Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 863: Tylo the Madman

However, the fruit on the berry tree has been decreasing year by year. Finally, at the beginning of this year, there are only four berries of good and bad. Mrs. Linka saw that her son's health had improved and she no longer needed to take berries to continue her life. Sell ​​it out, anyway, the whole berry tree is dead. If you don't sell it quickly, these four berries will become waste!

"That's it ..." Guan Heng said, touching his chin. "Sister Linka, what's in that little bag in the crystal cover?"

"Oh, those are the kernels of berries." Mrs. Linka said with a smile. "General berries are non-core, only this ambergris berry. I know this kind of thing is very rare. I tried to put berries The nucleus was in the soil, and even a small seedling did not grow out. "

"So I plan to give those berry kernels to the purchaser after the ambergris berries are sold." Mrs. Linka went on to say, "I have no use for these things anyway."

Seeing that Guan Heng was very interested in ambergris berries, Mrs. Linka smiled and said, "Guan Heng, if you want, I will give you ambergris berries, how about it?"

"That's a good idea!" Prang, who was dunking aside, yelled eagerly, "Guan Heng, promise Sister Linka quickly, don't let her down."

"Shut up for me." Guan Heng pushed Prang's mouth wide open for food waste, then said to the countess, "I have taken the kindness of Sister Linka, but compared to berries , I'm more interested in those berry kernels. You just need to give me the fruit kernels. I plan to study and study with Prang. "

"Guan Heng, you ..." Prang shook his head angrily. "You don't need good berries, what good are those rotten cores?"

"Stupid." Guan Heng said, "Anyway, those sisters who have cored Lindka are useless. Let's take it and study how to artificially grow ambergris berries. We don't need those berries."

Guan Heng scolded Prang and said to the countess, "Sister Linka, I only want those berry kernels."

"Okay, since you speak, of course my sister didn't say anything." Mrs. Linka lowered the glass at this moment, walked to the front of the crystal cover, and read the spell that lifted the crystal cover to protect the magic circle, and the crystal cover split into two.

Picking up the small bag with the berry core, Mrs. Linka tossed it to Guan Heng and said with a smile: "Then."

Just after Guan Heng put the cloth bag into his space ring, he heard a chaos at the door of the mansion, and a servant hurriedly broke into the banqueting room. He ran to Mrs. Linka in three steps and two steps: "Master, The big thing is bad, Master, Master escaped from his room! "

"What did you say ?!" Mrs. Linka, who was already half drunk and was talking with the crowd, heard this, and her face changed immediately: "This Tyrol, I really don't worry about it, tell me Where is he going crazy? "

"This ... Master just broke off the chain and slipped out the door, just to see Lacey's leader visit." The servant said at this time, "He punched Lacey's leader to the ground with a punch, and took the sabre of the commander's waist. Now Climbed up to the roof to play. "

"That's why!" Mrs. Linka turned her eyes and turned white after hearing the words: "This dead boy is really going to anger his mother-in-law." At this point, Mrs. Linka said to her servants, "Let's go. Take a look. "

Guan Heng then asked behind her, "Sister Linka, what's going on?"

"Well, let's go and see it together." The countess shook her head helplessly: "It's my stupid son who is in trouble again."

The crowd hurried out from the banquet living room and watched the scene in the courtyard together. Lacy, the long-time Iron Armor commander, was meeting Mrs. Linka's son, Tyro. At the age, he was born with five big and three thick, and his muscles were not weaker than that of a mature man.

Tyro had a serious illness at an early age. Although he saved a small life by eating a lot of ambergris berries, his brain has been burned half crazy and not stupid. By virtue of his natural strength, he is as strong as an ape. There are many calamities.

Mrs. Linka did not have any countermeasures against her own son. He usually had to keep Tylor on one foot with an iron chain and locked it in the room to prevent him from causing trouble.

But tonight, Mrs. Linka only looked after Guan Heng and others who were visiting her. The servants were so busy that she forgot to send dinner to Master Fool.

Tyro groaned hungry in the room. He severely tore off the iron chain that tied his feet, smashed the window, and escaped from the room. He just met Lacey, who had just entered the gate.

Lacey was born in a martial arts. Although he is usually rude and unscrupulous, but today he is going to dinner with Mrs. Linka, and she needs to be more formal. Therefore, she changed her brand-new armor and wore a gem-studded gemstone around her waist. Good sword, the result is that this sword is in trouble.

Just past Tyre, who was not far behind Lacey, saw the jewels on the scabbard shining brightly, and it was very beautiful to flash the different colors, and he swooped over to find the other person's head was a punch.

Poor Lacey is here for a banquet. She is going to take a big mouthful of meat and drink with pleasure tonight. I did not expect that my head would eat a stuffy hammer. He fell down like a wooden stake and fell to the ground. What happened after that? I don't know anymore.

Tylo, the lunatic, grabbed Lacey's sword, and provoked the servants to surround him, trying to capture the mad child. Who knew that Tyro, the lunatic, leaped right and left, quickly escaped the ropes of everyone, Scratching the hook, he climbed up to the roof a few times, and pulled the bright sword out of the sheath, dancing and laughing.

At this time, Mrs. Linka, who had arrived in the news, took Guan Heng with everyone, and hurried to the courtyard. The countess pointed at Tyro on the roof, and she yelled angrily: "Niezi, you can roll off me, Do you hear me? "

"Uh, it's mom ?!" Although the lunatic Tylo was confused and only had the intelligence of a few years old, his aging mother still recognized it.

"Come down, get me down!" In fact, Mrs. Linka hasn't had her drink now. She screamed with a glass of wine and stared at the silly son on the roof. "You jerk, come down, Let your mother hit you hard. "

"Um, mom beats, it hurts ..." The lunatic Tylo heard Mrs. Linka saying that she would be beaten when she went down, and she was afraid, but instead climbed higher and higher, Tyro whispered, "Climb higher , Mother can't reach me. "

Who knows, the roof is a smooth, mirror-like slope. Although Tyro is strong and agile, he only cares about crawling and looks down from time to time. Suddenly, he notices, "Slip!" Head straight down and fall!

—— [Second more of 2016.2.26, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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