Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 849: Cellar (third more)

"Okay, don't cry any more." The man whispered, "The master's unknown disappearance, I was also skeptical, and asked about the news everywhere, but if they were kicked out of the door, I was afraid I would have seen If there is something that I shouldn't see, I will escape if I get noticed by the two bodyguards of Pippen. "

"My dear, what did you inquire about?" The cook was curious for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking.

The man hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Shh-don't ask anymore, I just heard someone say that they threw something into the cellar ..." At this point, he suddenly realized that he had talked a lot.

The man quickly swallowed the remaining half of the words back to his stomach, and then patted the chef ’s shoulder: "I can't say more, today I just came to see you, I have found a job in the farm on the outskirts of the city, a few days later I saved my wages and took you far away. This dark house is too dangerous. I must take you away. "

The man and the cook talked for another two minutes. In the end, the cook said that she would be suspected if she came out too long, so the two hurriedly broke up and left. When they walked away, Guan Heng flashed out from the shadow behind the tree.

Guan Heng stood in his place, thinking in his heart: "It turned out that this man was the former deputy director of the rich business mansion. According to what he said, the wealthy business man disappeared for no reason, as if it had something to do with the two bodyguards of Pippen. Time, it's better to go to the cellar that the man said. "

As he had memorized the topographic map of the mansion before, Guan Heng found the cellar very easily. Looking at the lock on the cellar door, he smiled slightly and turned the lock into a twist with a twist of his hand.

"Dang!" The broken lock fell to the ground, and Geng Heng gently opened the cellar door, and saw a gust of wind blowing on his face, mixed with the smell of blood and extreme rancidity, Gong Heng covered his nose, and hurriedly let him pass The smell that was disgusting to dizzy was already a little disturbed in his mind.

The cellar was not deep. There was a soft ladder connected to the exit. Guan Heng gathered a faint element of fire in his right hand, which suddenly illuminated the scene inside. Guan Heng's eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching, because he saw a highly decaying remains, Lying in the gloomy dark cellar.

"Oh!" Guan Heng jumped into the cellar without climbing on a soft ladder, glanced at the remains, and muttered to himself: "It seems to have been dead for a long time ..."

This remains has been in the state of a skeleton, with only a little bit of rotting flesh left. It seems that this person was struggling to climb out of the sack after a serious injury, and then took a breath, but Guan Heng paid attention to this, extrapolating from his gorgeous clothes, Guan Heng believed that he was the original owner of the luxurious mansion-the wealthy merchant.

"Poor, maybe his family doesn't know, this monk has died here somehow." Guan Heng secretly shook his head, he looked around, hoping to find the undead ghost of the wealthy merchant, because the people who died unjustly were generally more dead than normal. People are more likely to condense the soul, but Guan Heng scanned the whole cellar, but found no trace of ghosts.

"Strange, did the ghost quickly dissipate after the rich businessman died?" Guan Heng thought to himself, "But it's no wonder, after all, he's been dead for a long time."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng looked down and saw that the rich merchant's remains were lying dead on the ground. His right hand was bent into a hook. It seemed that he was doing something. Guan Heng leaned down to check and found that there was a bunch of keys near the hand. The ground on one side of the finger was scratched.

"Is it handwriting?" Guan Heng narrowed his eyes, looked at the message of the deceased carefully by the light of the fire element in his hand, and saw that the word repeatedly on the ground was only a combination of words, which were the words "fourth floor".

"It seems that the mystery may be solved on the fourth floor." Guan Heng glanced at the remains and whispered, "Fu Shangfu, since you and I meet here, there is a secret guidance in the dark, you can rest assured, I have the opportunity to find out the truth about your killing. "

After taking the bunch of keys, Guan Heng lifted his breath and jumped up to the cellar exit. He closed the cellar door and hung up the screwed lock. Even if someone passed by, there would be no flaws in the night.

When he came to the garden, near the exterior wall of the house, Guan Heng grabbed the stout ivy spreading on the wall, dragged it hard, and felt abnormally strong. So he followed the ivy and used swift and unkind motion, "噌 噌Hey! "Climbing to the edge of the fourth-floor rooftop in one breath.

"Huh, slap!" Guan Heng, who just turned over and landed on the corner of the rooftop, suddenly moved his ears, and suddenly heard the sound of someone walking around the room, so he hurried to the side of the rooftop, where there was a huge potted plant blocking Guan Heng Body shape.

"Squeak ---" The door to the fourth-floor room on the roof suddenly opened, and two people walked out of the room. They went straight to the moonlight-lit roof fence and stood.

Through the bright moonlight in the air, Guan Heng clearly looked at the appearance of the two men: a stout bald, not tall, but the muscles were bursting, his eyes were fierce, like a beast that was swallowed at any time.

The other person was tall, of strong build, and had thick curly hair that was not short. He was already on his shoulders. The most notable feature of this person was the birth of a huge hawk nose, which obstructed his eyes and part of his mouth.

Guan Heng saw the appearance of the two men, and said to himself, "These two guys have some impressions. It seems that Jacques of the Black Feather Raven described it to me, and reminded me in particular that they are bodyguards of Pippen. Short The bald-headed one is called Soga. As for the thin and tall eagle-hook nose, it should be Celeron. "

Guan Heng remembered what Jacques had said to himself: "The two bodyguards of Pippen are both grumpy and ruthless. It is likely that the wealthy businessman died in their hands."

At this time, Bald Soga said, "No one is here. Don't worry, let's talk. Well, we've been around that good-looking **** pippen for a long time. I'm really fed up with the instructions that he called and drank. For the task, Lao Zi tore up this kid. "

"Don't complain." Hook-nose Saiyan said, "Fortunately, 'that thing' has already been obtained. As long as it is passed on at this time, we are both doing great things. The rewards above will be indispensable. It ’s called bitter and sweet. ”

"Well, I hope so," Bald Soga asked, "have you kept the list?"

"Rest assured, you know what I hid, it ’s absolutely secretive." Eagle Hook Saiyan said, "The geek who is stupid like a pig will never show up tonight, and tomorrow we can make excuses in advance. Go back to East County and bring things to the linker above. You and I are done. "

—— [The third change of 2016.2.23, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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