Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 8256: Rescue begins (third)

"Huh, hh, hh ... it's really dangerous ..." After the boy attacked a group of corpses attacked from the ground, he began to pant: "Little sister, if you don't remind, maybe our brothers will suffer It's a secret. "

"Squeak, squeak!" But in such a time, the dream-stealer Feiyu again made a sharp scream, and the black rattan boy startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Buzz-buzz-" In a blink of an eye, the sky's rapid fluttering sounds replaced Fei's answer, letting the boy understand: "It's a **** giant corpse mosquito, these guys came by air!

"God kill, can't you stop the meeting?" The black rattan boy saw the black corpse mosquito rushing, and was so angry that he said: "Let the little man kill you!"

For a moment, the stunned boy desperately released a large amount of Muxuan Aura into the air and swept away towards the mosquitoes.

"Wuhuhu— 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" Mu Xuan's spirit qi kills corpse mosquitoes, of course, making it annihilate in a few minutes, but this air-wave offensive inevitably allows the giant black rattan to output many.

Gradually, the surrounding beasts rushed forward, because the threat of the influence of the black rattan on the ground has been a lot smaller, and this group of beasts gradually arrogant.

"Dash, do you mean to win more with less? Shameless!"

The black rattan boy was so angry that he wanted to release Mu Xuan Reiki towards the ground to release himself, but suddenly realized one thing: "Well, the only Reiki left in the body has been unable to attack the enemy several times. Why? do?"

"Squeak!" The mid-air stealing dream flew and screamed, rushing towards the ground corpse, seeing this scene, the boy yelled anxiously: "Don't go, it's too dangerous ... ... "

But this sentence was a bit late, and Feiyu had already rammed into the corpse.

"Bang!" Speaking late, at that time, Dream Stealer slammed into a small corpse and the other person's brain shattered, but at the next moment, the rest of the vicious corpse had surrounded him .

"Alas!" A giant beast headed by it seemed like a ferocious bear, and the scumbags stood up with their two claws wrapped in a thunderous thunderous shot to steal the dream.

"Pop!" Feiyong's middle claw swept out of Yuyuan at once, but it stiffened in the air to stop its figure and attacked the corpses again, without any sense of fear.

"Damn, I can't last long with a little sister-in-law alone, and I have to help it!" The next moment, the boy realized that his own body was too aura, and at this time, he couldn't continue to maintain it. Will get worse.

"Little sister, come back and pick me up!"

Suddenly, the boy screamed, and then the giant black rattan body was violently sprinting in place, like a dark hurricane, which engulfed a large number of nearby beasts. It was crushed and crushed. Hearing the boy ’s shout and stealing dreams I swayed in the air, and suddenly rushed towards the black rattan side.

"You can't stay here for a long time, withdraw!" With a loud roar, the boy's small body rushed to the back of Hida, and at the moment when their two winds emptied, the black rattle waved back: "Boom!"

"Bang! Boom--" The rapidly rotating black rattan "empty shell" suddenly exploded and turned into countless small fragments of black mansions, which penetrated the bodies of nearby corpses, causing countless deaths and injuries, scaring the remaining corpses to rattle. , Si San fled to find a shelter to hide.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the boy allowed Feiyu to speed up and escape, and he also released a large amount of Muxuan Lingqi mist, which shrouded the square. Because for the corpses, these breaths can cause fatal harm to themselves, so they dare not get too close, giving the black rattan boys the opportunity to hide their time and hide.

But the boy and the flying owl did not go away, because if they escaped too far, the beasts might continue to throw their captured beasts into the deep pits and persecute, then everyone's rescue would have no chance of success.

"It must be delayed until Sister Sang and Princess Sister come to rescue us." This is what the black rattan boy planned to do now. He and Hida are now hiding in the dark and trying to find a way out.

"Yes, if it's not enough for me and my sister-in-law to fight against many corpses, aren't there many ready-made helpers?" After a while, the black boy's eyes fell on the pit not far away.

"Little sister-in-law, there is now the safest place. It should be there." The boy pointed to the front and whispered, "Go, fly in one breath."

"Ehhhhhhh!" Hearing his words, Stealing Dreams immediately shook his spirits and rushed towards the deep pit.

"Hoo!" The next moment, a shadow of a corpse suddenly emerged from the oblique spur. This guy was responsible for the guard next to the deep pit, and when the boy and Hida were about to blow into the deep pit, the beast was silent. Rushed over and tried to stop.

Just because it didn't give a warning, the remaining corpses nearby didn't notice it. "Oh!" In the flashlight fire, the boy's flying stab penetrated the corpse's throat and throat, and then quickly killed it. It can't scream dying, it's a killer.

The next moment, the body of the corpse was attacked by Mu Xuan's aura and turned into powder. The two of them also jumped into the deep pit. Don't look at the entrance, but it is seven or eight feet deep, so it fell into here, basically Can't climb up.

"Well, who was thrown in?"

"Poor little guys, the corpses of beasts shouldn't even let you go." Some spirit beasts thought that the boy and Feiyu were also captives thrown in, so they lamented, but the boy shook his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to save you."

"What? Come to save us? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, you are so young, what can you do ..."

"Okay, if you want to escape, don't be so embarrassed."

The black rattan boy was too lazy to explain to the other one by one. He touched the surrounding soil wall with his hand, "唰 唰 唰!" The wind and the wind blew up one after another, and more than ten rattan rods immediately penetrated into the soil, constantly stirring and digging.

The boy said: "The rattan will dig a hole to let everyone flee along here, let the small body pass in the past, or the big beast will easily block the passage."

"Little brother, you are here to save us, thank you so much."

"It's our eyeslessness, Xiao Engong, you are so great." When they saw the boy showing his true skill, the spirit beasts suddenly changed their mouths and praised them in a rush of words.

"Stop and stop, thank you for waiting until all of you are saved. It's not too late to say." Kuroki boy waved hands again and again, "But I need some flying spirit birds to help hold the attention of the corpses outside, so that everyone can retreat. Who do you guys do? "

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