were intertwined. The old patriarch standing on the high platform looked at it with interest, and twisted his smile: "Okay Well played, that's it, hahaha ... "

"Brother, these are some of the elite warriors in the clan. Don't you let them kill each other like this?" The high priest whispered next to it: "You know, we spent a lot of time training them. strength……"

"Well, second brother, do you still not understand?" The old patriarch sneered at this time, and then said, "Even disobedient dogs, even if they can look after the house for their master, will have the opportunity to bite the master, like this You guys ca n’t stay, do you understand? "

"This ... Yes, the brother said it makes sense." The high priest sighed, and the old patriarch said at this time: "That's why I came up with a way to let them compete for the scepter and kill each other. You have to You know, this is a good intention. "

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