Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 8465: Clostridium black tooth

Next, what happened in the tomb of the Beast King's ancestors was much simpler. Several beast souls took turns to fight, and had a "friendly" discussion with Guan Hengmu and two spirit fires.

Although they were easily defeated by Guan Heng three times, five, and two, the beast souls were so addicted and happy that they were like a group of old children who got sugar cubes.

"Hahaha, we have very few foreign friends here. It's an honor for me to see Guan Guanzi here today."

"Hey, yes, it's been a long time since I died, thank you Guan Gong."

The beast souls talked in a rush of words, looking more and more enthusiastic, and the red-haired demon wolf next to it warned carefully: "Dear ancestors, don't forget, Guan Guanzi, they have to do serious business when they come over."

"Well, little cub, we don't need you to say that we also know." After hearing this, the giant beast soul snorted and said, "Isn't it the essence of the black earth? Guan Gongzi rest assured, I will take you to pick it up immediately, please follow me Come here. "

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the demon wolf again: "You are not allowed to go, stay here and chat with other ancestors."

"No, no, I won't stay." Upon hearing this, the red-maned demon wolf jumped more than three feet high, and then screamed, "If you stay here, a few ancestors will eat me alive. No, I can't agree. "

"Well, look at you," said the other beast souls. "Our original look at you has been successful in defending against foreign enemies this time, and you have suffered a lot of injuries. I also plan to reward you and give away some treasures. Now Yeah, we don't, give it !!!! "

"Eh ?!" Hearing the words, the red-maned demon wolf was crying, and really wanted to cry without tears, Guan Heng laughed: "You, I'm so clever. Okay, if you want to follow, then come with us."

"Well ... I'm really blessed."

With a long sigh, the red-maned demon wolf had to follow Guan Heng and the worm mother, downcast. It was really funny, a few beast souls saw it, and finally couldn't help laughing: "Silly boy, we are teasing you, When you come back, remember to take the baby away. "


After a while, the giant beast spirit led Guan Heng to a cave at the end of the ancestral tomb, saying, "Our ancestral tomb cave, only here the tunnel can lead to the underground magma area, where a group of 'Blacktooth Clostridium' live ', Like to eat the essence of the black earth. "

"Speaking of which, those black-toothed worms are good neighbors. Everyone is familiar with each other. I would like to ask for some black earth essence."

"That's good." Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded, and entered the tunnel with the other party to move quickly.

After more than ten breaths, I felt a scorching breath coming from the other side, and the beast soul said immediately, "Here we are, we are now officially entering the magma area."

"Ohh Ohh ohh--"

Speaking late, fast then, the giant beast soul raised his head lightly, but after a while, he didn't hear any response, he said in amazement: "Oh, that's strange, I usually hear my howling, black Clostridium dentalis will come immediately, why is there no response this time? "

"Somewhat wrong." Suddenly, the zombie lying on Guan Heng's shoulder whispered, "There is a **** smell around these four. Is something wrong?"

"No, I have to hurry and see, little cub, Guan Gongzi, follow me." Then, the giant beast souls rushed forward, Guan Guan followed them.

"This is ..." After running out of the tunnel, he ran more than ten forwards. At the edge of a large pit of lava and pits, the giant beast soul found a black-toothed worm that fell to the ground. The taste is exuded from it.

"Oh!" The mother-in-law suddenly fell on the other person, and then whispered, "The bloodstains haven't dried up yet, it looks like he just died ... eh? No!"

The next moment, the evil maggot mother changed her mouth: "It's not dead yet, and its body is shaking slightly."

"I'll take a look." Guan Heng said as he stepped forward, leaned down and touched the body of the black toothed worm, and then nodded: "Well, I haven't run out of breath. I can treat it for you. Wake up, it depends on its luck. "

"Woohoo!" For a while, Guan Heng sent out an aura covering the wounds on the surface of C. niger, and then, under the touch of the aura, the other side's wounds continued to gather and heal.

Seeing this situation, he whispered: "It seems that the healing effect of Mu Xuan Reiki is good, this guy is just losing too much blood, which is not a big deal."

"Squeak, squeak ..." Just as Guan Heng said this, the other party had already made two weak moans, slowly waking up and turning around, and the giant beast soul immediately stepped forward and called: "Hey, you are awake Quickly tell me what happened. "

"Well, are you the Master of the Beast Soul?" After the other side opened his eyes and saw it, he suddenly yelled, "Oh no, my kinsmen have been attacked by the enemy and have withdrawn to the cave at the end of this area."

Upon hearing this, the giant beast soul immediately asked, "What kind of guy is there an enemy?"

"It's a spiny monster with six arthropods," said Blacktoothworm. "The other party was originally an orc that inhabited the bottom of the magma. Have you seen it before?"

"Six-footed thorn beast ?!" After hearing the words of the worm, the giant beast soul took a breath of air.

"About this problem, you better check it yourself. If it is delayed too long, the black-toothed worm is likely to die."

"That makes sense!" Upon hearing this, the giant beast soul immediately asked the shuttle worm: "How come you here, why didn't you spend time with your companions?"

The black-toothed worm explained: "I came out alone to attract the attention of the enemy. I didn't expect the other party to be fooled and bit me into a serious injury. If you and the benefactor arrived in time, I would be finished."

"No more, I said no more, go, and quickly take us to find your companion."

"Yes, everyone, please follow me." Then, the black-toothed worm was desperately running forward.


At the same time, on the other side, at the end of the magma area, near the entrance to a giant cave.


"Woohoo—" The six-footed thorn beasts gathered around here kept roaring and roaring, trying to rush into the hole, but the black-toothed worms did not show weakness, and continued to spit out corrosive acid towards the thorn beasts , And threw flying stones, repelled the opponent one round after another.

"Oops, the stones are almost used, and our partners are exhausted. Are we destined to die here today?"

The leader of C. blacktooth is furious: "Heavenly monster, we have no injustice with you. You must try to kill it, it is really abominable!"

"Without further ado!"

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