Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 869: Fierce bidding (third)

At this moment, the bell of the open-air auction venue sounded, which indicates that the auction time has come.

Everyone talked and entered the venue with a smile, sitting in the private room of Lady Countess Linka, and the exclusive servants of the auction had brought in snacks and fruits, and everyone sat in the open-air stands and gathered the scene in the auction hall. fundus.

At this time, a master of ceremonies and auctioneer stood on the platform and knocked the chassis with a mallet in his hand, and then said loudly, "I announce that the auction is just beginning!"

All of a sudden, the still noisy venue was slowly quieted down, and everyone's eyes turned to the stage.

"Below, please watch the first auctioned item." After saying this, someone had already carried a pair of black rusty rectangular iron boxes to the stage.

The auctioneer reached out to open the box, and said to all the guests presently: "This is the Hurricane Iron Gun of the Lightning Marquis Latis. Latis is a prominent human race knight 300 years ago, a well-known holy order strongman. , His hurricane iron gun is also the best in the enchanting weapon, with the enchantment effect of wind magic. "

Although Latis is a holy order strong person, he is already a character three hundred years ago, his reputation is not obvious, and there is not much interest in the hurricane iron gun, so not many people are interested in the cyclone iron gun.

Therefore, when the auctioneer shouted "the base price of a thousand gold coins", the people in the auction hall began to make a lot of grinds, and after seven or eight minutes, Mrs. Linka suddenly held the game. Attitude, shouted, "I give out five thousand gold coins."

The price is not low anymore. Just when everyone thought the dust was settled, the guests in the box on the left side of the auction hall suddenly called out: "15,000 gold coins."

After listening to this price, the people who came back to the factory suddenly made a small wave: "It turned out to be three times the price in one breath, really a magnificent guy."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Linka just smiled and didn't increase the fare anymore, so after the auctioneer shouted three times, she announced that the guest on the left box had taken the hurricane iron gun.

"Wow, I bought a large rusty iron gun with fifteen thousand gold coins. It is just that there is no money to spend." All the guests at the auction were very surprised by the wealth of the mysterious guests, and began to talk about it.

"Oh, I think it's weird," Mrs. Linka said to everyone. "The guest in that box should be afraid of others recognizing his voice, so he changed his voice with special magic props, but why was he so careful? And who are you guarding against? "

"Hey, I guess this guy just has more money, afraid of being robbed, so he hides his voice of change of appearance." Prang said, "It can be seen that he is just a small figure who hides from the bottom and you don't have to I care. "

At this time, the second auction item was taken out. It was a magic crystal called "Han Hai Mo Shi", which is said to greatly increase the power of attack and healing magic.

"Hey, Lao Huo, this Han Hai Mo Shi is a treasure." Guan Heng encouraged Hodley and said to him, "Is it right to take down Han Hai Mo Shi and give it to Mrs. Cindia as a birthday present, isn't it right?"

At this time, the auctioneer reported that Hanhai Moss's reserve price was 5,000 gold coins, and Hudley patted the money bag around his waist: "Well, I brought 8,000 gold coins. I should barely have enough."

So Hodley began to bargain, who knew that many of the people who were present wanted to take Han Hai Mo Shi, but within a few minutes, the price of Han Hai Mo Shi soared, and soon exceeded 8,000 gold coins.

"Oh, I don't have enough money. It seems I have to give up this thing." Hodley said frowningly. "I'm afraid I have to choose another gift ..."

"Lao Huo, it doesn't matter." Guan Heng said, "I can put the money first, and you can rest assured to bid boldly."

"What Guan Heng said is that I can help, too," said Mrs. Linka. "Captain, you can just continue to bargain."

"Eh, since that's the case, I'm more respectful than obeying my life." Next, Hodley insisted on screaming for a price, and finally took Han Hai Mo Shi at a high price of 16,000 gold coins.

"Sir, this is the item you photographed, please check and pay for it." The exclusive servant at the auction hall, holding the tray, sent Han Hai Mo Stone auctioned by Hodley to the booth.

After handing a heavy bag of gold coins to the servant and sending him away, Hodley, who got the things, was so distressed that he straightened his teeth. He frowned and said, "Well, this stuff is too expensive, right?"

"Okay, old Huo, don't care about those." Guan Heng told Hodley: "Tell you, this thing is definitely a good value for money, a gift is the most suitable."

"Hey, it wasn't your money that you spent, look at your miser." Prang was also joking beside Hodley's little family, making everyone laugh.

"Huh, I'm not a magician," Hodley said with a lip-slip. "It's not surprising to see the value of Han Hai Mo Shi. Why should you laugh at me ?!"

"Don't talk anymore," Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Look, the third lot is on sale. It's Sister Linka's ambergris."

People at the venue were also discussing: "Look, that's the real ambergris berry. It is said that eating it can eliminate all diseases."

"Good thing, I don't know if I have enough money to buy it ..."

"Don't dream about it. Of course this baby belongs to Master Ben. My family has a great career and a wealthy economy. You fellows don't want to fight with me!"

The precious value of ambergris berries is well known to everyone present, and all the extravagant guests who have a few dollars in their hands are asking for this third auction item.

For a while, the atmosphere in the auction hall was so frantic that even the auctioneer's voice was dumb. In the end, the price of ambergris has unknowingly soared to 40,000 gold.

"Ah, I can't think of Tyro eating the remaining ambergris berries. They have dried up and shrunk, and I can still buy such high prices ..." Even Mrs. Linka herself was a little surprised, she gently covered her Mouth: "Everyone thinks things are scarce and expensive. This sense of snapping is really scary."

"Yeah." Guan Hengwen heard this, and nodded his head slightly, and then he said to Prang again, "I said, Baron, look at those berries, it's really useless to us, I suggest you to be honest Let me study the berry kernel with me. "

"Well," Prom rolled his eyes and cursed softly. "After all, you just missed the chance to ask Mrs. Linka for berries, you are too ignorant."

—— [The third change of 2016.2.27, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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