Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 832: Into the pool (first)

"Hey!" The sight in front of him suddenly became distorted like ripples, Guan Heng just felt a little confused and fell asleep against the corner of the wall.


I don't know how long, Guan Heng slowly turned over on the big bed, yawned, and sat up with a stretch of his waist: "Uh ... ah ah ah ... It's a good dream, all fatigue is gone, and my spirit is 100 times stronger! "

"Unfortunately, this dream has no head or end." Guan Heng frowned, and then suddenly chuckled again and again: "Ha ha, but do I gossip by myself with my rich imagination?"

"Forget it, after all, they are the main god." Guan Heng shouted and jumped out of bed, and said to himself: "I have to leave them a little privacy, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed to meet later."

Walked to the rooftop of the room, and turned down to see the bird's-eye view. Here is just a glimpse of the scenery in front of the huge garden. At this time, a blue-gray statue of Hyman came over in the distance. He shouted under the castle: "Hey, Guan Heng, do you sleep well? "

"It's not bad, it seems that I slept for a long time, and it should be the next morning." Guan Heng looked up, looked at the current position of the sun, and then said, "Where are they?"

"Boss Sulun let us prepare some food and sent it to the stone tower, saying that we should not be hungry for the lions and baboons inside." Hyman said loudly, "Once these two evil stars and living ancestors get angry, we can't bear it!"

"Hey, you guys are so timid?" Guan Heng lay on the roof rail and said to Hyman, "Did you ever think about releasing baboons and lions from the stone tower?"

"This is absolutely not possible!" Hyman said nervously, "they are both grumpy, I can't afford to wait, don't talk about this, boss Xulun called you to eat breakfast."

Guan Heng reached out and pressed on the roof railing, and fell downstairs. He asked Hyman a little wondering: "What? Do you still have breakfast for these stone statues?"

"I usually do n’t eat it," Hyman said, digging his nostrils facelessly. "But today we prepared some fresh fruit on the tree for the two ancestors, and the rest is wasted if you don't eat it. You are simply cheap ... ... "

"When!" Hyman hadn't finished talking, and his head had been knocked off by Guan Heng, and the latter shouted angrily: "You guys really have this reason, and Dingchun and the baboons only gave me the rest ?!"


A moment later, in the huge garden, five statues often lingered beside the pool.

"Kacha!" Guan Heng took a bite of the fruit in his hand and said displeasedly, "It's sour again, your idiots are too poor at picking fruit, all of them are green and green, sour and difficult pharynx!"

Su Lun and the other five statues shouted in unison, "It's just the wrong pick. Are you going to hit us hard?"

"Sorry." Guan Heng glanced at them, then said blankly: "I wanted to learn a little, but I can't help but see that you are really abominable ..."

Throwing away the fruit core in his hand, Guan Heng said to Xu Lun, "Okay, let's go."

So everyone acted separately, Guan Heng and Xu Lun went to the black pool. Vinson and Zori were busy and started to prepare props and other applications.

Next to the black pool, Xu Lun threw a small metal card to Guan Heng: "I thought for a night that you had to dive to the bottom of the pool, and a few of us could not follow it. However, there are some metals and mineral materials in the huge garden. Arrange a simple teleportation array. "

"Simple teleportation?" Guan Heng took the metal card and asked with a smile: "What's the use?"

"The little thing in your hand will be of great use at that time." Xu Lun explained: "If you find out the truth at the bottom of the pool or encounter any danger that you can't handle it, immediately crush the metal card, It will transfer you to the teleportation bank on the shore. "

"I see, this is a small prop for emergency escape." Guan Heng tossed the small metal card in his hand twice, and he chuckled softly: "But is that all? Are you ready for some more? Wan I can't come up ... "

"No," said Xu Lun, spreading his hands, "these are all the troubles you've created yourself. Ask for blessings."

"Yes, speaking, there are only two things we can do for Guanheng." Zori, who was setting up the teleportation array, suddenly said, "For other problems, I can't help you!"

"Oh ..." Guan Heng glanced at the four sneaky statues and asked casually: "Two things? What are they?"

Zori: "The first thing ... sincerely pray."

Vinson: "The second thing is ... gloat."

"Bang, bang!" Before they finished, Guan Heng's fist landed on the heads of the two statues the next moment, and he stared and shouted, "You two fooled, how dare you kill me ?!"

The two statues shouted with a headache and said, "We also want to help you relax your tension and relax!"

"No need, jumping into such a small black pool, I have no nervousness at all." Guan Heng sneered, holding his shoulders, "No need to bother."

"Guan Heng, don't make fun of those guys anymore." Xu Lun said at this time: "It's not too late, you hurry up, remember, don't drag the time too long, we don't know if the water in the pool is to you Harm, but it's really corrosive. "

"Oh ha ha." Guan Heng smiled deliberately exaggerated: "I almost forgot to tell you, my toxicity to these pool water ... Truth-bottom-free-epidemic! Because of it, old scorpion, come out . "

"Oh!" Six-eyed monster scorpion suddenly jumped out of Guan Heng's sleeve, and slammed onto Xu Lun's face.

"Ahhhhh! Take it away!" Xu Lun saw the old scorpion suddenly startled and rolled his eyes. He slumped and collapsed to the ground. He stunned and said, "The stone statue hates these bugs!"

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed that Xu Lun, your gut is not much bigger than mosquitoes." Guan Heng teased and smiled: "Take care of the old scorpion for me. If there is any mistake in it, I will throw you all into the black pool. "

"Observant boss!" The five statues stood upright in an instant, saluting them in unison: "Your elderly will be assured."

"It's pretty much the same." Guan Heng smiled slightly, took out the Bone Armor from the space ring, and put on his upper body for a moment. "I'm down, wait for my good news!"

"Uh ... why is this armor so strong and evil ?!" Xu Lun looked straight away: "Where did the guy get the evil gate equipment?"

"Tongtong!" Just when the orc statue was surprised, Guan Heng stood up and fell into the black pool!

—— [2016.2.20 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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