Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 825: Farewell

At this time, Berman came down from the second floor: "Guan Heng, Heinz asked you to go to his room."

"I know, thank you, Mr. Berman." Guan Heng agreed and went up to the second floor and entered Heinz's room. I saw the white-bearded old man looking relaxed and sitting with his legs crossed. there.

"Well, boy, these are the three obsidian space rings you want." Heinz took out a metal locket and threw it to Guan Heng. He said with a smile: "Are you satisfied now?"

"Okay, I'll take down the ring, and now I'm going to tell you something else." Guan Heng sat down on the chair, and Shen Sheng said to Heinz: "I now know the reason why those people intend to strike you. . "

Next, Guan Heng told himself about Heinz's journey to the Unknown Mountains in detail.

"Do you mean that the ultimate goal of these guys is my road map with a third of the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess ?!" Heinz's face suddenly changed: "About this matter, Are you sure? "

"Yes, I can be 100% sure, but those guys have already been killed by me, and I haven't even left alive, because I don't want you to have trouble in a short time." Guan Heng took out his own bright master. Token: "Old man, do you know this thing?"

Heinz stared at the old eyes for half a minute, then said, "This seems to be ... the tokens used by the priests of the Bright Temple ?!"

"Well, you old man, Heinz, you really know the goods!" It was a bit of a surprise to see the other party know the Bright Priest token.

"Mr. Ruta, the first chairman of our thieves' guild, followed the goddess of darkness Dalavier for some time when he just got half of the deity and became a demigod."

Heinz said slowly: "At that time, President Ruta went in and out of the Bright Temple with His Highness, but he still did not like the habit of holding sheep by hand, and often stole the tokens of the soldiers and priests for a while. Before returning. "

"These are all circulated inside the Thieves' Guild, and have been in the past for many years." Heinz smiled blinkingly: "About the appearance features of the priest's token, Mr. Ruta once painted them and kept them in the library of the headquarters , So we elders all know tokens. "

"So that's how I said, how do you know this thing?" Guan Heng tossed the token in his hand two times: "This is the token I got from a bright priest, I promised to help this great priest To be small is to perform the task of gathering the power of faith and awakening the light **** Darakund. "

Heinz nodded: "Uh, I see. No wonder you know a lot of secret things."

With a slight smile, Guan Heng put away the token, and then said, "So, I would like to ask you to bring a message to the chairman of the thieves' association. In the future, I may come to visit him because of the wake of the five main gods."

"That's the case, rest assured. I must have brought these words. I also received a notice a few days ago and ordered me to rush to the headquarters of the guild. I and another elder, as well as the president, wanted three copies of the Dark Goddess. The road map of the sleeping place is kept in the headquarters for unified storage. "

Heinz picked up a stationery on the table and said, "Because of the information that the president obtained through special channels, he also learned that someone started to think about these things."

"So, you want to leave the town of Garcia now?" Guan Heng asked casually: "What should the guild branch here do?"

"After we leave, there will be other people coming to maintain operations. In fact, I long wanted to leave this backcountry and walk back to the headquarters." Heinz scratched his head and said, "I and Berman will leave immediately. , And possibly with Shani, who has already told me what to return to headquarters. "

"Well, I think Shani should have returned." Guan Heng smiled holding her shoulders, "Mr. Heinz, I would like to ask you to take care of my righteous sister in the future."

"Don't worry, Shani was the one who grew up watching me. Even if you don't remind me, I will take good care of her." Heinz said with a serious face and a serious expression.

"Um." Guan Heng nodded. "Thank you then."

"There is still some time, we are about to go on the road, you take the time to say goodbye to Shani!" Heinz said to Guan Heng, "Although I don't know how long we will wait to see you next time, I like you very much. The temperament of the boy, Guan Heng, take care of yourself. "

"Haha, Master Heinz, although you are stingy and greedy for money, but I also like your character, then I will go and say something to Shani." Guan Heng smiled and waved to the old man, and went out And go.

In front of the window on the second floor, Guan Heng saw Shanni looking out of boredom, so Guan Heng walked over and asked softly, "What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

"Boss, I'm used to traveling with you. Now suddenly I want to separate ..." She turned to look at Guan Heng and laughed: "Think about it, I'm really not used to it."

"Do n’t worry, the differences are only short-lived. In the future, you will have the opportunity to meet. If you want to travel around, come to me to accompany me!" Guan Heng said with a smile and handed something to Shani .

"Well, this is the magic crystal of communication. I have taught you how to use it, and we can contact you anytime in the future." Guan Heng pointed to other things and said, "There is also this space to move the scroll, which leads to the island. "

"If you think of the capital of Kalulu, you can first go to the island through the scroll, there is only half a day away from the capital, so it is very convenient to find me." Guan Heng continued, "There are still a few short-distance The space moving scroll is for your self-defense. You can tear it off immediately when you are in danger, and you can use it to get out. "

"Uh, too few, why are there only these?" Shani complained pretentiously: "I'm your righteous sister, are you a bit stingy ..."

"Hey, you girl is really unsatisfied. Could it be Heinz's greedy disease?" Guan rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll give you another obsidian space ring, This is what I got from Heinz, so you don't have to spend the contribution points in the guild before you can ask him for more. "

Guan Heng threw a small bottle to Shani: "Besides, I'm leaving you with some strange plasters. If your obsidian space ring exceeds the holding capacity and cracks appear, you can repair it with plaster powder and continue to use it."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.18, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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