Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 801: Ghost armor origin (fifth more outbreak)

"Slam!" The ghost-faced warrior who fell out of the quagmire suddenly yelled, "Heinz, I killed you! Don't run--"

"Eh? Do you know me?" Heinz's face turned dark. "Be obedient, I'll take a step!" Before the ghost masks rushed over and hunted Heinz, a sudden message came from behind him A cold hum: "Let's look at your own life and death first!"

As soon as Guan Heng's voice fell, the evil pupil in the palm of his hand threw his sword out of the air, and said, "Yeah! Click!" Jian Feng's righteousness penetrated the center of the ghost face armor.

"Yeah!" The strange eyes on the sword suddenly opened, it already felt the existence of countless pure magic domain black gas in the ghost armor, and in a short time, the evil pupil strange sword produced a powerful extraction force, "Hu Hu Hu— — "Drag the black gas in Ghost Armor into your own blade!

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The Grim Mask Samurai suddenly screamed screaming, this voice is completely different from the tone of his original voice: "Shit, you destroy me, take away my body's magic, the next day the Demon Domain Army again Coming to the Ashton continent, I will surely make you —————— Ling —— late! ”

"Bang! When I am stunned!" Losing the support of the magic, this dark-colored ghost-faced battle armor suddenly collapsed into a pile of broken armor pieces, and the evil pupil strange sword was obliquely inserted on it!

"What? There are actually ..." Guan Heng looked very clearly. He originally thought that in this strange armor, only the magic domain was black, but he did not expect that there was a tall living man who was skinny and skinny.

At this moment, the living person in the armor was out of breath, just listening to a murmur of cold wind blowing, the position of the dead man's forehead suddenly burst out a strange black gas, it is this guy's ghost undead!

"Well, since you can gather the dead soul body, then don't leave." Guan Heng sneered, suddenly reaching out the back of his hand, calling out the swallowing beast: "Give me it--" The swallowing beast mighty power suddenly appeared When the mouth opened, the ghost had already sucked into the strange space.

The next thing is to investigate the memory of the ghost-faced warrior. In a moment, Guan Heng searched this guy's memory: This man was originally a young friend of the past Marshal Doris of Kauru Kingdom, Fado.

Decades ago, Fado accidentally discovered something weird in an ancient temple, including ghost face armor, evil Hitomi strange sword and several hexagonal metal fragments.

Among the people who had explored in the past, Doris got the sword, Fado got the ghost face armor, and several others divided the metal pieces ...

When I remembered it, it became a bit fuzzy. Fado's names were almost forgotten. In the first few years when he received the ghost face armor, Fado relied on the power of the ghost armor and returned to his hometown. Fame, defeated countless powerful enemies, and even got the title of "the first strongest under the Holy Order".

However, the black gas generated in the ghost armor also gradually invaded Fado's body. Within a few years, Fado, a human, was completely reduced to a ghost-faced puppet. At this time, he knew that he would stay in the northern ice temple. The sword and ghost armor belong to a lord of the abyss of the demon domain.

The lord belonged to the middle-class Demon class in the abyss of the Demon Realm. He had expeditioned to the Ashton continent with the Demon Realm and attacked the shrines of the five main gods together!

Although the army of the abyss of the Demon Realm suddenly attacked a large area of ​​the shrine by sneak attack, afterwards, the brave and beastly **** Beinus and the light **** Dalakand simultaneously shot, and they were able to drag the Demon Realm. The pace of the army until countless magic soldiers, priests came to reinforce, and then, the fierce battle between the magic domain and the shrine finally broke out!

In the fierce battle, the Lord of the Demon Realm was besieged by a large number of priests and soldiers, and became one of the pioneers in the Demon Realm. However, it does not matter, because this is only his avatar, and the body is still in the abyss of the Demon Realm. It was no pity to be killed.

The avatar's avatar turned into the pure magic domain black gas, hid in the ghost's face armor, and slowly lurked on the Ashton continent. Until a thousand years later, he encountered Fado and Dorisd who came to the temple to explore. A group of people.

At least a dozen people on the Ashtonian continent are controlled by black gas, such as Fado, the lord of the demon domain and the avatar of the evil god.

I don't know how long it took, these guys have formed a secret alliance. A large part of the members of the Demon Confederation are in order to cover up their identities and not be exposed. They only use communication magic crystals to contact and have not seen each other. As for how to recognize the allies, that's too simple, because the blackness of the magic domain carried by you is enough to prove that everyone is the same.

The allies of the Demon Realm stirred the wind and rain on Ashton's mainland. In fact, there are only two purposes in the final analysis. First, while the five main gods were seriously injured and unhealed, they did their best to find the place where they slept. One word: kill! !!

As for the second purpose, these magical domain walking dogs hold a lot of magical shards in their hands. They intend to use this thing to collect a large amount of life-changing belief power, which will be continuously transmitted back to the magical domain in order to awaken their sleeping masters.

Ghost-faced samurai-Fado, the reason why he came to the town of Garcia to find Heinz's obscurity, in fact, he wanted to capture the elders of the thieves guild branch, and asked some information. As for what was happening, Fado also I don't know, because the initiator of this mission has someone else, everything will not be clear until Heinz is captured.

In this way, Fado, the warrior with ghost face armor, used the communication magic crystal and three other acquaintances to meet, and one day later, he entered the branch of the thieves' guild in Jiaxia Town, forcing Mr. Heinz ...

"It turned out that he was going to go to the town with his accomplice to catch the old Heinz." Guan Heng groaned with his chin and thought, "This Fado passed by here. I didn't expect to meet me and lose his life."

Thinking for a while, Guan Heng suddenly heard the sound of rumbling to find something around him. He turned his head and looked at him suddenly, "Heinz, what are you doing?"

It turned out that the white-bearded old man was flipping through the pile of scattered armor pieces of the ghost-faced samurai, Heinz screeched and flipped, and said, "Of course, the loot is collected. I just took a scroll of mud swarm, Would n’t it be a big loss if we do n’t get some compensation now? ”

"Eh ?!" After hearing this, Guan Heng almost fell to the ground: "Master Hai, you are too old-fashioned and cheap, right?"

"Haha, there are gains!" Heinz pulled out a scroll from the pile of shattered armor, he proudly shook in front of Guan Heng's eyes: "Boy, see? The short-range space to move the scroll, this is at least two thousand worth A good thing of gold coins, and there is no market price, is it dazzling? "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.13, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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