Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 7399: Iced Lingquan (first)

Speaking, Qing Huang found a large leaf and rolled it into a cup shape, then put the melting spring water in it, and handed it to the doe's mouth: "Come, drink, you will feel better."

In addition to this sweet water, Qing Huang also added a little of her own pure aura. The doe licked it carefully, then stretched her brow and drank it with joy.

It is clear that even Lingquan itself will not have the amazing effect that can almost cure all diseases now. It must be that people have "added ingredients" in it. This is a rare good thing, one word, drink!

In a blink of an eye, the doe drank the spring water and called twice: ": ... 哞 哞 ......"

"It's saying thank you." Then, the red ants next to it came together to grab the leaves of the cup and took a bite, and said vaguely: "The leaves are delicious when they are stained with iced spring water. "

Seeing its action expression, he laughed and said, "Look, you look like this, like a starving ghost, haven't you been full?"

"Hey, princess, you're right."

The red ant replied solemnly: "The guy Mo Me and I have been trapped in the sealed secret hole, and have really not eaten anything. However, the original three gods did not need to consume food, but at the very least, we have to absorb Reiki. "

"You know, after purifying the water quality of Lingquan, you have everything you want to eat." 芫 歆 said at this time: "Sister Phoenix, now you say how to purify the remaining Lingquan?"

"All are frozen into ice. In this case, the evil spirits lurking inside cannot be escaped, which is more convenient for us to drive away purification."

Speaking of this, Qing Huang said to Xiao Hei and Red Ant: "Let the Warframe Spirit Skeleton hold the doe and rest next to it for delivery. Look at it carefully. It can't be frightened anymore."

"Know, know, rest assured to us."

Xiao Hei said, as soon as he waved at the spirit skull, the other man immediately picked up the doe carefully and walked to the shade of the tree to set it down. At the same time, Qing Huang and Wu Xi released the cold at the same time, so they just listened The sound of La freeze froze, and the whole Lingquan instantly turned into a thick layer of ice.


On the other side, under the leadership of Mo Yan, Ruo Tao and Zhen Wen finally found the polluted Lingquan.

"Huh, Mo Yan, you did a good job, I just said that, just now I was blown off and hit a somersault, so that your mind is awake."

"Uh ... Rutau is right."

Some helpless Mo Yan thought: "Oh, I was just lucky because of your sword. But this incident also shows that Mo Yan is a true" road idiot ". With some luck, it's good to lead everyone to the right place.

At this moment, Zhenwen looked at the polluted black spring and asked, "Sister, how can I purify the spiritual spring here? Is it going to be troublesome?"

"It's okay, it's just purifying them. It's very simple. Let them go. I'll do it myself."

After all, Ruodao walked over to the spring, and then suddenly pulled out the thunder blade and began to accumulate energy. "Well ... crackling ..." It was too late, and Ruotao growled: "Hi ! "


The swift and thunderous lightning force immediately wrapped the power of tearing the air and fell fiercely on the spring water, but Zhenwen and Mo stunned that after the sword hit the water, there was no sound, and that was a kind of The deathly silence was shuddering.

"That's it." At this moment, Ruo Tao said he still had a knife in his scabbard and walked out of his own feet. Zhenwen and Mo Yan stared at each other involuntarily, "This, this is over ..."

"Boom!" Between the electric light and the flint, the blade strength in the dark spring water exploded madly, just listening to the sound of "Dora La" rushing from one to another, and the current flowing on the curtain of water raised by several feet frantically walked away, letting those hidden The evil spirits inside were thundered and vanished.

But if Tao slightly narrowed his eyes and stared at those things, he said, "Well, it seems that Lei Jin alone is not enough. So, big heads, you also come to add some ingredients!"

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, Shanyu and the Ghost King immediately led more than ten demons to emerge out of thin air, blasting hot flames towards those springs.

"Woohoo-唰 唰 唰 霎-" For a while, the hot wind whispered continuously, and fierce fire formed a siege of evil spirits in the spring. No matter how they struggled and tried to escape from the spring, it was no use.

After a few breaths, the spring water fell back into the pond. At this moment, the water quality had returned to the bottom, and there was no trace of evil.

"Good job, big-headed prince, ghost king, well done." Ruo Tao said, then turned to smile at Zhenwen and Mo Yan and said, "See? I said it, it is easy to solve."


Besides, An Yan, Pu Xing, and Bi Yan have already been fighting with the invisible beast spirit-Jinlin monster python for a long time. Finally, An Yan's great sword fell sharply, "Oh!" Intercept, but the other party is an intangible body. After seeing the wound, the body of the jinkin monster has to recover and stick together again.

"Don't even think about it!" For a short time, Puxing burst into a roar, and fluttered his spear suddenly. "Hoo-bang!" A blow hit the middle of the opponent's body that was about to recover, and stunned the body of the evil spirit.

"Good opportunity!" Speaking of time, then quickly, An Yan suddenly pulled out his new sword, "buzz!" Speaking of time, then, quickly, the new sword absorbed her aura became extremely huge.

"The Five Elements Spirit Blood Ssangyong Cut!"

"Boom!" The two swords in An Yan's palm suddenly burst out of arrogant power, severely chopping the remaining two scaly pythons in the body, causing them to collapse and disintegrate and disappear completely!

"It's done!" The next moment, Bi-chan laughed: "You two are really great together, to put this guy down without any effort!"

"That is of course. Little evil spirits and beast spirits are nothing compared to our former enemies." Pu Xing shook his spear and said, "Well, now let's take a look at how to purify these Lingquan. "

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, the green spotted velvet rabbit who was killed by the python was very happy. He suddenly screamed and screamed at the stone. Then he ran to the edge of Lingquan and opened his mouth to bite a thick bamboo. This rabbit is probably very hungry, and some can't wait to start eating.

"Wait, pouting rabbit, you are looking for death!"

It was too late, and then, shouting Bi-Yi immediately slammed into the rabbit's body severely, "Yeah! Bone is rude ..." The velvet rabbit stood unstable, rolled out immediately, and then this guy shook with a bit of anger After shaking his head, he was about to scream at Bi Bi who was disturbing himself to eat.

"Slam!" An Yan had come near now, and patted the rabbit's head gently: "Fool, you are almost dead, you know?"

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