Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 8354: Wild animal remains (first)

However, the Thunder Thunder King who evoked all the auras in the body and summoned thousands of thunderbolts in the air was also uncomfortable. It originally wanted to explode the body and the enemy together. The speed of releasing the aura was slightly slower. on one's last legs.

At the same time, a huge space crack suddenly appeared in the air, and the mysterious "third-party forces" appeared. I do n’t know what these guys were from, but they suddenly caught the seriously injured ancient domain beast leader and the cracked thunderbolt. Emperor, then disappeared.

"Disappeared ?!" Hearing about the evil spirit of the king, Guan Heng moved slightly in his heart, and then asked, "Did you see the specific situation at that time?"

"I and I had been smashed by the thunder at the time, but the spirit body was born and the consciousness was restored very quickly. I did see with my own eyes a large number of weird guys appearing above the sea, who companioned our living beasts, and, The emperor took them. "

"Um ..." After the other side said this, Guan Heng nodded for a moment, then nodded: "Well, what you say, I can believe it temporarily."

Then he turned the words forward: "Where did the guys who captured the wild beast and the emperor go last? You should have seen it, too?"

"Uh, this ..." Seeing the king's evil spirit, this guy was a little vague, and Ruotao yelled, "Hey, tell the truth!"

"Yes, I said, I said." Frightened by Ruo Tao's murderous spirit, the king's evil spirit trembled in a whispered voice: "When our companions and enemies were captured, all of us, the beasts and remnants of the dead, were born after death. Very scared, I can only hide in the dark to observe the situation. "

"At that time, I found and discovered that the mysterious monsters tore open the gaps in the space and hurriedly left the black waters." "What is the specific direction for the other party to leave?"

"I really don't know this."

Hearing Guan Heng's follow-up questioning, the king's evil spirit said very embarrassedly: "At that time, the distance was too far, I didn't dare to chase too close to check, but there is one more thing that I noticed." He said blankly, "What's the matter, you say!"

"When caught by mysterious monsters, some of the beast companions resisted fiercely and fought against each other, but they were quickly suppressed. The rebels were slaughtered and thrown into the black water."

The king's evil spirit whispered: "Later, I picked up the wreckage of many companions and buried them in the trenches where I live."

Hearing it, Guan Heng glanced at the cave that was about to collapse behind him and asked, "Is it there?"

"Yes, when I buried my companions, I found something in their mouths, probably the flesh torn from the enemy. I didn't care too much at that time, so I buried them together."

The evil king said, "If you want to check and find clues, I can dig out immediately ..."

"No need, just let them go." Then, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Big ghost, you can dig out all the debris in the cave and inspect them one by one."


Upon hearing the owner's order, the ghosts immediately agreed, and hurriedly acted. As soon as the number of breaths passed, they rummaged out a pile of wreckage and broken bones, and quickly rummaged through it for useful things. The ghost squeaked suddenly, and raised the thing he was holding in his hand.

Seeing this situation, Ruo Tao beckoned with a smile and said, "Hey, take it for us to see." When the baby white ghost took this thing and brought it to everyone's eyes, they saw it clearly. It was a worm-like limb. , Full of dense barb spikes, looks like it's

"Master" should be a vicious giant worm. "Hey, shouldn't the zerg species be included in the ancient beast species?"

"Yes." Hearing Guan Heng's inquiry, the king replied in a hurry, "That's true."

"Is it possible that the mysterious monsters you saw were giant insects?"

"Well ..." As soon as Guan Heng's question came out, it made the evil spirit nervous, and he didn't dare to answer it directly.

After pondering for a while, it said cautiously: "At that time, I observed from a long distance. The mysterious monsters were covered in misty atmosphere. They could not see their true appearance, but it was worth noting that when the other party took off It looks like it's flapping! "

"Well, this is right." Hearing the words of the king's evil spirit, Guan Heng nodded, and then continued to observe the giant worm's forelegs.

At this moment, the little fledgling bird in Ruotao's arms yawned and stretched, and the little one jumped to the wreckage of wild beasts while Ruotao was not paying attention. Just now, playing on it.

"Hey, kid, you're disobedient again."

If Peach was crying and laughing, I said that you could be too troublesome, so I took it after you stepped up and picked it up, but in such a time, the fledgling's body was stuck in a row of gaps between the ribs of the beast The little guy struggled awkwardly and looked stubborn.

"Deserve it, who made you run around."

Seeing this look, Ruotao was both distressed and funny, "slip! Click!" At the next moment, the fledgling fell from the gap between the ribs and fell on the bone pile. Ruotao immediately walked over and whispered. "Well, didn't you break? Hurry up and check with your sister."

At this moment, the little bird shook his head. If Tao reached out and touched his forehead, he was relieved that he didn't even have a feather.

"Well, what is this?" Suddenly, Ruotao noticed that there was something in her mouth, thin, and there was a faint flash of light. She immediately stretched out her hand and said, "Come, let me see Look at this stuff. "

However, the Jinling fledgling thought Ruo Tao was going to **** the "baby" he found first, and then quickly swung his neck and swallowed it.

"Ahhhh! Little devil, how can you eat anything? It will hurt your stomach!" Ruotao screamed in shock, attracting their attention.

The leader of Jin Mao jumped over and asked, "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"Little, little guy picked out a weird thing from this pile of bones and ate it." Ruotao said with a sad face. "It's moving too fast, I haven't had time to stop it, what can I do?"

"Ruo Tao, don't worry, hold the little thing, I'll check it."

"Yes, son." Hearing this, Ruotao hurriedly handed the little guy to Guan Heng, and he took a closer look and then said, "It doesn't matter, don't you see his face with a comfortable expression? No matter What was eaten should be no harm to it. "

"My son, I'm still not assured, you have to look it up carefully for it."

"Okay ... huh ?!" Just as Guan Heng promised, the bird suddenly felt a strange change.

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