Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 8410: Evil spirit

"I'm anxious, I believe they will be here soon." Mo Yan said indifferently. "If the meeting hasn't arrived yet, let's ask the situation with a voiceless tapeworm."

"That's what I said." At this moment, the king of Jiadi smiled and said, "I think of how to toss this devil again, brother, come here to cooperate, while Guan Ye and the girls are away, this time may have a good time. Now. "

"Okay, let's go!"

"No matter what, our buddies will play enough before we talk."


On the other side, sisters such as Qinghuang and Wu, carrying the black feather fierce eagle and other spirit birds, searched for the whereabouts of other companions in the Canghuo.

"Brother Vicious Eagle, look!" Suddenly, a spirit bird exclaimed, "It seems that our companion came out in front of me!" "Go, look over!"

"Oh!" It was late, and then, quickly, the black feathers of the fiercely carved wings flew, and Qing Huang followed them closely.

Everyone rushed out more than ten feet away, just to see a few spirit birds fighting with dozens of small evil spirits, each other's individual strength is not strong, but there are many winners, the besieged spirit birds are losing ground, it will be bad at first sight .

"Junk stuff, you nasty evil spirits dare to bully my fowl, grandpa will tear you!"

"Hoo--" As soon as the sound of the words fell, the black feather fierce eagle swooped out.


"His, Hi!"

First, he fit and banged, and then tore with a sharp beak and claws. The black feather fierce eagle immediately killed more than ten small evil spirits. The rest saw that the momentum was wrong, and all turned around and tried to escape.

"Can't run, **** things, you all **** it!"

"唰 唰 唰!" For a while, Yu Fenghuo and Jiu Gong Que swallowed their wings and flew into the air. They swept through the flames, "嗞 嗞 嗞!" The fiery scorching sounds came one after another, little evil spirits. No one leaked the net, all burned to death.

"Okay, Big Brother Vulture and Big Brother Huo, you're all here, great!"

The rescued spirit birds jumped up and down, completely disregarding their own injuries. At this moment, Yu Fenghuo yelled, "Hey, have any of you ever met the old predecessor of Caihe Jinhe? We are looking for it Meet with other companions. "

"It's a coincidence that we are here from the old Jinhe seniors, and we ordered it to see what is happening inside the cricket."

Said one of them. Yu Feng Huo Yu said: "Now basically no danger, see these guests behind me? Thanks to them to kill most of the evil souls, and now even the six-clawed soul eater can't escape."

"Really? These benefactors are too powerful." Several spirit birds came forward and said, "Thank you so much."

"You don't need to be polite." He waved his hand with a big grin and said, "It's not too late. Hurry up and take us to the Caihe Golden Crane. After we are sure that all the spirit birds are safe, we can clean up the soul-eater."

"Okay, benefactors, please follow me." Then, one of the spirit birds hurried to the hidden cave where the Aya golden crane was located, carrying the girls, the fire salamander, the fierce eagle, and other companions.


At this time, the hiding place of the golden crane and the other hundreds of spirit birds was near.

"Woohoo-嗖 嗖 嗖 霎-" 霎 Time, several bad winds swept through, one of them rolling down on the ground, suddenly turned into a terrible huge fierce soul, the rest are its several companions, They are also ugly and disgusting.

"Huh, that soul eater monster is really a waste. It has caused so many powerful enemies for no reason. It deserves to be unlucky."

The fierce soul murmured to himself: "Thanks to the Lord Lord for worrying about something wrong, let me quietly follow the devil and monitor it, otherwise no one knows what happened."

The next fierce soul asked, "Boss, is it appropriate for us not to rescue the soul eater?"

"Fool, you're stupid enough to be home." Wu Feihun twisted and glared at his helpless man, and then scolded: "Catch the fierce beasts, can you defeat them, or can I win them? To save the devil? Isn't that to death? "

"What's more, even though the fat raccoon and I are both working under the Lord Lord, they will not deal with it. It usually treats me with a few bad words and unreasonable insults. Let me save it? Never!"

Speaking resolutely, Wu Feihun yelled at his neighbors, "You listen, Lao Tzu's task is just to monitor the progress of the devil to complete the task. Once it can't do this, it's my turn. Come and execute, as for the devil's life, hum, it's better than the ants and bugs, I won't care. "

Hearing this, the rest of the babies were all horrified, feeling the boss's vicious selfishness, and one of the fierce souls whispered, "So ... what do you say we should do?"

"Well, of course, find the guy who is most useful to us in this wildfire, and capture it!"

"Who is the other party?"

"It's the oldest spirit bird here-the golden pheasant golden crane!" 狰狞 fierce soul sneered: "When the demon just led those who did not make trouble with his hands, Lao Tzu was not idle, I was early I found the whereabouts of Jinhe, right in the cave in front of us. "

"It's great, it's the boss!"

"Boss is wise and brave, it is indeed the Lord's first confidant!"

Listening to the praises of the little sisters, the fierce soul is still a little proud, but soon, this guy suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Just talk about the fart and hurry up with me to catch the golden crane" . "

"Yes, obey the boss's order."

"Let's go." Then, the fierce soul took these men into the cave.

"Woohoo--" It was late, then fast, when the group of fierce gods had entered the hole less than ten feet, they heard the strange wind turning around, something was wrong.

"Damn, what's going on with these winds?" One of the fierce souls was a little angry, shaking his claws and rushing forward. The fierce souls felt awkward, and immediately yelled, "Be careful, don't come near ..."

"Wow!" Before the sentence was finished, the strange wind suddenly accelerated, and Kankan surrounded the fierce soul. "His, sigh!" There was a loud noise, this unlucky guy Has been torn to pieces.

"Abominable, what kind of **** is stealing my assassin to kill my men and get out of Lao Tzu!"

"Hoo!" Speaking late, fast then, the angry savage soul roared out its claws, and the sharp claws suddenly swept away toward the strange wind ahead. Alas, swirling more than once in the air, he was able to avoid the fierce soul claw.

At this moment, the guy took a closer look. The original shot was two gray-fronted white swallows. They had the ability to control the wind and belonged to the strong spirit bird in Canghuo.

"This guy's claws are very powerful. Don't hit it hard."

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