Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 834: Dragon family (third)

"Whoo, it's dangerous!" Guan Heng also secretly exhaled: "I did not expect to absorb the ghost image of the ancient skull and evil god, the bones of evil can actually condense such a powerful black fire skull."

"But it's no wonder ..." Guan Heng murmured to himself: "The blood of the ancient skeletons is a great supplement to the bones, not to mention the clone of the ancient skull and evil god."

Glancing at the skull marks that suddenly appeared on the left and right armbands, Guan Heng shook his head slightly: "Uh, don't think about these anymore, let's do serious business, I guess just pull the eight pointed cones, The contaminated rebirth pond can be restored to its original state. "


"Giggle ... creep ... wow!" Guan Heng pulled out the fourth spike that nailed the forelimb of the bone, and stowed it into the space ring. He shivered, and his eyes suddenly fell on the giant of the foreleg. On the claw position: "Well? On this giant claw, there is actually one nail missing, and it looks very special ..."

"Nail ?!" Guan Heng suddenly remembered that in his space ring, there was also a cylindrical nail found in the chaotic gap of Baron Prang's house, the same flash of light in Guan Heng's brain, He remembered that there was a trace of remnant soul in that bone, and he was enclosed in himself with the ghost of a ghost.

"Hey, what's the connection between the two, Bacheng?" Guan Heng thought. "After pulling out the cone, I'm going to find a way to get the remains of this monster out of the pond and study it carefully."

After making up his mind, Guan Heng grasped the action and pulled out the remaining four sharp cones one by one, but he looked worried at the huge bones: "I am so big that I may not be able to take it even if I move. It swims out of the water, which is difficult. "

Taking out the small metal card, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "The guy from Xulun said that this thing can teleport me to the shore in an instant, but I don't know if I can also transmit the monster skeleton to the shore, simply Try it, there is nothing to lose. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng made another round around the bones of the monster. After checking that he had been chained to the bones of the monster, he suddenly swam to the lower end of the bone.

One hand grabbed Sen Bai's bones, Guan Heng crushed the small metal card with the other hand, and only listened to the sound of the cricket, the surrounding black water gigantic gigantic vortex appeared, and in a moment, Guan Heng and the bone disappeared at the bottom of the pool !!

"Strange, why can't Guan Heng come up yet?" The green statue Zori lay on the edge of the pool, counting the ants passing by. "Shouldn't it really drown in it?"

"It's impossible, Guan Heng's kid is quite smart." The white statue Seg lay on the lawn with Erlang's legs basking in the sun, he said slowly: "If he's not sure, he won't do it."

The next moment, a large dark cloud suddenly appeared over the lawn where the two guys were. Zori and Seg were startled: "Is it going to rain ..."

"Boom!" A giant beast from the sky smashed into the grass and buried the two statues completely below!

"Oh my gosh!" The gods are on! Upon hearing the news, Xu Lun, Vinson and Hyman were stunned. They said in unison: "What is this?"

"Hahaha-come out, the air outside is really fresh and pleasant!" Suddenly laughed Guan Heng in the sky: "Xu Lun, your space to send small cards really works!"

"Hoo--the bones are sturdy ... click!" Guan Guan, who fell from the sky, rolled lightly to the ground, then put away a dungeon, and said to the three statues with his hips, "How about this big gift, Have you any surprises? "

"Surprise your sister!" The three statues roared in unison, "Zori and Seg are buried alive!"

A few minutes later, Vinson and Hyman worked together to pull Zori and Seg out of the pit.

Guan Heng pulled Sulun next to the monster's bones at this time: "Hey, don't you claim to be knowledgeable and well-informed? Do you know what the monster's bones are?"

"Um ... obviously, this is the remains of the Dragons ..." Xu Lun touched his chin and said, "But it may belong to the smaller Dragons. I guess it may be a mixed-blood dragon with other races, because this beast Skeletons are too small compared to normal dragons! "

"It turned out to be the bones of a dragon." Guan Heng crooked his head and thought: "I have seen in many documents and materials that the dragons seem to have disappeared for hundreds of years in the history of Ashton continent."

"Hehe, the former dragons were very unruly. They had a long life span, a strong physique, and an innate magical talent. With these favorable conditions, the dragons tried to challenge the divine power."

Xu Lun said to Guan Heng: "The five main gods at the time also had a headache for these dragons, but in order to deal with the dragons, the light **** Darakund once cut through the gaps in different spaces and found a special cure in other worlds. The ancient gods and beasts of the dragon clan suppressed the entire dragon clan and made them submit to the feet of the five main gods. "

Guan Heng frowned, and then asked, "Ancient God Beast? What kind of creature is that?"

"Huh ?! You don't even know it yourself?" Xu Lun pointed to the direction of the stone tower: "It's your home in Dingchun!"

"Uh, the little white lion is the blood of the descendants of the beast, I know it." Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "But I didn't expect its ancestors to be so powerful, and Dingchun is a sluggish, lazy, bully and scary little Guy, it doesn't look like a beast. "

"Hehehe, the beast should not look." Xu Lun smiled and said, "Don't underestimate the guy, maybe when Dingchun's blood awakens, it will startle you."

At this moment, Guan Heng looked at the huge bones. If he was thinking, he asked: "You said, why is this guy, the ancient skeleton evil god, confining the remains of a dragon clan to the bottom of the black pool, and letting his own Where is the custodial guard? "

"The remains of the dragon clan have many effects, especially dragon blood, dragon bone and dragon soul." Xu Lun spread his hands and said, "These dragon clan are all treasures. In the two eras when the gods were active and the Warcraft raged, there were often The powerful Warcraft teamed up to kill the single young dragon clan, and took everything back to them. "

After taking two steps forward, Xu Lun looked at the keel and said, "This dragon family is probably dead in the hands of the ancient skeleton evil god, and its keel was suppressed at the bottom of the rebirth pool, and some kind of" reversal "was made. The formation method ', so the rebirth pool will be polluted. "

"Poor Dragon race, haha." Guan Heng smiled slightly, using the nails he had previously picked up from the space ring to get the claws of the dragon: "Hey, it looks exactly the same, it seems that this is also a giant Part of a dragon skeleton. "

—— [Third more in 2016.2.20, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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